Browse Finding Aids by Collection Title
Finding aids arranged by collection title and by names of creators and collectors.
- D. Heywood Hardy papers, 1913-1924.
- Dagmar S. Hamilton correspondence, 1969-1978.
- Dagmar S. Hamilton papers.
- Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard, 1809-1870. John Adolphus Bernard Dahlgren papers, 1794-1889.
- Dale, Richard, 1756-1826. Richard Dale papers, 1778-1918.
- Daley, William L. William L. Daley collection relating to Billy Sunday. 1914-1925.
- Dallapiccola / Dwight collection.
- Dallapiccola, Luigi, 1904-1975. Luigi Dallapiccola correspondence with Rudy Shackelford, 1953-1973.
- Dallapiccola, Luigi, 1904-1975. Margaret ("Peggie") Dwight collection on Luigi Dallapiccola, 1936-1995.
- Dallapiccola / Shackelford correspondence.
- Damrosch, Frank, 1859-1937. Damrosch - Tee Van Collection. 1856-1969.
- Damrosch, Leopold, 1832-1885. Damrosch - Tee Van collection, 1856-1969.
- Damrosch - Tee Van collection, 1856-1969.
- Dan Golenpaul papers, 1934-1981.
- Dana Suesse papers, 1860-2016.
- Dance notation collection, 1893-1981.
- Dance notation copyright deposits.
- Dance Theater of Nepal collection, 1996-2010.
- Dance Theater of Nepal. Dance Theater of Nepal collection, 1996-2010.
- Dane, Barbara. Barbara Dane collection.
- Danforth-Bush family collection, 1721-2007.
- Danforth family. Danforth-Bush family collection, 1721-2007.
- Danforth family papers.
- Danforth, Jane Janvier Whilldin, 1797-1870. Jane Janvier Whilldin Danforth papers.
- Danforth, Joshua N. (Joshua Noble), 1798-1861. Joshua N. Danforth papers.
- Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation. Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation records, 1924-2010.
- Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation records, 1924-2010.
- Daniel Augustus Tompkins papers, 1887-1920.
- Daniel Carroll papers, 1662-1920.
- Daniel Carter Beard papers, 1798-1941.
- Daniel Chester French papers, circa 1848-1968.
- Daniel Dodge Brodhead papers, 1821-1853.
- Daniel Edgar Sickles papers, 1821-1918.
- Daniel F. Margolies papers, 1935-1999.
- Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics. Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics records, 1925-1943.
- Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics records, 1925-1943.
- Daniel Hoffman papers, 1918-2012.
- Daniel J. Boorstin papers, 1882-2004.
- Daniel Nagrin collection, circa 1920-2006.
- Daniel O. Drennan papers, 1775-1904.
- Daniel, Oliver. Oliver Daniel papers, 1759-1997.
- Daniel P. Moynihan papers, 1765-2003.
- Daniel Read Larned papers, 1861-1878.
- Daniel Schorr papers, 1922-2010.
- Daniel Scott Lamont papers, 1853-1928.
- Daniel Todd Patterson papers, 1772-1927.
- Daniel Webster papers, 1800-1900.
- Daniel Webster Whittle papers.
- Daniels, Josephus, 1862-1948. Josephus Daniels papers, 1829-1948.
- Daniels, Nathan W., 1836-1867. Nathan W. Daniels diary and scrapbook, 1861-1867.
- Danilova, Alexandra, 1907-1997. Alexandra Danilova collection, 1920-2000.
- Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine collection, 1913-1992.
- Darrow, Clarence, 1857-1938. Clarence Darrow papers, 1894-1941.
- Dartigue, Jean Joseph Maurice, 1903-1983. Jean Joseph Maurice Dartigue papers, 1941-1945.
- Dash, Samuel. Samuel Dash papers, 1748-2004.
- Dauenhauer, Nora. Tlingit songs and texts collected by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer, 1950-1997.
- Dauenhauer, Richard. Tlingit songs and texts collected by Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer, 1950-1997.
- Dave Breger papers, 1915-2020.
- Davenport, Marcia, 1903-1996. Marcia Davenport papers, 1929-1970.
- Davenport, Russell W. (Russell Wheeler), 1899-1954. Russell Wheeler Davenport papers, 1866-1980.
- Davenport, Thomas, 1802-1851. Thomas Davenport correspondence, 1836-1837.
- David Ames Wells papers, 1795-1898.
- David Atlee Phillips papers, 1929-1989.
- David B. Quinn papers, 1109-1994.
- David Bailie Warden papers, 1800-1840.
- David Banister Morgan papers, 1804-1819.
- David Bromberg collection, circa 1962-2013.
- David C. Mearns papers, 1830-1979.
- David Conner papers, 1817-1847.
- David Cook Washington Post map collection.
- David D. Porter family papers, 1799-1899.
- David Diamond papers, 1915-2003.
- David Dunsford collection of ABC and CBS network television press releases, 1962-1970.
- David E. Finley papers, 1921-1977.
- David F. Nolan papers, 1946-2022.
- David Foote Sellers papers, 1860-1949.
- David G. Hummel American musical theatre collection, playbills, research materials, and other papers from the collection, 1905-2009.
- David Ginsburg papers, 1919-2007.
- David Glasgow Farragut papers, 1816-1869.
- David Herbert Lawrence papers.
- David Homer Bates papers, 1837-1926.
- David Kogan papers, 1941-2002.
- David L. Quaid World War II map collection.
- David L. Quaid World War Two map collection.
- David Lewin papers, 1945-2011.
- David Martin Freedman papers from the WWOZ collection, 1971-2007.
- David Maydole Matteson papers, 1876-1937.
- David Murray papers, 1866-1930.
- David Ogilvy papers, 1935-1966.
- David Oppenheim papers, 1910-2004.
- David Plowden collection.
- David Rapaport papers, 1911-1997.
- David Recht nautical chart collection.
- David S. Broder papers, 1910-2012.
- David S. Tatel papers, 1871-2023.
- David S.C. Chu papers, 1969-1993.
- Davidovsky, Mario, 1934-2019. Mario Davidovsky papers, 1933-2019.
- Davidson, Gustav, 1895-1971. Gustav Davidson papers, 1909-1992.
- Davidson, Jo, 1883-1952. Jo Davidson papers, 1906-1952.
- Davies, Gwilym. Gwilym Davies Appalachian and Adirondack Mountains collection, 1997-1998.
- Davies, Joseph Edward. Joseph Edward Davies papers, 1860-1958.
- Davis, Elmer Holmes, 1890-1958. Elmer Holmes Davis papers, 1865-1957.
- Davis, J. C. Bancroft (John Chandler Bancroft), 1822-1907. J.C. Bancroft Davis papers, 1849-1902.
- Davis, James J. (James John), 1873-1947. James J. Davis papers, 1895-1946.
- Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889. Jefferson Davis papers, 1795-1913.
- Davis, Norman H. (Norman Hezekiah), 1878-1944. Norman H. Davis papers, 1898-1979.
- Davis, Roy Tasco, 1889-1975. Roy Tasco Davis papers, 1886-1960.
- Davis, Sammy, Jr., 1925-1990. Sammy : an autobiography.
- Davis, Sammy, Jr., 1925-1990. Yes I can.
- Davis, Sara L. M. (Sara Leila Margaret), 1967- Sara L. M. Davis collection on Tai Lüe culture, 1997-2005.
- Davis, William H. (Archivist). The William H. Davis family film collection, 1928-1982.
- Davisson, Clinton Joseph, 1881-1958. Clinton Joseph Davisson papers, 1908-1962.
- Dawes, Anna Laurens, 1851-1938. Anna Laurens Dawes papers.
- Dawes, Electa Allen Sanderson, 1822-1901. Electa Allen Sanderson Dawes papers.
- Dawes, Henry L. (Henry Laurens), 1816-1903. Henry L. Dawes papers, 1833-1933.
- Dawson family papers.
- Dawson, Thomas, 1715-1760. Thomas Dawson papers.
- Dawson, William, 1705?-1752. William Dawson family papers, 1728-1775.
- Day, F. Holland (Fred Holland), 1864-1933. F. Holland Day papers, 1793-2010.
- Day, Hezron George, 1842-1932. Hezron George Day papers, 1862-1984.
- Day, William R. (William Rufus), 1849-1923. William R. Day papers, 1820-1923.
- Dayton Accords map collection, 1995.
- Dayton Agreement map collection.
- Dayton Peace Accords map collection.
- De Forest, Lee, 1873-1961. Lee de Forest papers, 1884-1955.
- De Jagers, Dorothy. Dorothy de Jagers papers.
- De Mille, Agnes. Fall River legend.
- Dean Martin celebrity roast scripts.
- Dean Martin celebrity roast scripts from the Milton Berle papers, 1973-1976.
- Deane, Ruthven 1851-1934. Ruthven Deane bookplate collection.
- Dearstyne, Howard. Howard Dearstyne papers, 1911-1988.
- DeButts-Ely collection of Lee family papers, 1749-1914.
- Decatur, Stephen, 1779-1820. Stephen Decatur papers.
- Declaration of Independence collection, 1776-1942.
- Deisch, Noel, 1892-1978. Noel Deisch papers, 1910-1937.
- Del Monte, Domingo, 1804-1853. Domingo Del Monte collection of Spanish colonial history, 1500-1871.
- Delahoussaye, A. James, 1938- A. James Delahoussaye collection of Atchafalaya River Basin recordings.
- Delano, Columbus, 1809-1896. Columbus Delano family papers, 1845-1889.
- Delano, Jack, 1914-1997. Jack Delano papers, 1927-1995.
- Delano, John Sherman, 1841-1896. John Sherman Delano papers.
- DeLay, Tom D., 1947- Tom D. DeLay oral history interview.
- Delibes, Léo, 1836-1891. Léo Delibes music manuscripts, 1857-1890.
- DeMartino, Manfred F. Manfred F. DeMartino collection of CBS radio scripts, 1943-1945.
- Demens, Peter A., 1850-1919. Peter A. Demens papers, 1880-2000.
- Deming, W. Edwards (William Edwards), 1900-1993. W. Edwards Deming papers, 1795-1994.
- Democratic Study Group. Democratic Study Group records, 1912-1995.
- Democratic Study Group records, 1912-1995.
- Denby family. Denby family papers, 1850-1911.
- Denby family papers, 1850-1911.
- Denishawn Dancers. Denishawn legacy collection, 1906-2019.
- Denishawn legacy collection, 1906-2019.
- Denishawn School of Dancing. Grace McCrea papers relating to Denishawn. 1913-1969.
- Denison, George S. (George Stanton), 1833-1866. George S. Denison papers, 1851-1884.
- Denker, Henry. Henry Denker papers, 1929-2009.
- Dennett, Tyler, 1883-1949. Tyler Dennett collection relating to John Hay, 1861-1937.
- Denny, Diana, 1923-2015. Diana Denny caricature and illustration drawings collection.
- Denny, George Vernon, 1899-1959. George Vernon Denny papers, 1930-1959.
- Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957. Frances Densmore papers, 1883-1957.
- Denver, James William, 1817-1892. James William Denver papers, 1847-1884.
- DePuy, William E. (William Eugene), 1919-1992. William E. DePuy interview.
- Dermot Heywood Hardy papers.
- Dern, George Henry, 1872-1936. George Henry Dern papers, 1933-1936.
- Derrick, Clarence. Clarence Derrick papers.
- Derrick, Henry Clay, 1832-1915. Henry Clay Derrick papers, 1848-1994.
- Desha, John R., 1804-1878. Joseph Desha and John R. Desha papers. 1773-1871.
- Desha, Joseph, 1768-1842. Joseph Desha and John R. Desha papers, 1773-1871.
- Desha, Mary, 1850-1911. Mary Desha papers.
- Dessu, Ellen Key Turner, 1831- Ellen Key Turner Dessu commonplace book. 1847-1854.
- Deuel, Wallace Rankin, 1905-1974. Wallace Rankin Deuel papers, 1905-1971.
- Deuss, Edward L. (Edward Louis), 1897-1976. Edward L. Deuss papers, 1830-1976.
- Dewey, Charles Schuveldt, 1880-1980. Charles Schuveldt Dewey papers, 1924-1933.
- Dewey, George, 1837-1917. George Dewey map collection. (2)
- Dewey, George, 1837-1917. George Dewey papers.
- Dewey, George, 1837-1917. George Dewey papers, 1805-1949.
- Dewey, Mildred McLean Hazen, 1850-1931. Mildred McLean Hazen Dewey papers.
- Dexter Gordon collection, circa 1940-1996.
- Deyo, Morton L. (Morton Lyndholm), 1887-1973. Morton L. Deyo papers.
- Deyo, Morton L. (Morton Lyndholm), 1887-1973. Morton L. Deyo papers, 1911-1981.
- Deyo, Morton L. (Morton Lyndholm), 1887-1973. Morton L. Deyo World War II map collection. (2)
- D.H. Lawrence correspondence, notes, and photographs, 1921-1930.
- D.H. Lawrence papers.
- Di Domenica, Robert, 1927-2013. Robert Di Domenica collection, 1948-1998.
- Diaghilev, Serge, 1872-1929. Serge Lifar collection on Serge Diaghilev, 1750-1950.
- Diamond, David, 1915-2005. David Diamond papers, 1915-2003.
- Diana Cohen Hopi religion collection, 1974.
- Diana Denny caricature and illustration drawings collection.
- Diane Wolkstein collection, 1960-2013.
- Dickerson, Edward E., 1831-1914. Edward E. Dickerson papers, 1861-1991.
- Dickerson, Nancy (Nancy Hanschman). Nancy Dickerson papers, 1927-2006.
- Dickerson, Wilton H. Biographical sketch of Edward E. Dickerson.
- Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth), 1842-1932. Anna E. Dickinson papers, 1859-1951.
- Dickinson, Charles Monroe, 1842-1924. Charles Monroe Dickinson papers, 1897-1923.
- Dickinson, Donald McDonald, 1846-1917. Donald McDonald Dickinson papers, 1863-1917.
- Dickinson, Eleanor, 1931- Eleanor Dickinson collection, 1901-2004.
- Dictation belt recordings and commentaries from the MacKinlay Kantor papers, 1956-1975.
- Dietrich Hecht collection of Bilderbogen.
- Digges, Thomas Attwood, 1742-1821. Thomas Attwood Digges papers.
- Digges, William Dudley, 1790-1830. William Dudley Digges papers.
- Diggins, E. F. E.F. Diggins plaster bust of Walt Whitman. 1939.
- Dike, Samuel W. (Samuel Warren), 1839-1913. Samuel W. Dike papers, 1870-1913.
- Dildine, Ginny. John and Ginny Dildine collection.
- Dildine, Ginny. John Dildine and Ginny Dildine papers, 1957-2014.
- Dildine, John. John and Ginny Dildine collection.
- Dildine, John. John Dildine and Ginny Dildine papers, 1957-2014.
- Diroca World War 2 map collection.
- Diroca World War II map collection.
- Discoteca Oneyda Alvarenga (Centro Cultural São Paulo). Discoteca Pública Municipal de São Paulo collection, 1937-1943.
- Discoteca Pública Municipal de São Paulo collection, 1937-1943.
- District of Columbia. Levy Court (Washington County) District of Columbia. Levy Court (Washington County) minutes. 1835-1847.
- District of Columbia Woman Suffrage Association. District of Columbia Woman Suffrage Association records.
- Dixon, Edward, approximately 1700-1779. Edward Dixon papers, 1743-1808.
- Dixon, Frederick, approximately 1868-1923. Frederick Dixon papers, 1897-1923.
- Dixon, James L. James L. Dixon papers.
- Dixon, Jeane. Jeane Dixon papers, 1915-1996.
- Dixon Jones, Mary Amanda. Mary Amanda Dixon Jones papers, 1839-1925.
- Dmitriĭ Antonovich Volkogonov papers, 1887-1995.
- Dock, Lavinia L., 1858-1956. Lavinia L. Dock papers, 1908-1949.
- Dock, Mira Lloyd, 1853-1945. Mira Lloyd Dock papers, 1814-1951.
- Dodd, Alison. Alison Dodd writings.
- Dodd, Martha, 1908-1990. Martha Dodd papers, 1898-1990.
- Dodd, William E. (William Edward), 1869-1940. William Edward Dodd papers, 1895-1955.
- Dolley Madison papers, 1794-1852.
- Dolphin (Schooner : 1821-1835). USS Ontario and USS Dolphin journals and logbooks. 1817-1821.
- Dolphy, Eric. Eric Dolphy collection, 1939-1964.
- Domingo Del Monte collection of Spanish colonial history, 1500-1871.
- Domingo Del Monte papers.
- Don Christlieb photographs, 1940s-1980s.
- Don Gillis music manuscripts, 1934-1976.
- Don Walker collection, 1932-1984.
- Don Yoder collection of tape and disc recordings.
- Don Yoder collection of wire recordings.
- Donald Benham Civil War collection, 1806-1918.
- Donald D. Walker papers, 1926-1987.
- Donald E. Schomacker courthouse photography collection.
- Donald Friede papers, 1919-1980.
- Donald H. Drayer architectural drawing archive.
- Donald H. Drayer archive.
- Donald J. MacDonald papers, 1930-1997.
- Donald L. Atwell Papers.
- Donald McDonald Dickinson papers, 1863-1917.
- Donald R. Richberg papers, 1900-1960.
- Donald Rumsfeld papers, 1888-2015.
- Donald T. Giles papers, 1926-1982.
- Donald T. Regan papers, 1919-1993.
- Donald Wilson papers, 1910-1979.
- Donaldson, David K. David K. Donaldson papers.
- Donaldson family. Pike-McConnell-Donaldson family papers, 1770-1967.
- Donaldson, Lavinia Pike McConnell. Lavinia Pike McConnell Donaldson papers.
- Donch, Henry, 1834-1919. Henry Donch performance library, 1811-1928.
- Donelson, Andrew Jackson, 1799-1871. Andrew Jackson Donelson papers, 1779-1943.
- Donfeld, Jeffrey, 1943- Jeffrey Donfeld papers. 1971-1972.
- Donnan, Elizabeth, 1883-1955. Elizabeth Donnan papers.
- Doolittle, Annette Danforth Bush, -1824. Joshua N. Danforth biography. 2007.
- Doolittle, James Harold, 1896-1993. James Harold Doolittle papers, 1919-1990.
- Doolittle, James R. (James Rood), 1815-1897. James R. Doolittle papers, 1859-1927.
- Dora Hartmann papers.
- Dori Jones Yang papers, 2008-2012.
- Doriot, Georges F. (Georges Frederic), 1899-1987. Georges F. Doriot papers, 1917-1985.
- Doris J. Watson collection 1939-1946.
- Dorn, Edward John, 1854-1937. Edward John Dorn papers, 1868-1936.
- Dornan, Robert K., 1933- Robert K. Dornan oral history interview.
- Dorothea Dix Lawrence collection, 1856-1980.
- Dorothy G. Wayman papers, 1862-1971.
- Dorothy Slepian Packer collection of correspondence, circa 1946.
- Dorothy Slepian Packer correspondence, 1945-1948.
- Dorsett, Edward Lee, 1883- Edward Lee Dorsett naval historical collection, 1814-1926.
- Dorsey William Hyde papers, 1757-1955.
- Doubleday & Company, Inc. Ken McCormick collection of Doubleday and Company, inc., records. 1882-1992.
- Doubleday and Company, inc., records.
- Douglas Southall Freeman papers, 1900-1979.
- Douglas, William O. (William Orville), 1898-1980. William O. Douglas papers, 1801-1980.
- Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. Frederick Douglass papers, 1841-1967.
- Douglass, Helen, 1838-1903. Helen Douglass papers.
- Dow, Leonard James, 1902-1967. Leonard James Dow papers, 1945-1967.
- Downie, Leonard, Jr. Leonard Downie Jr. papers, 1961-2020.
- Doxiadēs, Kōnstantinos Apostolou, 1913-1975. Kōnstantinos Apostolou Doxiadēs papers, 1959-1976.
- Doysié, Abel, 1886-1973. Abel Doysié papers, 1910-1967.
- Dr. Ruth Westheimer papers, 1977-1990.
- Drake, Alfred, 1914-1992. Alfred Drake papers, 1892-2004.
- Draper, C. S. (Charles Stark). C.S. Draper papers, 1773-1978.
- Draper, Daniel, 1841-1931. Daniel Draper papers. 1861-1931.
- Draper, Ernest Gallaudet, 1885-1954. Ernest Gallaudet Draper papers, circa 1919-1955.
- Draper family. John William Draper family papers, 1777-1951.
- Draper, Henry, 1837-1882. Henry Draper papers.
- Draper, John C. (John Christopher), 1835-1885. John C. Draper papers.
- Draper, John William, 1811-1882. John William Draper family papers, 1777-1951.
- Draper, Martha Washington Stark. Martha Washington Stark Draper papers.
- Drayer architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Drayer collection.
- Drayer, Donald H. (Donald Hudson), 1909-1973. Drayer architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Dreikurs, Rudolf, 1897-1972. Individual psychology bulletin.
- Dreikurs, Rudolf, 1897-1972. Rudolf Dreikurs papers, 1911-1975.
- Drennan, Daniel O., approximately 1840-1905. Daniel O. Drennan papers, 1775-1904.
- Driver, William M., -1943 William M. Driver papers.
- Druyan, Ann, 1949- Seth MacFarlane collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan archive. 1860-2004.
- Du Mont, Allen B. (Allen Balcom), 1901-1965. Allen B. Du Mont papers.
- Du Mont Laboratories. Du Mont Laboratories records, 1930-1960.
- Du Mont Laboratories records, 1930-1960.
- Du Pont, Jean Kane Foulke, 1891-1985. Jean Kane Foulke Du Pont papers.
- Du Pont, Marcella Miller. Marcella Miller du Pont papers, 1861-1976.
- Dudley Buck papers, 1861-1939.
- Dudley, Jane. Jane Dudley papers, 1909-2001.
- Dudley Wright Knox papers, 1864-1950.
- Dudman, Richard, 1918-2017. Richard Dudman papers, 1911-2014.
- Duff Green papers, 1716-1883.
- Dujarric, Robert. Robert Dujarric papers. 1992-2004.
- Duke, Vernon, 1903-1969. Vernon Duke collection, 1918-1968.
- Dulany, Bladen, 1792-1856. Bladen Dulany papers, 1817-1855.
- Dumas, Charles Guillaume Frédéric, 1721-1796. Charles Guillaume Frédéric Dumas papers, 1775-1793.
- Dumont, Henry, 1878-1942. Henry Dumont and Nina Webster Dumont papers, 1905-1943.
- Dumont, Nina Webster, 1887-1953. Henry Dumont and Nina Webster Dumont papers. 1905-1943.
- Dunant, Edward. Edward Dunant papers.
- Duncan Emrich autograph album collection, 1843-1956.
- Duncan Emrich manuscript collection, 1933-1977.
- Duncan McArthur papers, 1783-1848.
- Dunham, Arthur, 1893- Arthur Dunham oral history interview.
- Dunham, Katherine. Katherine Dunham collection, 1920-2006.
- Dunlop family. Dunlop family papers, 1713-1930.
- Dunlop family papers, 1713-1930.
- Dunlop, Francis Key. Francis Key Dunlop papers. 1844.
- Dunlop, James, 1724-1790. James Dunlop papers.
- Dunlop, James, 1755-1824. James Dunlop papers.
- Dunlop, James, 1793- James Dunlop papers.
- Dunlop, Robert P., -1869. Robert P. Dunlop papers.
- Dunlop, William, active 1739. William Dunlop papers. 1847-1858.
- Dunn, Lucius C. (Lucius Claude), 1885-1963. Lucius C. Dunn papers, 1902-1957.
- Dunsford, David A. David Dunsford collection of ABC and CBS network television press releases, 1962-1970.
- Dunston, Gatewood W. Gatewood W. Dunston collection relating to William Surrey Hart, 1914-1955.
- DuPree African American Pentecostal collection, 1861-2020.
- DuPree, Sherry Sherrod, 1946- DuPree African American Pentecostal collection, 1861-2020.
- Dupuis-Delcourt, 1802-1864. Tissandier collection on the history of aeronautics. 1539-1929.
- Dupuy, Elisabeth, 1859-1932. Elisabeth Dupuy papers, 1892-1922.
- Dupuy, Pierre, 1582-1651. Inventaire du trésor des chartes, 1615-1626.
- D.W. Whittle papers, 1861-1974.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower papers, 1944-1969.
- Dwight Lyman Moody papers, 1864-1937.
- Dyer, George C. (George Carroll), 1898-1987. George C. Dyer papers, 1898-1988.