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Romy Medeiros da Fonseca papers, 1949-2007

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Biographical Information (continued)
ITEM 4 Two photographs of Romy Medeiros da Fonseca, guests of honor, and club members. Published in Times of Brazil. October 16, 1959.
ITEM 5 Letter. October 23, 1968.
From: Piedadde Suro, Presidenta de la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres. To: Romy Medeiros da Fonseca, Delegada Sulpente del Brasil a la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres (CIM). Subject: Information about the CIM and the United Nations.
ITEM 6 "Apoio masculino garante o I Conselho de Mulheres." Undated.
Unsigned article. Male support assists the women's movement.
ITEM 7 "Exemplo de um mestre." 1958.
Written by Romy Medeiros da Fonseca. Published in Jornal de Commercio. Discussion of women's rights in Brazil.
ITEM 8 "A mulher e o homen lêmingual capacidada juridical." Undated.
Discussion of civil reform in Brazil.
BOX-FOLDER 2/1 Folder 1
(3 items)
ITEM 1 "Mulher executiva e profissional." July, 1980.
Written by Maria do Carmo Caspar de Oliveira. Published in Letras Fluminenses in Rio de Janeiro. Article describing Romy Medeiros da Fonseca's work background.
ITEM 2 "Mulheres não se entendem para o seu I Congresso." August 4, 1981.
Unsigned article. Discussion of the First Congress of the Conselho Nacional de Mulheres do Brasil (National Council of Women in Brazil).
ITEM 3 "Mulher acha que deve administrar." July 12, 1970.
Unsigned article. Published in O Jornal in Rio de Janeiro. Romy Medeiros da Fonseca campaigns to promote Brazilian women.
BOX-FOLDER 2/2 Folder 2
(5 items)
ITEM 1 "Feminista, Sim: 'Mandona', Nunca..." August 4, 1960.
Unsigned article. Published inO Globo Feminino. Discussion of a speech given by Romy Medeiros da Fonseca about women's rights.
ITEM 2 "O feminismo na balança, entre conquistas e dificuldades." Marach 13, 1983.
Unsigned article. Article discussing feminism in Brazil.
ITEM 3 "Brasília comemora Dia da Mulher pela 1 vez." April 28, 1978.
Unsigned article. Published in Jornal de Brasília. Article detailing the Conselho Nacional de Mulheres do Brasil (National Council of Women in Brazil) celebration of Women's Day.
ITEM 4 "Em têrmos 'Mundiais- Onde está a mulher brasileira?" July 4, 1969.
Written by Maria Cláudia. Published in Diário de Noticas. Interview with Romy Medeiros da Fonseca about the Brazilian women's movement in relation to international movements.
ITEM 5 "Advertência aos homens: Lutam as mulheres por direitos iguais." August 22, 1952.
Unsigned article. Published in Visão. Discussion of women's fight for rights.
BOX-FOLDER 2/3 Folder 3
(4 items)
ITEM 1 "Um ano só para elas." January 12, 1975.
Unsigned article. Discussion of the International Year of Woman. Others mentioned: Fálvia Rosenberg, Heleieth Saffoiti, Carmem da Silva, Rose Marie Muraro, Heloneida Studart.
ITEM 2 "Lei para domésticas tem apoio também das patroas." October 15, 1972.
Unsigned article. Published in Diário de Notícias. Legislation passed in favor of women's rights. Others mentioned: Antônia Dias dos Santos, Magnólia Luiza,
ITEM 3 "I Congresso Nacional de Mulheres do Brasil." May, 1971.
Unsigned article. Published in Jornal de Miguel Pereira in Miguel Pereira. Discussion of the First National Congress of Women in Brazil.
ITEM 4 "Serviço CíviçoFeminino Proponen en CIM." November 8, 1972.
Written by Mary Gray T. Published in La Prensa. Female civic service supported by the Consejo Internacional de Mujeres (International Council of Women). Others mentioned: Fiorida Accioli Rodríguez, Corina Castillo de Barrós.
BOX-FOLDER 2/4 Folder 4
(13 items)
ITEM 1 "Romy Medeiros acusa descaso do Governo no campo da saúde." Undated.
Unsigned article. Published in Planejamento Agora. RMF opposes the Brazilian government's public health policies.
ITEM 2 "Romy Medeiros prega a união das mulheres contra violência." August 18, 1985.
Unsigned article. Meeting between RMF and Paulo César Martins in Campos, Rio de Janeiro. Others mentioned: Paulo César Martins.
ITEM 3 "Moviemento feminino entre as duas pátrias." February 16, 1974.
Unsigned article. Published in Voz de Portugal. RMF and the Conselho Nacional de Mulheres do Brasil (National Council of Women in Brazil) include Fernanda Pires da Silva, a Portuguese delegate.
ITEM 4 "Lutam as mulheres por direitos absolutamente iguais aos dos homens." Undated.
Written by Daisy Pôrto. RMF fights for women's civil rights.
ITEM 5 "Das diferenças entre divorcistas e feministas." Undated.
Written by Regina Coelho. Discussion of the differences between feminists groups.
ITEM 6 "Poliandria: Sim ou Não?" November 29, 1970.
Unsigned article. Published in Gil/Opinião. RMF fights for women's civil rights.
ITEM 7 "Top Brazilian women look at British life." September 30, 1971.
Unsigned article. Published in Evening Post. Discussion of RMF's visit to Great Britain. Others mentioned: Luisa Bueno Gomm, Maria Dolores Lin de Andrade.
ITEM 8 "D. Romy condena mulher romântica e a radical." May 15, 1972.
Unsigned article. RMF critiques differences in feminist women. Others mentioned: Aristolina Queiros de Almeida.
ITEM 9 "As mulheres do Brasil devem vencer o consumo." Undated.
Unsigned article. RMF and the Conselho Nacional de Mulheres do Brasil (National Council of Women in Brazil) fight for women's rights.
ITEM 10 "As dez mulheres do ano." Undated.
Written by Elda Priami. Discussion of the Conselho Nacional de Mulheres do Brazil's (National Council of Women in Brazil) Ten Women of the Year. Others mentioned: Eva Altman Blay, Maria Pia Martarazzo, Myrthes Wentzel, Ruth Passarinho, Maria Lenk, Zélia Madruga, Aurea Fialho, Ana Carolina Teixeira Soares, Johanna Dobereiner.
ITEM 11 "Debate sôbre direitos da casada: Simples aprovação de artigos de lei não modifica a mentalidade da mulher." October 16, 1956.
Unsigned documents. RMF fights for married women's rights.
ITEM 12 "Direitos civis: o homem e a mulher." October 6, 1957.
Unsigned article. Article discussing the status of civil rights in Brazil.
ITEM 13 "Mulheres não se entendem para o seu I Congresso." October 18, 1971.
Unsigned article. Discusses the I Congresso Nacional da Mulher (First National Congress of Women).
BOX-FOLDER 2/5 Folder 5
(14 items)
ITEM 1 "A growl from women: Feminist movement spreads in Brazil." July 2, 1972.
Written by Savy Reddy. Published in Times of Brazil. Discussion of the Brazilian feminist movement.
ITEM 2 "Romy Medeiros: Feminista, sim senhor." 1972.
Written by Raul Giudicelli. Published in UH Revista. Interview of RMF.
ITEM 3 "Quem é e como pensa a mulher brasileira de hoje." April 28, 1972.
Unsigned article. Published in Jornal "O Século." Short biographies of Brazilian feminists. Others mentioned: Aristolina Queiroz de Almeida, Edília Coelho Garcia, Regina Simões de Mello Leitão, Zilda Amado Henriques de Bremaeker, Bella Josef, Maria do Carmo Abreu Sodré
ITEM 4 "O dever da mulher de ter direitos." Undated.
Unsigned article. Brazilian women fight for civil liberties.
ITEM 5 "Um Estado Maior de mulheres." 1952.
Written by Else Machado. Discussion of Brazilian feminist leadership.
ITEM 6 "I Conselho Nacional de Mulheres em Preparativos." Undated.
Unsigned article. Article discussing preparations for the I Conselho Nacional da Mulheres (First National Council of Women) in Brazil.
ITEM 7 "Dona Romy e eu." May, 1972.
Written by Raul Giudicelli. Published in Teorema. Description of a meeting with RMF.
ITEM 8 "Mulher quer aposentadoria aos 25." March 7, 1972.
Unsigned article. Discussion of various topics of debate at the I Conselho Nacional da Mulheres (First National Council of Women) in Brazil.
ITEM 9 "Líder feminista: mulher também deve ser soldado." March 4, 1971.
Published in O Journal in Rio de Janeiro. Discussion of women's struggle to attain civil liberties.
ITEM 10 "Prefiro a mulher feminina, feminina como uma gatinha." May 4, 1971.
Unsigned article. Published in O Globo. Article discussing the feminist movement. Others mentioned: Betty Friedan.
ITEM 11 "Debatem as mulheres a reforma do Código Civil." August 8, 1959.
Unsigned article. Discussion of civil reform at the 8th Assembly of the Interamerican Commission of Women.
ITEM 12 "O comentário da Mulher: A reforma do Código Civil II." Undated.
Written by Romy Medeiros de Fonseca. Article discussing RMF's ideas for civil reform.
ITEM 13 "El Congreso Nacional da Mujeres del Brasil." Undated.
Unsigned article. Article discussing the Congresso Nacional da Mulher (National Congress of Women). Others mentioned: Isabel Arrúa Vallejo.
ITEM 14 "I Conselho Nacional de Mulheres." February 28, 1972.
Written by Leonor Amorim. Published in "Serviço Social" in O Globo. Discussion of the I Conselho Nacional da Mulheres (First National Council of Women) in Brazil.
BOX-FOLDER 2/6 Folder 6
(9 items)
ITEM 1 "Os direitos da mulher." April 16, 1967.
Written by Maria Cláudia. Published in Diário de Noticias. Interview with RMF regarding women's rights.
ITEM 2 "Mulher á brasileira." January 11, 1972.
Written by Nonnato Masson. Published in Jornal do Brasil. Discussion of Brazilian feminists. Others mentioned: Rose-Marie Muraro.
ITEM 3 "A Constituição garante a igualdade entre os homens e mulheres. Vamos aos fatos." December 15, 1985.
Unsigned article. Published in O Globo in Rio de Janeiro. Equality between genders granted in the Constitution.
ITEM 4 "Casamento não é profissão." Undated.
Written by Marli Berg. Transcript of an interview with RMF.
ITEM 5 "Mulher brasileira equiparada ás indígenas africanas." 1960s.
Unsigned article. Published in Revista do Funcionario Público. RMF's views for civil reform.
ITEM 6 "Pensionistas do 'Ipase': reclamam contra a má-vontade dos órgãos oficiais." 1960s.
Unsigned article. Discussion of Associação de Pensionistas dos Servidores Públicos and Romy Medeiros da Fonseca's work with the organization.
ITEM 7 "Formatura da 2 turma de oficiais do Corpo Auxiliar Feminino." Undated.
Unsigned article. Article describing the Introduction of women into the military.
ITEM 8 "As mulheres brasileiras e seus direitos." February 21, 1958.
Written by Daisy Porto. Article discussing the Brazilian feminist movement.
ITEM 9 "Presidente do CNMB elogia obra social de Dona Luíza." February 6, 1980.
Unsigned article. Published in Correio do Ceará. Meeting between RMF and Dona Luíza Távora. Others mentioned: Dona Luíza Távora.
BOX-FOLDER 2/7 Folder 7
(18 items)
ITEM 1 "Direitos da mulher defendidos no Rio." Undated.
Unsigned article. Discussion of the VIII Assembléia da Comissão Interamericana (Assembly of the Interamerican Commission).
ITEM 2 "As mulheres querem acabar de vez com os 'caça-dotes.'" Undated.
Unsigned author. Article discussing issues in the feminist movement.
ITEM 3 "Direitos civis da mulher." Undated.
Unsigned article. Discussion of civil reform in relation to women's rights.
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