Browse Finding Aids by LC Location
- N. King papers.
- N.A. Strait Civil War collection, 1861-1900.
- NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund records, 1915-1968.
- NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund records, 1915-1968.
- NAACP records.
- Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1899-1977. Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov papers, 1918-1974.
- Nadejena, Lydia, 1892?-1977. Lydia Nadejena papers, 1907-1974.
- Nancy Dickerson papers, 1927-2006.
- Nancy Pelosi papers, 1930-2012.
- Nannie Helen Burroughs papers, 1900-1963.
- Naseef family. Naseef-Page family papers, 1880-1936.
- Naseef family papers.
- Naseef-Page family papers, 1880-1936.
- Natacha Rambova papers, circa 1955-1965.
- Nathan Appleton papers, 1850-1904.
- Nathan F. Twining papers, 1924-1960.
- Nathan, Robert R. (Robert Roy), 1908-2001. Robert R. Nathan travel diaries. 1952-1959.
- Nathan Sargent papers, 1866-1957.
- Nathan W. Daniels diary and scrapbook, 1861-1867.
- Nathan W. Daniels papers.
- Nathanael Greene papers, 1775-1785.
- Nathaniel Alexander Owings papers, 1911-1983.
- Nathaniel D. Hackett correspondence, 1853-1947.
- Nathaniel D. Hackett papers.
- Nathaniel Davis Hackett papers.
- Nathaniel Prentiss Banks papers, 1829-1911.
- Nathaniel Rochester papers, 1935-1999.
- Nathaniel Sisson papers, 1838-1932.
- Nathaniel Wright family papers, 1787-1917.
- National American Woman Suffrage Association. League of Women Voters. National American Woman Suffrage Association. League of Women Voters records.
- National American Woman Suffrage Association. National American Woman Suffrage Association records, 1839-1961.
- National American Woman Suffrage Association records, 1839-1961.
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, compiler. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People map collection.
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019.
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People records, 1842-2019.
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Washington Bureau. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Washington Bureau records. 1914-1993.
- National Association for Universal Military Training. National Association for Universal Military Training records, 1909-1933.
- National Association for Universal Military Training records, 1909-1933.
- National Association of Social Workers. National Association of Social Workers oral history interviews, 1978-1980.
- National Association of Social Workers oral history interviews, 1978-1980.
- National Baptist Convention of the United States of America. Foreign Mission Board. National Baptist Convention of the United States of America. Foreign Mission Board records, 1953-2021.
- National Baptist Convention of the United States of America. Foreign Mission Board records, 1953-2021.
- National Biographical Society (Washington, D.C.) National Biographical Society (Washington, D.C.) records.
- National Child Labor Committee (U.S.). National Child Labor Committee (U.S.) records, 1904-1953.
- National Child Labor Committee (U.S.) records, 1904-1953.
- National Civic Federation. Woman's Department. District of Columbia Section. Charlotte Everett Hopkins collection of National Civic Federation. Woman's Department. District of Columbia Section records. 1900-1926.
- National Civic Federation. Woman's Department. District of Columbia Section. National Civic Federation. Woman's Department. District of Columbia Section records. 1900-1926.
- National Coalition on Older Women's Issues. National Coalition on Older Women's Issues records, 1967-1997.
- National Coalition on Older Women's Issues records, 1967-1997.
- National Committee on Atomic Information. National Committee on Atomic Information records, 1945-1948.
- National Committee on Atomic Information records, 1945-1948.
- National Committee on Federal Aid to Education. National Committee on Federal Aid to Education records.
- National Consumers' League. National Consumers' League records, 1882-2003.
- National Consumers' League records, 1882-2003.
- National Council of Jewish Women. National Council of Jewish Women records, 1893-2020.
- National Council of Jewish Women records, 1893-2020.
- National Council of Jewish Women. Washington, D.C., Office. National Council of Jewish Women. Washington, D.C., Office records, 1924-2018.
- National Council of Jewish Women. Washington, D.C., Office records, 1924-2018.
- National Endowment for Democracy records, 1961-2000.
- National Endowment for Democracy (U.S.). National Endowment for Democracy records, 1961-2000.
- National Federation of Democratic Women. National Federation of Democratic Women records, 1960-2016.
- National Federation of Democratic Women records, 1960-2016.
- National League of Women Voters (U.S.) National League of Women Voters (U.S.) records.
- National Policy Committee (U.S.). National Policy Committee (U.S.) records, 1933-1947.
- National Policy Committee (U.S.) records, 1933-1947.
- National Progressive Republican League. National Progressive Republican League records. 1911-1912.
- National Society of Arts and Letters records, 1944-1987.
- National Society of Arts and Letters (U.S.). National Society of Arts and Letters records, 1944-1987.
- National Society of Arts and Letters (U.S.). Washington Chapter. National Society of Arts and Letters. Washington Chapter records.
- National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Colonial and Pioneer Women Project records, 1852-1982.
- National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. National Society of the Colonial Dames of America. Colonial and Pioneer Women Project records, 1852-1982.
- National Urban League. National Urban League records, 1900-1988.
- National Urban League. Office of Washington Operations. National Urban League. Office of Washington Operations records. 1961-1985.
- National Urban League records, 1900-1988.
- National Urban League. Southern Regional Office. National Urban League. Southern Regional Office records. 1900-1988.
- National Woman's Party. National Woman's Party records.
- National Woman's Party. National Woman's Party records, 1850-2022.
- National Woman's Party records, 1850-2022.
- National Women's Trade Union League of America. National Women's Trade Union League of America records, 1903-1950.
- National Women's Trade Union League of America records, 1903-1950.
- Naudin-Dibble Heritage Foundation. Naudin-Dibble Heritage Foundation records.
- Nazimova, 1879-1945. Nazimova collection, 1877-1988.
- Nazimova collection, 1877-1988.
- Nazimova papers.
- N.C. Gerson papers, 1928-1998.
- Neil Jamieson papers, 1757-1789.
- Neil Sheehan papers, 1910-2010.
- Nellie Simmons Meier papers, 1898-1938.
- Nelson Appleton Miles papers.
- Nelson T. Johnson papers, 1916-1955.
- Nelson W. Aldrich papers, 1777-1930.
- Nelson W. Jordan family papers, circa 1864-2003.
- Nesbitt, Victoria Henrietta Kugler, 1874-1963. Victoria Henrietta Kugler Nesbitt papers, 1933-1949.
- Neufeld, Maurice F. Maurice F. Neufeld papers, 1919-1998.
- Neuharth, Allen. Allen Neuharth papers, 1949-2013.
- Nevin, Wilberforce, -1899. Wilberforce Nevin letterbook. 1861-1864.
- New England Historic Genealogical Society. New England Historic Genealogical Society records. 1849-1852.
- New York Psychoanalytic Institute. Kris Study Group. New York Psychoanalytic Institute. Kris Study Group records.
- New York Society for the Suppression of Vice. New York Society for the Suppression of Vice records, 1871-1953.
- New York Society for the Suppression of Vice records, 1871-1953.
- Newcomb, Simon, 1835-1909. Simon Newcomb papers, 1813-1949.
- Newell, Frederick Haynes, 1862-1932. Frederick Haynes Newell papers, 1885-1931.
- Newman, Winn, 1924-1994. Winn Newman papers, 1876-1995.
- Newton Diehl Baker papers, 1896-1962.
- Ngô, Dzu. Dzu Ngô interview.
- Nicaragua Canal Construction Company. Nicaragua Canal Construction Company records, 1887-1913.
- Nicaragua Canal Construction Company records, 1887-1913.
- Nicaraguan Canal Commission (U.S.) Nicaraguan Canal Commission (U.S.) records.
- Nicholas Biddle papers, 1681-1933.
- Nicholas E. Golovin papers, 1915-1971.
- Nicholas King family papers, 1792-1987.
- Nicholas Longworth papers, 1782-1931.
- Nicholas Low papers, 1773-1897.
- Nicholas Philip Trist papers, 1795-1873.
- Nichols, Jeannette Paddock, 1890-1982. Jeannette Paddock Nichols biographer's papers. 1860-1930.
- Nicholson, Augustus S., 1830-1911. Augustus S. Nicholson papers, 1861-1934.
- Nicholson family papers.
- Nicholson, John, 1757-1800. John Nicholson family papers, 1786-1868.
- Nicholson, Joseph Hopper, 1770-1817. Joseph Hopper Nicholson papers.
- Nicholson, Joseph Hopper, 1770-1817. Joseph Hopper Nicholson papers, 1789-1827.
- Nicholson, Joseph, Jr., -1786. Joseph Nicholson Jr. papers.
- Nicholson, Rebecca Lloyd, 1771-1847. Rebecca Lloyd Nicholson papers.
- Nicklaus, Frederick, 1936-1993. Frederick Nicklaus papers, 1940-1999.
- Nicolay, Helen, 1866-1954. Helen Nicolay papers.
- Nicolay, John G. (John George), 1832-1901. John G. Nicolay papers, 1811-1943.
- Nicollet, J. N. (Joseph Nicolas), 1786-1843. J.N. Nicollet papers.
- Nicollet, J. N. (Joseph Nicolas), 1786-1843. J.N. Nicollet papers, 1797-1843.
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971. Reinhold Niebuhr papers, 1907-1997.
- Niebuhr, Ursula. Ursula Niebuhr papers.
- Niederland, William G., 1904-1993. William G. Niederland papers, 1810-1982.
- Niehaus, Earl F. Earl F. Niehaus thesis. 1955.
- Nielsen, Fred Kenelm, 1879-1963. Fred Kenelm Nielsen papers, 1881-1961.
- Nikola Tesla correspondence, 1890-1934.
- Nikola Tesla papers.
- Nina V. Fedoroff papers, 1914-2012.
- Nina Webster Dumont papers.
- Ninian Pinkney papers, 1822-1913.
- Nisbet, Robert A. Robert A. Nisbet papers, 1949-1994.
- Nitze, Paul H., 1907-2004. Paul H. Nitze papers, 1922-1998.
- Nizer, Louis, 1902-1994. My life in court : handwritten and typewritten draft, 1961.
- Noble Brandon Judah papers, 1937-1994.
- Noble, Harrell V. (Harrell Vaun), 1907-1982. Harrell V. Noble papers, 1923-2003.
- Noel Deisch papers, 1910-1937.
- Noel Francis Parrish papers, 1894-1987.
- Nolan, David F., 1943-2010. David F. Nolan papers, 1946-2022.
- Nolan D.C. Lewis papers, 1897-1978.
- Nooter, Robert H., 1926-2022. Robert H. Nooter papers, 1951-2011.
- Norman H. Davis papers, 1898-1979.
- Norman Hapgood and Elizabeth Reynolds Hapgood papers, 1824-1977.
- Norman Podhoretz papers, 1950-1986.
- Norris, George W. (George William), 1861-1944. George W. Norris papers, 1864-1954.
- North American Review correspondence, 1858-1912.
- North American Review papers.
- Norton, Reuben S. Reuben S. Norton papers.
- Novotný, Antonín, 1891-1978. Antonín Novotný papers, 1848-1966.
- Nuccio, Mark. To the Man of War Bird. 1983.