Browse Finding Aids by Date
- A. Sankey Latty papers, 1851-1890.
- Aaron Burton Levisee papers, 1847-1992.
- Aaron Ward Weaver letterpress books, 1861-1884.
- Aaron Ward Weaver papers.
- A.B. (Alfred Bult) Mullett archive.
- A.B. MacDonald papers, 1878-1976.
- A.B. Mullett & Co. architectural drawing archive.
- A.B. Mullett & Co. archive.
- A.B. Mullett & Co. Mullett & Co. architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Abbe, Cleveland, 1838-1916. Cleveland Abbe papers, 1850-1954.
- Abbe, Cleveland, Jr., 1872-1934. Cleveland Abbe Jr. papers.
- Abbot family. Henry L. Abbot family papers, 1770-2001.
- Abbot, Henry L. Henry L. Abbot family papers, 1770-2001.
- Abraham Lincoln papers, 1774-1948.
- Acheson, Edward Goodrich, 1856-1931. Edward Goodrich Acheson papers, 1872-1968.
- A.D. Bache papers, 1828-1863.
- Adam Gurowski papers, 1743-1898.
- Adam Hérold Collection of Materials Relating to the Sino-French War in Tonkin.
- Adams, James P. (James Pickett), 1828-1904. James P. Adams centennial address. 1876.
- Adams, Richard, active 1793. Richard Adams papers.
- Adee, Alvey A. (Alvey Augustus), 1842-1924. Alvey A. Adee papers.
- Adee, Augustus Alvey, 1802-1844. Augustus Alvey Adee papers.
- Adee, David Graham, 1837-1901. David Graham Adee papers.
- Adee family. Adee family papers, 1824-1966.
- Adee family papers, 1824-1966.
- Adelaide Johnson papers, 1873-1947.
- Adelaide Rosalia Hasse papers, 1862-1951.
- Aero Club of America. Aero Club of America scrapbooks, 1891-1912.
- Aero Club of America records.
- Aero Club of America scrapbooks, 1891-1912.
- L'Aerophile collection, 1876-1949.
- Aiken family. Pierce-Aiken family papers, 1797-1903.
- Ainsworth Rand Spofford papers, 1819-1970.
- A.K. Fisher papers, 1827-1957.
- Albert Gleaves papers, 1803-1946.
- Albert J. Beveridge papers, 1788-1943.
- Albert James Myer papers, 1816-1880.
- Albert James Myer papers, 1851-1933.
- Alberto Nepomuceno collection, 1887-1988.
- Aldrich, Abby Pearce Chapman, 1845-1917. Abby Pearce Chapman Aldrich diaries. 1904-1912.
- Aldrich family. John Aldrich Stephenson collection of the Hand, Fiske, and Aldrich families papers. 1745-1966.
- Aldrich family papers.
- Aldrich, Morton Arnold, 1874-1956. Morton Arnold Aldrich papers.
- Aldrich, Nelson W. (Nelson Wilmarth), 1841-1915. Nelson W. Aldrich papers, 1777-1930.
- Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907. Thomas Bailey Aldrich papers, 1873-1901.
- Aldrich, Zoë Worthington Fiske, 1864-1942. Zoë Worthington Fiske Aldrich papers.
- Alessandro Liberati collection.
- Alex. Brown & Sons. Alex. Brown & Sons records, 1796-1908.
- Alex. Brown & Sons records, 1796-1908.
- Alexander Black MacDonald papers.
- Alexander Dallas Bache papers.
- Alexander Freud and Sophie Schreiber Freud papers, 1872-1965.
- Alexander Graham Bell family papers, 1834-1974.
- Alexander Hamilton Stephens papers, 1784-1886.
- Alexander Robey Shepherd papers, 1776-1945.
- Alexander Sankey Latty papers.
- Alexander Zemlinsky collection, 1887-1939.
- Alexander Zemlinsky music manuscripts and other materials, 1887-1939.
- Alexander Zemlinsky music manuscripts and other papers, 1887-1939.
- Alexis Vasilevich Babine papers, 1895-1953.
- Alfred Carmon papers, 1859-1865.
- Alfred Mordecai papers, 1790-1948.
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth papers, 1888-1942.
- Allen, Charles Julius, 1840-1915. Charles Julius Allen papers.
- Allen, Elisha Hunt, 1804-1883. Elisha Hunt Allen papers, 1849-1934.
- Allen family papers.
- Allen, Grace Elizabeth, 1886-1976. Grace Elizabeth Allen papers.
- Allen, Henry T. (Henry Tureman), 1859-1930. Henry T. Allen papers, 1806-1933.
- Allen, William, 1803-1879. William Allen papers, 1796-1879.
- Allen, William A. H. William A.H. Allen papers, 1863-1884.
- Allesandro and Speranza Liberati papers, 1880-1947.
- Allison, Mary Ireland, -1870. Mary Ireland Allison diary. 1868-1869.
- Allison, William Henry, 1870-1941. William Henry Allison diaries, 1868-1940.
- Almon Ferdinand Rockwell papers, 1852-1900.
- Alvah H. Granniss papers, 1861-1907.
- Ambler, Barbara Hayes, 1926-2006. Barbara Hayes Ambler papers.
- Ambrose W. Thompson papers, 1847-1960.
- Ameen Fares Rihani papers, 1897-1940.
- American Colonization Society. American Colonization Society records, 1792-1964.
- American Colonization Society records, 1792-1964.
- American Colony in Jerusalem collection, circa 1786-2007.
- American Colony (Jerusalem). American Colony in Jerusalem collection, circa 1786-2007.
- American Federation of Labor. American Federation of Labor records, 1883-1925.
- American Federation of Labor records, 1883-1925.
- American Historical Association. American Historical Association records, 1884-1986.
- American Historical Association records, 1884-1986.
- American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Institute of the Aerospace Sciences archives, 1783-1962.
- American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States. American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States records.
- Amory, Abigail Taylor, 1739- Abigail Taylor Amory papers.
- Amory Austin collection relating to heraldry, 1865-1917.
- Amory family. Amory family papers, 1697-1882.
- Amory family papers, 1697-1882.
- Amory, John, 1728-1803. John Amory petition. circa 1783.
- Amory, Thomas, 1682-1728. Thomas Amory papers.
- Amory, Thomas, 1762-1823. Thomas Amory papers.
- Amos Kendall papers, 1835-1909.
- Andersen, Hendrik Christian, 1872-1940. Hendrik Christian Andersen papers, 1844-1940.
- Andersen, Olivia Cushing, 1871- Olivia Cushing Andersen papers. 1882-1929.
- Anderson, Chandler P. (Chandler Parsons), 1866-1936. Chandler P. Anderson papers, 1894-1953.
- Anderson, Frank Maloy, 1871-1961. Frank Maloy Anderson papers, 1895-1961.
- Anderson, Robert, 1805-1871. Robert Anderson papers, 1819-1948.
- Andrew Carnegie papers, 1803-1935.
- Andrew H. Foote papers, 1822-1890.
- Andrew Jackson Donelson papers, 1779-1943.
- Andrew Johnson papers, 1783-1947.
- Andrew Stevenson and J.W. Stevenson papers, 1756-1882.
- Andrew Stevenson papers.
- Anita Newcomb McGee papers, 1688-1932.
- Anna E. Dickinson papers, 1859-1951.
- Anna Maria Brodeau Thornton papers, 1793-1861.
- Anna Maria Evans papers, 1835-1914.
- Anne Hull collection, 1905-1980.
- Anne Hull papers, 1894-1981.
- Anne Locke Bixby Chamberlin family papers, 1793-1924.
- Anne Locke Bixby Chamberlin papers.
- Anne Montgomerie Traubel papers.
- Anson Burlingame and Edward L. Burlingame family papers, 1810-1922.
- Anthony League of the District of Columbia. Anthony League of the District of Columbia records.
- Anthony, Mary S. Mary S. Anthony papers.
- Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell), 1820-1906. Susan B. Anthony papers, 1846-1934.
- Anti-Imperialist League (Washington, D.C.). Anti-Imperialist League (Washington, D.C.) records. 1899-1908.
- Anton Gloetzner music manuscripts, 1870-1920.
- A.P. Schmidt Company. A.P. Schmidt Company archives, 1869-1958.
- A.P. Schmidt Company archives, 1869-1958.
- Appleton, Nathan, 1843-1906. Nathan Appleton papers, 1850-1904.
- Appling, Austin M. (Austin Maurice), 1794- Austin M. Appling account ledgers. 1832-1862.
- Argenteau family. Mercy-Argenteau family papers, 1410-1921.
- Argenteau family papers.
- Armand Hammer papers, circa 1508-1989.
- Armes, Ethel, 1876-1945. Ethel Armes collection of Lee family papers, 1671-1936.
- Arne Oldberg collection, circa 1887-1962.
- Arnold, John Carvel, 1833-1865. John Carvel Arnold papers, 1856-1937.
- Arthur, Chester Alan, 1829-1886. Chester Alan Arthur papers, 1843-1960.
- Arthur, Chester Alan, II, 1864-1937. Chester Alan Arthur II papers. 1874-1937.
- Arthur, Chester Alan, III, 1901-1972. Chester Alan Arthur III papers. 1853-1972.
- Arthur family. Arthur family papers, 1817-1972.
- Arthur family. Charles Pinkerton collection of Arthur and Herndon family papers, 1822-1938.
- Arthur family papers.
- Arthur family papers, 1817-1972.
- Arthur Foote music manuscripts 1888-1919.
- Artur Schnabel collection, 1899-1950.
- Asa Gray papers, 1840-1859.
- Asaph Hall papers, 1837-1998.
- A.T. Mahan papers, 1779-1970.
- August V. Kautz papers, 1846-1939.
- Augustus S. Nicholson papers, 1861-1934.
- Austin, Amory. Amory Austin collection relating to heraldry, 1865-1917.
- Autographs of European notables. 1422-1879.
- A.W. Greely papers, 1753-1997.
- Axson, Samuel Edward, approximately 1836-1884. Samuel Edward Axson sermons, 1857-1880.
- Ayestarán, Lauro. Lauro Ayestarán collection, 1830-1966.
- Babine, Alexis Vasilevich, 1866-1930. Alexis Vasilevich Babine papers, 1895-1953.
- Bache, A. D. (Alexander Dallas), 1806-1867. A.D. Bache papers, 1828-1863.
- Bagot, Charles, 1781-1843. Charles Bagot papers.
- Bain, Frank Frank Bain papers.
- Bain, Mildred Mildred Bain papers.
- Baird, Samuel J. (Samuel John), 1817-1893. Samuel J. Baird papers, 1834-1892.
- Baldorioty de Castro, Román, 1822-1889. Román Baldorioty de Castro papers.
- Baldwin, Evelyn Briggs, 1862-1933. Evelyn Briggs Baldwin papers, 1649-1933.
- Ballinger, William Pitt, 1825-1888. William Pitt Ballinger diaries. 1871-1886.
- Baltimore Insurance Company. Baltimore Insurance Company records.
- Bancroft-Bliss families papers, 1788-1928.
- Bancroft, Elizabeth Davis, 1803-1886. Elizabeth Davis Bancroft papers.
- Bancroft family. Bancroft-Bliss families papers, 1788-1928.
- Bancroft family papers.
- Bancroft, George, 1800-1891. George Bancroft papers.
- Bangs, George H. George H. Bangs papers.
- Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894. Nathaniel Prentiss Banks papers, 1829-1911.
- Barbee, David Rankin, 1874-1958. James Dodson and David Rankin Barbee papers. 1784-1953.
- Barbee, James Dodson, 1832-1904. James Dodson Barbee and David Rankin Barbee papers, 1784-1953.
- Barbour, Lucian, 1811-1880. Lucian Barbour papers, 1838-1977.
- Barker, Wharton, 1846-1921. Wharton Barker papers, 1864-1921.
- Barnett Allen Howard papers, 1885-1949.
- Bartlett, Ezra, 1770-1848. Ezra Bartlett papers.
- Bartlett family. Josiah Bartlett family papers, 1710-1931.
- Bartlett, Josiah, 1729-1795. Josiah Bartlett family papers, 1710-1931.
- Bartlett, Josiah, 1729-1795. Josiah Bartlett papers.
- Bartlett, Josiah, 1768-1838. Josiah Bartlett papers.
- Bartlett, Josiah, 1803-1853. Josiah Bartlett papers.
- Bartlett, Levi, 1763-1828. Levi Bartlett papers.
- Bartlett, Paul Wayland, 1865-1925. Paul Wayland Bartlett papers, 1875-1959.
- Bartlett, Suzanne Earle Ogden-Jones Emmons, 1861-1954. Suzanne Earle Ogden-Jones Emmons Bartlett papers. 1897-1913.
- Bartlett, Truman Howe, 1835-1923. Truman Howe Bartlett papers. 1881-1922.
- Barton, Clara, 1821-1912. Clara Barton papers, 1805-1963.
- Bassett, John Spencer, 1867-1928. John Spencer Bassett papers, 1770-1978.
- Batchelder, John Davis, 1872-1958. John Davis Batchelder collection of manuscripts, 1537-1944.
- Batchelder, John Davis, 1872-1958. John Davis Batchelder ephemera and special collections, 2200 BCE-1948.
- Batchelder, John Davis, 1872-1958. John Davis Batchelder papers. 1910-1944.
- Bates, David Homer, 1843-1926. David Homer Bates papers, 1837-1926.
- Bates, Edward, 1793-1869. Edward Bates papers, 1818-1904.
- Bayard, James A. (James Asheton), 1767-1815. James A. Bayard and Richard H. Bayard papers. 1797-1885.
- Bayard, Richard H. (Richard Henry), 1796-1868. James A. Bayard and Richard H. Bayard papers. 1797-1885.
- Bayard, Thomas F. (Thomas Francis), 1828-1898. Thomas F. Bayard papers, 1780-1899.
- Beach, Joseph Warren, 1880-1957. Concept of nature in nineteenth-century English poetry. 1936.
- Beach, Joseph Warren, 1880-1957. Joseph Warren Beach papers, 1891-1955.
- Beach, Joseph Warren, 1880-1957. Making of the Auden canon. 1957.
- Beale, Edward Fitzgerald, 1822-1893. Edward Fitzgerald Beale papers.
- Beale family. Beale family papers from the Decatur House, 1794-1957.
- Beale family papers from the Decatur House, 1794-1957.
- Beale, Marie Oge, 1880-1956. Marie Oge Beale diaries.
- Beale, Truxton, 1856-1936. Truxton Beale papers.
- Beard, Daniel Carter, 1850-1941. Daniel Carter Beard papers, 1798-1941.
- Beard, Daniel Carter, 1850-1941. Visual materials from the Daniel Carter Beard papers.
- Beatty, Charles, of Georgetown, Md. Charles Beatty account book. 1750-1809.
- Beauregard, G. T. (Gustave Toutant), 1818-1893. G.T. Beauregard papers, 1844-1883.
- Becker, George F. (George Ferdinand), 1847-1919. George F. Becker papers, 1814-1928.
- Beckley, Alfred, 1802-1888. Alfred Beckley papers.
- Beckley family. John James Beckley family papers, 1789-1918.
- Beckley, John James, 1757-1807. John James Beckley family papers, 1789-1918.
- Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887. Henry Ward Beecher papers, 1836-1886.
- Bégon, Michel. Michel Bégon journal. 1632-1685.
- Bela Lyon Pratt papers, 1884-1918.
- Belknap, George E. (George Eugene), 1832-1903. George E. Belknap papers, 1857-1903.
- Bell, Alexander Graham, 1847-1922. Alexander Graham Bell family papers, 1834-1974.
- Bell, Alexander Melville, 1819-1905. Alexander Melville Bell papers.
- Bell family. Alexander Graham Bell family papers, 1834-1974.
- Bell, John, 1796-1869. John Bell papers, 1815-1861.
- Bell, Mabel Gardiner Hubbard, 1857-1923. Mabel Gardiner Hubbard Bell papers.
- Belle Brown collection, 1865-1912.
- Ben B. Lindsey papers, 1838-1957.
- Bendire, Charles, 1836-1897. Charles Bendire papers, 1874-1919.
- Benham, Donald. Donald Benham Civil War collection, 1806-1918.
- Benjamin B. French family papers, 1778-1940.
- Benjamin C. Gruenberg and Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg papers, 1878-1972.
- Benjamin C. Gruenberg papers.
- Benjamin, Calvin, -1847. Calvin Benjamin papers, circa 1838-1882.
- Benjamin F. Butler papers, 1778-1929.
- Benjamin F. Tracy papers, 1870-1917.
- Benjamin F. Whitten papers, 1848-1945.
- Benjamin Franklin Fuller papers, 1856-1971.
- Benjamin Franklin Whitten papers.
- Benjamin Garber papers, 1916-2009.
- Benjamin Harrison papers, 1780-1948.
- Benjamin Helm Bristow papers, 1839-1932.
- Benjamin Holt Ticknor papers, 1595-1935.
- Benjamin K. Edwards collection.
- Benjamin T. Montgomery family papers, 1872-1987.
- Benjamin Tappan papers, 1795-1900.
- Benjamin Titus Roberts family papers, 1832-1971.
- Bennett, Frank M. (Frank Marion), 1857-1924. Frank M. Bennett papers, 1893-1909.
- Bennett, James Gordon, 1795-1872. James Gordon Bennett papers, 1845-1934.
- Berlepsch, Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig, Graf von, 1850-1915. Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig, Graf von Berlepsch, correspondence, 1874-1913.
- Berliner, Emile, 1851-1929. Emile Berliner collection, 1871-1965.
- Berryman, Clifford Kennedy, 1869-1949. Clifford Kennedy Berryman papers, 1814-1965.
- Bertrand N.O. Walker papers, 1899-1921.
- Betances, Ramón Emeterio, 1827-1898. Ramón Emeterio Betances correspondence.
- Beveridge, Albert J. (Albert Jeremiah), 1862-1927. Albert J. Beveridge papers, 1788-1943.
- B.F. Wade papers, 1832-1886.
- Bickerdyke, Mary Ann, 1817-1901. Mary Ann Bickerdyke papers, 1847-1905.
- Biddle, Eliza. Eliza Biddle diary. 1814.
- Bigelow, John, 1817-1911. John Bigelow abstract of diary. 1886-1911.
- Bigelow, John, 1854-1936. John Bigelow papers, 1492-1936.
- Bing, Julius. Julius Bing writings.
- Bingham, Theo. A. (Theodore Alfred), 1858-1934. Theo. A. Bingham papers, 1897-1903.
- Black, Chauncey F. Chauncey F. Black papers.
- Black history collection, 1623-2008.
- Black, Jeremiah S. (Jeremiah Sullivan), 1810-1883. Jeremiah S. Black papers, 1813-1904.
- Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950. Alice Stone Blackwell papers.
- Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa Brown, 1825-1921. Antoinette Louisa Brown Blackwell papers.
- Blackwell, Elizabeth, 1821-1910. Elizabeth Blackwell papers.
- Blackwell, Emily, 1826-1910. Emily Blackwell papers.
- Blackwell family. Blackwell family papers, 1759-1960.
- Blackwell family papers.
- Blackwell family papers, 1759-1960.
- Blackwell family. Visual materials from the Blackwell family papers.
- Blackwell, H. B. (Henry Browne), 1825-1909. Henry Browne Blackwell papers.
- Blackwell, Kitty Barry, 1848-1936. Kitty Barry Blackwell papers.
- Bladen Dulany papers, 1817-1855.
- Blaine family. James Gillespie Blaine family papers, 1777-1945.
- Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893. James Gillespie Blaine family papers, 1777-1945.
- Blair family. Blair family papers, 1755-1968.
- Blair family papers, 1755-1968.
- Blair, Francis Preston, 1791-1876. Francis Preston Blair papers.
- Blair, Frank P., Jr. (Francis Preston), 1821-1875. Frank P. Blair papers.
- Blair, Gist, 1860-1940. Gist Blair papers.
- Blair, Montgomery, 1813-1883. Montgomery Blair papers.
- Blair, Woodbury. Woodbury Blair papers.
- Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 1809-1877. Albert Taylor Bledsoe papers.
- Blennerhassett, Harman, 1764-1831. Harman Blennerhassett papers, 1755-1866.
- Blennerhassett, Harman, Jr., 1801-1854. Harman Blennerhassett, Jr., manuscript volume.
- Bliss, Alexander, 1792-1827. Alexander Bliss papers.
- Bliss, Alexander, 1827-1896. Alexander Bliss papers.
- Bliss family. Bancroft-Bliss families papers, 1788-1928.
- Bliss family papers.
- Bliss, Tasker Howard, 1853-1930. Tasker Howard Bliss collection of World War I maps and related materials.
- Bloch, Ernest, 1880-1959. Eric Johnson collection of Ernest Bloch photographs. 1896-2008.
- Boardman, Mabel Thorp, 1860-1946. Mabel Thorp Boardman papers, 1853-1945.
- Boas, Franz, 1858-1942. Franz Boas papers, 1878-1943.
- Boazio, Baptista. Map and views illustrating Sir Francis Drake's West Indian voyage, 1585-6. 1589.
- Bonaparte, Charles J. (Charles Joseph), 1851-1921. Charles J. Bonaparte papers, 1760-1921.
- Bonham, Milledge L. (Milledge Luke), 1813-1890. F.W. Pickens and Milledge L. Bonham papers. 1837-1920.
- Bonney family papers.
- Bonney family. Stiles, Horr, and Bonney families papers, 1803-1907.
- Bourne, Wm. Oland (William Oland), 1819-1901. Wm. Oland Bourne papers, 1841-1885.
- Bowen, Sayles Jenks, 1813-1896. Sayles Jenks Bowen papers, 1836-1882.
- Bowker, R. R. (Richard Rogers), 1848-1933. R.R. Bowker papers, 1831-1931.
- Bradbury collection, 1846-1928.
- Bradbury, William B. (William Batchelder), 1816-1868. William B. Bradbury collection, 1846-1928.
- Brand Whitlock papers, 1890-1934.
- Brayer, Herbert Oliver. Western range cattle and other industries study papers, 1823-1947.
- Breckinridge, Clifton Rodes, 1846-1932. Clifton Rodes Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, Desha, 1867-1935. Desha Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge family. Breckinridge family papers, 1752-1980.
- Breckinridge family papers, 1752-1965.
- Breckinridge, Henry, 1886-1960. Henry Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, John, 1760-1806. John Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, John C. (John Cabell), 1821-1875. John C. Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, Joseph Cabell, 1842-1920. Joseph Cabell Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, Katherine Carson. Katherine Carson Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, Madeline McDowell, 1872-1920. Madeline McDowell Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, Robert J. (Robert Jefferson), 1800-1871. Robert J. Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. (Sophonisba Preston), 1866-1948.. Sophonisba Preston Breckinridge papers.
- Breckinridge, William Campbell Preston, 1837-1904. William Campbell Preston Breckinridge papers.
- Breuer, Josef, 1842-1925. Josef Breuer papers, 1859-1970.
- Brisbin, James S. (James Sanks), 1837-1892. James S. Brisbin papers, 1861-1957.
- Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 1832-1896. Benjamin Helm Bristow papers, 1839-1932.
- British ministers' correspondence in the Public Archives of Canada, 1791-1875.
- Brodhead, Daniel Dodge. Daniel Dodge Brodhead papers, 1821-1853.
- Bromwell, Henry Pelham Holmes, 1823-1903. Henry Pelham Holmes Bromwell papers, 1794-1929.
- Brooks, Peter Chardon, 1767-1849. Peter Chardon Brooks papers.
- Brown, Belle. Belle Brown collection, 1865-1912.
- Brown, Charles Matthew. U.S. Army 23rd Iowa Volunteer Infantry history. undated.
- Brown, John C., -1863. Matthew C. Brown and John C. Brown papers. 1862-1865.
- Brown, Matthew C. Matthew C. Brown and John C. Brown papers, 1862-1901.
- Browning, Charles Henry. Charles Henry Browning papers.
- Browning, Eleanor Hanlon, 1809-1857. Eleanor Hanlon Browning papers.
- Browning family. Browning family papers, 1824-1917.
- Browning family papers, 1824-1917.
- Browning, Robert Lewright, 1803-1850. Robert Lewright Browning papers.
- Browning, Robert Lewright, 1835-1860. Robert Lewright Browning papers.
- Brownson, Willard H. (Willard Herbert), 1845-1935. Willard H. Brownson papers, 1859-1932.
- Bruce, Charles, 1798-1879. Charles Bruce plantation accounts and presidential pardon.
- Bruce, Elvira, 1788-1858. Elvira Bruce household accounts.
- Bruce, Eugene S. (Eugene Sewell), 1860-1920. Eugene S. Bruce papers.
- Bruce family. Bruce family papers, 1792-1883.
- Bruce family papers, 1792-1883.
- Bruce, James, 1763-1837. James Bruce plantation accounts.
- Bryan, W. B. (Wilhelmus Bogart), 1854-1938. W.B. Bryan notes and newspaper extracts, 1789-1888.
- Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925. William Jennings Bryan papers, 1877-1940.
- Buchanan, James, 1791-1868. James Buchanan and Harriet Lane Johnston papers, 1825-1887.
- Buchman, Frank, 1878-1961. Frank Buchman papers. 1873-1966.
- Buck, Dudley, 1839-1909. Dudley Buck papers, 1861-1939.
- Bucke, Richard Maurice, 1837-1902. Richard Maurice Bucke papers.
- Building and Grounds Division series, Library of Congress archives, 1871-1954.
- Bullard, Robert Lee, 1861-1947. Robert Lee Bullard papers, 1881-1955.
- Burbank family. Burbank-Van Voorhis families papers, 1814-1913.
- Burbank family papers.
- Burbank, Luther, 1849-1926. Luther Burbank papers, 1830-1989.
- Burbank, Sidney, 1807-1882. Sidney Burbank diaries. 1839-1880.
- Burbank, Sullivan, 1776-1862. Sullivan Burbank diary. 1814-1823.
- Burbank-Van Voorhis families papers, 1814-1913.
- Burke, Edmund, 1809-1882. Edmund Burke papers, 1821-1881.
- Burlingame, Anson, 1820-1870. Anson Burlingame and Edward L. Burlingame family papers, 1810-1922.
- Burlingame, Edward L. (Edward Livermore), 1848-1922. Anson Burlingame and Edward L. Burlingame family papers. 1810-1922.
- Burlingame family. Anson Burlingame and Edward L. Burlingame family papers, 1810-1922.
- Burlingame family papers.
- Burlingame, Jane Cornelia Livermore, 1825-1888. Jane Cornelia Livermore Burlingame papers.
- Burt, Andrew Gano, 1810-1875. Andrew Gano Burt diary and correspondence. 1851.
- Burt, Andrew Sheridan, 1839-1915. Andrew Sheridan Burt papers. 1864-1880.
- Burt, Elizabeth, 1839-1926. Elizabeth Burt papers, 1797-1917.
- Burton Kline papers, 1896-1954.
- Butler, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1818-1893. Benjamin F. Butler papers, 1778-1929.
- Butler, Charles, 1802-1897. Charles Butler papers, 1819-1929.
- Butterfield, Kenyon L. (Kenyon Leech), 1868-1935. Kenyon L. Butterfield papers, 1889-1970.
- B.W. Huebsch papers, 1893-1964.
- C. Chaillé-Long papers, 1809-1918.
- C. Hart Merriam papers, 1864-1938.
- C. R. Hughes Embargo Act of 1807 map tracings collection.
- C. William Witbeck legal collection, 1823-1933.
- Cadmus M. Wilcox papers, 1846-1887.
- Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox papers.
- Cadwallader, Sylvanus, 1825 or 1826- Sylvanus Cadwallader papers, 1818-1904.
- Cahoone, John. John Cahoone journal. 1829.
- Caleb Cushing papers, circa 1785-1906.
- Caleb Henry Carlton papers, 1831-1954.
- California Gold Rush collection, 1849-1900.
- Calvin Benjamin papers, circa 1838-1882.
- Cameron family. Miles-Cameron families correspondence, 1661-1956.
- Cameron family papers.
- Cameron, Simon, 1799-1889. Simon Cameron papers, 1738-1919.
- Campbell, Charles Francis Faulkner, 1876- Charles Francis Faulkner Campbell papers.
- Campbell family. Campbell-Preston-Floyd families papers, 1741-1931.
- Campbell family papers.
- Campbell, Francis Joseph, Sir, 1834-1914. Sir Francis Joseph Campbell papers, 1870-1935.
- Campbell-Preston-Floyd families papers, 1741-1931.
- Campbell, Sophia Faulkner. Sophia Faulkner Campbell papers.
- Canal Zone Library-Museum. Canal Zone Library-Museum Panama Collection, 1804-1977.
- Canal Zone Library-Museum Panama Collection, 1804-1977.
- Canberry, Lewis. Lewis Canberry survey notebooks. 1791-1828.
- Capek, Thomas, 1861-1950. Thomas Capek collection of materials relating to Czechoslovakia and Czech Americans, 1619-1953.
- Caperton, William Banks, 1855-1941. William Banks Caperton papers, 1873-1939.
- Capron, Horace, 1804-1885. Horace Capron papers, 1834-1961.
- Cardozo family. Francis Lewis Cardozo family papers, 1864-1968.
- Cardozo, Francis Lewis, 1836-1903. Francis Lewis Cardozo family papers, 1864-1968.
- Carey family. McCormick and Carey families papers, 1852-1987.
- Carey family papers.
- Carey, William H., 1841-1863. William H. Carey papers.
- Carl Brent Swisher collection of research material relating to Roger Brooke Taney, 1836-1962.
- Carl Brent Swisher papers.
- Carl John Sacarisen diary, 1898-1899.
- Carl John Sacarisen papers.
- Carl Koller papers, 1866-1988.
- Carl Schurz papers, 1837-1983.
- Carl Schurz Vrooman papers, 1872-1975.
- Carlton, Caleb Henry, 1836-1923. Caleb Henry Carlton papers, 1831-1954.
- Carman, Ezra Ayers, 1834-1909. Ezra Ayers Carman papers, 1861-1909.
- Carmon, Alfred. Alfred Carmon papers, 1859-1865.
- Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919. Andrew Carnegie papers, 1803-1935.
- Carpenter, Frances, 1890-1972. Frances Carpenter collection relating to Frank G. Carpenter, 1875-1960.
- Carpenter, Frank G. (Frank George), 1855-1924. Frances Carpenter collection relating to Frank G. Carpenter, 1875-1960.
- Carpenter, Fred W., 1873 or 1874-1957 Fred W. Carpenter papers.
- Carr, Wilbur J. (Wilbur John), 1870-1942. Wilbur J. Carr papers, 1892-1942.
- Carrère, John Merven, 1858-1911. John Merven Carrère papers, 1894-1911.
- Carrie Chapman Catt papers, 1848-1950.
- Carrie Jacobs-Bond collection, circa 1896-circa 1944.
- Carroll, Daniel, 1764-1849. Daniel Carroll papers, 1662-1920.
- Carson, Marian S. Marian S. Carson collection of manuscripts, 1656-1995.
- Carter, Lucy Grymes Lee, 1786-1860. Lucy Grymes Lee Carter papers.
- Carter, Thomas Henry, 1854-1911. Thomas Henry Carter papers, 1883-1917.
- Cartoons about the Franco-Prussian War in French, German, and Italian.
- Cartter family papers, 1836-1893.
- Casey, Silas, 1841-1913. Silas Casey papers, 1771-1941.
- Cass Gilbert papers, 1841-1961.
- Cass, Lewis, 1782-1866. Lewis Cass papers.
- Castle family. Henry Northrup Castle family papers, 1394-1920.
- Castle family papers.
- Caton, John Dean, 1812-1895. John Dean Caton papers, 1826-1947.
- Catt, Carrie Chapman, 1859-1947. Carrie Chapman Catt papers, 1848-1950.
- Cattell, James McKeen, 1860-1944. James McKeen Cattell papers, 1835-1948.
- Causten, James H., 1788-1874. James H. Causten papers.
- Causten-Pickett papers, 1765-1916.
- C.B. Comstock papers, 1847-1908.
- Chaillé-Long, C. (Charles), 1842-1917. C. Chaillé-Long papers, 1809-1918.
- Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 1828-1914. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain papers, 1775-1913.
- Chamberlin, Anne Locke Bixby, 1874-1967. Anne Locke Bixby Chamberlin family papers, 1793-1924.
- Chancellor, William Estabrook, 1867-1963. Warren Gamaliel Harding: president of the United States; a review of facts collected from anthropological, historical, and political researches. 1922.
- Chancey, Odrey Verne Walker, 1889-1971. Odrey Verne Walker Chancey autobiography.
- Chandler B. Gillam papers, 1850-1919.
- Chandler P. Anderson papers, 1894-1953.
- Chandler, William E. (William Eaton), 1835-1917. William E. Chandler papers, 1863-1917.
- Chandler, Zachariah, 1813-1879. Zachariah Chandler papers, 1854-1899.
- Chanute, Octave, 1832-1910. Octave Chanute papers, 1807-1955.
- Charles Augustus Hill papers, 1862-1971.
- Charles Bendire papers, 1874-1919.
- Charles Bowdoin Fillebrown papers, 1879-1928.
- Charles Butler papers, 1819-1929.
- Charles Chaillé-Long papers.
- Charles E. Feinberg collection.
- Charles E. Goad fire insurance map collection, 1894-1909.
- Charles Ewing family papers, 1769-1951.
- Charles Follen McKim papers, 1838-1929.
- Charles H. Rogers family papers, 1858-1930.
- Charles Henry Fromuth papers, 1884-1937.
- Charles Henry Harvey papers, 1835-1965.
- Charles Henry Webb papers, 1859-1924.
- Charles J. Bonaparte papers, 1760-1921.
- Charles Jackson Train journals, 1863-1870.
- Charles Jackson Train papers.
- Charles Julius Allen and Grace Elizabeth Allen papers, 1865-1976.
- Charles Julius Allen papers.
- Charles Kline papers, 1862-1907.
- Charles Mason Remey family papers, 1778-1949.
- Charles Monroe Dickinson papers, 1897-1923.
- Charles N. Elliot collection, 1873-1951.
- Charles N. Elliot papers.
- Charles O'Neil papers, 1833-1927.
- Charles Pelot Summerall map collection.
- Charles Pinkerton collection of Arthur and Herndon family papers, 1822-1938.
- Charles Russell Train papers, 1898-1967.
- Charles S. Hamlin papers, 1869-1968.
- Charles Sumner correspondence, 1841-1874.
- Charles Sumner papers.
- Charles W. Hack papers, circa 1800-1926.
- Charles W. Sirch papers, 1878-1935.
- Charles Wellington Reed papers, 1776-1926.
- Charles Wilkes papers, 1607-1959.
- Charles William Le Gendre papers, 1866-1893.
- Charlotte Cushman papers, 1823-1941.
- Chase, Cornelius, 1780-1868. Cornelius Chase family papers, 1745-1974.
- Chase, Cornelius Thurston, 1819-1870. Cornelius Thurston Chase papers. 1835-1953.
- Chase family. Cornelius Chase family papers, 1745-1974.
- Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873. Salmon P. Chase papers, 1755-1898.
- Chauncy, Elnathan, 1724-1796. Elnathan Chauncy sermons.
- Cheney, John Vance, 1848-1922. John Vance Cheney papers, 1847-1927.
- Chester Alan Arthur papers, 1843-1960.
- Choate, Joseph Hodges, 1832-1917. Joseph Hodges Choate papers, 1745-1929.
- Christian A. Fleetwood papers, 1797-1945.
- Christian Abraham Fleetwood papers.
- Christiancy and Pickett families papers, 1835-1998.
- Christiancy family. Christiancy and Pickett families papers, 1835-1998.
- Christiancy family papers.
- Christiancy, Henry Clay, 1841-1925. Henry Clay Christiancy papers.
- Christiancy, James Isaac, 1843-1899. James Isaac Christiancy papers.
- Christopher Dodrill collection on John Philip Sousa, 1876-1992.
- Christopher Dodrill - John Philip Sousa papers, 1876-1992.
- Christopher Prince autobiography and souvenir booklet, 1806-1891.
- Christopher Prince papers.
- Clapp, Asa, 1762-1848. Asa Clapp papers.
- Clapp, Asa W. H. (Asa William Henry), 1805-1891. Asa William Henry Clapp papers.
- Clapp, Charles Q., 1799-1868. Charles Q. Clapp papers. (2)
- Clapp family. Clapp family papers, 1789-1935.
- Clapp family papers, 1789-1935.
- Clapp, Mary Jane Emerson, 1835-1922. Mary Jane Emerson Clapp papers.
- Clara A. Whitney papers, 1872-1975.
- Clara Barton papers, 1805-1963.
- Clark, Victor S. (Victor Selden), 1868-1946. Victor S. Clark papers, 1827-1944.
- Clarke-Smith, Linda. Rebekah Crawford and Linda Clarke-Smith papers. 1715-1929.
- Clausing, Ludwig, 1809?-1834. Ludwig Clausing papers.
- Clay family. Henry Clay family papers, 1732-1927.
- Clay family papers.
- Clay, Henry, 1777-1852. Henry Clay family papers, 1732-1927.
- Clay, James B. (James Brown), 1817-1864. James B. Clay papers.
- Cleary, Reuben, 1835-1898. Reuben Cleary book manuscripts, 1886.
- Clements, M. A. (McKenzie Alexander), 1942- Ellerton-Clements cyphering book collection. 1666-2021.
- Clements, M. A. (McKenzie Alexander), 1942- Ellerton-Clements cyphering book collection. 1666-2021. Ellerton-Clements cyphering book collection, 1666-2021.
- Cleveland Abbe papers, 1850-1954.
- Cleveland, Frances Folsom, 1864-1947. Frances Folsom Cleveland papers.
- Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908. Grover Cleveland papers, 1743-1945.
- Clifford Kennedy Berryman papers, 1814-1965.
- Coan family. Titus Coan family papers, 1818-1923.
- Coan, Titus, 1801-1882. Titus Coan family papers, 1818-1923.
- Coblentz, Catherine Cate, 1897-1951. Matthew Fontaine Maury biography. 1953.
- Coblentz, William W. (William Weber), 1873-1962. William W. Coblentz papers, 1883-1960.
- Coggeshall, Joseph. Joseph Coggeshall account book. 1771-1786.
- Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885. Schuyler Colfax correspondence and speeches, 1837-1882.
- Colhoun, Edmund Ross, 1821-1897. Edmund Ross Colhoun papers, 1821-1918.
- Coll y Toste, Cayetano, 1850-1930. Cayetano Coll y Toste collection relating to Puerto Rico, 1850-1894.
- Collier, Ellen C. (Ellen Clodfelter), 1927- Ellen C. Collier transcripts and related papers.
- Colson, Lewis Whitfield, 1880-1961. Lewis Whitfield Colson papers, 1894-1950.
- Columbus Delano family papers, 1845-1889.
- Comer, Lucretia Garfield, 1894-1968. Lucretia Garfield Comer papers.
- Comstock, C. B. (Cyrus Ballou), 1831-1910. C.B. Comstock papers, 1847-1908.
- Confederate States of America. Army. Confederate States of America. Army records. 1860-1865.
- Confederate States of America. Army of Tennessee. Register of surgeons. 1861-1865.
- Confederate States of America. Confederate States of America records, 1854-1889.
- Confederate States of America. Department of Justice. Confederate States of America. Department of Justice records.
- Confederate States of America. Department of State. Confederate States of America. Department of State records.
- Confederate States of America. Department of the Treasury. Confederate States of America. Department of the Treasury records.
- Confederate States of America. Navy. Confederate States of America. Navy records.
- Confederate States of America. Post-Office Department. Confederate States of America. Post-Office Department records.
- Confederate States of America records, 1854-1889.
- Confederate States of America. War Department. Confederate States of America. War Department records.
- Connelly family. Ham, Connelly, Parks, and Snodgrass families papers, 1870-2018.
- Connelly family papers.
- Connor, Jeannette Thurber, 1872-1927. Jeannette Thurber Connor collection of Floridiana, 1570-1927.
- Converse, Marion Singleton Deveaux, 1815- Marion Singleton Deveaux Converse papers.
- Cook, Frederick Albert, 1865-1940. Frederick Albert Cook papers, 1881-1977.
- Coolidge family. Coolidge-Pollard families papers, 1818-2015.
- Coolidge family papers.
- Coolidge-Pollard families papers, 1818-2015.
- Cooper Curtice papers, 1822-1953.
- Cooper, Hewitt & Company (Ringwood, N.J.). Cooper, Hewitt & Company (Ringwood, N.J.) records, 1833-1908.
- Cooper, Hewitt & Company (Ringwood, N.J.) records, 1833-1908.
- Corbin, Hannah Lee, 1728-1782. Hannah Lee Corbin papers.
- Corbin, Henry Clark, 1842-1909. Henry Clark Corbin papers, 1864-1980.
- Corcoran, Thomas, Jr., 1754-1830. Thomas Corcoran, Jr., correspondence and financial records.
- Corcoran, W. W. (William Wilson), 1798-1888. W.W. Corcoran papers, 1791-1896.
- Corey, Herbert, 1872-1954. Herbert Corey papers, 1847-1954.
- Cornelius Chase family papers, 1745-1974.
- Cornelius Marius Schoonmaker papers, 1833-1931.
- Corona Diamond Syndicate. Corona Diamond Syndicate records. circa 1904-1912.
- Correspondence of Elizabeth Mitchell Stephenson Fite and the American National Opera Company, 1864-1951.
- Cortelyou, George B. (George Bruce), 1862-1940. George B. Cortelyou papers, 1871-1948.
- Corwin, Thomas, 1794-1865. Thomas Corwin correspondence, 1850-1853.
- Cox, Henry Bartholomew. Henry Bartholomew Cox collection, 1492-1960.
- Crawford, Rebekah, 1845-1934. Rebekah Crawford and Linda Clarke-Smith papers, 1715-1929.
- Crawford, Richard, 1738-1798. Richard Crawford account and ledger books. 1753-1830.
- Crawford, Samuel Wylie, 1827-1892. Samuel Wylie Crawford papers, 1860-1892.
- Creel, George, 1876-1953. George Creel papers, 1857-1953.
- Creswell, John A. J., 1828-1891. John A.J. Creswell papers, 1819-1885.
- Crittenden, John J. (John Jordan), 1787-1863. John J. Crittenden papers, 1782-1913.
- Croffut, W. A. (William Augustus), 1835-1915. W.A. Croffut papers, 1774-1933.
- Crofoot, Herman K. Herman K. Crofoot collection of Francis Elias Spinner papers. 1792-1908.
- Cruikshank, Robert. Robert Cruikshank daybook and letterbook. 1827-1831.
- Cuban Educational Association of the United States of America. Cuban Educational Association of the United States of America records, 1897-1954.
- Cuban Educational Association of the United States of America records, 1897-1954.
- Culbertson, William Smith, 1884-1966. William Smith Culbertson papers, 1897-1965.
- Cummings, Harry S., 1866-1917. Harry S. Cummings papers, 1890-1986.
- Curry, J. L. M. (Jabez Lamar Monroe), 1825-1903. J.L.M. Curry papers, 1637-1939.
- Curtice, Cooper, 1856-1939. Cooper Curtice papers, 1822-1953.
- Curtis, William Edmund, 1855-1923. William Edmund Curtis papers, 1885-1923.
- Curtis, William T. S. William T.S. Curtis papers.
- Cushing, Caleb, 1800-1879. Caleb Cushing papers, circa 1785-1906.
- Cushman, Charlotte, 1816-1876. Charlotte Cushman papers, 1823-1941.
- Custis family. Custis-Lee family papers, 1700-circa 1928.
- Custis family papers.
- Custis, George Washington Parke, 1781-1857. George Washington Parke Custis papers.
- Custis-Lee family papers, 1700-circa 1928.
- Cutts family. Cutts family papers, 1755-1957.
- Cutts family. Key-Cutts-Turner family papers, 1808-1975.
- Cutts family papers, 1755-1957.
- Cutts, Richard, 1771-1845. Richard Cutts papers.
- Cyrus Ballou Comstock papers.
- Cyrus Robinson Miller papers, 1897-1940.
- Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard, 1809-1870. John Adolphus Bernard Dahlgren papers, 1794-1889.
- Damrosch, Frank, 1859-1937. Damrosch - Tee Van Collection. 1856-1969.
- Damrosch, Leopold, 1832-1885. Damrosch - Tee Van collection, 1856-1969.
- Damrosch - Tee Van collection, 1856-1969.
- Daniel Augustus Tompkins papers, 1887-1920.
- Daniel Carroll papers, 1662-1920.
- Daniel Dodge Brodhead papers, 1821-1853.
- Daniel Edgar Sickles papers, 1821-1918.
- Daniel O. Drennan papers, 1775-1904.
- Daniel Read Larned papers, 1861-1878.
- Daniel Scott Lamont papers, 1853-1928.
- Daniel Webster papers, 1800-1900.
- Daniel Webster Whittle papers.
- Daniels, Nathan W., 1836-1867. Nathan W. Daniels diary and scrapbook, 1861-1867.
- David Ames Wells papers, 1795-1898.
- David D. Porter family papers, 1799-1899.
- David Glasgow Farragut papers, 1816-1869.
- David Homer Bates papers, 1837-1926.
- David Murray papers, 1866-1930.
- Davis, J. C. Bancroft (John Chandler Bancroft), 1822-1907. J.C. Bancroft Davis papers, 1849-1902.
- Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889. Jefferson Davis papers, 1795-1913.
- Dawes, Anna Laurens, 1851-1938. Anna Laurens Dawes papers.
- Dawes, Electa Allen Sanderson, 1822-1901. Electa Allen Sanderson Dawes papers.
- Dawes, Henry L. (Henry Laurens), 1816-1903. Henry L. Dawes papers, 1833-1933.
- Day, F. Holland (Fred Holland), 1864-1933. F. Holland Day papers, 1793-2010.
- Day, Hezron George, 1842-1932. Hezron George Day papers, 1862-1984.
- Day, William R. (William Rufus), 1849-1923. William R. Day papers, 1820-1923.
- De Forest, Lee, 1873-1961. Lee de Forest papers, 1884-1955.
- Deane, Ruthven 1851-1934. Ruthven Deane bookplate collection.
- DeButts-Ely collection of Lee family papers, 1749-1914.
- Decatur, Stephen, 1779-1820. Stephen Decatur papers.
- Declaration of Independence collection, 1776-1942.
- Del Monte, Domingo, 1804-1853. Domingo Del Monte collection of Spanish colonial history, 1500-1871.
- Delano, Columbus, 1809-1896. Columbus Delano family papers, 1845-1889.
- Delano, John Sherman, 1841-1896. John Sherman Delano papers.
- Delibes, Léo, 1836-1891. Léo Delibes music manuscripts, 1857-1890.
- Demens, Peter A., 1850-1919. Peter A. Demens papers, 1880-2000.
- Denby family. Denby family papers, 1850-1911.
- Denby family papers, 1850-1911.
- Denison, George S. (George Stanton), 1833-1866. George S. Denison papers, 1851-1884.
- Dennett, Tyler, 1883-1949. Tyler Dennett collection relating to John Hay, 1861-1937.
- Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957. Frances Densmore papers, 1883-1957.
- Denver, James William, 1817-1892. James William Denver papers, 1847-1884.
- Derrick, Clarence. Clarence Derrick papers.
- Derrick, Henry Clay, 1832-1915. Henry Clay Derrick papers, 1848-1994.
- Desha, John R., 1804-1878. Joseph Desha and John R. Desha papers. 1773-1871.
- Desha, Joseph, 1768-1842. Joseph Desha and John R. Desha papers, 1773-1871.
- Desha, Mary, 1850-1911. Mary Desha papers.
- Dessu, Ellen Key Turner, 1831- Ellen Key Turner Dessu commonplace book. 1847-1854.
- Dewey, George, 1837-1917. George Dewey map collection. (2)
- Dewey, George, 1837-1917. George Dewey papers.
- Dewey, George, 1837-1917. George Dewey papers, 1805-1949.
- Dewey, Mildred McLean Hazen, 1850-1931. Mildred McLean Hazen Dewey papers.
- Diaghilev, Serge, 1872-1929. Serge Lifar collection on Serge Diaghilev, 1750-1950.
- Dickerson, Edward E., 1831-1914. Edward E. Dickerson papers, 1861-1991.
- Dickerson, Wilton H. Biographical sketch of Edward E. Dickerson.
- Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth), 1842-1932. Anna E. Dickinson papers, 1859-1951.
- Dickinson, Charles Monroe, 1842-1924. Charles Monroe Dickinson papers, 1897-1923.
- Dickinson, Donald McDonald, 1846-1917. Donald McDonald Dickinson papers, 1863-1917.
- Dietrich Hecht collection of Bilderbogen.
- Diggins, E. F. E.F. Diggins plaster bust of Walt Whitman. 1939.
- Dike, Samuel W. (Samuel Warren), 1839-1913. Samuel W. Dike papers, 1870-1913.
- District of Columbia. Levy Court (Washington County) District of Columbia. Levy Court (Washington County) minutes. 1835-1847.
- District of Columbia Woman Suffrage Association. District of Columbia Woman Suffrage Association records.
- Dixon Jones, Mary Amanda. Mary Amanda Dixon Jones papers, 1839-1925.
- Dock, Mira Lloyd, 1853-1945. Mira Lloyd Dock papers, 1814-1951.
- Domingo Del Monte collection of Spanish colonial history, 1500-1871.
- Domingo Del Monte papers.
- Donald Benham Civil War collection, 1806-1918.
- Donald McDonald Dickinson papers, 1863-1917.
- Donch, Henry, 1834-1919. Henry Donch performance library, 1811-1928.
- Donelson, Andrew Jackson, 1799-1871. Andrew Jackson Donelson papers, 1779-1943.
- Doolittle, James R. (James Rood), 1815-1897. James R. Doolittle papers, 1859-1927.
- Dorn, Edward John, 1854-1937. Edward John Dorn papers, 1868-1936.
- Dorothy G. Wayman papers, 1862-1971.
- Dorsett, Edward Lee, 1883- Edward Lee Dorsett naval historical collection, 1814-1926.
- Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895. Frederick Douglass papers, 1841-1967.
- Douglass, Helen, 1838-1903. Helen Douglass papers.
- Draper, Daniel, 1841-1931. Daniel Draper papers. 1861-1931.
- Draper family. John William Draper family papers, 1777-1951.
- Draper, Henry, 1837-1882. Henry Draper papers.
- Draper, John C. (John Christopher), 1835-1885. John C. Draper papers.
- Draper, John William, 1811-1882. John William Draper family papers, 1777-1951.
- Drennan, Daniel O., approximately 1840-1905. Daniel O. Drennan papers, 1775-1904.
- Dudley Buck papers, 1861-1939.
- Dulany, Bladen, 1792-1856. Bladen Dulany papers, 1817-1855.
- Dunant, Edward. Edward Dunant papers.
- Duncan Emrich autograph album collection, 1843-1956.
- Dunlop family. Dunlop family papers, 1713-1930.
- Dunlop family papers, 1713-1930.
- Dunlop, Francis Key. Francis Key Dunlop papers. 1844.
- Dunlop, James, 1724-1790. James Dunlop papers.
- Dunlop, James, 1755-1824. James Dunlop papers.
- Dunlop, James, 1793- James Dunlop papers.
- Dunlop, Robert P., -1869. Robert P. Dunlop papers.
- Dunlop, William, active 1739. William Dunlop papers. 1847-1858.
- Dupuis-Delcourt, 1802-1864. Tissandier collection on the history of aeronautics. 1539-1929.
- Dupuy, Elisabeth, 1859-1932. Elisabeth Dupuy papers, 1892-1922.
- D.W. Whittle papers, 1861-1974.
- Dwight Lyman Moody papers, 1864-1937.
- E. Alexander Powell papers, 1893-1957.
- Earl, Ralph, 1751-1801. Ralph Earl papers. 1815-1839.
- Earle, William E. (William Edward), 1841-1894. William E. Earle papers.
- Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894. Jubal Anderson Early papers, 1829-1930.
- E.B. O'Callaghan papers, 1830-1879.
- E.B. Washburne papers, 1829-1915.
- Edgar Alexander Mearns papers, 1864-1918.
- Edgar Stanton Maclay papers, 1782-circa 1918.
- Edison Electric Light Company. Edison Electric Light Company records, 1879-1894.
- Edison Electric Light Company records, 1879-1894.
- Edison sheet music collection, 1830-1958.
- Edmund Burke papers, 1821-1881.
- Edmund Clarence Stedman papers, 1871-1923.
- Edmund Physick family papers, 1759-1899.
- Edmund Ross Colhoun papers, 1821-1918.
- Edmund Ruffin diaries, 1856-1865.
- Edmund Ruffin papers.
- Edward Bates papers, 1818-1904.
- Edward E. Dickerson papers, 1861-1991.
- Edward Everett Hayden family papers, 1817-1963.
- Edward Frost papers, 1795-1901.
- Edward Goodrich Acheson papers, 1872-1968.
- Edward John Dorn papers, 1868-1936.
- Edward Lee Dorsett naval historical collection, 1814-1926.
- Edward Lee Plumb papers, 1825-1903.
- Edward Maynard papers, 1836-1867.
- Edward McPherson papers, 1738-1936.
- Edward Miner Gallaudet papers.
- Edward Nealy Kellogg and Edward Stanley Kellogg papers, 1858-1937.
- Edward Nealy Kellogg papers.
- Edward Settle Godfrey papers, 1863-1933.
- Edward Shaw papers, 1847-1867.
- Edward Stanley Kellogg papers.
- Edward W. Washburn family papers, 1817-1934.
- Edward Williams Morley papers, 1833-1923.
- Edward Willis papers, 1854-1906.
- Edwards, Benjamin K. Benjamin K. Edwards collection.
- Edwards Pierrepont papers, 1847-1900.
- Edwin Markham papers, circa 1893-1937.
- Edwin McMasters Stanton papers, 1818-1921.
- Edwin Wildman papers.
- E.G. Squier papers, 1809-1888.
- Eleanor Lord Pray papers, 1894-1975.
- Eli T. Sheppard papers, 1872-1924.
- Eliakim Littell correspondence, 1819-1869.
- Eliakim Littell papers.
- Elihu Root papers.
- Elihu Root papers, 1863-1937.
- Elijah Walker Halford papers, 1848-1938.
- Elisabeth Dupuy papers, 1892-1922.
- Elisha Hunt Allen papers, 1849-1934.
- Elizabeth Burt papers, 1797-1917.
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton papers, 1814-1946.
- Elizabeth Robins Pennell papers.
- Elizur Wright papers, 1793-1935.
- Ellerton-Clements cyphering book collection, 1666-2021.
- Ellerton, Nerida F. (Nerida Fay), 1942- Ellerton-Clements cyphering book collection. 1666-2021.
- Ellerton, Nerida F. (Nerida Fay), 1942- Ellerton-Clements cyphering book collection. 1666-2021. Ellerton-Clements cyphering book collection, 1666-2021.
- Ellery C. Stowell papers, 1805-1952.
- Elliot, Charles N. (Charles Nathan), 1873- Charles N. Elliot collection, 1873-1951.
- Ellis & Allan Company records, 1795-1889.
- Ellis & Allan Company (Richmond, Va.). Ellis & Allan Company records, 1795-1889.
- Ellsworth family. Oliver Ellsworth family papers, 1762-1907.
- Ellsworth, Oliver, 1745-1807. Oliver Ellsworth family papers, 1762-1907.
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882. Ralph Waldo Emerson journal.
- Emile Berliner collection, 1871-1965.
- Emily A. Stewart collection of Elihu Root material, 1885-1959.
- Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth papers, 1870-1918.
- Emmons, Samuel Franklin, 1841-1911. Samuel Franklin Emmons papers, 1725-1914.
- Emory, William H. (William Hemsley), 1846-1917. William H. Emory papers, 1877-1948.
- Emrich, Duncan, 1908-1977. Duncan Emrich autograph album collection, 1843-1956.
- Engineering Societies Library. Engineering Societies Library map collection.
- Engineering Societies Library map collection.
- Eno, Amos R. (Amos Richard), 1810-1898. Amos R. Eno papers.
- Ephraim George Squier papers.
- Eric Johnson collection of Ernest Bloch photographs, 1896-2008.
- Ericsson, John, 1803-1889. John Ericsson papers, 1821-1890.
- Esther Hill Hawks papers, 1856-1867.
- Ethan Allen Hitchcock papers, 1793-1888.
- Ethel Armes collection of Lee family papers, 1671-1936.
- Ethel M. Fair map collection.
- Eugene Gano Hay papers, 1770-1933.
- Eugene Meyer papers, 1864-1975.
- Eugene Schuyler papers, 1624-2015.
- Eugenio Carlos de Hostos papers.
- Eugenio María de Hostos and Eugenio Carlos de Hostos papers, 1865-1990.
- Eugenio María de Hostos papers.
- Evalyn Walsh McLean papers, 1874-1948.
- Evans, Anna Maria, approximately 1828-approximately 1905. Anna Maria Evans papers, 1835-1914.
- Evarts, William Maxwell, 1818-1901. William Maxwell Evarts papers, 1667-1918.
- Evelyn Briggs Baldwin papers, 1649-1933.
- Evelyn Wadsworth Symington collection of John Hay material, 1864-1905.
- Everett, Alexander Hill, 1790-1847. Alexander Hill Everett papers.
- Ewing, Charles, 1835-1883. Charles Ewing family papers, 1769-1951.
- Ewing, Charles, 1835-1883. Charles Ewing papers. 1777-1941.
- Ewing family. Thomas Ewing family papers, 1757-1941.
- Ewing, Hugh, 1826-1905. Hugh Ewing papers.
- Ewing, Thomas, 1789-1871. Thomas Ewing family papers, 1757-1941.
- Ewing, Thomas, 1789-1871. Thomas Ewing papers. 1834-1949.
- Ewing, Thomas, 1829-1896. Thomas Ewing papers.
- Ewing, Thomas, 1862-1942. Thomas Ewing papers.
- Ewing, Virginia Larwill Miller, 1846-1937. Virginia Larwill Miller Ewing papers. 1865-1951.
- Ezra Ayers Carman papers, 1861-1909.
- F. Holland Day papers, 1793-2010.
- F. Lamson-Scribner papers, 1885-1938.
- Fair, Ethel M. (Ethel Marion). Ethel M. Fair map collection.
- Fairchild, Marian, 1880-1962. Marian Fairchild papers.
- Falls Bridge Turnpike Company. Falls Bridge Turnpike Company daybooks. 1836-1852.
- Farragut, David Glasgow, 1801-1870. David Glasgow Farragut papers, 1816-1869.
- Farrar, Geraldine, 1882-1967. Geraldine Farrar papers, 1895-1960s.
- FBJ collection.
- Feamster family. Feamster family papers. 1794-1967.
- Feamster family papers, 1794-1967.
- Featherstonhaugh collection.
- Federn, Paul. Paul Federn papers, 1864-1975.
- Feinberg, Charles E., 1899-1988. Charles E. Feinberg papers.
- Feinberg, Charles E., 1899-1988. Visual materials from the Walt Whitman papers in the Charles E. Feinberg collection.
- Feinberg, Charles E., 1899-1988. Walt Whitman papers in the Charles E. Feinberg collection.
- Feinberg, Charles E., 1899-1988. Walt Whitman papers in the Charles E. Feinberg collection, 1763-1985.
- Feist collection, 1880-1930.
- Feist, Leo, 1869-1930. Leo Feist collection, 1880-1930.
- Fell, Jesse W., 1808-1887. Jesse W. Fell papers, 1806-1965.
- Felt, Joseph B. (Joseph Barlow), 1789-1869. Joseph Barlow Felt papers. 1822-1832.
- Fernández Carballido, Rufo Manuel, 1790-1855. Rufo Manuel Fernández Carballido papers.
- Fessenden, William Pitt, 1806-1869. William Pitt Fessenden papers, 1832-1878.
- Field family. Field-Osgood family papers, 1702-1938.
- Field family papers.
- Field-Osgood family papers, 1702-1938.
- Field, Susan K. Osgood. Susan K. Osgood Field papers.
- Fillebrown, Charles Bowdoin, 1842-1917. Charles Bowdoin Fillebrown papers, 1879-1928.
- Fillmore, Millard, 1800-1874. Millard Fillmore papers, 1839-1925.
- Film stills of productions featuring actress May Robson.
- Fish, Hamilton, 1808-1893. Hamilton Fish papers, 1732-1914.
- Fisher, A. K. (Albert Kenrick), 1856-1948. A.K. Fisher papers, 1827-1957.
- Fisher, Anne B. (Anne Benson), 1898-1967 Anne B. Fisher papers.
- Fisher, George P. (George Purnell), 1817-1899. George P. Fisher papers, 1772-1905.
- Fisher, Walter K. (Walter Kenrick), 1878-1953. Walter K. Fisher papers.
- Fiske, Asa Severance, 1833-1925. Asa Severance Fiske papers.
- Fiske, Elizabeth Worthington Hand, 1835-1919. Elizabeth Worthington Hand Fiske papers.
- Fiske family. John Aldrich Stephenson collection of the Hand, Fiske, and Aldrich families papers. 1745-1966.
- Fiske family papers.
- Fiske, Harrison Grey, 1861-1942. Minnie Maddern Fiske and Harrison Grey Fiske papers, 1818-1955.
- Fiske, Minnie Maddern, 1865-1932. Minnie Maddern Fiske and Harrison Grey Fiske papers, 1818-1955.
- Fiske, Samuel Wheelock, 1828-1864. Samuel Wheelock Fiske papers.
- Fite, E. M. S. (Elizabeth Mitchell Stephenson), 1868-1928. Correspondence of Elizabeth Mitchell Stephenson Fite and the American National Opera Company, 1864-1951.
- Fitz-John Porter papers, 1830-1949.
- F.L. and J.C. Olmsted (Firm : 1884-1889). F.L. and J.C. Olmsted (Firm : 1884-1889) records.
- F.L. and J.C. Olmsted (Firm : 1897-1898). F.L. and J.C. Olmsted (Firm : 1897-1898) records. (2)
- F.L. Olmsted and Company. F.L. Olmsted and Company records.
- Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880. Salammbo.
- Fleetwood, Christian A. (Christian Abraham), 1840-1914. Christian A. Fleetwood papers, 1797-1945.
- Fleetwood, Sara Iredell Sara Iredell Fleetwood papers.
- Fletcher, Henry Prather, 1873-1959. Henry Prather Fletcher papers, 1898-1958.
- Fliess, Conrad. Conrad Fliess reminiscences. undated.
- Fliess, Wilhelm, 1858-1928. Wilhelm Fliess papers, 1894-1929.
- Floyd, Charles Rinaldo, 1797-1845. Charles Rinaldo Floyd papers. 1816-1845.
- Floyd family. Campbell-Preston-Floyd families papers, 1741-1931.
- Floyd family. Floyd-McAdoo families papers, 1806-1894.
- Floyd family papers.
- Floyd, John, 1769-1839. John Floyd letterbooks and estate book. 1806-1830.
- Floyd-McAdoo families papers, 1806-1894.
- Foote, Andrew H. (Andrew Hull), 1806-1863. Africa and the American flag. 1854.
- Foote, Andrew H. (Andrew Hull), 1806-1863. Andrew H. Foote papers, 1822-1890.
- Foote, Arthur, 1853-1937. Arthur Foote music manuscripts 1888-1919.
- Foraker, Joseph Benson, 1846-1917. Joseph Benson Foraker papers, 1884-1916.
- Forbes W. Manchester correspondence, 1858-1869.
- Forbes W. Manchester papers.
- Force, Peter, 1790-1868. Peter Force papers and collection, 1492-1977.
- Force, William Q. (William Quereau), 1820-1880. William Q. Force papers. 1800-1944.
- Ford, Annie. Annie E. Ford papers.
- Ford, John Thompson, 1829-1894. John Thompson Ford papers, 1809-1960.
- Ford, Lizzie. Lizzie Ford papers.
- Forster, Rudolph, 1872-1943. Rudolph Forster papers, 1898-1943.
- Foulke, William Dudley, 1848-1935. William Dudley Foulke papers, circa 1470-1952.
- Fowler, Joseph Smith, 1820-1902. Joseph Smith Fowler papers, 1863-1903.
- Fowler, William Chauncey, 1793-1881. William Chauncey Fowler papers.
- Fox, Gustavus Vasa, 1821-1883. Gustavus Vasa Fox papers.
- Fox, Virginia L. Woodbury Virginia L. Woodbury Fox correspondence and diary.
- France. Maps showing entrenchments in France during World War I at a scale of 1:20,000.
- Frances Benjamin Johnston papers, 1855-1956.
- Frances Benjamin Johnston photograph collection (Library of Congress). (2)
- Frances Carpenter collection relating to Frank G. Carpenter, 1875-1960.
- Frances Densmore papers, 1883-1957.
- Francis Asbury Roe papers, 1842-1901.
- Francis Bowler Keene papers, 1856-1975.
- Francis L. Galt papers, 1870-1875.
- Francis Lewis Cardozo family papers, 1864-1968.
- Francis Lieber correspondence and essay, 1830-1872.
- Francis Lieber papers.
- Francis Maria Scala collection, 1816-2013.
- Francis Maria Scala papers, 1816-2013.
- Francis Scala papers, 1816-2013.
- Francis Watts Lee papers, 1845-1951.
- Francis Wilkinson Pickens papers.
- Francis Winslow papers, 1833-1863.
- Frank Alden Hill genealogical collection, 1627-1897.
- Frank Alden Hill papers.
- Frank G. Carpenter papers.
- Frank George Carpenter papers.
- Frank Hastings Hamilton papers, 1863-1887.
- Frank Knox papers, 1898-1954.
- Frank L. Greene papers, 1895-1930.
- Frank L. Stickney papers, 1850-1938.
- Frank Lloyd Wright papers, 1894-1958.
- Frank M. Bennett papers, 1893-1909.
- Frank Maloy Anderson papers, 1895-1961.
- Frank Ross McCoy papers, 1847-1957.
- Frank Winfield Woolworth papers, 1859-1980.
- Franklin Pierce papers, 1820-1869.
- Franko, Sam, 1857-1937 Autograph collection of musical personalities.
- Franz Boas papers, 1878-1943.
- Frederic, Harold, 1856-1898. Harold Frederic papers, 1891-1897.
- Frederic William Wile papers.
- Frederic William Wile scrapbooks, 1898-1941.
- Frederick Albert Cook papers, 1881-1977.
- Frederick Douglass papers, 1841-1967.
- Frederick Haynes Newell papers, 1885-1931.
- Frederick Joseph Libby papers, 1846-1973.
- Frederick Law Olmsted (Firm). Frederick Law Olmsted (Firm) records.
- Frederick Law Olmsted papers, 1777-1952.
- Frederick Rodgers papers, 1852-1920.
- Frederick West Lander papers.
- Frémont, Jessie Benton, 1824-1902. John Charles Frémont and Jessie Benton Frémont papers. 1828-1980.
- Frémont, John Charles, 1813-1890. John Charles Frémont and Jessie Benton Frémont papers, 1828-1980.
- French and American Claims Commission. French and American Claims Commission records, 1861-1884.
- French and American Claims Commission records, 1861-1884.
- French, Benjamin B. (Benjamin Brown), 1800-1870. Benjamin B. French family papers, 1778-1940.
- French family. Benjamin B. French family papers, 1778-1940.
- French family papers.
- French, Francis O. (Francis Ormond), 1837-1893. Francis O. French papers.
- Freud, Alexander, 1866-1943. Alexander Freud and Sophie Schreiber Freud papers, 1872-1965.
- Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. Sigmund Freud papers, circa 6th century BCE-1998 CE.
- Freud, Sophie Schreiber, 1878-approximately 1965. Alexander Freud and Sophie Schreiber Freud papers. 1872-1965.
- Frewen, Moreton, 1853-1924. Moreton Frewen papers, 1823-1934.
- Frewen, Richard, 1852-1896. Richard Frewen correspondence and journals. 1872-1876.
- Frey, John P. (John Philip), 1871-1957. John P. Frey papers, 1891-1951.
- Frič, Alberto Vojtěch, 1882-1944. Alberto Vojtěch Frič papers.
- Friedman, Harry T. Harry T. Friedman collection of Spanish American documents, circa 1500-1912.
- Fromuth, Charles Henry, 1861-1937. Charles Henry Fromuth papers, 1884-1937.
- Frost, Edward, 1801-1868. Edward Frost papers, 1795-1901.
- Frost, Rufus S. Rufus S. Frost papers, 1841-1883.
- Fuller, Benjamin Franklin, 1839-1904. Benjamin Franklin Fuller papers, 1856-1971.
- Fuller, Melville Weston, 1833-1910. Melville Weston Fuller papers, 1794-1949.
- Furlong, William Rea, 1881-1976. William Rea Furlong map collection.
- Furlong, William Rea, 1881-1976. William Rea Furlong papers.
- Furness, Clifton Joseph, 1898-1946. Clifton Joseph Furness notebook. 1941.
- F.W. Lander and J.M. Lander papers, 1836-1894.
- F.W. Lander papers.
- F.W. Pickens and Milledge L. Bonham papers, 1837-1920.
- F.W. Pickens papers.
- Gage, Lyman J. (Lyman Judson), 1836-1927. Lyman J. Gage correspondence, 1897-1906.
- Gallaudet, Edward Miner, 1837-1917. T.H. Gallaudet and Edward Miner Gallaudet papers. 1806-1958.
- Gallaudet, T. H. (Thomas Hopkins), 1787-1851. T.H. Gallaudet and Edward Miner Gallaudet papers, 1806-1958.
- Galloway family. Galloway-Maxcy-Markoe families papers, 1654-1888.
- Galloway, John, -1810. John Galloway papers.
- Galloway-Maxcy-Markoe families papers, 1654-1888.
- Galloway, Samuel, 1720-1785. Samuel Galloway papers.
- Galt, Francis L., 1831 or 1832-1915. Francis L. Galt papers, 1870-1875.
- Garber, Benjamin Franklin, 1927-2001. Benjamin Garber papers, 1916-2009.
- Garfield, Abram, 1872- Abram Garfield papers.
- Garfield, Harry Augustus, 1863-1942. Harry Augustus Garfield papers, 1855-1961.
- Garfield, Helen Newell, 1866-1930. Helen Newell Garfield papers.
- Garfield, Irvin McDowell, 1870-1951 Irvin McDowell papers.
- Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881. James A. Garfield papers.
- Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881. James A. Garfield papers, 1775-1889.
- Garfield, James Rudolph, 1865-1950. James Rudolph Garfield papers, 1879-1950.
- Garfield, Lucretia Rudolph, 1832-1918. Lucretia Rudolph Garfield papers.
- Garfield, Lucretia Rudolph, 1832-1918. Lucretia Rudolph Garfield papers, 1807-1958.
- Garrett, Henry S. (Henry Stouffer), 1818-1867. Henry S. Garrett papers.
- Garrett, John W. (John Work), 1820-1884. John W. Garrett papers.
- Garrett, Robert, 1783-1857. Robert Garrett family papers, 1778-1925.
- Gary W. North map collection.
- Gathings, Joseph Royston, I, 1894-1978. Joseph Royston Gathings, I, collection, 1914-1936.
- Georg Martin Wunderlich papers, 1897-1951.
- George Alfred Trenholm papers, 1853-1897.
- George B. Cortelyou papers, 1871-1948.
- George B. McClellan papers, 1838-1922.
- George Brinton McClellan papers, 1783-1898.
- George Creel papers, 1857-1953.
- George Dewey map collection.
- George Dewey papers, 1805-1949.
- George E. Belknap papers, 1857-1903.
- George F. Becker papers, 1814-1928.
- George Foster Peabody papers, 1894-1937.
- George Frederick Kunz papers, 1783-1930.
- George H. Stuart papers, 1792-1946.
- George Hay Stuart papers.
- George Hodges collection, circa 1790-circa 1909.
- George Kennan papers, 1840-1937.
- George L. Tracy collection of music manuscripts, 1877-1920.
- George M. Gould collection of Hearniana, 1877-1931.
- George M. Gould papers.
- George Milbry Gould papers.
- George Montfort Gilchrist family papers, 1854-1921.
- George Nicholas Sanders family papers, 1833-1973.
- George P. Fisher papers, 1772-1905.
- George P. Merrill correspondence and autographs, 1803-1926.
- George P. Merrill papers.
- George Peabody Wetmore papers, 1885-1916.
- George Perkins Merrill papers.
- George Pope Morris papers, 1832-1862.
- George Purnell Fisher papers.
- George S. Denison papers, 1851-1884.
- George Sabin Gibbs papers, 1896-1947.
- George Sherwin Simonds papers, 1894-1937.
- George Stanton Denison papers.
- George Thompson and Frederick W. Chesson scrapbooks.
- George W. Norris papers, 1864-1954.
- George Washington Julian papers.
- Georgetown and Leesburg Turnpike Company. Georgetown and Leesburg Turnpike Company daybooks. 1816-1836.
- Georgetown (Washington, D.C.). Board of Commissioners. Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) Board of Commissioners minutes. 1751-1789.
- Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) Corporation. Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) Corporation government records, 1751-1881.
- Georgetown (Washington, D.C.) Corporation government records, 1751-1881.
- Geraldine Farrar collection, 1895-1943.
- Geraldine Farrar papers, 1895-1960s.
- German captured documents collection, 1766-1945.
- Getty family. Gibson-Getty-McClure families papers, 1777-1926.
- Getty, George W. George W. Getty papers. 1847-1913.
- Gibbes, Lewis Reeves, 1810-1894. Lewis Reeves Gibbes papers, 1793-1894.
- Gibbs, George Sabin, 1875-1947. George Sabin Gibbs map collection.
- Gibbs, George Sabin, 1875-1947. George Sabin Gibbs papers, 1896-1947.
- Gibson family. Gibson-Getty-McClure families papers, 1777-1926.
- Gibson-Getty-McClure families papers, 1777-1926.
- Gibson, Samuel J., 1833-1878. Samuel J. Gibson diary and correspondence, 1864.
- Giddings, Joshua R. (Joshua Reed), 1795-1864. Joshua R. Giddings and George Washington Julian papers, 1839-1899.
- Gideon Welles papers, 1777-1911.
- Giffard, Henri, 1825-1882. Henri Giffard papers, 1852-1910.
- Gifford Pinchot map collection.
- Gifford Pinchot papers, 1770-1972.
- Gilbert, Cass, 1859-1934. Cass Gilbert papers, 1841-1961.
- Gilbert, Cass, 1894- Cass Gilbert letterbooks. 1936-1941.
- Gilbert Stanley Judd papers, 1856-1947.
- Gilbert Thompson journal, 1857-1901.
- Gilbert Thompson papers.
- Gilchrist family. George Montfort Gilchrist family papers, 1854-1921.
- Gilchrist, George Montfort. George Montfort Gilchrist family papers, 1854-1921.
- Gillam, Chandler B., 1833-1899. Chandler B. Gillam papers, 1850-1919.
- Gillette, James Jenkins, -1881. James Jenkins Gillette papers, 1857-1884.
- Gilpin, Joshua, 1765-1841. Joshua Gilpin papers.
- Gladstone, William A., collector. William A. Gladstone Afro-American military collection, 1773-1987.
- Gleaves, Albert, 1858-1937. Albert Gleaves papers, 1803-1946.
- Gloetzner, Anton. Anton Gloetzner music manuscripts, 1870-1920.
- Goad, Charles E. Charles E. Goad fire insurance map collection, 1894-1909.
- Godfrey, Edward Settle, 1843-1932. Edward Settle Godfrey papers, 1863-1933.
- Goebel, Julius, 1857-1931. Julius Goebel papers, 1873-1930.
- Goldsborough, Louis Malesherbes, 1805-1877. Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough papers, 1797-1874.
- Goode, James M. James M. Goode collection.
- Goodell, William, 1792-1867. William Goodell papers, 1818-1917.
- Gould, Alice Bache, 1868-1953. Alice Bache Gould papers.
- Gould, George M. (George Milbry), 1848-1922. George M. Gould collection of Hearniana, 1877-1931.
- Grace Elizabeth Allen papers.
- Graf, Rosa Freud, 1860-approximately 1942. Rosa Freud Graf papers, 1879-1942.
- Granniss, Alvah H., 1843-1909. Alvah H. Granniss papers, 1861-1907.
- Grant, Julia Dent, 1826-1902. Julia Dent Grant correspondence and memoirs.
- Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885. Ulysses S. Grant papers, 1819-1974.
- Gray, Asa, 1810-1888. Asa Gray papers, 1840-1859.
- G.R.B. Horner papers, 1826-1911.
- Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872. Horace Greeley papers, 1812-1928.
- Greely, A. W. (Adolphus Washington), 1844-1935. A.W. Greely papers, 1753-1997.
- Greely, Henrietta Hudson Cruger Nesmith. Henrietta Hudson Cruger Nesmith Greely papers. 1878-1918.
- Green, Albert Lamborn, 1845-1947. Albert Lamborn Green files. 1869-1872.
- Greene, Frank L. (Frank Lester), 1870-1930. Frank L. Greene papers, 1895-1930.
- Greenslade, John Wills, 1880-1950. John Wills Greenslade papers, 1847-1961.
- Gregg, Morris E. Morris E. Gregg papers.
- Grentzer, Rose Marie. Rose Marie Grentzer and Harold Spivacke Fund collection, 1615-1994.
- Gresham, LeRoy Wiley, 1847-1865. LeRoy Wiley Gresham papers.
- Gresham, Walter Quintin, 1832-1895. Walter Quintin Gresham papers, 1857-1932.
- Griest, Jesse W., 1837-1885. Jesse W. Griest papers, 1869-1884.
- Griest, Sibbilla, 1835-1904. Sibbilla Griest papers.
- Griscom, Lloyd Carpenter, 1872-1959. Lloyd Carpenter Griscom papers, 1898-1951.
- Griswold, Whiting, 1814-1874. Whiting Griswold correspondence, 1843-1874.
- Grosvenor, Edwin A. (Edwin Augustus), 1845-1936. Edwin A. Grosvenor papers.
- Grosvenor, Edwin Prescott, 1875-1930. Edwin Prescott Grosvenor papers.
- Grosvenor, Elsie May, 1878-1964. Elsie May Grosvenor papers.
- Grosvenor family. Grosvenor family papers, 1827-1981.
- Grosvenor family papers, 1827-1981.
- Grosvenor, Gilbert Hovey, 1875-1966. Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor papers.
- Grosvenor, Lilian Waters, 1852-1931. Lilian Waters Grosvenor papers.
- Grosvenor, Melville Bell, 1901-1982. Melville Bell Grosvenor papers.
- Grover Cleveland papers, 1743-1945.
- Gruenberg, Benjamin C. (Benjamin Charles), 1875-1965. Benjamin C. Gruenberg and Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg papers, 1878-1972.
- Gruenberg, Sidonie Matsner, 1881-1974. Benjamin C. Gruenberg and Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg papers. 1878-1972.
- G.T. Beauregard papers, 1844-1883.
- Guinea-Bissau map collection, 1827-1969.
- Guiney, Louise Imogen, 1861-1920. Louise Imogen Guiney papers, 1884-1920.
- Gurley, Ralph Randolph, 1797-1872. Ralph Randolph Gurley papers, 1825-1931.
- Gurowski, Adam, 1805-1866. Adam Gurowski papers, 1743-1898.
- Gustave Percival Wiksell papers, 1855-1939.
- Hack, Charles W. Charles W. Hack papers, circa 1800-1926.
- Hackett, Nathaniel D. (Nathaniel Davis), 1839-1923. Nathaniel D. Hackett correspondence, 1853-1947.
- Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909. Edward Everett Hale papers.
- Hale family. Hale family papers, 1698-1916.
- Hale family papers, 1698-1916.
- Hale, Nathan, 1784-1863. Nathan Hale papers.
- Halford, Elijah Walker, 1843-1938. Elijah Walker Halford papers, 1848-1938.
- Hall, Asaph, III, 1829-1907. Asaph Hall, III, papers.
- Hall, Asaph, III, 1829-1907. Asaph Hall papers, 1837-1998.
- Hall, Asaph, IV, 1859-1930. Asaph Hall, IV, papers.
- Halleck, H. W. (Henry Wager), 1815-1872. H.W. Halleck papers, 1843-1896.
- Halliwell-Phillipps, J. O. (James Orchard), 1820-1889. J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps collection, 1576-circa 1852.
- Halsted B. VanderPoel literary collection, 1815-1929.
- Ham, Connelly, Parks, and Snodgrass families papers, 1870-2018.
- Ham family. Ham, Connelly, Parks, and Snodgrass families papers, 1870-2018.
- Ham family papers.
- Hamilton Fish papers, 1732-1914.
- Hamilton, Frank Hastings, 1813-1886. Frank Hastings Hamilton papers, 1863-1887.
- Hamilton, William, 1824-1896. John Hamilton and William Hamilton correspondence, 1838-1896.
- Hamlin, Anna, -1925. Anna Hamlin papers.
- Hamlin, Charles S. (Charles Sumner), 1861-1938. Charles S. Hamlin papers, 1869-1968.
- Hamlin, Huybertie Pruyn, 1873-1964. Huybertie Pruyn Hamlin papers.
- Hammer, Armand, 1898-1990. Armand Hammer papers, circa 1508-1989.
- Hammond, James Henry, 1807-1864. James Henry Hammond papers, 1774-1875.
- Hampton family. Wade Hampton family papers, 1855-1935.
- Hampton, Vernon Boyce, 1897-1985. Vernon Boyce Hampton papers, 1872-1971.
- Hampton, Wade, 1818-1902. Wade Hampton family papers, 1855-1935.
- Hand, Catharine Worthington Fowler, 1801-1865. Catharine Worthington Fowler Hand papers.
- Hand family. John Aldrich Stephenson collection of the Hand, Fiske, and Aldrich families papers. 1745-1966.
- Hand family papers.
- Hand, Joseph Winborn, 1792-1844. Joseph Winborn Hand papers.
- Hannah G. Solomon papers, 1817-1986.
- Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig, Graf von Berlepsch, correspondence, 1874-1913.
- Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig, Graf von Berlepsch, papers.
- Hapgood, Elizabeth Reynolds. Norman Hapgood and Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood papers. 1824-1977.
- Hapgood, Norman, 1868-1937. Norman Hapgood and Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood papers, 1824-1977.
- Harlan, James, 1800-1863. James Harlan papers. 1810-1863.
- Harlan, John Marshall, 1833-1911. John Marshall Harlan papers, 1810-1971.
- Harman Blennerhassett papers, 1755-1866.
- Harned, Thomas Biggs, 1851-1921. Thomas Biggs Harned collection of Walt Whitman papers, 1842-1937.
- Harold Frederic papers, 1891-1897.
- Harriman, Jarvis. Jarvis Harriman papers. 1964-1965.
- Harriman, W. Averell (William Averell), 1891-1986. W. Averell Harriman papers, 1869-2001.
- Harris, William Torrey, 1835-1909. William Torrey Harris papers, 1865-1908.
- Harrison, Benjamin, 1833-1901. Benjamin Harrison papers, 1780-1948.
- Harrison family papers.
- Harrison family. Short-Harrison-Symmes families papers, 1760-1878.
- Harrison Grey Fiske papers.
- Harrison, James O., 1804-1888. James O. Harrison papers, 1803-1913.
- Harrison, John Cleves Symmes, 1798-1830. John Cleves Symmes Harrison papers.
- Harrison, John Scott, 1804-1878. John Scott Harrison papers.
- Harrison, William Henry, 1773-1841. William Henry Harrison papers.
- Harrison, William Henry, 1802-1838. William Henry Harrison papers.
- Harry Augustus Garfield papers, 1855-1961.
- Harry Payne Whitney collection of letters of William Collins Whitney, 1757-1942.
- Harry S. Cummings papers, 1890-1986.
- Harry T. Friedman collection of Spanish American documents, circa 1500-1912.
- Harry T. Friedman papers.
- Hart, Ira. Ira Hart sermon notes.
- Hartt, Charles Frederick, 1840-1878. Charles Frederick Hartt papers.
- Harvey, Charles Henry, 1830-1896. Charles Henry Harvey papers, 1835-1965.
- Harvey, Joanne. Joanne Harvey diaries. 1851-1857.
- Harvey Washington Wiley papers, 1854-1954.
- Harvey, Winfield S. Winfield S. Harvey diary. 1868-1871.
- Harwood family. Harwood family papers, 1767-1940.
- Harwood family papers, 1767-1940.
- Hasse, Adelaide R. (Adelaide Rosalia), 1868-1953. Adelaide Rosalia Hasse papers, 1862-1951.
- Hasson, Esther Voorhees, 1867-1942. Esther Voorhees Hasson journal. 1899.
- Haupt, Herman, 1817-1905. Herman Haupt letterbook. 1861-1863.
- Haupt, Lewis M. (Lewis Muhlenberg), 1844-1937. Lewis M. Haupt papers, 1849-1923.
- Hauslab, Franz, 1798-1883 Hauslab-Liechtenstein map collection.
- Hauslab-Liechtenstein map collection.
- Hawks, Esther Hill, 1833-1906. Esther Hill Hawks papers, 1856-1867.
- Hawley, Joseph R. (Joseph Roswell), 1826-1905. Joseph R. Hawley papers, 1638-1906.
- Hay, Clara Louise Stone, 1849-1914 Clara Louise Stone Hay correspondence. 1882-1914.
- Hay, Eugene Gano, 1853-1933. Eugene Gano Hay papers, 1770-1933.
- Hay, John, 1838-1905. John Hay papers, 1783-1999.
- Hay, John, 1838-1905. John Hay papers. 1861-1959.
- Hayden, Alfred, 1894- Alfred Hayden papers.
- Hayden, Edward Everett, 1858-1932. Edward Everett Hayden family papers, 1817-1963.
- Hayden family. Edward Everett Hayden family papers, 1817-1963.
- Hayden, Herbert B. (Herbert Bainbridge), 1885-1969. Herbert B. Hayden papers.
- Hayden, Mary Bainbridge, 1895- Mary Bainbridge Hayden papers.
- Hayden, Reynolds, 1883- Reynolds Hayden papers.
- Hayden, William, 1795-1880. William Hayden papers.
- Hayes, Barbara Monteath Kelman, 1893-1975. Barbara Monteath Kelman Hayes papers.
- Hayes, David, 1832-1865. David Hayes papers.
- Hayes family. Hayes, Hollister, and Kelman families papers, 1826-2012.
- Hayes family papers.
- Hayes, Hollister, and Kelman families papers, 1826-2012.
- Hayes, John David, 1888-1957. John David Hayes papers.
- Hayes, Margaret Young, 1857-1949. Margaret Young Hayes papers.
- Hayes, W. M. (Watson M.), 1857-1944. W.M. Hayes papers.
- H.C. Taylor papers, 1862-1904.
- Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904. George M. Gould collection of Hearniana. 1877-1931.
- Heath, Perry S. (Perry Sanford), 1857-1927. Perry S. Heath papers, 1890-1983.
- Hecht, Dietrich. Dietrich Hecht collection of Bilderbogen.
- Heezen-Tharp collection.
- Heilbronner, Raoul. Raoul Heilbronner papers, 1887-1952.
- Heintzelman, Samuel Peter, 1805-1880. Samuel Peter Heintzelman papers, 1822-1913.
- Helen Hopekirk collection, 1875-1954.
- Helen Keller papers, 1842-1954.
- Hendrik Christian Andersen papers, 1844-1940.
- Henri Giffard papers, 1852-1910.
- Henry Albert Monday collection relating to Mexico, 1522-1935.
- Henry Bartholomew Cox collection, 1492-1960.
- Henry Clark Corbin papers, 1864-1980.
- Henry Clay Derrick papers, 1848-1994.
- Henry Clay family papers, 1732-1927.
- Henry Donch performance library, 1811-1928.
- Henry Ives diaries, 1857-1914.
- Henry Ives papers.
- Henry Jackson Hunt papers, 1841-1978.
- Henry L. Abbot family papers, 1770-2001.
- Henry L. Dawes papers, 1833-1933.
- Henry M. Robert papers, 1853-1937.
- Henry Mason Morfit papers, 1819-1858.
- Henry Morgenthau papers, 1795-1941.
- Henry Northrup Castle family papers, 1394-1920.
- Henry Pelham Holmes Bromwell papers, 1794-1929.
- Henry Prather Fletcher papers, 1898-1958.
- Henry Rowe Schoolcraft papers, 1788-1941.
- Henry T. Allen papers, 1806-1933.
- Henry Wager Halleck papers.
- Henry Walker correspondence, 1861-1864.
- Henry Walker papers.
- Henry Ward Beecher papers, 1836-1886.
- Henry Ware Lawton papers, 1849-1930.
- Henry White papers, 1812-1931.
- Henry William Parsons papers, 1871-1986.
- Henry Willis Wells papers, 1851-2012.
- Henry Woodhouse collection relating to George Washington, 1656-1930.
- Herbert Corey papers, 1847-1954.
- Herbert Putnam papers, 1783-1958.
- Herbert, Victor, 1859-1924. Victor Herbert collection, 1880-1939.
- Herman K. Crofoot collection of Francis Elias Spinner papers, 1792-1908.
- Herndon family. Charles Pinkerton collection of Arthur and Herndon family papers, 1822-1938.
- Herndon family papers.
- Herndon-Weik collection of Lincolniana, circa 1824-1933.
- Herndon, William Henry, 1818-1891. William Henry Herndon papers. 1849-1891.
- Hérold, Adam. Adam Hérold Collection of Materials Relating to the Sino-French War in Tonkin.
- Hezron George Day papers, 1862-1984.
- Hicks, W. L. (Washington L.), -1885. W.L. Hicks diary and correspondence. 1861-1866.
- Hill, Charles Augustus, 1833-1902. Charles Augustus Hill papers, 1862-1971.
- Hill, Frank Alden. Frank Alden Hill genealogical collection, 1627-1897.
- Hillard, Harriet Low, 1809-1877. Harriet Low Hillard papers.
- Hillcrest Children's Center (Washington, D.C.). Hillcrest Children's Center (Washington, D.C.) records, 1815-1966.
- Hillcrest Children's Center (Washington, D.C.). Hillcrest Children's Center (Washington, D.C.) records. 1953-1966.
- Hillcrest Children's Center (Washington, D.C.) records, 1815-1966.
- Hillcrest Children's Village (Washington, D.C.) Hillcrest Children's Village (Washington, D.C.) records. 1927-1953.
- Himmler, Heinrich, 1900-1945. Himmler Files.
- Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 1798-1870. Ethan Allen Hitchcock papers, 1793-1888.
- Hitchcock, Samuel, 1808-1851. Samuel Hitchcock papers.
- Hitt, Robert R. (Robert Roberts), 1834-1906. Robert R. Hitt papers, 1830-1906.
- Hobson, Richmond Pearson, 1870-1937. Richmond Pearson Hobson papers, 1889-1966.
- Hodges collection, circa 1790-circa 1909.
- Hodges family collection, circa 1790-circa 1909.
- Hodges family. Hodges family collection, circa 1790-circa 1909.
- Hoe, Peter Smith, 1821-1902. Peter Smith Hoe papers.
- Hoe, Richard March, 1812-1886. Richard March Hoe papers.
- Hoe, Robert, 1815-1884. Robert Hoe papers.
- Hoe, Robert, 1839-1909. Robert Hoe papers.
- Hoes, Roswell Randall, 1850-1921. Roswell Randall Hoes papers, 1799-1912.
- Holden Chester Richardson papers, 1844-1946.
- Hollins, John. John Hollins papers.
- Hollins, Robert. Robert Hollins papers.
- Hollins, Thomas. Thomas Hollins papers.
- Hollister family. Hayes, Hollister, and Kelman families papers, 1826-2012.
- Hollister family papers.
- Hollister, Margaret Hayes, 1917- Margaret Hayes Hollister papers.
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894. Oliver Wendell Holmes papers, 1837-1931.
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 1841-1935. Manuscript holdings from the Library of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. : ca. 1450-1935.
- Holt, Joseph, 1807-1894. Joseph Holt papers, 1797-1917.
- Homes and haunts of notable Americans.
- Hooper, Samuel, 1808-1875. Samuel Hooper papers, 1829-1874.
- Hopekirk, Helen. Helen Hopekirk collection, 1875-1954.
- Hopkins, Cornelia Lee, 1780-1815. Cornelia Lee Hopkins papers.
- Horace Capron papers, 1834-1961.
- Horace Greeley papers, 1812-1928.
- Horace H. Lurton papers, 1860-1915.
- Horace Harmon Lurton papers.
- Horace Porter papers, 1853-1922.
- Horace Traubel and Anne Montgomerie Traubel papers, 1824-1979.
- Horace Traubel papers.
- Horatio King papers, 1832-1906.
- Horner, G. R. B. (Gustavus Richard Brown), 1804-1892. G.R.B. Horner papers, 1826-1911.
- Horner, Mabel Carlton, 1872-1961. Mabel Carlton Horner biography of Caleb Henry Carlton.
- Horr family papers.
- Horr family. Stiles, Horr, and Bonney families papers, 1803-1907.
- Horsford family. Horsford-Tryon families papers, 1800-2000.
- Horsford family papers.
- Horsford-Tryon families papers, 1800-2000.
- Hostos, Eugenio Carlos de, 1879-1959. Eugenio María de Hostos and Eugenio Carlos de Hostos papers. 1865-1990.
- Hostos, Eugenio María de, 1839-1903. Eugenio María de Hostos and Eugenio Carlos de Hostos papers. 1865-1990.
- Hotchkiss, Jedediah, 1828-1899. Jedediah Hotchkiss papers, 1835-1908.
- Hotchkiss, Sara Anne Comfort. Sara Anne Comfort Hotchkiss papers.
- Houston, Charles Hamilton, 1895-1950. Charles Hamilton Houston papers. 1871-1935.
- Houston family. William LePre Houston family papers, 1777-1936.
- Houston, William LePre. William LePre Houston family papers, 1777-1936.
- Howard, Barnett Allen, 1827-1905. Barnett Allen Howard papers, 1885-1949.
- Howard family. Howard-von Recum family papers, 1869-1972.
- Howard family papers.
- Howard, Henry, Sir, 1843-1921. Howard-von Recum family papers, 1869-1972.
- Howard-von Recum family papers, 1869-1972.
- Howe, Julia Ward, 1819-1910. Julia Ward Howe papers, 1845-1917.
- Howe, Letitia T. Letitia T. Howe collection, 1822-1876.
- Hoxie, R. L. (Richard Leveridge), 1844-1930. Vinnie Ream and R.L. Hoxie papers. 1853-1937.
- Hubbard family papers, 1639-1925.
- Hubbard, Gardiner G. (Gardiner Greene), 1822-1897. Gardiner G. Hubbard papers. (2)
- Hubbard, Gertrude Mercer McCurdy, 1827-1909. Gertrude Mercer McCurdy Hubbard papers.
- Hubbard, Samuel, 1785-1847. Samuel Hubbard papers.
- Hubbell, Julian B. (Julian Bertine), 1847-1929. Julian B. Hubbell papers.
- Huebsch, B. W. (Benjamin W.), 1876-1964. B.W. Huebsch papers, 1893-1964.
- Hugh Lenox Scott papers, 1582-1981.
- Hugh McCulloch papers, 1855-1905.
- Hugh T. Taggart collection relating to the District of Columbia and Maryland, 1751-1889.
- Hughes, C. R. C. R. Hughes Embargo Act of 1807 map tracings collection.
- Hughes, Robert Patterson, 1839-1909. Robert Patterson Hughes papers, 1876-1994.
- Hugo Leichtentritt papers, 1888-1972.
- Hull, Anne. Anne Hull papers, 1894-1981.
- Humphrey Marshall papers, 1771-2002.
- Hunsberger, George S., 1914- George S. Hunsberger papers.
- Hunt, Henry Jackson, 1819-1889. Henry Jackson Hunt papers, 1841-1978.
- H.W. Halleck papers, 1843-1896.
- Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair), 1874-1952. Harold L. Ickes papers.
- Ingersoll, Robert Green, 1833-1899. Robert Green Ingersoll papers, 1826-1940.
- Ingersoll, Royal E. (Royal Eason), 1883-1976. Royal Rodney Ingersoll and Royal E. Ingersoll papers. 1884-1931.
- Ingersoll, Royal Rodney, 1847-1931. Royal Rodney Ingersoll and Royal E. Ingersoll papers, 1866-1935.
- Initiatives of Change (Organization). Initiatives of Change records.
- Institute of the Aerospace Sciences archives, 1783-1962.
- Institute of the Aerospace Sciences. Institute of the Aerospace Sciences archives.
- Irene Aloha Wright papers, 1620-1977.
- Irving Langmuir papers, 1871-1957.
- Israel Perlstein collection relating to Imperial Russia, 1613-1914.
- Isthmian Canal Commission (U.S.) Isthmian Canal Commission (U.S.) records. (2)
- Ives, Henry, 1830- Henry Ives diaries, 1857-1914.
- Izard, Elizabeth C. (Elizabeth Carter), approximately 1774-1826. Elizabeth C. Izard papers.
- Jacob A. Riis papers, 1870-1990.
- Jacobi, Mary Putnam, 1842-1906. Mary Putnam Jacobi correspondence.
- Jacobs-Bond, Carrie, 1862-1946. Carrie Jacobs-Bond collection, circa 1896-circa 1944.
- Jacobs-Bond collection, circa 1896-circa 1944.
- Jacques Loeb papers, 1889-1924.
- James A. Bayard and Richard H. Bayard papers, 1797-1885.
- James A. Bayard papers.
- James A. Garfield papers, 1775-1889.
- James Alexander Robertson papers, 1816-1939.
- James Buchanan and Harriet Lane Johnston papers, 1825-1887.
- James D. Lee papers, 1852-1890.
- James Dodson Barbee and David Rankin Barbee papers, 1784-1953.
- James Fowler Simmons map collection.
- James Fowler Simmons papers, 1771-1939.
- James Gillespie Blaine family papers, 1777-1945.
- James Gordon Bennett papers, 1845-1934.
- James H. Sherman correspondence, 1873-1876.
- James H. Sherman papers.
- James Harrison Wilson papers, circa 1862-1923.
- James, Henry, 1879-1947. Henry James research files.
- James Henry Hammond papers, 1774-1875.
- James Henry Sherman papers.
- James Jenkins Gillette papers, 1857-1884.
- James M. Goode collection.
- James McKeen Cattell papers, 1835-1948.
- James McNeill Whistler papers.
- James Murray Mason papers.
- James O. Harrison papers, 1803-1913.
- James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps papers.
- James R. Doolittle papers, 1859-1927.
- James R. Mann papers, 1887-1922.
- James Rood Doolittle papers.
- James Rudolph Garfield papers, 1879-1950.
- James S. Brisbin papers, 1861-1957.
- James Thomas Ward papers, 1838-1897.
- James Wadsworth family papers, 1730-1959.
- James Whitcomb Riley papers, 1883-1915.
- James William Denver papers, 1847-1884.
- Jarnac, Charles Rosalie de Rohan-Chabot, comte de. Charles Rosalie de Rohan-Chabot, comte de Jarnac, papers.
- Jarnac, Louis Charles Guillaume de Rohan-Chabot, comte de, 1780-1875. Louis Charles Guillaume de Rohan-Chabot, comte de Jarnac, papers.
- Jarnac, Philippe-Ferdinand-Auguste de Rohan-Chabot, comte de, 1815-1875. Philippe-Ferdinand-Auguste de Rohan-Chabot, comte de Jarnac, papers.
- Jay I. Kislak Collection, 2000 BCE-2007 CE.
- Jay I. Kislak collection of the archaeology and history of the early Americas.
- J.C. Bancroft Davis papers, 1849-1902.
- Jean Margaret Lander papers.
- Jeannette Thurber Connor collection of Floridiana, 1570-1927.
- Jedediah Hotchkiss papers, 1835-1908.
- Jefferson Davis papers, 1795-1913.
- Jelliffe, Helena Dewey Leeming, -1916. Correspondence and diary.
- Jelliffe, Smith Ely, 1866-1945. Smith Ely Jelliffe papers, 1882-1977.
- Jenckes, Thomas A. (Thomas Allen), 1818-1875. Thomas A. Jenckes papers, 1836-1878.
- Jennie Lorenz collection relating to Charlotte Cushman, 1830-1960.
- Jennie Lorenz papers.
- Jeremiah S. Black papers, 1813-1904.
- Jesse W. Fell papers, 1806-1965.
- Jesse W. Griest papers, 1869-1884.
- Jesup, Thomas Sidney, 1788-1860. Thomas Sidney Jesup papers, 1780-1907.
- J.L.M. Curry papers, 1637-1939.
- J.M. Lander papers.
- J.M. Mason papers, 1838-1870.
- J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps collection, 1576-circa 1852.
- J.O. Halliwell-Phillipps papers.
- Job Pierson family papers, 1755-1908.
- John Adolphus Bernard Dahlgren papers, 1794-1889.
- John A.J. Creswell papers, 1819-1885.
- John Aldrich Stephenson collection of the Hand, Fiske, and Aldrich families papers, 1745-1966.
- John Alexander Logan family papers, 1836-1925.
- John Austin Moon papers, 1832-1921.
- John Bassett Moore papers, 1866-1949.
- John Bell papers, 1815-1861.
- John Bigelow papers, 1492-1936.
- John C. Merriam papers, 1899-1938.
- John C. Spooner papers, 1855-1909.
- John Callan O'Laughlin papers, 1895-1949.
- John Calvin Leonard papers, 1882-1920.
- John Carvel Arnold papers, 1856-1937.
- John Charles Frémont and Jessie Benton Frémont papers, 1828-1980.
- John Charles Frémont papers.
- John Crittenden Watson papers, 1844-1960.
- John Davis Batchelder collection of manuscripts, 1537-1944.
- John Davis Batchelder ephemera and special collections, 2200 BCE-1948.
- John Dean Caton papers, 1826-1947.
- John Ericsson papers, 1821-1890.
- John G. Nicolay papers, 1811-1943.
- John Grimes Walker papers, 1873-1903.
- John H. Wheeler papers, 1825-1882.
- John Hamilton and William Hamilton correspondence, 1838-1896.
- John Hamilton and William Hamilton papers.
- John Hamilton correspondence.
- John Hay papers.
- John Hay papers, 1783-1999.
- John J. Crittenden papers, 1782-1913.
- John James Beckley family papers, 1789-1918.
- John Lowe papers, 1860-1945.
- John Marshall Harlan papers, 1810-1971.
- John McAllister Schofield papers, 1837-1906.
- John McGlinn collection, 1890s-2010.
- John McLean papers, 1816-1866.
- John Merven Carrère papers, 1894-1911.
- John Nicholson family papers, 1786-1868.
- John P. Frey papers, 1891-1951.
- John Philip Sousa collection 1849-2004.
- John Pierce Langs papers, 1896-2001.
- John Purroy Mitchel papers, 1835-1932.
- John R. Desha papers.
- John Robert Procter papers, 1867-1903.
- John Russell Young papers, circa 1840-1959.
- John Sherman papers, 1836-1900.
- John Singleton Mosby papers, 1861-1904.
- John Spencer Bassett papers, 1770-1978.
- John Thompson Ford papers, 1809-1960.
- John Tyler Morgan papers, 1840-1907.
- John Tyler papers, 1691-1918.
- John Vance Cheney papers, 1847-1927.
- John Warren Williams family papers, 1839-1895.
- John White papers, 1852-1862.
- John White Stevenson papers.
- John William Draper family papers, 1777-1951.
- John Wills Greenslade papers, 1847-1961.
- Johnson, Adelaide, 1859-1955. Adelaide Johnson papers, 1873-1947.
- Johnson, Andrew, 1808-1875. Andrew Johnson papers, 1783-1947.
- Johnson, Eric. Eric Johnson collection of Ernest Bloch photographs, 1896-2008.
- Johnson, Reverdy, 1796-1876. Reverdy Johnson papers, 1830-1876.
- Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 1864-1952. Frances Benjamin Johnston papers, 1855-1956.
- Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 1864-1952. Frances Benjamin Johnston photograph collection (Library of Congress).
- Johnston, Frances Benjamin, 1864-1952. Papers of Frances Benjamin Johnston.
- Johnston, Harriet Lane, 1830-1903. James Buchanan and Harriet Lane Johnston papers. 1825-1887.
- Johnston, John, 1762-1828. John Johnston papers.
- Johnston, John, 1852-1927. John Johnston papers.
- Johnston, Mercer Green, 1868-1954. Mercer Green Johnston papers, 1860-1954.
- Johnston photograph collection.
- Jonathan D. Meredith papers, 1795-1859.
- Jordan family papers.
- Jordan, Nelson W., 1842-1922. Nelson W. Jordan family papers, circa 1864-2003.
- José Ignacio Rodríguez papers, 1860-1907.
- Josef Breuer papers, 1859-1970.
- Joseph Benson Foraker papers, 1884-1916.
- Joseph Bloomfield Osborn papers, 1862-1865.
- Joseph Desha and John R. Desha papers, 1773-1871.
- Joseph Desha papers.
- Joseph Hodges Choate papers, 1745-1929.
- Joseph Holt papers, 1797-1917.
- Joseph J. Roberts family papers, 1839-2001.
- Joseph Jenkins Roberts family papers.
- Joseph M. Toner papers.
- Joseph Meredith Toner collection of manuscripts, 1741-1896.
- Joseph Meredith Toner papers.
- Joseph Pennell papers.
- Joseph Pulitzer papers, 1880-1924.
- Joseph R. Hawley papers, 1638-1906.
- Joseph Royston Gathings, I, collection, 1914-1936.
- Joseph Sanford Wade papers, 1898-1955.
- Joseph Smith Fowler papers, 1863-1903.
- Joseph Stanley-Brown papers, 1730-1941.
- Joseph Strauss papers, 1884-1949.
- Joseph Warren Beach papers, 1891-1955.
- Joseph Warren Keifer papers, 1850-1865.
- Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain papers, 1775-1913.
- Joshua R. Giddings and George Washington Julian papers, 1839-1899.
- Joshua R. Giddings papers.
- Joshua Reed Giddings papers.
- Josiah Bartlett family papers, 1710-1931.
- Jubal Anderson Early papers, 1829-1930.
- Judd, Gilbert Stanley, 1841-1923. Gilbert Stanley Judd papers, 1856-1947.
- Judd, Jessie Brewster, 1871-1937. Jessie Brewster Judd papers.
- Julia Ward Howe papers, 1845-1917.
- Julian, George W. (George Washington), 1817-1899. Joshua R. Giddings and George Washington Julian papers. 1839-1899.
- Julius Goebel papers, 1873-1930.
- Junta (New York, N.Y.) Junta (New York, N.Y.) records. 1868-1870.
- Justin G. Turner autograph collection, 1763-1968.
- Justin S. Morrill papers, 1825-1923.
- J.W. Stevenson papers.
- Kalisky, Louisa, active 1823-1827. Louisa Kalisky papers.
- Katharine McCook Knox papers, 1802-1975.
- Kauffmann, Samuel Hay, 1829-1906. Samuel Hay Kauffmann papers, 1871-1896.
- Kautz, Albert, 1839-1907. Albert Kautz papers.
- Kautz, August V. (August Valentine), 1828-1895. August V. Kautz papers, 1846-1939.
- Keene, Francis Bowler, 1856-1945. Francis Bowler Keene papers, 1856-1975.
- Keidel family. Keidel family papers, 1821-1937.
- Keidel family papers, 1821-1937.
- Keidel, George C. (George Charles), 1868-1942. George C. Keidel papers. 1821-1934.
- Keifer, Joseph Warren, 1836-1932. Joseph Warren Keifer papers, 1850-1865.
- Keller, Helen, 1880-1968. Helen Keller papers, 1842-1954.
- Kellogg, Edward Nealy, 1841-1874. Edward Nealy Kellogg and Edward Stanley Kellogg papers, 1858-1937.
- Kellogg, Edward Stanley, 1870-1948. Edward Nealy Kellogg and Edward Stanley Kellogg papers. 1858-1937.
- Kelman family. Hayes, Hollister, and Kelman families papers, 1826-2012.
- Kelman family papers.
- Kelman, John, 1864-1929. John Kelman papers.
- Kendall, Amos, 1789-1869. Amos Kendall papers, 1835-1909.
- Kennan, George, 1845-1924. George Kennan papers, 1840-1937.
- Kennedy, J. C. G. (Joseph Camp Griffith), 1813-1887. J.C.G. Kennedy diary. 1851.
- Kennoch, George M. (George Monell), 1868-1936. Letterpress copybook. 1908-1909.
- Kennoch, William, 1841-1887. William Kennoch papers, 1861-1924.
- Kenyon L. Butterfield papers, 1889-1970.
- Kern, Richard H., 1821-1853. Richard H. Kern diary. 1848-1849.
- Key-Cutts-Turner family papers, 1808-1975.
- Key family. Key-Cutts-Turner family papers, 1808-1975.
- Key, Francis Scott, 1779-1843. Francis Scott Key correspondenc and poetry.
- King family. Nicholas King family papers, 1792-1987.
- King, Horatio, 1811-1897. Horatio King papers, 1832-1906.
- King, N. (Nicholas), 1771-1812. Nicholas King family papers, 1792-1987.
- King, Rt. (Robert), 1774 or 1775-1831. Rt. King survey notes. 1793-1795.
- Kirk Munroe papers, 1850-1940.
- Kirkpatrick, Samuel Cotter, 1841-1911. Samuel Cotter Kirkpatrick papers, 1861-1985.
- Kislak, Jay I., 1922-2018. Jay I. Kislak Collection, 2000 BCE-2007 CE.
- Kleine, George. Select papers from the George Kleine film collection, 1886-1946.
- Kline, Burton, 1877-1958. Burton Kline papers, 1896-1954.
- Kline, Charles, 1840-1903. Charles Kline papers, 1862-1907.
- Knox, Annie Reid, 1876-1958. Annie Reid Knox papers. 1936-1954.
- Knox, Frank, 1874-1944. Frank Knox papers, 1898-1954.
- Knox, Katharine McCook. Katharine McCook Knox papers, 1802-1975.
- Koller, Carl, 1857-1944. Carl Koller papers, 1866-1988.
- Königliche Preussische Messbildanstalt collection (Library of Congress).
- Krueger, Karl, 1894-1979. Society for the Preservation of the American Musical Heritage collection, 1792-1969.
- Kruger, Louis M., 1861-1934. Louis M. Kruger performance library, 1879-1919.
- Kunz, George Frederick, 1856-1932. George Frederick Kunz papers, 1783-1930.
- La Fayette, Michel Louis Christophe Roch Gilbert Motier, marquis de, 1732-1759. Michel Louis Christophe Roch Gilbert Motier, marquis de La Fayette, papers.
- La Tour-Maubourg, Anastasie du Motier de La Fayette, comtesse de, 1777-1863. Anastasie du Motier de La Fayette, comtesse de La Tour-Maubourg, papers.
- Lafayette, Georges Washington Louis Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1779-1849. Georges Washington Louis Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, papers.
- Lafayette, Marie Adrienne de Noailles, marquise de, 1759-1807. Marie Adrienne de Noailles, marquise de Lafayette, papers.
- Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, papers, 1776-1934.
- Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Marquis de Lafayette papers, 1757-1990.
- Lamont, Daniel Scott, 1851-1905. Daniel Scott Lamont papers, 1853-1928.
- Lamson-Scribner, F. F. Lamson-Scribner papers, 1885-1938.
- Lander, F. W. (Frederick West), 1821-1862. F.W. Lander and J.M. Lander papers, 1836-1894.
- Lander, J. M. (Jean Margaret), 1829-1903. F. W. Lander and J.M. Lander papers. 1836-1894.
- Lane, J. F., active 1834-1835. J.F. Lane letterbook. 1834-1835.
- Langmuir, Irving, 1881-1957. Irving Langmuir papers, 1871-1957.
- Langs, John Pierce, 1882-1967. John Pierce Langs papers, 1896-2001.
- Larned, Daniel Read. Daniel Read Larned papers, 1861-1878.
- Lasteyrie du Saillant, Adrien-Jules, marquis de, 1810-1883. Adrien-Jules, marquis de Lasteyrie du Saillant, papers.
- Lasteyrie du Saillant, Louis, marquis de, 1781-1826. Louis, marquis de Lasteyrie du Saillant, papers.
- Lasteyrie du Saillant, Olivia de Rohan-Chabot, marquise de, 1813-1899. Olivia de Rohan-Chabot, marquise de Lasteyrie du Saillant, papers.
- Lasteyrie du Saillant, Virginie du Motier de La Fayette, marquise de, 1782-1849. Virginie du Motier de La Fayette, marquise de Lasteyrie du Saillant, papers.
- Lathers, Richard, 1820-1903. Richard Lathers papers, 1826-1901.
- Lathrop, William Addison. William Addison Lathrop papers.
- Latty, A. Sankey (Alexander Sankey). A. Sankey Latty papers, 1851-1890.
- Laura Wood Roper map collection.
- Laura Wood Roper papers, 1822-1982.
- Lauro Ayestarán collection, 1830-1966.
- Law, Elizabeth Parke Custis, 1776-1832. Elizabeth Parke Custis Law papers.
- Lawrence Van Buren family papers, 1721-1938.
- Lawton, Eba Anderson, -1919. Eba Anderson Lawton papers.
- Lawton, Henry Ware, 1843-1899. Henry Ware Lawton papers, 1849-1930.
- Layton family papers.
- Layton family. Pierson, Rioch, and Layton families papers, 1777-2012.
- LC archives.
- Le Gendre, Charles William, 1830-1899. Charles William Le Gendre papers, 1866-1893.
- Learned, Henry Barrett, 1868-1931. Henry Barrett Learned papers.
- Lee, Ann Hill Carter, 1773-1829. Ann Hill Carter Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Anne Robinson McCarty, 1798-1840. Anne Robinson McCarty Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Arthur, 1740-1792. Arthur Lee papers.
- Lee, Charles, 1758-1815. Charles Lee papers.
- Lee, Charles Carter, 1798-1871. Charles Carter Lee papers.
- Lee de Forest papers, 1884-1955.
- Lee, Elizabeth Collins, -1858. Elizabeth Collins Lee papers.
- Lee family. Custis-Lee family papers, 1700-circa 1928.
- Lee family. DeButts-Ely collection of Lee family papers, 1749-1914.
- Lee family. Ethel Armes collection of Lee family papers, 1671-1936.
- Lee family. Lee-Palfrey families papers, 1780-1932.
- Lee family papers. (3)
- Lee, Francis Watts. Francis Watts Lee papers, 1845-1951.
- Lee, Hannah Philippa Ludwell. Hannah Philippa Ludwell Lee papers.
- Lee, Henrietta Bedinger, 1810- Henrietta Bedinger Lee papers.
- Lee, Henry, 1691-1747. Henry Lee papers.
- Lee, Henry, 1756-1818. Henry Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Henry, 1787-1837. Henry Lee papers.
- Lee, James D., 1844-1910. James D. Lee papers, 1852-1890.
- Lee, Ludwell, 1760-1836. Ludwell Lee papers.
- Lee, Mary Bland, 1704-1764. Mary Bland Lee papers.
- Lee, Mary Custis, 1835-1918. Mary Custis Lee papers.
- Lee, Mary Randolph Custis, 1807-1873. Mary Randolph Custis Lee papers. (2)
- Lee-Palfrey families papers, 1780-1932.
- Lee, Richard Bland, 1761-1827. Richard Bland Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Richard Henry, 1732-1794. Richard Henry Lee papers.
- Lee, Richard Henry, 1794-1865. Richard Henry Lee papers.
- Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870. Robert E. Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Samuel Phillips, 1812-1897. Samuel Phillips Lee papers, 1860-1869.
- Lee, Susan Palfrey, 1767-1822. Susan Palfrey Lee papers.
- Lee, Thomas, 1690-1750. Thomas Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, William, 1739-1795. William Lee papers.
- Lee, William, 1772-1840. William Lee papers.
- Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 1837-1891. William Henry Fitzhugh Lee papers.
- Leech, Abraham. Abraham Leech correspondence and diary. 1837-circa 1881.
- Leichtentritt, Hugo, 1874-1951. Hugo Leichtentritt papers, 1888-1972.
- Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903. Charles Godfrey Leland papers.
- Léo Delibes music manuscripts, 1857-1890.
- Leo Feist collection, 1880-1930.
- Leonard, John Calvin, 1859-1937. John Calvin Leonard papers, 1882-1920.
- Leonard Wood papers, 1825-1942.
- Leonora Jackson McKim papers, 1854-1969.
- Leontiĭ, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, 1876-1965. Leontiĭ, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, papers, 1855-1962.
- Leontiĭ, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, papers, 1855-1962.
- Lester F. Ward papers.
- Lester Frank Ward papers, 1883-1906.
- Letitia T. Howe collection, 1822-1876.
- Letitia T. Howe papers.
- Levi Woodbury family papers, 1638-1914.
- Levisee, Aaron Burton. Aaron Burton Levisee papers, 1847-1992.
- Levy, Fanny Yates, 1787-1891 or 1892. Fanny Yates Levy papers.
- Levy, Jacob Clavius, 1788-1875. Jacob Clavius Levy papers.
- Lewis H. Machen family papers, 1802-1938.
- Lewis M. Haupt papers, 1849-1923.
- Lewis Reeves Gibbes papers, 1793-1894.
- Lewis Tappan papers, 1809-1903.
- Lewis Whitfield Colson papers, 1894-1950.
- Lewis, William A., 1867 or 1868- William A. Lewis journal. 1923.
- Libby, Abial. Abial Libby diary. 1862.
- Libby, Frederick J. (Frederick Joseph), 1874-1970. Frederick Joseph Libby papers, 1846-1973.
- Liberati, Allesandro, 1847-1927. Allesandro and Speranza Liberati papers, 1880-1947.
- Library of Congress archives, 1800-2015.
- Library of Congress archives, Building and Grounds Division series.
- Library of Congress. Building and Grounds Division. Building and Grounds Division series, Library of Congress archives, 1871-1954.
- Library of Congress. Building and Grounds Division. Library of Congress. Building and Grounds Division records.
- Library of Congress. Copyright Office. Reader's collection, Library of Congress Copyright Office drama deposits, 1863-1928.
- Library of Congress. Foreign Copying Program. Library of Congress. Foreign Copying Program reproductions collection. (2)
- Library of Congress. Library of Congress archives. (4)
- Library of Congress. Library of Congress archives, 1800-2015.
- Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. Suffrage Archives. 1759-1961. (3)
- Library of Congress. Office of the Superintendent of Library Building and Grounds. Library of Congress. Office of the Superintendent of Library Building and Grounds records.
- Library of Congress records.
- Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. Francis Lieber correspondence and essay, 1830-1872.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln correspondence. 1864 July 9.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln papers, 1774-1948.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln papers. 1824-1865.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln papers. 1861-1865.
- Lindsey, Ben B. (Ben Barr), 1869-1943. Ben B. Lindsey papers, 1838-1957.
- Literary Society of Washington (Washington, D.C.). Literary Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., records, 1873-1991.
- Literary Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., records, 1873-1991.
- Littell, Eliakim, 1797-1870. Eliakim Littell correspondence, 1819-1869.
- Littlewood, William H. William H. Littlewood map collection.
- Livermore, Eunice. Eunice Livermore papers.
- Livermore, Isaac. Isaac Livermore papers.
- Livingston, Anne Home Shippen, 1763-1841. Anne Home Shippen Livingston papers. (2)
- Lloyd Carpenter Griscom papers, 1898-1951.
- Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. Forced movements, tropisms, and animal conduct. 1918.
- Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. Jacques Loeb papers, 1889-1924.
- Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. Proteins and the theory of colloidal behavior. 1922.
- Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. Regeneration from a physico-chemical viewpoint. 1924.
- Logan family. John Alexander Logan family papers, 1836-1925.
- Logan, John A., Jr., 1865-1899. John Alexander Logan papers.
- Logan, John A., Mrs., 1838-1923. Mrs. John A. Logan papers.
- Logan, John Alexander, 1826-1886. John Alexander Logan family papers, 1836-1925.
- Logan Pearsall Smith papers, 1760-1946.
- Loines, Mary Hillard, 1844-1944. Mary Hillard Loines papers.
- Loines, Russell Hillard. Russell Hillard Loines papers.
- Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 1884-1980. Alice Roosevelt Longworth papers, 1888-1942.
- Look, Richard M. (Richard Millard), 1916-1998. Richard M. Look map collection.
- Loper family. Palmer-Loper family papers, 1667-1994.
- Loper, R. F. (Richard F.) R.F. Loper papers.
- Lord Saltoun collection of guitar music, 1810-1850.
- Lorenz, Jennie, 1886-1962. Jennie Lorenz collection relating to Charlotte Cushman, 1830-1960.
- Louis M. Kruger performance library, 1879-1919.
- Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough papers, 1797-1874.
- Louis McLane correspondence, 1795-1894.
- Louis McLane papers.
- Louis-Pierre Mouillard papers, 1833-1987.
- Louis T. Michener papers, 1880-1927.
- Louis Theodore Michener papers.
- Louise Chandler Moulton papers, 1852-1908.
- Louise Imogen Guiney papers, 1884-1920.
- Lovering, Charles T., 1846- Charles T. Lovering papers.
- Lovering family. Lovering-Taylor family papers, 1727-1926.
- Lovering, Mary Taylor, 1813- Mary Taylor Lovering papers.
- Lovering-Taylor family papers, 1727-1926.
- Low, Abiel Abbot, 1811-1893. Abiel Abbot Low papers.
- Low, Edward Allen, 1817-1898. Edward Allen Low papers.
- Low family. Low-Mills family papers, 1767-1971.
- Low family papers.
- Low-Mills family papers, 1767-1971.
- Lowe, John, 1838-1930. John Lowe papers, 1860-1945.
- Lowe, T. S. C. (Thaddeus Sobieski Coulincourt), 1832-1913. Memoirs of Thaddeus S.C. Lowe, chief of the aeronautic corps of the Army of the United States during the Civil War : my balloons in peace and war.
- Lowe, T. S. C. (Thaddeus Sobieski Coulincourt), 1832-1913. T.S.C. Lowe papers.
- Löwenberg, Paul, 1858-1931. Paul Löwenberg collection of music by the Johann Strauss and Joseph Lanner families, 1825-1929.
- Luce, Stephen Bleecker, 1827-1917. Stephen Bleecker Luce papers, 1799-1955.
- Lucian Barbour papers, 1838-1977.
- Lucretia Rudolph Garfield papers, 1807-1958.
- Lurton, Horace H. (Horace Harmon), 1844-1914. Horace H. Lurton papers, 1860-1915.
- Luther Burbank papers, 1830-1989.
- Lyman J. Gage correspondence, 1897-1906.
- Lyman J. Gage papers.
- Lyman Judson Gage papers.
- Lyman Potter Spencer papers, 1856-1914.
- Lyman Trumbull correspondence, 1843-1894.
- Lyman Trumbull papers.
- Mabel Thorp Boardman papers, 1853-1945.
- MacDonald, A. B. (Alexander Black), 1871-1942. A.B. MacDonald papers, 1878-1976.
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 1911- Malcolm MacDonald papers.
- Machen, Arthur Webster, 1827-1915. Arthur Webster Machen papers.
- Machen, Caroline Webster. Caroline Webster Machen papers.
- Machen, Emmeline. Emmeline Machen papers.
- Machen family. Lewis H. Machen family papers, 1802-1938.
- Machen, James P. James P. Machen papers.
- Machen, Lewis H. (Lewis Henry), 1790-1863. Lewis H. Machen family papers, 1802-1938.
- Machen, Minnie Gresham, 1849-1931. Minnie Gresham Machen papers.
- Maclay, Edgar Stanton, 1863-1919. Edgar Stanton Maclay papers, 1782-circa 1918.
- Macomb, Alexander, 1888-1970. Alexander Macomb papers.
- Macomb, Ann Minerva Rodgers, 1824-1916. Ann Minerva Rodgers Macomb papers.
- Macomb, Christina, 1861-1945. Christina Macomb papers.
- Macomb, Nannie, 1864-1952. Nannie Macomb papers.
- Magic miscellanea, 1845-1955.
- Magnetic Telegraph Company. Magnetic Telegraph Company certificate account book. 1845-1860.
- Mahan, A. T. (Alfred Thayer), 1840-1914. A.T. Mahan papers, 1779-1970.
- Manchester, Forbes W. Forbes W. Manchester correspondence, 1858-1869.
- Mangum, Arthur, 1741-1789. Arthur Mangum papers.
- Mangum, Charity Alston Cain, 1795-1873. Charity Alston Cain Mangum papers.
- Mangum, Priestly Hinton, 1795-1850. Priestly Hinton Mangum papers.
- Mangum, Priestly Hinton, Jr., 1829-1907. Priestly Hinton Mangum Jr. papers.
- Mangum, Willie Person, 1792-1861. Willie Person Mangum papers, 1771-1906.
- Mangum, Willie Person, Jr., 1827-1881. Willie Person Mangum Jr. papers.
- Mann, James R. (James Robert), 1856-1922. James R. Mann papers, 1887-1922.
- Mansfield, Richard, 1857-1907. Paul Wilstach collection of Richard Mansfield papers. 1889-1918.
- Manton Marble papers, 1838-1916.
- Manuscript holdings from the Library of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. : ca. 1450-1935.
- Manuscript Plays Collection, Library of Congress Copyright Office drama deposits, 1863-1973.
- Marble, Manton, 1834-1917. Manton Marble papers, 1838-1916.
- Marburg, Theodore, 1862-1946. Theodore Marburg papers, 1856-1940.
- March, Peyton Conway, 1864-1955. Peyton Conway March map collection.
- March, Peyton Conway, 1864-1955. Peyton Conway March papers, 1897-1955.
- Marcy, William L. (William Learned), 1786-1857. William L. Marcy papers, 1806-1930.
- Marian S. Carson collection of manuscripts, 1656-1995.
- Marian S. Carson papers.
- Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, papers.
- Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, papers, 1776-1934.
- Markham, Edwin, 1852-1940. Edwin Markham papers, circa 1893-1937.
- Markoe family. Galloway-Maxcy-Markoe families papers, 1654-1888.
- Markoe, Francis, 1801-1871. Francis Markoe papers.
- Markoe, Sophie D. Sophie D. Markoe papers. 1852-1911.
- Marquis de Lafayette papers, 1757-1990.
- Marshall family. Humphrey Marshall papers, 1771-2002.
- Marshall, Humphrey, 1812-1872. Humphrey Marshall papers, 1771-2002.
- Marshall P. Wilder papers, 1880-1914.
- Marshall Pinckney Wilder papers.
- Marston, Philip Bourke, 1850-1887. Philip Bourke Marston correspondence.
- Marston, Westland, 1819-1890. Westland Marston correspondence.
- Martin Oviatt papers, 1863-1995.
- Mary Amanda Dixon Jones papers, 1839-1925.
- Mary Ann Bickerdyke papers, 1847-1905.
- Mary Church Terrell papers, 1851-1962.
- Mary Edith Powel naval historical collection, 1747-1922.
- Mary French Sheldon papers, 1885-1938.
- Maryland Insurance Company. Maryland Insurance Company records.
- Mason, Charles, 1804-1882. Charles Mason papers.
- Mason family. Charles Mason Remey family papers, 1778-1949.
- Mason, J. M. (James Murray), 1798-1871. J.M. Mason papers, 1838-1870.
- Massachusetts Colonization Society. Massachusetts Colonization Society letterbooks. 1856-1875.
- Matthew C. Brown and John C. Brown papers, 1862-1901.
- Matthew Fontaine Maury papers, 1825-1960.
- Matthew Simpson papers, 1829-1927.
- Matthew Stanley Quay papers, 1776-1949.
- Maud Wood Park papers, 1844-1979.
- Maugham, W. Somerset (William Somerset), 1874-1965. W. Somerset Maugham papers, 1897-1966.
- Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1806-1873. Matthew Fontaine Maury papers, 1825-1960.
- Maxcy family. Galloway-Maxcy-Markoe families papers, 1654-1888.
- Maxcy, Virgil, 1785-1844. Virgil Maxcy papers.
- May Robson papers, 1849-1955.
- Maynard, Edward, 1813-1891. Edward Maynard papers, 1836-1867.
- McAdoo family. Floyd-McAdoo families papers, 1806-1894.
- McAdoo, Mary Faith Floyd, 1832-1913. Mary Faith Floyd McAdoo diaries. 1870-1891.
- McAdoo, W. G. (William Gibbs), 1820-1894. W.G. McAdoo diaries. 1846-1894.
- McAdoo, W. G. (William Gibbs), 1863-1941. W.G. McAdoo papers, 1786-1941.
- McAlpine, William J. (William Jarvis). William J. McAlpine letterbooks, 1837-1861.
- McBride, James, 1784-1817. James McBride papers. 1808-1817.
- McClellan, George B. (George Brinton), 1826-1885. George Brinton McClellan papers, 1783-1898.
- McClellan, George B. (George Brinton), 1865-1940. George B. McClellan papers, 1838-1922.
- McClellan, Mary Ellen Marcy, 1835-1915. Mary Ellen Marcy McClellan diaries. 1865.
- McClure, Charles, 1838-1902. Charles McClure papers. 1849-1926.
- McClure family. Gibson-Getty-McClure families papers, 1777-1926.
- McCook family. McCook family papers, 1809-1966.
- McCook family papers, 1809-1966.
- McCormick and Carey families papers, 1852-1987.
- McCormick family. McCormick and Carey families papers, 1852-1987.
- McCormick family papers.
- McCormick, William, 1834-1863. William McCormick papers.
- McCoy, Frank Ross, 1874-1954. Frank Ross McCoy papers, 1847-1957.
- McCreary, Robert G., -1883. Robert G. McCreary papers. 1785-1879.
- McCulloch, Hugh, 1808-1895. Hugh McCulloch papers, 1855-1905.
- McCurdy, Robert Henry, 1800-1880. Robert Henry McCurdy papers.
- McGee, Anita Newcomb, 1864-1940. Anita Newcomb McGee papers, 1688-1932.
- McGee, W J, 1853-1912. W J McGee papers, 1880-1916.
- McGlinn, John. John McGlinn collection, 1890s-2010.
- McKim, Alexander, 1748-1832. Alexander McKim papers.
- McKim, Charles Follen, 1847-1909. Charles Follen McKim papers, 1838-1929.
- McKim collection, 1899-1991.
- McKim, Leonora Jackson, 1879-1969. Leonora Jackson McKim papers, 1854-1969.
- McKim (Leonora Jackson and William Duncan McKim) collection.
- McKinley, William, 1843-1901. William McKinley map collection.
- McKinley, William, 1843-1901. William McKinley map collection, 1890-1906.
- McKinley, William, 1843-1901. William McKinley papers.
- McKinley, William, 1843-1901. William McKinley papers, circa 1847-1935.
- McLain, William. William McLain papers. 1831-1850.
- McLane, Louis, 1786-1857. Louis McLane correspondence, 1795-1894.
- McLean, Andrew (Merchant) Andrew McLean mercantile letterbook. 1774-1780.
- McLean, Evalyn Walsh, 1886-1947. Evalyn Walsh McLean papers, 1874-1948.
- McLean, Evalyn Walsh, 1886-1947. Father struck it rich. 1936.
- McLean, John, 1785-1861. John McLean papers. 1813-1829.
- McLean, John, 1785-1861. John McLean papers, 1816-1866.
- McManus-Young clipping collection of materials on magic, 1870-1955.
- McPherson, Bessie. Bessie McPherson papers. 1882-1936.
- McPherson, Edward, 1830-1895. Edward McPherson papers, 1738-1936.
- Mearns, Edgar Alexander, 1856-1916. Edgar Alexander Mearns papers, 1864-1918.
- Medill, William, 1802-1865. William Medill papers, 1834-1864.
- Meier, Nellie Simmons, -1939. Nellie Simmons Meier papers, 1898-1938.
- Meigs, Merrill C. (Merrill Church), 1883-1968. Merrill C. Meigs diary.
- Meigs, Montgomery, 1847-1931. Montgomery Meigs papers.
- Meigs, Montgomery C. (Montgomery Cunningham), 1816-1892. Montgomery C. Meigs papers, 1799-1971.
- Meigs, Return Jonathan, 1740-1823. Return Jonathan Meigs papers.
- Meigs, Return Jonathan, 1764-1825. Return Jonathan Meigs papers.
- Melville Weston Fuller papers, 1794-1949.
- Mercer Green Johnston papers, 1860-1954.
- Mercy-Argenteau family papers, 1410-1921.
- Mercy family. Mercy-Argenteau family papers, 1410-1921.
- Mercy family papers.
- Meredith, Jonathan D., 1783-1872. Jonathan D. Meredith papers, 1795-1859.
- Merriam, C. Hart (Clinton Hart), 1855-1942. C. Hart Merriam papers, 1864-1938.
- Merriam, John C. (John Campbell), 1869-1945. John C. Merriam papers, 1899-1938.
- Merrill, George P. (George Perkins), 1854-1929. George P. Merrill correspondence and autographs, 1803-1926.
- Mestre, José Manuel, 1832-1886. José Manuel Mestre papers. circa 1860-1870.
- Meyer, Eugene, 1875-1959. Eugene Meyer papers, 1864-1975.
- Michener, Louis T. (Louis Theodore), 1848-1928. Louis T. Michener papers, 1880-1927.
- Miles-Cameron families correspondence, 1661-1956.
- Miles-Cameron families papers.
- Miles family. Miles-Cameron families correspondence, 1661-1956.
- Miles family papers.
- Miles, Nelson Appleton, 1839-1925. Miles-Cameron families correspondence, 1661-1956.
- Millard Fillmore papers, 1839-1925.
- Milledge L. Bonham papers.
- Miller, Cyrus Robinson, 1874-1947. Cyrus Robinson Miller papers, 1897-1940.
- Miller, Samuel Freeman, 1816-1890. Samuel Freeman Miller correspondence and William Pitt Ballinger diaries, 1854-1887.
- Mills family. Low-Mills family papers, 1767-1971.
- Mills family papers.
- Miner, Myrtilla, 1815-1864. Myrtilla Miner papers, 1825-1960.
- Minnie Maddern Fiske and Harrison Grey Fiske papers, 1818-1955.
- Minnie Maddern Fiske papers.
- Minter, Joseph F. Joseph F. Minter papers.
- Mira Lloyd Dock papers, 1814-1951.
- Mitchel, John Purroy, 1879-1918. John Purroy Mitchel papers, 1835-1932.
- Mitchell, Samuel Chiles, 1864-1948. Unpublished biography of Robert C. Ogden.
- Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990.
- Moldenhauer, Hans. Moldenhauer archives at the Library of Congress, circa 1000-circa 1990.
- Monday, Henry Albert, 1876-1942. Henry Albert Monday collection relating to Mexico, 1522-1935.
- Montgomery, Benjamin T. (Benjamin Thornton), 1819-1877. Benjamin T. Montgomery family papers, 1872-1987.
- Montgomery C. Meigs papers, 1799-1971.
- Montgomery, Emily Redington, 1839-1898. Emily Redington Montgomery papers.
- Montgomery family. Benjamin T. Montgomery family papers, 1872-1987.
- Montgomery family. Montgomery family papers, 1771-1974.
- Montgomery family papers.
- Montgomery family papers, 1771-1974.
- Montgomery, George Redington, 1870-1945. George Redington Montgomery papers.
- Montgomery, Giles Foster, 1835-1888. Giles Foster Montgomery papers.
- Montgomery, Marshall Hugh, 1909-2000. Marshall Hugh Montgomery papers.
- Montgomery Meigs Taylor papers, 1890-1935.
- Montgomery Sicard papers, 1800-1948.
- Moody, Dwight Lyman, 1837-1899. Dwight Lyman Moody papers, 1864-1937.
- Moon, John Austin, 1855-1921. John Austin Moon papers, 1832-1921.
- Moore, John Bassett, 1860-1947. John Bassett Moore file. 1732-1914.
- Moore, John Bassett, 1860-1947. John Bassett Moore papers, 1866-1949.
- Moore, William G. (William George), 1829-1898. William G. Moore diaries.
- Moorfield Storey papers, 1876-1929.
- Moral Re-armament (Organization). Moral Re-armament records, 1812-1991.
- Moral Re-armament records, 1812-1991.
- Mordecai, Alfred, 1804-1887. Alfred Mordecai papers, 1790-1948.
- Moreton Frewen papers, 1823-1934.
- Morfit, Henry Mason, 1793-1865. Henry Mason Morfit papers, 1819-1858.
- Morgan, John Tyler, 1824-1907. John Tyler Morgan papers, 1840-1907.
- Morgan, William Ferguson. William Ferguson Morgan autograph collection. 1746-1938.
- Morgenthau, Henry, 1856-1946. Henry Morgenthau papers, 1795-1941.
- Morley, Edward Williams, 1838-1923. Edward Williams Morley papers, 1833-1923.
- Morrill, Justin S. (Justin Smith), 1810-1898. Justin S. Morrill papers, 1825-1923.
- Morris, George Pope, 1802-1864. George Pope Morris papers, 1832-1862.
- Morrison, James, 1755-1823. James Morrison papers.
- Morrison R. Waite papers, 1818-1933.
- Morrisson, Mary Foulke. Mary Foulke Morrisson scrapbooks.
- Morse, Samuel Finley Breese, 1791-1872. Samuel Finley Breese Morse papers, 1793-1944.
- Mosby, John Singleton, 1833-1916. John Singleton Mosby papers, 1861-1904.
- Mouillard, Louis-Pierre, 1834-1897. Louis-Pierre Mouillard papers, 1833-1987.
- Moulton, Louise Chandler, 1835-1908. Louise Chandler Moulton papers, 1852-1908.
- Mullett & Co. architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Mullett & Co. collection.
- Munroe, Kirk, 1850-1930. Kirk Munroe papers, 1850-1940.
- Munroe, Mabel Stearns. Mabel Stearns Munroe papers.
- Munroe, Mary Barr. Mary Barr Munroe papers.
- Muriel H. Parry map collection.
- Murray, David, 1830-1905. David Murray papers, 1866-1930.
- Music of John Philip Sousa and Victor Grabel.
- Music of the Sousa Band and Victor Grabel, 1861-1954.
- Myer, Albert James, 1829-1880. Albert James Myer papers, 1816-1880.
- Myer, Albert James, 1829-1880. Albert James Myer papers, 1851-1933.
- Myers, Leonard. Leonard Myers papers.
- Myrtilla Miner papers, 1825-1960.
- N. King papers.
- N.A. Strait Civil War collection, 1861-1900.
- Naseef family. Naseef-Page family papers, 1880-1936.
- Naseef family papers.
- Naseef-Page family papers, 1880-1936.
- Nathan Appleton papers, 1850-1904.
- Nathan Sargent papers, 1866-1957.
- Nathan W. Daniels diary and scrapbook, 1861-1867.
- Nathan W. Daniels papers.
- Nathaniel D. Hackett correspondence, 1853-1947.
- Nathaniel D. Hackett papers.
- Nathaniel Davis Hackett papers.
- Nathaniel Prentiss Banks papers, 1829-1911.
- Nathaniel Sisson papers, 1838-1932.
- Nathaniel Wright family papers, 1787-1917.
- National American Woman Suffrage Association. National American Woman Suffrage Association records, 1839-1961.
- National American Woman Suffrage Association records, 1839-1961.
- Nazimova, 1879-1945. Nazimova collection, 1877-1988.
- Nazimova collection, 1877-1988.
- Nazimova papers.
- Nellie Simmons Meier papers, 1898-1938.
- Nelson Appleton Miles papers.
- Nelson W. Aldrich papers, 1777-1930.
- Nelson W. Jordan family papers, circa 1864-2003.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Abul.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Alberto Nepomuceno collection, 1887-1988.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Artemis.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Peças líricas.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, no. 1, B minor.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, no. 2, G minor.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Quartets, violins (2), viola, cello, no. 3, D minor.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Série brasileira.
- Nepomuceno, Alberto, 1864-1920. Suite antiga.
- New England Historic Genealogical Society. New England Historic Genealogical Society records. 1849-1852.
- New York Society for the Suppression of Vice. New York Society for the Suppression of Vice records, 1871-1953.
- New York Society for the Suppression of Vice records, 1871-1953.
- Newcomb, Simon, 1835-1909. Simon Newcomb papers, 1813-1949.
- Newell, Frederick Haynes, 1862-1932. Frederick Haynes Newell papers, 1885-1931.
- Newland, William Augustine, 1813-1901. William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900.
- Newland / Zeuner collection, circa 1735-circa 1900.
- Nicaragua Canal Construction Company. Nicaragua Canal Construction Company records, 1887-1913.
- Nicaragua Canal Construction Company records, 1887-1913.
- Nicaraguan Canal Commission (U.S.) Nicaraguan Canal Commission (U.S.) records.
- Nicholas King family papers, 1792-1987.
- Nichols, Jeannette Paddock, 1890-1982. Jeannette Paddock Nichols biographer's papers. 1860-1930.
- Nicholson, Augustus S., 1830-1911. Augustus S. Nicholson papers, 1861-1934.
- Nicholson family papers.
- Nicholson, John, 1757-1800. John Nicholson family papers, 1786-1868.
- Nicholson, Joseph Hopper, 1770-1817. Joseph Hopper Nicholson papers.
- Nicholson, Joseph, Jr., -1786. Joseph Nicholson Jr. papers.
- Nicholson, Rebecca Lloyd, 1771-1847. Rebecca Lloyd Nicholson papers.
- Nicolay, Helen, 1866-1954. Helen Nicolay papers.
- Nicolay, John G. (John George), 1832-1901. John G. Nicolay papers, 1811-1943.
- Nicollet, J. N. (Joseph Nicolas), 1786-1843. J.N. Nicollet papers.
- Niehaus, Earl F. Earl F. Niehaus thesis. 1955.
- Nikola Tesla correspondence, 1890-1934.
- Nikola Tesla papers.
- Ninian Pinkney papers, 1822-1913.
- Norman Hapgood and Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood papers, 1824-1977.
- Norris, George W. (George William), 1861-1944. George W. Norris papers, 1864-1954.
- North American Review correspondence, 1858-1912.
- North American Review papers.
- North, Gary W. Gary W. North map collection.
- Nuccio, Mark. To the Man of War Bird. 1983.
- O'Callaghan, E. B. (Edmund Bailey), 1797-1880. E.B. O'Callaghan papers, 1830-1879.
- O'Connor, William Douglas, 1832-1889. William Douglas O'Connor papers.
- O'Hara, Eliot, 1890-1969. Eliot O'Hara correspondence.
- O'Hara, Shirley Putnam, 1886- Shirley Putnam O'Hara correspondence and diaries.
- O'Laughlin, John Callan, 1873-1949. John Callan O'Laughlin papers, 1895-1949.
- O'Neil, Charles, 1842-1927. Charles O'Neil papers, 1833-1927.
- O'Reilly, Alejandro, 1725-1794. Alejandro O'Reilly manuscript volume.
- Octave Chanute papers, 1807-1955.
- Ogden, Robert C. (Robert Curtis), 1836-1913. Robert C. Ogden papers, 1843-1913.
- Oldberg, Arne, 1874-1962. Arne Oldberg collection, circa 1887-1962.
- Oliver Ellsworth family papers, 1762-1907.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes papers, 1837-1931.
- Olmsted Associates. Olmsted Associates records.
- Olmsted Associates. Olmsted Associates records, 1863-1971.
- Olmsted Associates records, 1863-1971.
- Olmsted Brothers. Olmsted Brothers records. (2)
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. Frederick Law Olmsted papers. (2)
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903. Frederick Law Olmsted papers, 1777-1952.
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1870-1957. Frederick Law Olmsted papers.
- Olmsted, Gideon, 1749-1845. Gideon Olmsted papers.
- Olmsted, John, 1791-1873. John Olmsted papers.
- Olmsted, John Charles, 1852-1920. John Charles Olmsted papers.
- Olmsted, Olmsted, and Eliot. Olmsted, Olmsted, and Eliot records. (2)
- Olney, Richard, 1835-1917. Richard Olney papers, 1830-1928.
- O.M. Poe papers, 1852-1922.
- Osborn, Joseph Bloomfield, 1842-1876. Joseph Bloomfield Osborn papers, 1862-1865.
- Oscar S. Straus Memorial Association. Oscar S. Straus Memorial Association records. 1927-1954.
- Oscar S. Straus papers, 1856-1955.
- Osgood family. Field-Osgood family papers, 1702-1938.
- Osgood family papers.
- Osgood, Joseph B. F. (Joseph Barlow Felt), 1823- Joseph B. F. Osgood papers. 1817-1892.
- Osgood, Maria Bowne Franklin. Maria Bowne Franklin Osgood papers.
- Osgood, Samuel, 1748-1813. Samuel Osgood papers.
- Oviatt, Martin. Martin Oviatt papers, 1863-1995.
- Owen Wister papers, 1829-1966.
- P. Phillips family papers, 1832-1914.
- Page family. Naseef-Page family papers, 1880-1936.
- Page family papers.
- Palfrey family. Lee-Palfrey families papers, 1780-1932.
- Palmer, Alexander Smith, 1806-1894. Alexander Smith Palmer papers.
- Palmer family. Palmer-Loper family papers, 1667-1994.
- Palmer-Loper family papers, 1667-1994.
- Palmer, Nathaniel Brown, 1799-1877. Nathaniel Brown Palmer papers.
- Palmer, T. S. (Theodore Sherman), 1868-1955. T.S. Palmer papers, 1877-1954.
- Park family. Ham, Connelly, Parks, and Snodgrass families papers, 1870-2018.
- Park, Maud Wood, 1871-1955. Maud Wood Park papers, 1844-1979.
- Parker, Theodore, 1810-1860. Theodore Parker papers, 1838-1910.
- Parks family papers.
- Parry, Muriel H., 1922-2004. Muriel H. Parry map collection.
- Parsons, Enoch, 1769-1846. Enoch Parsons papers.
- Parsons family papers, 1769-1878.
- Parsons family. Parsons family papers, 1769-1878.
- Parsons, Henry William, 1840-1914. Henry William Parsons papers, 1871-1986.
- Parsons, Samuel Holden, 1737-1789. Samuel Holden Parsons papers.
- Parsons, Samuel Holden, 1800-1871. Samuel Holden Parsons papers.
- Patent medicine labels and advertisements (Library of Congress).
- Patterson, C. P. (Carlile Pollock), 1816-1881. C.P. Patterson papers.
- Patterson, Eliza Pearson, 1826-1902. Eliza Pearson Patterson papers.
- Patterson family. Patterson-Winslow family papers, 1813-1963.
- Patterson, Richard Sharpe, 1908-1976. Richard Sharpe Patterson papers, 1776-1998.
- Patterson, William Franklin, 1826-1886. William Franklin Patterson papers, 1812-1937.
- Patterson-Winslow family papers, 1813-1963.
- Paul Federn papers, 1864-1975.
- Paul J. Pelz papers, circa 1800-1921.
- Paul Löwenberg collection of Lanner-Strauss materials, 1825-1916.
- Paul Löwenberg collection of music by the Johann Strauss and Joseph Lanner families, 1825-1929.
- Paul Wayland Bartlett papers, 1875-1959.
- Paul Wilstach collection of Richard Mansfield papers, 1889-1918.
- Paul Wilstach papers.
- Peabody, George Foster, 1852-1938. George Foster Peabody papers, 1894-1937.
- Peckham family. Wheeler H. Peckham family papers, 1838-1894.
- Peckham, Rufus W., 1809-1873. Rufus W. Peckham papers.
- Peckham, Rufus Wheeler, 1838-1909. Rufus Wheeler Peckham papers.
- Peckham, Wheeler H. (Wheeler Hazard), 1833-1905. Wheeler H. Peckham family papers, 1815-1910.
- Pelham, Thomas, active 18th century. Thomas Pelham account books. 1705-1716.
- Pelz, Paul J., 1841-1918. Paul J. Pelz papers, circa 1800-1921.
- Pennell, Elizabeth Robins, 1855-1936. Pennell-Whistler collection. 1597-1937.
- Pennell, Joseph, 1857-1926. Pennell-Whistler collection, 1597-1937.
- Pennell-Whistler collection, 1597-1937.
- Périer, Natalie du Motier de La Fayette, 1803-1878. Natalie du Motier de La Fayette Périer papers.
- Perlstein, Israel, 1897-1975. Israel Perlstein collection relating to Imperial Russia, 1613-1914.
- Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 1794-1858. Matthew Calbraith Perry papers.
- Perry, Oliver Hazard, 1785-1819. Oliver Hazard Perry papers.
- Perry S. Heath papers, 1890-1983.
- Perry Sanford Heath papers.
- Peter A. Demens papers, 1880-2000.
- Peter Chardon Brooks Insurance Agency. Peter Chardon Brooks Insurance Agency records.
- Peter Force collection.
- Peter Force papers.
- Peter Force papers and collection, 1492-1977.
- Peter Shemonsky collection, 1899-1970.
- Peyton Conway March papers, 1897-1955.
- Phelps, John S. (John Smith), 1814-1886. John S. Phelps papers.
- Phelps, Mary Whitney. Mary Whitney Phelps papers.
- Philip Henry Sheridan papers, 1853-1896.
- Philip Lee Phillips papers, 1885-1921.
- Philipp Franz von Siebold papers, 1609-1927.
- Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872. Sir Thomas Phillipps collection, circa 1400-1857.
- Phillips, Eugenia Levy. Eugenia Levy Phillips journal. 1861-1862.
- Phillips, P. (Philip), 1807-1884. P. Phillips family papers, 1832-1914.
- Phillips, Philip Lee, 1857-1924. Philip Lee Phillips papers, 1885-1921.
- Phillips, W. Hallett (William Hallet), 1853-1897. W. Hallett Phillips papers.
- Phineas P. Quimby papers, 1841-1887.
- Phineas Parkhurst Quimby papers.
- Photographs selected from the Königliche Preussische Messbildanstalt.
- Physick, Edmund, 1725 or 1726-1804. Edmund Physick family papers, 1759-1899.
- Physick family. Edmund Physick family papers, 1759-1899.
- Pickens, F. W. (Francis Wilkinson), 1805-1869. F.W. Pickens and Milledge L. Bonham papers, 1837-1920.
- Pickett family. Christiancy and Pickett families papers, 1835-1998.
- Pickett family papers.
- Pickett, George E. (George Edward), 1825-1875. George E. Pickett papers.
- Pickett, George E. (George Edward), 1891 or 1892-1959. George E. Pickett papers.
- Pickett, John T. (John Thomas), 1822-1884. John T. Pickett papers.
- Pickett, La Salle Corbell, 1848-1931. La Salle Corbell Pickett papers.
- Pickett, Theodore John. Theodore John Pickett papers.
- Pierce-Aiken family papers, 1797-1903.
- Pierce family. Pierce-Aiken family papers, 1797-1903.
- Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869. Franklin Pierce papers, 1820-1869.
- Pierrepont, Edwards, 1817-1892. Edwards Pierrepont papers, 1847-1900.
- Pierson family. Job Pierson family papers, 1755-1908.
- Pierson family papers.
- Pierson family. Pierson, Rioch, and Layton families papers, 1777-2012.
- Pierson, Job, 1791-1860. Job Pierson family papers, 1755-1908.
- Pierson, Job, 1824-1896. Job Pierson papers.
- Pierson, Rioch, and Layton families papers, 1777-2012.
- Pike, Luther H. Luther H. Pike papers.
- Pinchot, Gifford, 1865-1946. Gifford Pinchot map collection. (2)
- Pinchot, Gifford, 1865-1946. Gifford Pinchot papers.
- Pinchot, Gifford, 1865-1946. Gifford Pinchot papers, 1770-1972.
- Pinchot, James W., 1831-1908. James W. Pinchot papers.
- Pinchot, Mary Eno. Mary Eno Pinchot papers.
- Pinhey, Amy Putnam. Amy Putnam Pinhey correspondence and diaries.
- Pinkerton, Allan, 1819-1884. Allan Pinkerton papers.
- Pinkerton, Allan, 1876-1930. Allan Pinkerton papers.
- Pinkerton, Charles, 1871-1974. Charles Pinkerton collection of Arthur and Herndon family papers, 1822-1938.
- Pinkerton, Robert A., 1904-1967. Robert A. Pinkerton papers.
- Pinkerton, Robert A. (Robert Allan), 1848-1907. Robert A. Pinkerton papers.
- Pinkerton, William A. (William Allan), 1846-1923. William A. Pinkerton papers.
- Pinkerton's National Detective Agency. Pinkerton's National Detective Agency records, 1853-1999.
- Pinkerton's National Detective Agency records, 1853-1999.
- Pinkney, Ninian, 1811-1877. Ninian Pinkney papers, 1822-1913.
- Plitt, George. George Plitt papers. 1836-1873.
- Plumb, Edward Lee, 1827-1912. Edward Lee Plumb papers, 1825-1903.
- Poe, O. M. (Orlando Metcalfe), 1832-1895. O.M. Poe papers, 1852-1922.
- Polk family papers, 1767-1859.
- Polk family. Polk family papers, 1767-1859.
- Pollard family. Coolidge-Pollard families papers, 1818-2015.
- Pollard family papers.
- Pollard, Isaac, Jr., 1830-1917. Isaac Pollard, Jr., correspondence and diary. 1850-1855.
- Porter, David, 1780-1843. David Porter papers.
- Porter, David, 1780-1843. David Porter papers. 1811-1841.
- Porter, David D. (David Dixon), 1813-1891. David D. Porter family papers, 1799-1899.
- Porter, David D. (David Dixon), 1813-1891. David D. Porter papers. 1861-1881.
- Porter family. David D. Porter family papers, 1799-1899.
- Porter family papers, 1811-1881.
- Porter family. Porter family papers, 1811-1881.
- Porter, Fitz-John, 1822-1901. Fitz-John Porter papers, 1830-1949.
- Porter, Horace, 1837-1921. Horace Porter papers, 1853-1922.
- Portraits of men who served as Union and Confederate military officers in the American Civil War.
- Powel, Mary Edith, 1846-1931. Mary Edith Powel naval historical collection, 1747-1922.
- Powell, E. Alexander (Edward Alexander), 1879-1957. E. Alexander Powell papers, 1893-1957.
- Pratt, Bela Lyon, 1867-1917. Bela Lyon Pratt papers, 1884-1918.
- Pray, Eleanor Lord, 1868-1954. Eleanor Lord Pray papers, 1894-1975.
- Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Washington City. Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Washington City records, 1823-1950.
- Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Presbytery of Washington City records, 1823-1950.
- Preston family. Campbell-Preston-Floyd families papers, 1741-1931.
- Preston family papers.
- Price family papers, 1854-1905.
- Price family. Price family papers, 1854-1905.
- Price, John H., active 1861-1865. John H. Price papers.
- Price, William George, 1833-1885. William George Price papers.
- Price, William George, 1867-1944. William George Price papers.
- Prince, Christopher, 1751-1832. Christopher Prince autobiography and souvenir booklet, 1806-1891.
- Prints and bookplates by Sidney Lawton Smith.
- Pritchett, John Perry. John Perry Pritchett papers.
- Procter, John Robert, 1844-1903. John Robert Procter papers, 1867-1903.
- Progressive military maps of the United States.
- Public Archives of Canada. British ministers' correspondence in the Public Archives of Canada, 1791-1875.
- Puerto Rican collection, 1591-1900.
- Puerto Rican memorial collection, 1519-1923.
- Puerto Rico. Puerto Rican collection, 1591-1900.
- Puleston, W. D. (William Dilworth), 1881- W.D. Puleston research and writings file. 1806-1939.
- Pulitzer, Joseph, 1847-1911. Joseph Pulitzer papers, 1880-1924.
- Purdy, Ray Foote, 1898-1965. Ray Foote Purdy papers. 1812-1974.
- Putnam, Brenda, 1890-1975. Brenda Putnam correspondence.
- Putnam, C. H. (Catherine Hunt), 1792- C.H. Putnam correspondence.
- Putnam, Charlotte Elizabeth Munroe, -1928. Charlotte Elizabeth Munroe Putnam correspondence.
- Putnam, George Palmer, 1814-1872. George Palmer Putnam correspondence.
- Putnam, Herbert, 1861-1955. Herbert Putnam papers, 1783-1958.
- Putnam, Israel, 1718-1790. Israel Putnam correspondence.
- Putnam, Ruth, 1856-1931. Ruth Putnam correspondence and diaries.
- Quay, Matthew Stanley, 1833-1904. Matthew Stanley Quay papers, 1776-1949.
- Quimby, P. P. (Phineas Parkhurst), 1802-1866. Phineas P. Quimby papers, 1841-1887.
- R. Hoe & Company. R. Hoe & Company records, 1831-1948.
- R. Hoe & Company records, 1831-1948.
- Ralph Randolph Gurley papers, 1825-1931.
- Rand, Wallace E., 1897-1918. Wallace E. Rand collection 1893-1919.
- Randolph, Elizabeth, active 1793. Elizabeth Randolph papers.
- Randolph, Peter S. Peter S. Randolph papers.
- Randolph, William B., 1793-1874. William B. Randolph papers, 1696-1884.
- Raoul Heilbronner papers, 1887-1952.
- Read family papers, 1568-1906.
- Read family. Read family papers, 1568-1906.
- Read, George, 1733-1798. George Read papers.
- Read, George, 1765-1836. George Read papers.
- Read, James, 1743-1822. James Read papers.
- Read, John, 1769-1854. John Read papers.
- Read, John M. (John Meredith), 1797-1874. John M. Read papers.
- Read, John Meredith, 1837-1896. John Meredith Read papers.
- Reader's collection, Library of Congress Copyright Office drama deposits, 1863-1928.
- Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País (Cuba). Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais (Cuba) records. 1863-1869.
- Ream, Vinnie, 1847-1914. Vinnie Ream and R.L. Hoxie papers, 1853-1937.
- Rebekah Crawford and Linda Clarke-Smith papers, 1715-1929.
- Reed, Charles Wellington, 1841-1926. Charles Wellington Reed papers, 1776-1926.
- Reeves, Arthur Middleton, 1856-1891. Arthur Middleton Reeves papers.
- Reeves, Mark E. Mark E. Reeves papers.
- Reid, Elisabeth Mills, 1858-1931. Elisabeth Mills Reid papers.
- Reid family map collection.
- Reid family papers, 1795-2003.
- Reid family. Reid family papers, 1795-1970.
- Reid family. Samuel Chester Reid family papers, 1807-1963.
- Reid Foundation. Reid Foundation records. 1944-1958.
- Reid, Helen Rogers, 1882-1970. Helen Rogers Reid papers.
- Reid, Ogden Mills, 1882-1947. Ogden Mills Reid papers.
- Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Chester), 1818-1897. Samuel C. Reid papers.
- Reid, Samuel Chester, 1783-1861. Samuel Chester Reid family papers, 1807-1963.
- Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912. Whitelaw Reid papers.
- Reid, Whitelaw, 1913-2009. Whitelaw Reid papers.
- Remey, Charles Mason, 1874-1974. Charles Mason Remey family papers, 1778-1949.
- Remey family. Charles Mason Remey family papers, 1778-1949.
- Remey, George Collier, 1841-1928. George Collier Remey papers.
- Remey, Mary Josephine Mason, 1845-1938. Mary Josephine Mason Remey papers.
- Reuben Cleary book manuscripts, 1886.
- Reuben Cleary papers.
- Reverdy Johnson papers, 1830-1876.
- Reynolds, Joseph Jones, 1822-1899. Joseph Jones Reynolds papers.
- Reynolds, Juliana Smith. Juliana Smith Reynolds papers.
- Reynolds, Tilton C., 1843-1913. Tilton C. Reynolds papers, 1851-1963.
- Rhees, William Jones, 1830-1907. William Jones Rhees papers, 1856-1885.
- Richard H. Bayard papers.
- Richard H. M. Settle papers.
- Richard Henry Wilde papers, 1807-1867.
- Richard H.M. Settle correspondence and photograph, 1871-1879.
- Richard Lathers papers, 1826-1901.
- Richard M. Look map collection.
- Richard Mansfield papers.
- Richard Olney papers, 1830-1928.
- Richard Rush papers, 1805-1852.
- Richard Sharpe Patterson papers, 1776-1998.
- Richards, William Henry, 1856-1941. William Henry Richards papers, 1856-1946.
- Richardson, Holden Chester, 1878- Holden Chester Richardson papers, 1844-1946.
- Richardson, William Merchant, 1774-1838. William Merchant Richardson papers.
- Richey, Lawrence, 1885-1959. Lawrence Richey diary. 1903.
- Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria), 1840-1923. Cora L.V. Richmond diary. 1866-1867.
- Richmond Pearson Hobson papers, 1889-1966.
- Rigby family papers.
- Rigby family. Tunnicliff, Rigby, and Staton families papers, 1854-1990.
- Riggs, Elisha, 1779-1853. Elisha Riggs papers. 1813-1896.
- Riggs, Elisha, 1826-1881. Elisha Riggs papers. 1844-1890.
- Riggs, Elisha Francis, 1851-1910. Elisha Francis Riggs papers. 1860-1910.
- Riggs, Elisha Francis, 1887-1936. Elisha Francis Riggs papers. 1887-1935.
- Riggs family papers, 1763-1945.
- Riggs family. Riggs family papers, 1763-1945.
- Riggs, George Washington, 1813-1881. George Washington Riggs papers. 1836-1881.
- Riggs, Romulus, 1782-1846. Romulus Riggs papers. 1821-1882.
- Riggs, T. Lawrason (Thomas Lawrason), 1888-1943. T. Lawrason Riggs papers. 1790-1943.
- Riggs, Thomas, 1873-1945. Thomas Riggs papers. 1887-1945.
- Riggs, William Henry, 1837-1924. William Henry Riggs papers. 1850-1912.
- Rihani, Ameen Fares, 1876-1940. Ameen Fares Rihani papers, 1897-1940.
- Riis, Jacob A. (Jacob August), 1849-1914. Jacob A. Riis papers, 1870-1990.
- Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. James Whitcomb Riley papers, 1883-1915.
- Rioch family papers.
- Rioch family. Pierson, Rioch, and Layton families papers, 1777-2012.
- Rives, William C. (William Cabell), 1793-1868. William C. Rives papers, 1674-1939.
- Robards, Lewis C. Lewis C. Robards receipt book. 1851-1853.
- Robbins, Henry Alfred, 1839-1911. Henry Alfred Robbins journals. 1870-1904.
- Robert Anderson papers, 1819-1948.
- Robert C. Ogden papers, 1843-1913.
- Robert Garrett family papers, 1778-1925.
- Robert Garrett family. Robert Garrett family papers, 1778-1925.
- Robert Green Ingersoll papers, 1826-1940.
- Robert H. Terrell papers, 1870-1954.
- Robert, Henry M. (Henry Martyn), 1837-1923. Henry M. Robert papers, 1853-1937.
- Robert Lee Bullard papers, 1881-1955.
- Robert Patterson Hughes papers, 1876-1994.
- Robert R. Hitt papers, 1830-1906.
- Robert Wilson Shufeldt papers, 1836-1910.
- Roberts, Anna A. Rice, 1854-1881. Anna A. Rice Roberts papers. 1854-1881.
- Roberts, Benjamin Titus, 1823-1893. Benjamin Titus Roberts family papers, 1832-1971.
- Roberts, Benjamin Titus, 1823-1893. Benjamin Titus Roberts papers, 1844-1895.
- Roberts, Benson Howard, 1853-1930. Benson Howard Roberts papers. 1875-1924.
- Roberts, Ellen Lois Stowe, 1825-1908. Ellen Lois Stowe Roberts papers. 1839-1907.
- Roberts, Emma Sellew, 1856-1931. Emma Sellew Roberts papers. 1875-1906.
- Roberts family. Benjamin Titus Roberts family papers, 1832-1971.
- Roberts family. Joseph J. Roberts family papers, 1839-2001.
- Roberts family papers.
- Roberts, George Lane, 1852-1924. George Lane Roberts papers. 1869-1902.
- Roberts, Joseph J. (Joseph Jenkins), 1809-1876. Joseph J. Roberts family papers, 1839-2001.
- Robertson, James Alexander, 1873-1939. James Alexander Robertson papers, 1816-1939.
- Robles, Sebastian T. (Sebastian Tomas), 1901-1959. Sebastian T. Robles cartoon. 1934.
- Robson, May, 1858-1942. May Robson papers, 1849-1955.
- Rockwell, Almon Ferdinand, 1835- Almon Ferdinand Rockwell papers, 1852-1900.
- Rodgers family papers, 1740-1987.
- Rodgers family papers, 1788-1944.
- Rodgers family. Rodgers family papers, 1740-1987.
- Rodgers family. Rodgers family papers, 1788-1944.
- Rodgers, Frederick, 1842-1917. Frederick Rodgers papers, 1852-1920.
- Rodgers, John, 1773-1838. John Rodgers papers. (2)
- Rodgers, John, 1812-1882. John Rodgers papers.
- Rodgers, John, 1881-1926. John Rodgers papers.
- Rodgers, John Augustus, 1848-1933. John Augustus Rodgers papers.
- Rodgers, Minerva Denison, 1784-1877. Minerva Denison Rodgers papers.
- Rodgers, William Ledyard, 1860-1944. William Ledyard Rodgers papers.
- Rodolfo R. Schuller papers, 1492-1915.
- Rodríguez, José Ignacio, 1831-1907. José Ignacio Rodríguez papers, 1860-1907.
- Roe, Francis Asbury, 1823-1901. Francis Asbury Roe papers, 1842-1901.
- Roger Welles papers, 1884-1926.
- Rogers, Charles H. Charles H. Rogers family papers, 1858-1930.
- Rogers family. Charles H. Rogers family papers, 1858-1930.
- Rogers, William Barton, 1804-1882. William Barton Rogers notebooks. 1835-1841.
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Theodore Roosevelt Hunting Library, 1566-1926.
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Theodore Roosevelt papers, 1759-1993.
- Root, Elihu, 1845-1937. Elihu Root papers, 1863-1937.
- Roper, Laura Wood, 1911-2003. Laura Wood Roper map collection. (2)
- Roper, Laura Wood, 1911-2003. Laura Wood Roper papers.
- Roper, Laura Wood, 1911-2003. Laura Wood Roper papers, 1822-1982.
- Rosa Freud Graf papers, 1879-1942.
- Rose Marie and Harold Spivacke Fund collection.
- Rose Marie Grentzer and Harold Spivacke Fund collection, 1615-1994.
- Roswell Randall Hoes papers, 1799-1912.
- Rounsevelle Wildman and Edwin Wildman papers, 1896-1923.
- Rounsevelle Wildman papers.
- Rowan, Stephen C. (Stephen Clegg), 1808-1890. Stephen C. Rowan papers, 1826-1890.
- Royal E. Ingersoll papers.
- Royal Rodney Ingersoll and Royal E. Ingersoll papers, 1866-1935.
- Royal Rodney Ingersoll papers.
- R.R. Bowker papers, 1831-1931.
- Rudolph and Joseph Schildkraut scrapbooks, 1867-1964.
- Rudolph Forster papers, 1898-1943.
- Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865. Edmund Ruffin diaries, 1856-1865.
- Rufus S. Frost papers, 1841-1883.
- Rush, Madison, active 1845-1847. Madison Rush journal. 1845-1847.
- Rush, Richard, 1780-1859. Richard Rush papers, 1805-1852.
- Russia miscellany, 1759-1928.
- Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Diocese of Alaska records, 1733-1938.
- Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Diocese of Alaska. Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Diocese of Alaska records, 1733-1938.
- Ruthven Deane bookplate collection.
- Sacarisen, Carl John, 1875-1968. Carl John Sacarisen diary, 1898-1899.
- Sakariassen, Carl Johan, 1875-1968. Carl Johan Sakariassen papers. 1898-1899.
- Salmon P. Chase papers, 1755-1898.
- Saltoun, Alexander George Fraser, Lord, 1785-1853. Lord Saltoun collection of guitar music, 1810-1850.
- Samuel Chester Reid family papers, 1807-1963.
- Samuel Cotter Kirkpatrick papers, 1861-1985.
- Samuel Edward Axson papers.
- Samuel Edward Axson sermons, 1857-1880.
- Samuel Finley Breese Morse papers, 1793-1944.
- Samuel Franklin Emmons papers, 1725-1914.
- Samuel Freeman Miller correspondence and William Pitt Ballinger diaries, 1854-1887.
- Samuel Freeman Miller papers.
- Samuel Hay Kauffmann papers, 1871-1896.
- Samuel Hooper papers, 1829-1874.
- Samuel J. Baird papers, 1834-1892.
- Samuel J. Gibson diary and correspondence, 1864.
- Samuel J. Gibson papers.
- Samuel John Baird papers.
- Samuel P. Warren collection, 1849-1915.
- Samuel Peter Heintzelman papers, 1822-1913.
- Samuel Phillips Lee papers, 1860-1869.
- Samuel Smith family papers, 1772-1911.
- Samuel W. Dike papers, 1870-1913.
- Samuel Wylie Crawford papers, 1860-1892.
- San José de Queréndaro Hacienda records, 1543-1922.
- Sanders, Anna Johnson Reid, approximately 1815-1890. Anna Johnson Reid Sanders correspondence and journals.
- Sanders family. George Nicholas Sanders family papers, 1833-1973.
- Sanders, George N. (George Nicholas), 1848-1890. George N. Sanders journal.
- Sanders, George Nicholas, 1812-1873. George Nicholas Sanders family papers, 1833-1973.
- Sarah Stone autograph collection, 1720-1962.
- Sargent, Nathan, 1849-1907. Nathan Sargent papers, 1866-1957.
- Sayles Jenks Bowen papers, 1836-1882.
- Scala, Francis Maria, 1819?-1903. Francis Maria Scala papers, 1816-2013.
- Schaeffer, F. C. (Frederick Christian), 1792-1831. F. C. Schaeffer papers.
- Schildkraut, Joseph, 1895-1964. Rudolph and Joseph Schildkraut scrapbooks. 1867-1964.
- Schildkraut, Leonora. Rudolph and Joseph Schildkraut scrapbooks, 1867-1964.
- Schildkraut, Rudolph. Rudolph and Joseph Schildkraut scrapbooks, 1867-1964.
- Schnabel, Artur, 1882-1951. Artur Schnabel collection, 1899-1950.
- Schofield, John McAllister, 1831-1906. John McAllister Schofield papers, 1837-1906.
- Schöner, Johann, 1477-1547. Schöner Sammelband. 1516?.
- Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 1793-1864. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft papers, 1788-1941.
- Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, Mrs. Mrs. Henry Rowe Schoolcraft papers.
- Schoolcraft, Jane Johnston, 1800-1842. Jane Johnston Schoolcraft papers.
- Schoolcraft, Lawrence, 1757-1840. Lawrence Schoolcraft papers.
- Schoonmaker, Cornelius Marius, 1839-1889. Cornelius Marius Schoonmaker papers, 1833-1931.
- Schuller, Rodolfo R., 1873-1932. Rodolfo R. Schuller papers, 1492-1915.
- Schurz, Carl, 1829-1906. Carl Schurz papers, 1837-1983.
- Schuyler Colfax correspondence and speeches, 1837-1882.
- Schuyler Colfax papers.
- Schuyler, Eugene, 1840-1890. Eugene Schuyler papers, 1624-2015.
- Scott, Hugh Lenox, 1853-1934. Hugh Lenox Scott papers, 1582-1981.
- Scott, Julia Green, 1839-1923. Julia Green Scott papers.
- Scott, William McKendree, 1817-1861. William McKendree Scott journal. 1845.
- Scrap books compiled by Thompson and Chesson.
- Scrapbooks compiled by Thompson and Chesson.
- Scruggs, William Lindsay, 1836-1912. William Lindsay Scruggs papers, 1828-1955.
- See, T. J. J. (Thomas Jefferson Jackson), 1866- T.J.J. See papers, 1887-1960.
- Select papers from the George Kleine film collection, 1886-1946.
- Selfridge, T. O. (Thomas Oliver), 1836-1924. T.O. Selfridge papers, 1852-1926.
- Selfridge, Thomas Oliver, 1804-1902. Thomas Oliver Selfridge papers, 1809-1927.
- Serge Diaghilev/Serge Lifar collection, 1750-1950.
- Serge Lifar collection on Serge Diaghilev, 1750-1950.
- Settle, Richard H. M. Richard H.M. Settle correspondence and photograph, 1871-1879.
- Shaker collection of records concerning the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing, 1676-1937.
- Shaw, Edward, 1824-1914. Edward Shaw papers, 1847-1867.
- Shaw family papers, 1636-1892.
- Shaw family. Shaw family papers, 1636-1892.
- Sheet music cover collection (Library of Congress).
- Sheldon, Mary French, 1847-1936. Mary French Sheldon papers, 1885-1938.
- Shemonsky, Peter, 1878-1943. Peter Shemonsky collection, 1899-1970.
- Shepherd, Alexander Robey, 1835-1902. Alexander Robey Shepherd papers, 1776-1945.
- Shepherd, William R. (William Robert), 1871-1934. William R. Shepherd papers, 1554-1931.
- Sheppard, Eli T., 1842-1927. Eli T. Sheppard papers, 1872-1924.
- Sheridan, Philip Henry, 1831-1888. Philip Henry Sheridan papers, 1853-1896.
- Sherman, Ellen Ewing, 1824-1888. Ellen Ewing Sherman papers.
- Sherman, James H. (James Henry). James H. Sherman correspondence, 1873-1876.
- Sherman, John, 1823-1900. John Sherman papers, 1836-1900.
- Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891. William T. Sherman papers.
- Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891. William T. Sherman papers, 1810-1897.
- Shippen, Alice Lee, 1736-1817. Alice Lee Shippen papers. (2)
- Shippen, Edward, 1826-1911. Edward Shippen papers.
- Shippen family papers, 1671-1936.
- Shippen family. Shippen family papers, 1671-1936.
- Shippen, Thomas Lee, 1765-1798. Thomas Lee Shippen papers. (2)
- Shippen, William, Jr., 1736-1808. William Shippen Jr. papers. (2)
- Shippen, William, Sr., 1712-1801. William Shippen Sr. papers.
- Short, Charles Wilkins, 1794-1863. Charles Wilkins Short papers.
- Short family papers.
- Short family. Short-Harrison-Symmes families papers, 1760-1878.
- Short-Harrison-Symmes families papers, 1760-1878.
- Short, John Cleves, 1792-1864. John Cleves Short papers.
- Short, Peyton, 1761-1825. Peyton Short papers.
- Short, William, 1759-1849. William Short papers.
- Short, William, 1759-1849. William Short papers, 1778-1853.
- Shortelle family papers, 1851-1866.
- Shortelle, James Edward, 1849-1871. James Edward Shortelle correspondence and photograph.
- Shortelle, Robert E. 1842-1863. Robert E. Shortelle correspondence.
- Shufeldt, Mason A. (Mason Abercrombie), 1852-1892. Mason A. Shufeldt papers. 1883-1893.
- Shufeldt, Robert Wilson, 1822-1895. Robert Wilson Shufeldt papers, 1836-1910.
- Sicard, Montgomery, 1836-1900. Montgomery Sicard papers, 1800-1948.
- Sickles, Daniel Edgar, 1819-1914. Daniel Edgar Sickles papers, 1821-1918.
- Sidell, William Henry, 1810-1873. William Henry Sidell papers. 1849.
- Sidonie Matsner Gruenberg papers.
- Siebold, Philipp Franz von, 1796-1866. Philipp Franz von Siebold papers, 1609-1927.
- Sigmund Freud collection. (7)
- Sigmund Freud papers and collection.
- Sigmund Freud papers, circa 6th century BCE-1998 CE.
- Silas Casey papers, 1771-1941.
- Simmons, James Fowler, 1795-1864. James Fowler Simmons map collection. (2)
- Simmons, James Fowler, 1795-1864. James Fowler Simmons papers.
- Simmons, James Fowler, 1795-1864. James Fowler Simmons papers, 1771-1939.
- Simon Cameron papers, 1738-1919.
- Simon Newcomb papers, 1813-1949.
- Simonds, George Sherwin, 1874-1938. George Sherwin Simonds papers, 1894-1937.
- Simpson, Matthew, 1811-1884. Matthew Simpson papers, 1829-1927.
- Singleton family papers, 1758-1860.
- Singleton family. Singleton family papers, 1758-1860.
- Sioussat, St. George L. (St. George Leakin), 1878-1960. St. George L. Sioussat papers, 1831-1959.
- Sir Francis Joseph Campbell papers, 1870-1935.
- Sir Thomas Phillipps collection, circa 1400-1857.
- Sirch, Charles W. Charles W. Sirch papers, 1878-1935.
- Sisson, Nathaniel, 1845-1932. Nathaniel Sisson papers, 1838-1932.
- Skipwith, Fulwar, 1765-1839. Fulwar Skipwith papers.
- Smith, C. Alphonso (Charles Alphonso), 1864-1924. C. Alphonso Smith papers. 1864-1927.
- Smith, Ebenezer, active 1797-1840. Ebenezer Smith account books. 1797-1840.
- Smith Ely Jelliffe papers, 1882-1977.
- Smith family. Samuel Smith family papers, 1772-1911.
- Smith, Herbert A. (Herbert Augustine), 1866-1944. Herbert A. Smith papers.
- Smith, John Spear, -1866. John Spear Smith papers. 1804-1867.
- Smith, Logan Pearsall, 1865-1946. Logan Pearsall Smith papers, 1760-1946.
- Smith, Robert, 1757-1842. Robert Smith papers. 1796-1830.
- Smith, Samuel, 1752-1839. Samuel Smith family papers, 1772-1911.
- Smith, Sidney Lawton, 1845-1929. Prints and bookplates by Sidney Lawton Smith.
- Snodgrass family. Ham, Connelly, Parks, and Snodgrass families papers, 1870-2018.
- Snodgrass family papers.
- Society for the Preservation of the American Musical Heritage collection, 1792-1969.
- Solberg, Thorvald, 1852-1949. Thorvald Solberg papers, 1882-1949.
- Solomon, Hannah G. (Hannah Greenebaum), 1858-1942. Hannah G. Solomon papers, 1817-1986.
- Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932. Christopher Dodrill collection on John Philip Sousa, 1876-1992.
- Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932. John Philip Sousa collection 1849-2004.
- Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932. Music of the Sousa Band and Victor Grabel, 1861-1954.
- Sousa, John Philip, 1854-1932. Works. Selections.
- Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, 1819-1899. Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth papers, 1870-1918.
- Souvenir viewbook booklets of Washington, D.C., and environs.
- Spanish colonial government, Mariana Islands records, 1678-1899.
- Speiden, William, Jr., 1835-1920. William Speiden, Jr., journals, 1852-1946.
- Spencer, Lyman Potter, 1840-1915. Lyman Potter Spencer papers, 1856-1914.
- Spinner, Francis Elias, 1802-1890. Herman K. Crofoot collection of Francis Elias Spinner papers, 1792-1908.
- Spinner, John Peter, 1768-1848. John Peter Spinner diary. circa 1839.
- Spivacke fund (Rose Marie and Harold Spivacke) collection.
- Spofford, Ainsworth Rand, 1825-1908. Ainsworth Rand Spofford papers, 1819-1970.
- Spooner, John C. (John Coit), 1843-1919. John C. Spooner papers, 1855-1909.
- Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888. E.G. Squier papers, 1809-1888.
- St. George L. Sioussat papers, 1831-1959.
- Staatliche Bildstelle (Prussia, Germany). Photographs selected from the Königliche Preussische Messbildanstalt.
- Stanley-Brown, Joseph, 1858-1941. Joseph Stanley-Brown papers, 1730-1941.
- Stanley-Brown, Mary Garfield, 1867-1947. Mary Garfield Stanley-Brown papers. 1881-1889.
- Stanton, Edwin M. (Edwin McMasters), 1814-1869. Edwin McMasters Stanton papers, 1818-1921.
- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 1815-1902. Elizabeth Cady Stanton papers, 1814-1946.
- Staton family papers.
- Staton family. Tunnicliff, Rigby, and Staton families papers, 1854-1990.
- Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 1833-1908. Edmund Clarence Stedman papers, 1871-1923.
- Stephen Bleecker Luce papers, 1799-1955.
- Stephen C. Rowan papers, 1826-1890.
- Stephen Collins and Son (Philadelphia, Pa.) records, 1749-1857.
- Stephen Collins and Son (Philadelphia, Pa.). Stephen Collins and Son (Philadelphia, Pa.) records, 1749-1857.
- Stephens, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton), 1812-1883. Alexander Hamilton Stephens papers, 1784-1886.
- Stephenson, John Aldrich. John Aldrich Stephenson collection of the Hand, Fiske, and Aldrich families papers. 1745-1966.
- Stephenson, Nathaniel W. (Nathaniel Wright), 1867-1935. Nathaniel W. Stephenson biographer's papers. 1860-1930.
- Stephenson, Nathaniel W. (Nathaniel Wright), 1867-1935. Nathaniel W. Stephenson papers.
- Stevens, Samuel, 1778-1860. Samuel Stevens papers.
- Stevens, Thaddeus, 1792-1868. Thaddeus Stevens papers, 1811-1927.
- Stevenson, Andrew, 1784-1857. Andrew Stevenson and J.W. Stevenson papers. 1756-1882.
- Stevenson, J. W. (John White), 1812-1886. Andrew Stevenson and J.W. Stevenson papers. 1756-1882.
- Stewart, David, 1800-1858. David Stewart papers.
- Stewart, Emily A. Emily A. Stewart collection of Elihu Root material, 1885-1959.
- Stewart, John, -1820. John Stewart papers.
- Stickney, Frank L., 1858-1940. Frank L. Stickney papers, 1850-1938.
- Stiles family papers.
- Stiles family. Stiles, Horr, and Bonney families papers, 1803-1907.
- Stiles, Horr, and Bonney families papers, 1803-1907.
- Stokes, E. H. (Ellwood Haines), 1815-1897. E.H. Stokes papers. 1846-1865.
- Stone, Lucy, 1818-1893. Lucy Stone papers.
- Stone, Sarah, active 1840. Sarah Stone autograph collection, 1720-1962.
- Storey, Moorfield, 1845-1929. Moorfield Storey papers, 1876-1929.
- Stowell, Ellery C. (Ellery Cory), 1875-1958. Ellery C. Stowell papers, 1805-1952.
- Strait, N. A. (Newton Allen), 1846-1922. N.A. Strait Civil War collection, 1861-1900.
- Straus, Oscar S. (Oscar Solomon), 1850-1926. Oscar S. Straus papers, 1856-1955.
- Strauss, Joseph, 1861-1948. Joseph Strauss papers, 1884-1949.
- Stuart, George H. (George Hay), 1816-1890. George H. Stuart papers, 1792-1946.
- Summerall, Charles Pelot, 1867-1955. Charles Pelot Summerall map collection.
- Summerall, Charles Pelot, 1867-1955. Charles Pelot Summerall papers.
- Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. Charles Sumner correspondence, 1841-1874.
- Sumner, Edwin V. (Edwin Vose), 1797-1863. Edwin V. Sumner papers.
- Sumner, Edwin Vose, 1835-1912. Edwin Vose Sumner papers.
- Sumner family papers, 1836-1940.
- Sumner family. Sumner family papers, 1836-1940.
- Sumner, Samuel S. (Samuel Storrow), 1842-1937. Samuel Storrow Sumner papers.
- Susan B. Anthony Foundation, Washington, D.C., records, 1895-1943.
- Susan B. Anthony Foundation (Washington, D.C.). Susan B. Anthony Foundation, Washington, D.C., records, 1895-1943.
- Susan B. Anthony papers, 1846-1934.
- Susan Brownell Anthony papers.
- Swan, Robert, active approximately 1828. Robert Swan sale catalog of books. circa 1828.
- Swisher, Carl Brent, 1897-1968. Carl Brent Swisher collection of research material relating to Roger Brooke Taney, 1836-1962.
- Sylvanus Cadwallader papers, 1818-1904.
- Symington, Evelyn Wadsworth, 1903-1972. Evelyn Wadsworth Symington collection of John Hay material, 1864-1905.
- Symmes family papers.
- Symmes family. Short-Harrison-Symmes families papers, 1760-1878.
- Symmes, John Cleves, 1742-1814. John Cleves Symmes papers.
- T. De Witt Talmage papers, 1831-1902.
- Taft, Alphonso, 1810-1891. Alphonso Taft papers.
- Taft, Helen Herron, 1861-1943. Helen Herron Taft papers.
- Taft, Louise Maria Torrey, 1827-1907. Louise Maria Torrey Taft papers.
- Taft, William H. (William Howard), 1857-1930. William H. Taft papers, 1784-1973.
- Taggart, Hugh T. (Hugh Thomas), 1844-1914. Hugh T. Taggart collection relating to the District of Columbia and Maryland, 1751-1889.
- Talmage, T. De Witt (Thomas De Witt), 1832-1902. T. De Witt Talmage papers, 1831-1902.
- Tams-Witmark collection, 1701-1915.
- Tams-Witmark (Original Library of Congress collection), 1701-1915.
- Tappan, Benjamin, 1773-1857. Benjamin Tappan papers, 1795-1900.
- Tappan, Lewis, 1788-1873. Lewis Tappan papers, 1809-1903.
- Tappan, William, 1863-1948. William Tappan autograph collection, 1640-1939.
- Tasker Howard Bliss collection of World War I maps and related materials.
- Taylor, Anna Tuthill Harrison, 1813-1865. Anna Tuthill Harrison Taylor papers.
- Taylor, Charles, -1837. Charles Taylor papers.
- Taylor family. Lovering-Taylor family papers, 1727-1926.
- Taylor, H. C. (Henry Clay), 1845-1904. H.C. Taylor papers, 1862-1904.
- Taylor, Hannah Jones Welles, 1776-1845. Hannah Jones Welles Taylor papers.
- Taylor, Joseph, 1745?-1816. Joseph Taylor papers.
- Taylor, Montgomery Meigs, 1869-1952. Montgomery Meigs Taylor papers, 1890-1935.
- Taylor, William, 1714-1789. William Taylor papers.
- Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850. Zachary Taylor papers, 1814-1931.
- Tee-Van, Helen Damrosch, 1893-1976. Damrosch - Tee Van Collection. 1856-1969.
- Terrell, Mary Church, 1863-1954. Mary Church Terrell papers, 1851-1962.
- Terrell, Robert H. (Robert Heberton), 1857-1925. Robert H. Terrell papers, 1870-1954.
- Tesla, Nikola, 1856-1943. Nikola Tesla correspondence, 1890-1934.
- T.H. Gallaudet and Edward Miner Gallaudet papers, 1806-1958.
- T.H. Gallaudet papers.
- Thacher, John Boyd, 1847-1909. Autographs of European notables. 1422-1879.
- Thaddeus Stevens papers, 1811-1927.
- Tharp, Marie. Heezen-Tharp collection.
- Tharp, Marie. Heezen-Tharp collection : Antarctica.
- Tharp, Marie. Heezen-Tharp collection : Arctic Ocean.
- Tharp, Marie. Heezen-Tharp collection : Atlantic Ocean.
- Tharp, Marie. Heezen-Tharp collection : Indian Ocean.
- Tharp, Marie. Heezen-Tharp collection : Pacific Ocean.
- Tharp, Marie. Heezen-Tharp collection : World/Miscellaneous.
- Thayer, William Sydney, 1830-1864. William Sydney Thayer papers, 1835-1901.
- Theo. A. Bingham papers, 1897-1903.
- Theodore Marburg papers, 1856-1940.
- Theodore Parker papers, 1838-1910.
- Theodore Presser Company archive, 1814-2019.
- Theodore Presser Company collection.
- Theodore Presser Company. Theodore Presser Company archive, 1814-2019.
- Theodore Roosevelt Hunting Library, 1566-1926.
- Theodore Roosevelt papers, 1759-1993.
- Theodore Sherman Palmer papers.
- Thomas A. Edison, Inc. Edison sheet music collection, 1830-1958.
- Thomas A. Jenckes papers, 1836-1878.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich papers, 1873-1901.
- Thomas Biggs Harned collection of Walt Whitman papers, 1842-1937.
- Thomas Capek collection of materials relating to Czechoslovakia and Czech Americans, 1619-1953.
- Thomas Corwin correspondence, 1850-1853.
- Thomas Corwin papers.
- Thomas Ewing family papers, 1757-1941.
- Thomas F. Bayard papers, 1780-1899.
- Thomas Henry Carter papers, 1883-1917.
- Thomas O. Selfridge papers.
- Thomas Oliver Selfridge papers, 1809-1927.
- Thomas Sidney Jesup papers, 1780-1907.
- Thompson, Ambrose W. Ambrose W. Thompson papers, 1847-1960.
- Thompson-Chesson scrapbooks.
- Thompson, Gilbert, 1839-1909. Gilbert Thompson journal, 1857-1901.
- Thompson, Waddy, 1798-1868. Waddy Thompson papers, 1826-1882.
- Thornton, Anna Maria Brodeau, 1775?-1865. Anna Maria Brodeau Thornton papers.
- Thornton, Anna Maria Brodeau, 1775?-1865. Anna Maria Brodeau Thornton papers, 1793-1861.
- Thornton, William, 1759-1828. William Thornton papers, 1741-1865.
- Thorvald Solberg papers, 1882-1949.
- Ticknor, Benjamin Holt, 1842-1914. Benjamin Holt Ticknor papers, 1595-1935.
- Ticknor, Caroline, 1866-1937. Caroline Ticknor correspondence.
- Tilton C. Reynolds papers, 1851-1963.
- Tilton family papers, 1836-1876.
- Tilton family. Tilton family papers, 1836-1876.
- Tissandier, Albert, 1839-1906. Tissandier collection on the history of aeronautics. 1539-1929.
- Tissandier collection on the history of aeronautics, 1539-1929.
- Tissandier, Gaston, 1843-1899. Tissandier collection on the history of aeronautics, 1539-1929.
- Tissandier, Paul, 1881- Tissandier collection on the history of aeronautics. 1539-1929.
- Titus Coan family papers, 1818-1923.
- T.J.J. See papers, 1887-1960.
- T.O. Selfridge papers, 1852-1926.
- Tobacco label collection (Library of Congress).
- Tompkins, Daniel Augustus, 1851-1914. Daniel Augustus Tompkins papers, 1887-1920.
- Toner, Joseph M. (Joseph Meredith), 1825-1896. Joseph Meredith Toner collection of manuscripts, 1741-1896.
- Torrey, Delia C. Delia C. Torrey papers.
- Tracy, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1830-1915. Benjamin F. Tracy papers, 1870-1917.
- Tracy, George Lowell, 1855-1921. George L. Tracy collection of music manuscripts, 1877-1920.
- Train, Charles Jackson, 1845-1906. Charles Jackson Train journals, 1863-1870.
- Train, Charles Russell, 1879-1967. Charles Russell Train papers, 1898-1967.
- Transylvania University. Transylvania University records.
- Traubel, Anne Montgomerie, 1864-1954. Anne Montgomerie Traubel papers.
- Traubel, Anne Montgomerie, 1864-1954. Horace Traubel and Anne Montgomerie Traubel papers. 1824-1979.
- Traubel, Gertrude. Gertrude Traubel papers. 1880-1979.
- Traubel, Horace, 1858-1919. Horace Traubel and Anne Montgomerie Traubel papers, 1824-1979.
- Traubel, Horace, 1858-1919. Horace Traubel papers.
- Trenholm, George Alfred, 1807-1876. George Alfred Trenholm papers, 1853-1897.
- Trenholm, William Lee, 1836-1901. William Lee Trenholm papers, 1865-1931.
- Trumbull, Lyman, 1813-1896. Lyman Trumbull correspondence, 1843-1894.
- Truxtun, Thomas, 1755-1822. Thomas Truxton papers.
- Tryon family. Horsford-Tryon families papers, 1800-2000.
- Tryon family papers.
- T.S. Palmer papers, 1877-1954.
- Tuck, Amos, 1810-1879. Amos Tuck papers.
- Tucker, George Edwin. George Edwin Tucker papers.
- Tucker, Mary Logan, 1858-1940. Mary Logan Tucker papers.
- Tunnicliff family papers.
- Tunnicliff family. Tunnicliff, Rigby, and Staton families papers, 1854-1990.
- Tunnicliff, Rigby, and Staton families papers, 1854-1990.
- Turner, Ann Arnold Key, 1811-1884. Ann Arnold Key Turner correspondence.
- Turner, Daniel, 1796-1860. Daniel Turner correspondence.
- Turner family. Key-Cutts-Turner family papers, 1808-1975.
- Turner, Justin G. Justin G. Turner autograph collection, 1763-1968.
- Twitchell, Kenaston. Kenaston Twitchell papers. 1924-1991.
- Tyler Dennett collection relating to John Hay, 1861-1937.
- Tyler Dennett papers.
- Tyler, John, 1790-1862. John Tyler papers, 1691-1918.
- Tyler, Julia Gardiner, 1820-1889. Julia Gardiner Tyler papers.
- Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, 1853-1935. Lyon Gardiner Tyler papers.
- Ulysses S. Grant papers, 1819-1974.
- Underwood, Norman, 1878-1974. Norman Underwood papers.
- Underwood, Wilbur, 1876-1935. Wilbur Underwood papers, 1895-1969.
- United States. Adjutant-General's Office. United States Adjutant-General's Office records.
- United States Army Corps of Engineers. Progressive military maps of the United States.
- United States. Coast Guard. Historian's Office. U.S. Coast Guard. Historian's Office collection, 1746-1951.
- United States. Commission for the Construction of the Congressional Library Building. U.S. Commission for the Construction of the Congressional Library Building records.
- United States. Congress. House. Office of the Clerk. United States. Congress. House. Office of the Clerk records. 1856-1888.
- United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance. United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance minutes. 1863-1864.
- United States Constitution collection, 1773-1944.
- United States finance collection, 1761-1908.
- United States Naval Observatory records, 1830-1900.
- United States Naval Observatory. United States Naval Observatory records, 1830-1900.
- United States. Patent Office. U.S. Patent Office advertising prints and labels collection.
- U.S. Coast Guard. Historian's Office collection, 1746-1951.
- U.S. Patent Office advertising prints and labels collection.
- Van Buren, Angelica Singleton, 1816-1877. Angelica Singleton Van Buren papers.
- Van Buren family papers.
- Van Buren, Lawrence, 1786-1868. Lawrence Van Buren family papers, 1721-1938.
- Van Devanter, Willis, 1859-1941. Willis Van Devanter papers, 1884-1941.
- Van Voorhis, Daniel, 1878-1956. Daniel Van Voorhis correspondence and reports. 1911-1913.
- Van Voorhis, Edith Burbank, 1882-1955. Edith Burbank Van Voorhis correspondence. 1911-1913.
- Van Voorhis family. Burbank-Van Voorhis families papers, 1814-1913.
- Van Voorhis family papers.
- VanderPoel, Halsted B. Halsted B. VanderPoel literary collection, 1815-1929.
- Vernon Boyce Hampton papers, 1872-1971.
- Veterans History Project collection (Library of Congress). (3)
- Veterans History Project (U.S.). Joseph Royston Gathings, I, collection, 1914-1936.
- Veterans History Project (U.S.). Peter Shemonsky collection, 1899-1970.
- Veterans History Project (U.S.). Wallace E. Rand collection 1893-1919.
- Vetter, Helen Cook. Helen Cook Vetter papers. 1910-1977.
- Victor Herbert collection, 1880-1939.
- Victor S. Clark papers, 1827-1944.
- Vinnie Ream and R.L. Hoxie papers, 1853-1937.
- Visual materials from the Blackwell family papers. (2)
- Visual materials from the Booker T. Washington papers.
- Visual materials from the Daniel Carter Beard papers.
- Visual materials from the Ham, Connelly, Parks and Snodgrass families.
- Visual materials from the Harold L. Ickes papers.
- Visual materials from the Moral Re-armament records.
- Visual materials from the Walt Whitman papers in the Charles E. Feinberg collection.
- Vitte, S. I︠U︡. (Sergeĭ I︠U︡lʹevich), graf, 1849-1915. Graf Sergeĭ I︠U︡lʹevich Vitte letter. 1893.
- Von Recum family. Howard-von Recum family papers, 1869-1972.
- Von Recum family papers.
- Von Recum, Marie Ernestine Howard, Baroness, 1868-1954. Marie Ernestine Howard von Recum correspondence and diaries.
- Vrooman, Carl Schurz, 1872-1966. Carl Schurz Vrooman papers, 1872-1975.
- Vrooman, Frank Buffington, 1862-1951. Frank Buffington Vrooman papers.
- Vrooman, Hiram, 1871- Hiram Vrooman papers.
- Vrooman, Julia Scott. Julia Scott Vrooman papers.
- Vrooman, Walter, 1869- Walter Vrooman papers.
- W. Averell Harriman papers, 1869-2001.
- W. B. Bryan papers.
- W J McGee papers, 1880-1916.
- W. Somerset Maugham papers, 1897-1966.
- W.A. Croffut papers, 1774-1933.
- Waddy B. Wood architectural drawing archive.
- Waddy B. Wood archive.
- Waddy Thompson papers, 1826-1882.
- Wade, B. F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1800-1878. B.F. Wade papers, 1832-1886.
- Wade Hampton family papers, 1855-1935.
- Wade, Joseph Sanford, 1880-1961. Joseph Sanford Wade papers, 1898-1955.
- Wade, Nicholas King, 1823-1899. Nicholas King Wade papers. 1856.
- Wade, William, 1789-1875. William Wade papers. 1840-1861.
- Wadsworth family. James Wadsworth family papers, 1730-1959.
- Wadsworth family papers.
- Wadsworth, James, 1768-1844. James Wadsworth family papers, 1730-1959.
- Wadsworth, James S. (James Samuel), 1807-1864. James S. Wadsworth papers.
- Wadsworth, James Wolcott, 1846-1926. James Wolcott Wadsworth collection.
- Wadsworth, James Wolcott, 1846-1926. James Wolcott Wadsworth papers.
- Wadsworth, James Wolcott, 1877-1952. James Wolcott Wadsworth papers.
- Wadsworth, William, 1761-1833. William Wadsworth papers.
- Waite, Morrison R. (Morrison Remick), 1816-1888. Morrison R. Waite papers, 1818-1933.
- Walden, Ebenezer, 1777-1857. Ebenezer Walden papers. 1816-1844.
- Walker, Bertrand N. O. Bertrand N.O. Walker papers, 1899-1921.
- Walker family papers, 1899-2022.
- Walker, Francis, 1764-1806. Francis Walker papers.
- Walker, Henry, -1864. Henry Walker correspondence, 1861-1864.
- Walker, John Grimes, 1835-1907. John Grimes Walker papers, 1873-1903.
- Walker, Thomas, 1715-1794. Thomas Walker papers.
- Walker, Webster Lemuel, 1880-1939. Webster Lemuel Walker correspondence. 1899-1901, 1919.
- Walker, William Anson, 1879-1922. William Anson Walker correspondence. 1899-1900.
- Walker, William Holmes, 1820-1908. William Holmes Walker papers, 1855-1982.
- Wallace E. Rand collection 1893-1919.
- Walt Whitman papers, 1837-1957.
- Walt Whitman papers in the Charles E. Feinberg collection, 1763-1985.
- Walter Francis Willcox papers, 1851-1965.
- Walter Quintin Gresham papers, 1857-1932.
- Ward family papers, 1831-1904.
- Ward family. Ward family papers, 1831-1904.
- Ward, James Thomas, 1820-1897. James Thomas Ward papers, 1838-1897.
- Ward, Lester F. (Lester Frank), 1841-1913. Lester Frank Ward papers, 1883-1906.
- Ward, William Norvell, 1817-1881. William Norvell Ward papers.
- Warden, David Bailie, 1772-1845. David Bailie Warden papers.
- Warren, Fiske, 1862-1938. Warren Fiske diary excerpts.
- Warren, Samuel P. (Samuel Prowse), 1841-1915. Samuel P. Warren collection, 1849-1915.
- Washburn, Edward W. (Edward Wight), 1881-1934. Edward W. Washburn family papers, 1817-1934.
- Washburne, E. B. (Elihu Benjamin), 1816-1887. E.B. Washburne papers, 1829-1915.
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- Weaver, Aaron Ward, 1832-1919. Aaron Ward Weaver letterpress books, 1861-1884.
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- Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852. Daniel Webster papers, 1800-1900.
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- Weik, Jesse William, 1857-1930. Jesse William Weik papers. 1830-1927.
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- Wells, Henry Willis, 1841-1864. Henry Willis Wells papers, 1851-2012.
- Wells, Philip P. (Philip Patterson), 1868-1929. Philip P. Wells papers.
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- Wetmore, George Peabody, 1846-1921. George Peabody Wetmore papers, 1885-1916.
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- Whistler, Anna Mathilda McNeill, 1804-1881. Anna Mathilda McNeill Whistler papers.
- Whistler, James McNeill, 1834-1903. Pennell-Whistler collection. 1597-1937.
- Whitall, Ann Cooper, 1716-1797. Ann Cooper Whitall diary. 1760-1762.
- White, Henry, 1850-1927. Henry White papers, 1812-1931.
- White, John, 1833-1872. John White papers, 1852-1862.
- White, Margaret Stuyvesant Rutherford, 1857-1916 Margaret Stuyvesant Rutherford White papers.
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- Whiting, William Henry, 1843-1925. William Henry Whiting family papers, 1731-1952.
- Whitlock, Brand, 1869-1934. Brand Whitlock papers, 1890-1934.
- Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892. Thomas Biggs Harned collection of Walt Whitman papers. 1842-1937.
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- Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892. Walt Whitman papers, 1837-1957.
- Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892. Walt Whitman papers in the Charles E. Feinberg collection. 1806-1981.
- Whitney, Anna L. (Anna Lavinia), 1834-1883. Anna L. Whitney diary and religious journal. 1872-1875.
- Whitney, Clara A. Clara A. Whitney papers, 1872-1975.
- Whitney, Harry Payne, 1872-1930. Harry Payne Whitney collection of letters of William Collins Whitney. 1757-1942.
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- Whitten, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), approximately 1836- Benjamin F. Whitten papers, 1848-1945.
- Whittle, D. W. (Daniel Webster), 1840-1901. D.W. Whittle diary. 1864.
- Whittle, D. W. (Daniel Webster), 1840-1901. D.W. Whittle papers, 1861-1974.
- Wiksell, Gustave Percival. Gustave Percival Wiksell papers, 1855-1939.
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- Wilcox, Cadmus M. (Cadmus Marcellus), 1824-1890. Cadmus M. Wilcox papers, 1846-1887.
- Wilde, Richard Henry, 1789-1847. Richard Henry Wilde papers, 1807-1867.
- Wilder, Marshall P. (Marshall Pinckney), 1859-1915. Marshall P. Wilder papers, 1880-1914.
- Wildman, Edwin, 1867-1932. Rounsevelle Wildman and Edwin Wildman. 1896-1923.
- Wildman, Rounsevelle, 1864-1901. Rounsevelle Wildman and Edwin Wildman papers, 1896-1923.
- Wile, Frederic William, 1873-1941. Frederic William Wile scrapbooks, 1898-1941.
- Wiley, Harvey Washington, 1844-1930. Harvey Washington Wiley papers, 1854-1954.
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- Wilkes, Charles, 1798-1877. Charles Wilkes papers, 1607-1959.
- Wilkins, William D. (William Duncan), 1826-1882. William D. Wilkins papers, 1847-1863.
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- Willard, Joseph Clapp, 1820-1897. Joseph Clapp Willard papers.
- Willard, Joseph Edward, 1865-1924. Joseph Edward Willard papers.
- Willcox, Walter F. (Walter Francis), 1861-1964. Walter Francis Willcox papers, 1851-1965.
- William A. Gladstone Afro-American military collection, 1773-1987.
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- William A. Newland and Charles Zeuner collection of music, circa 1735-circa 1900.
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- William Allen papers, 1796-1879.
- William Allen White papers, 1859-1944.
- William B. Bradbury collection, 1846-1928.
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- William Collins Whitney papers.
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- William Goodell papers, 1818-1917.
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- William H. Littlewood map collection.
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- William Hamilton correspondence.
- William Henry Allison diaries, 1868-1940.
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- William Henry Richards papers, 1856-1946.
- William Henry Whiting family papers, 1731-1952.
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- William Lee Trenholm papers, 1865-1931.
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- William McKinley map collection, 1890-1906.
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- William Pitt Ballinger papers.
- William Pitt Fessenden papers, 1832-1878.
- William R. Day papers, 1820-1923.
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- William Rea Furlong map collection.
- William Short papers, 1778-1853.
- William Smith Culbertson papers, 1897-1965.
- William Somerset Maugham papers.
- William Speiden journals.
- William Speiden, Jr., journals, 1852-1946.
- William Speiden, Jr., papers.
- William Sydney Thayer papers, 1835-1901.
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- William Tappan autograph collection, 1640-1939.
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- Williams family. John Warren Williams family papers, 1839-1895.
- Williams, George F., 1817-1882. George F. Williams account book. 1864-1882.
- Williams, John Warren, 1815-1843. John Warren Williams family papers, 1839-1895.
- Williams, Martha Ann Tilton, 1827-1919. Martha Ann Tilton Williams travel journal. 1894-1895.
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- Willis, Edward, 1834-1910. Edward Willis papers, 1854-1906.
- Willis Van Devanter papers, 1884-1941.
- Willoughby, Hugh L. (Hugh Laussat), 1856- Hugh L. Willoughby scrapbooks. 1903-1912.
- Wilson, Edith Bolling Galt, 1872-1961. Edith Bolling Galt Wilson papers.
- Wilson, James Harrison, 1837-1925. James Harrison Wilson papers, circa 1862-1923.
- Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924. Woodrow Wilson papers, 1786-1957.
- Wilstach, Paul, 1870-1952. Paul Wilstach collection of Richard Mansfield papers, 1889-1918.
- Winslow family. Patterson-Winslow family papers, 1813-1963.
- Winslow, Francis, 1818-1862. Francis Winslow papers, 1833-1863.
- Winslow, Francis, 1851-1908. Francis Winslow papers.
- Winslow, Harriet Patterson, 1859-1923. Harriet Patterson Winslow papers.
- Wister, Owen, 1860-1938. Owen Wister papers, 1829-1966.
- Witbeck, C. William. C. William Witbeck legal collection, 1823-1933.
- Wm. Oland Bourne papers, 1841-1885.
- Wood architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Wood collection.
- Wood, James R. (James Rodney). James R. Wood Civil War memoirs.
- Wood, Leonard, 1860-1927. Leonard Wood diary. 1886.
- Wood, Leonard, 1860-1927. Leonard Wood papers, 1825-1942.
- Wood, Louise Adriana, 1869-1943. Louise Adriana Wood papers.
- Wood, Waddy B. Waddy B Wood papers, 1885-1941.
- Wood, Waddy B. (Waddy Butler), 1869-1944. Wood architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
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- Woodbury, Elizabeth Williams Clapp. Elizabeth Williams Clapp Woodbury papers.
- Woodbury family. Levi Woodbury family papers, 1638-1914.
- Woodbury, Levi, 1789-1851. Levi Woodbury family papers, 1638-1914.
- Woodbury, Levi, 1789-1851. Levi Woodbury papers.
- Woodbury, Levi, active 1780-1781. Levi Woodbury logbooks. 1780-1781.
- Woodhouse, Henry, 1884- Henry Woodhouse collection relating to George Washington, 1656-1930.
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- Woolworth, Frank Winfield, 1852-1919. Frank Winfield Woolworth papers, 1859-1980.
- Works by American sculptors.
- Wright, Elizur, 1804-1885. Elizur Wright papers, 1793-1935.
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- Wunderlich, Georg Martin, 1883-1951. Georg Martin Wunderlich papers, 1897-1951.
- W.W. Corcoran papers, 1791-1896.
- Wyatt, Joseph W. Joseph W. Wyatt papers.
- Young, John Russell, 1840-1899. John Russell Young papers, circa 1840-1959.
- Young, Mary Dow Davids. Mary Dow Davids Young correspondence and diaries.
- Young Men's Christian Association of the City of New York. Committee for the Suppression of Vice. Young Men's Christian Association of the City of New York. Committee for the Suppression of Vice records.