Browse Finding Aids by Subject
Topical subject terms, geographical place names, occupations, and forms of material represented in finding aids. Subjects are selected from controlled lists of words and phrases used by the Library of Congress.
- Iatmul (Papua New Guinean people).
- Icelandic Americans--California--Music.
- Icelandic literature.
- Ichthyology.
- Iconography.
- Idaho.
- Idaho--Description and travel.
- Idaho--Politics and government.
- Idaho--Social life and customs.
- Ieper (Belgium)--History.
- Ifugao language--Dialects.
- Ifugao (Philippine people).
- Ifugao (Philippine people)--Music.
- Ifugao (Philippine people)--Rites and ceremonies.
- Ifugao (Philippine people)--Social life and customs.
- Ifugao (Philippines).
- Igbo (African people)--Social life and customs.
- Illinois--Commerce.
- Illinois--Description and travel.
- Illinois--History.
- Illinois--History--1778-1865.
- Illinois--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
- Illinois--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Prisoners and prisons.
- Illinois--Politics and government.
- Illinois--Politics and government--1865-1950.
- Illinois--Politics and government--1951-.
- Illinois--Politics and government--19th century.
- Illinois--Politics and government--20th century.
- Illinois--Politics and government--To 1865.
- Illinois--Social conditions--20th century.
- Illinois--Social life and customs.
- Illinois--Social policy--20th century.
- Illinois Waterway (Ill.).
- Illumination of books and manuscripts--Russia.
- Illustration of books.
- Illustrations--1900-1970.
- Illustrators.
- Image of God.
- Imagery (Psychology).
- Immigrant families--United States.
- Immigrant families--United States--Fiction.
- Immigrants.
- Immigrants--California--Songs and music.
- Immigrants--New York (State).
- Immigrants--New York (State)--New York.
- Immigrants--New York (State)--New York--Fiction.
- Immigrants--Political activity--Korea (North).
- Immigrants--Social networks--Korea (North).
- Immigrants--United States.
- Immigrants--United States--Fiction.
- Immigrants--United States--Poetry.
- Immigrants--Washington (D.C.)--Archives.
- Immigrants--Washington (State)--Seattle.
- Immortality.
- Immunology.
- Impeachments.
- Impeachments--Alaska.
- Impeachments--United States.
- Imperial preference.
- Imperialism.
- Importers.
- Imports.
- Imports--Korea (North).
- Imports--Puerto Rico.
- Impresarios.
- Impresarios--Correspondence.
- Impresarios--United States--Correspondence.
- Impressionism (Art)--France.
- Impressment.
- Imprints (Publishers' and printers' statements)--Specimens.
- Imprisonment--Psychological aspects.
- Imprisonment--United States.
- Improvisation in dance.
- Inauguration Day.
- Inca architecture--Andes Region.
- Inca art.
- Incandescent gas-lighting.
- Incandescent lamps.
- Incas.
- Incas--Music.
- Incest in literature.
- Incidental music.
- Incidental music--Scores.
- Incipits.
- Income maintenance programs Income maintenance programs.
- Income tax--United States.
- Incunabula.
- Independence (Iowa)--Social life and customs.
- Independent regulatory commissions--United States.
- Independent treasury.
- Index cards.
- Index maps.
- Indexes.
- India--Civilization--Study and teaching.
- India--Commerce.
- India--Description and travel.
- India--Economic conditions--1945-.
- India--Foreign relations--Pakistan.
- India--Foreign relations--United States.
- India--History.
- India--History--British occupation, 1765-1947.
- India--History--Partition, 1947-.
- India--Maps.
- India--Politics and government--1947-.
- India--Politics and government--19th century.
- India--Religious life and customs.
- India--Social life and customs.
- Indian agents.
- Indian allotments.
- Indian architecture.
- Indian art.
- Indian art--Caribbean Area.
- Indian art--Central America.
- Indian art--Mexico.
- Indian art--South America.
- Indian cartography--North America--History--16th century.
- Indian cartography--North America--History--17th century.
- Indian cartography--North America--History--18th century.
- Indian cartography--North America--History--19th century.
- Indian cartography--North America--History--20th century.
- Indian mythology--North America.
- Indian Ocean--History, Naval.
- Indian Ocean Region--Foreign relations--United States.
- Indian Removal, 1813-1903.
- Indian reservations.
- Indian sign language.
- Indian Territory.
- Indian Territory--History.
- Indian Territory--Politics and government.
- Indian textile fabrics--Southwest, New.
- Indian veterans--Omaha Indian Reservation--Songs and music.
- Indiana--Description and travel.
- Indiana--Folklore.
- Indiana--History.
- Indiana--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
- Indiana--Politics and government.
- Indiana--Politics and government--19th century.
- Indiana--Social life and customs.
- Indianapolis (Ind.).
- Indianapolis (Ind.)--Social life and customs.
- Indians--Antiquities.
- Indians--First contact with other peoples.
- Indians--History.
- Indians--Languages.
- Indians--Legal status, laws, etc.--New Spain.
- Indians--Material culture.
- Indians of Central America--Guatemala.
- Indians of Central America--History.
- Indians of Central America--Languages.
- Indians of Central America--Material culture.
- Indians of Central America--Social life and customs.
- Indians of Mexico.
- Indians of Mexico--First contact with other peoples.
- Indians of Mexico--History.
- Indians of Mexico--Languages.
- Indians of Mexico--Material culture.
- Indians of Mexico--Mexico--Tehuantepec, Isthmus of.
- Indians of Mexico--Social life and customs.
- Indians of North America.
- Indians of North America--1830-1900.
- Indians of North America--1840-1890.
- Indians of North America--Agriculture.
- Indians of North America--Alabama--Wars.
- Indians of North America--Arizona.
- Indians of North America--California.
- Indians of North America--California--Music.
- Indians of North America--Canada--Maps.
- Indians of North America--Census.
- Indians of North America--Civil rights--Interviews.
- Indians of North America--Claims.
- Indians of North America--Correspondence.
- Indians of North America--Cultural assimilation.
- Indians of North America--Education.
- Indians of North America--Education--South Dakota--Pine Ridge.
- Indians of North America--Ethnic identity.
- Indians of North America--First contact with other peoples--Maps.
- Indians of North America--Florida.
- Indians of North America--Florida--History.
- Indians of North America--Florida--Wars.
- Indians of North America--Folklore.
- Indians of North America--Georgia--Wars.
- Indians of North America--Government relations.
- Indians of North America--Government relations--1934-.
- Indians of North America--Government relations--19th century.
- Indians of North America--Government relations--East Florida.
- Indians of North America--Government relations--Florida (New Spain).
- Indians of North America--Great Basin.
- Indians of North America--Great Lakes Region (North America).
- Indians of North America--Great Plains.
- Indians of North America--Great Plains--Music.
- Indians of North America--History.
- Indians of North America--Illinois--Chicago--Social life and customs.
- Indians of North America--Illinois Territory--History.
- Indians of North America--Indian Territory.
- Indians of North America--Land tenure.
- Indians of North America--Land tenure--Nebraska.
- Indians of North America--Languages.
- Indians of North America--Languages--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc.
- Indians of North America--Legal status, laws, etc.
- Indians of North America--Literature.
- Indians of North America--Louisiana.
- Indians of North America--Michigan.
- Indians of North America--Middle Atlantic States.
- Indians of North America--Missions.
- Indians of North America--Missions--Alaska.
- Indians of North America--Montana--Government relations.
- Indians of North America--Music.
- Indians of North America--Nebraska.
- Indians of North America--Nevada.
- Indians of North America--New England.
- Indians of North America--New England--Music.
- Indians of North America--New Mexico--Wars.
- Indians of North America--New York (State).
- Indians of North America--Northwest, Old.
- Indians of North America--Ohio.
- Indians of North America--Oklahoma.
- Indians of North America--Periodicals.
- Indians of North America--Poetry.
- Indians of North America--Religion.
- Indians of North America--Social conditions.
- Indians of North America--Social life and customs.
- Indians of North America--Societies, etc.
- Indians of North America--South Carolina.
- Indians of North America--South Dakota.
- Indians of North America--Southern States.
- Indians of North America--Southwest, New.
- Indians of North America--Southwest, New--Languages.
- Indians of North America--Sports.
- Indians of North America--Study and teaching.
- Indians of North America--Texas.
- Indians of North America--Treaties.
- Indians of North America--United States--Maps.
- Indians of North America--Utah.
- Indians of North America--Wars.
- Indians of North America--Wars--1775-1783.
- Indians of North America--Wars--1815-1875.
- Indians of North America--Wars--1866-1895.
- Indians of North America--Wars--19th century.
- Indians of North America--Wars--California.
- Indians of North America--Wars--Iowa--Fiction.
- Indians of North America--Wars--Montana.
- Indians of North America--Wars--Texas--1866-1895.
- Indians of North America--Wars--West (U.S.).
- Indians of North America--Washington (State).
- Indians of North America--West (U.S.).
- Indians of South America--Amazon River Region.
- Indians of South America--Amazon River Region--Diseases.
- Indians of South America--Amazon River Region--Health and hygiene.
- Indians of South America--Amazon River Region--Medicine.
- Indians of South America--Amazon River Region--Nutrition.
- Indians of South America--History.
- Indians of South America--Languages.
- Indians of South America--Material culture.
- Indians of South America--Social life and customs.
- Indians of South America--Venezuela.
- Indians--Religious life and customs.
- Indians--Rites and ceremonies.
- Indians--Social life and customs.
- Indians, Treatment of--New Spain.
- Indigenous art.
- Indigenous art--America.
- Indigenous art--Caribbean Area.
- Indigenous art--Central America.
- Indigenous art--Mexico.
- Indigenous art--South America.
- Indigenous art--Western Hemisphere.
- Indigenous peoples--America--Antiquities.
- Indigenous peoples--America--History.
- Indigenous peoples--America--Languages.
- Indigenous peoples--America--Material culture.
- Indigenous peoples--America--Religious life and customs.
- Indigenous peoples--America--Rites and ceremonies.
- Indigenous peoples--America--Social life and customs.
- Indigenous peoples--Caribbean Area--History.
- Indigenous peoples--Caribbean Area--Material culture.
- Indigenous peoples--Caribbean Area--Social life and customs.
- Indigenous peoples--Great Britain--Colonies.
- Indigenous peoples--Western Hemisphere--Antiquities.
- Indigenous peoples--Western Hemisphere--History.
- Indigenous peoples--Western Hemisphere--Languages.
- Indigenous peoples--Western Hemisphere--Material culture.
- Indigenous peoples--Western Hemisphere--Religious life and customs.
- Indigenous peoples--Western Hemisphere--Rites and ceremonies.
- Indigenous peoples--Western Hemisphere--Social life and customs.
- Indigo--Florida.
- Individuation (Psychology).
- Indochina--Maps.
- Indonesia--Foreign relations.
- Indonesia--Foreign relations--United States.
- Indonesia--History--1798-1942.
- Indonesia--History--1945-.
- Indonesia--History--Revolution, 1945-1949.
- Indonesia--Maps.
- Indonesia--Politics and government--1950-1966.
- Indonesia--Politics and government--1966-1998.
- Indonesia--Politics and government--20th century.
- Indonesia--Social conditions.
- Indonesia--Social life and customs.
- Industrial design coordination.
- Industrial design--Exhibitions.
- Industrial design--France.
- Industrial design--Great Britain.
- Industrial design--Soviet Union.
- Industrial design--United States.
- Industrial designers.
- Industrial development projects.
- Industrial facilities--1950-1990.
- Industrial facilities--Washington (D.C.)--1870-1950.
- Industrial facilities--Washington Metropolitan Area--1890-1950.
- Industrial hygiene--Law and legislation.
- Industrial hygiene--United States.
- Industrial laws and legislation--United States.
- Industrial loan associations.
- Industrial management.
- Industrial management--Japan.
- Industrial mobilization--United States.
- Industrial policy.
- Industrial policy--United States.
- Industrial relations.
- Industrial relations--Africa.
- Industrial relations--Great Britain.
- Industrial relations--United States.
- Industrial revolution.
- Industrial safety.
- Industrial safety--Law and legislation.
- Industrial safety--Law and legislation--United States.
- Industrial safety--United States.
- Industrialists.
- Industrialists--United States--Correspondence.
- Industrialization.
- Industries.
- Industries--Burma.
- Industries--Environmental aspects.
- Industries--Germany.
- Industries--Great Britain.
- Industries--Middle East.
- Industries--Palestine.
- Industries--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia.
- Industries--Poland.
- Industries--Social aspects.
- Industries--Southern States.
- Industries--Technological innovations.
- Industries--United States.
- Industry--1920-1970.
- Industry--1950-1990.
- Industry--United States--1890-1920.
- Industry--United States--1960-1990.
- Inertial navigation systems--Patents.
- Infant psychology.
- Infants.
- Inflammable fabrics.
- Inflation (Finance).
- Inflation (Finance)--United States.
- Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919.
- Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919--Europe.
- Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919--Social aspects.
- Influenza Epidemic, 1918-1919--United States.
- Influenza--Europe.
- Influenza--History--20th century.
- Influenza--United States.
- Influenza--United States--Prevention.
- Influenza vaccines.
- Information networks--United States.
- Information resources.
- Information science.
- Information services.
- Information storage and retrieval systems.
- Information technology.
- Information theorists.
- Information theory.
- Informational works.
- Infrared spectroscopy.
- Inheritance and succession--Mexico.
- Ink drawings.
- Inkjet prints.
- Inland water transportation--United States.
- Inner cities.
- Inner cities--United States.
- Inner planets--Exploration.
- Inquisition--Mexico.
- Insanity defense--United States.
- Insanity (Law)--United States.
- Insect pests.
- Insect pests--Control.
- Insect societies.
- Insects.
- Insects--Behavior.
- Insects--Chemical ecology.
- Insects--Defenses.
- Insects--Ecology.
- Insects--Evolution.
- Insects--Washington (D.C.).
- Insignia.
- Insignia--1880-1940.
- Inspirational radio programs.
- Installment plan.
- Instant camera photographs--1960-2000.
- Instructional and educational works.
- Instructional materials centers--United States.
- Instrument flying.
- Instrument industry.
- Instrumental ensembles--Ukraine.
- Instrumental music.
- Instrumental music--Scores.
- Instrumental settings.
- Instrumentation and orchestration.
- Insurance.
- Insurance brokers.
- Insurance companies.
- Insurance companies--New York (State)--New York.
- Insurance executives.
- Insurance--Mathematics.
- Insurance policies--Washington (D.C.).
- Insurance--War risks.
- Insurgency--Mexico.
- Integrated circuit layout.
- Integrated circuits--Design and construction.
- Intellectual cooperation.
- Intellectual life.
- Intellectual life--Periodicals.
- Intellectual property.
- Intellectuals.
- Intellectuals--United States--Attitudes.
- Intelligence analysts.
- Intelligence officers.
- Intelligence officers--United States--Identification.
- Intelligence service--China.
- Intelligence service--Government policy--United States.
- Intelligence service--Korea.
- Intelligence service--Law and legislation--United States.
- Intelligence service--Soviet Union.
- Intelligence service--United States.
- Intelligence service--United States--Interviews.
- Interconnected electric utility systems--United States.
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles.
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles--Design and construction.
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles--United States.
- Interdenominational cooperation.
- Interdisciplinary research.
- Interfaith worship.
- Interferometry.
- Interior decoration--United States--Pictorial works.
- Interior decorators--United States--Biography.
- Interior decorators--United States--Correspondence.
- Interior design drawings--1790-1850.
- Interior design drawings--1930-1980.
- Interiors--United States--1880-1960.
- Interlibrary loans.
- Internal reflection spectroscopy.
- Internal revenue--California.
- Internal revenue--Northwest, Pacific.
- Internal security.
- Internal security--United States.
- International agencies.
- International agencies--France--Paris.
- International arbitrators.
- International Book Year (1972).
- International cooperation.
- International cooperation--Societies, etc.
- International courts.
- International economic relations.
- International economic relations--Congresses.
- International finance.
- International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958.
- International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958--Maps.
- International labor activities.
- International law.
- International law--Congresses.
- International law--Latin America.
- International law--Study and teaching.
- International librarianship.
- International organization.
- International relations.
- International relations--1910-1970.
- International relations--1950-1990.
- International relations--History.
- International relations--Periodicals.
- International relations--Societies, etc.
- International relations--Study and teaching.
- International relief.
- International relief--Belgium.
- International relief--China.
- International trade.
- International trusteeships.
- International trusteeships--Africa, West.
- International Women's Decade, 1976-1985.
- International Years of the Quiet Sun, 1964-1965.
- Internationalism.
- Internationalism--Societies, etc.
- Internationalists.
- Internet--Social aspects--United States.
- Internment camps--Australia.
- Internment camps--Europe.
- Internment camps--United States.
- Internship programs--United States.
- Interpersonal relations.
- Interpersonal relations--1900-1910.
- Interplanetary voyages.
- Interracial marriage--United States.
- Interstate commerce--Law and legislation--United States.
- Interstate commerce--United States.
- Interstellar communication.
- Intertitles.
- Intervention (Federal government)--United States.
- Interviews.
- Interviews--Louisiana--New Orleans.
- Interviews (Sound recordings).
- Intoxication--1900-1910.
- Inuit--Canada--Social life and customs.
- Inventions.
- Inventions--Awards.
- Inventories.
- Inventors.
- Inventors--United States.
- Investigative reporting--Missouri--Kansas City.
- Investigative reporting--United States.
- Investigative reporting--Washington (D.C.).
- Investment banking--United States.
- Investments.
- Investments, American--Soviet Union.
- Investments, British--United States--History--19th century.
- Investments, Foreign--Mexico.
- Invoices.
- Ionosphere--Research.
- Iowa--Description and travel.
- Iowa--Economic conditions.
- Iowa--Geography.
- Iowa--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
- Iowa--Social conditions.
- Iowa--Social life and customs.
- Ipswich (Mass.)--History.
- Iran--Civilization--Study and teaching.
- Iran--Commerce--United States.
- Iran-Contra Affair, 1985-1990.
- Iran--Economic conditions.
- Iran--Foreign relations--United States.
- Iran--History--1905-1911.
- Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979-1981.
- Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979-1981--Personal narratives.
- Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988--Naval operations, American.
- Iran--Military relations--United States.
- Iran--Politics and government--1941-1979.
- Iranians--United States.
- Iraq--Commerce.
- Iraq--Commerce--United States.
- Iraq--Foreign relations--United States.
- Iraq--History--1921-.
- Iraq--History--1979-1991.
- Iraq--History--2003-.
- Iraq--Maps.
- Iraq War, 2003-2011.
- Iraq War, 2003-2011--Causes.
- Iraq War, 2003-2011--Press coverage.
- Iraq War, 2003-2011--Prisoners and prisons, American.
- Ireland.
- Ireland--Commerce.
- Ireland--Description and travel.
- Ireland--Emigration and immigration.
- Ireland--Foreign relations--United States.
- Ireland--History--16th century.
- Ireland--History--1760-1820.
- Ireland--History--1837-1901.
- Ireland--History--Autonomy and independence movements.
- Ireland--History--War of Independence, 1919-1921.
- Ireland--Politics and government--1760-1820.
- Ireland--Politics and government--20th century.
- Irish Americans.
- Irish Americans--Employment--New Jersey--Paterson.
- Irish Americans--Illinois--Chicago--Social life and customs.
- Irish Americans--Massachusetts--Lowell--Social life and customs.
- Irish Americans--Montana--Butte--Folklore.
- Irish Americans--Montana--Butte--Music.
- Irish Americans--Music.
- Irish Americans--New England--Music.
- Irish Americans--New York (State)--New York--Social life and customs.
- Irish Americans--Pennsylvania.
- Irish Americans--Rhode Island--Social life and customs.
- Irish Americans--Societies, etc.
- Irish--New York (State)--New York--Societies, etc.
- Irish question.
- Irish--United States.
- Irish--United States--Music.
- Iron.
- Iron and steel workers--Legal status, laws, etc.--United States.
- Iron industry and trade--Maryland.
- Iron industry and trade--Maryland--Baltimore.
- Iron industry and trade--New Jersey--Oxford.
- Iron industry and trade--New Jersey--Ringwood.
- Iron industry and trade--New Jersey--Trenton.
- Iron industry and trade--Pennsylvania.
- Iron industry and trade--Pennsylvania--Bucks County.
- Iron industry--Pennsylvania--Pittsburgh.
- Iron manufacturers.
- Iron mines and mining--Pennsylvania.
- Iron molders--Labor unions--Periodicals.
- Iroquois Indians.
- Iroquois Indians--Music.
- Irrigation--California--Central Valley (Valley).
- Irrigation--Idaho.
- Irrigation--Montana.
- Irwin County (Ga.)--Social life and customs.
- Islamic education--United States.
- Islamic music--Morocco.
- Islamic sermons.
- Isolationism.
- Isolationism--United States.
- Israel.
- Israel-Arab Border Conflicts, 1949-.
- Israel-Arab War, 1948-1949.
- Israel-Arab War, 1948-1949--Diplomatic history.
- Israel-Arab War, 1967.
- Israel--Ethnic relations.
- Israel--Foreign relations--Egypt.
- Israel--Foreign relations--Syria.
- Israel--Foreign relations--United States.
- Israel--History.
- Israel--History--1948-1967.
- Israel--History--20th century.
- Israel--Maps.
- Israel--Politics and government.
- Israel--Social conditions.
- Israel--Social life and customs--20th century.
- Israel--Social policy.
- Israelis--United States.
- Italian American Catholics--New Jersey--Religion.
- Italian American Catholics--New Jersey--Social life and customs.
- Italian American Catholics--New York (State)--New York--Folklore.
- Italian American Catholics--New York (State)--New York--Social life and customs.
- Italian American families--Biography.
- Italian American families--West (U.S.).
- Italian Americans--California--Music.
- Italian Americans--California--Social life and customs.
- Italian Americans--Colorado--Social life and customs.
- Italian Americans--Employment--New Jersey--Paterson.
- Italian Americans--Illinois--Chicago--Social life and customs.
- Italian Americans--Massachusetts--Lowell--20th century.
- Italian Americans--Montana.
- Italian Americans--Nevada--Social life and customs.
- Italian Americans--New Jersey--Pinelands National Reserve.
- Italian Americans--New York (State)--New York--Social life and customs.
- Italian Americans--Rhode Island--Social life and customs.
- Italian Americans--Utah--Social life and customs.
- Italian Americans--Washington (State)--Social life and customs.
- Italian Americans--West (U.S.)--Folklore.
- Italian Americans--West (U.S.)--Religion.
- Italian Americans--West (U.S.)--Social life and customs.
- Italo-Ethiopian War, 1935-1936.
- Italy--Boundaries--Yugoslavia.
- Italy--Description and travel.
- Italy--Foreign relations.
- Italy--Foreign relations--Ethiopia.
- Italy--Foreign relations--United States.
- Italy--Genealogy.
- Italy--History.
- Italy--History--1922-1945.
- Italy--History--1922-1945--Sources.
- Italy--History--1945-.
- Italy--History--1945-1976.
- Italy--History--Allied occupation, 1943-1947.
- Italy--Maps.
- Italy--Religion.
- Italy--Social conditions.
- Italy--Social conditions--20th century.
- Italy--Social life and customs.
- Itineraries.
- Iwo Jima, Battle of, Japan, 1945.
- Ixil language--Guatemala.