Browse Finding Aids by Subject
Topical subject terms, geographical place names, occupations, and forms of material represented in finding aids. Subjects are selected from controlled lists of words and phrases used by the Library of Congress.
- Taaisha (African people)--Music.
- Tabla--India.
- Tabla music--Afghanistan.
- Tabla music--India.
- Tabla music--Instruction and study.
- Tabla players--India.
- Tabla players--India--Interviews.
- Tables (documents).
- Tabulating machines.
- Tacna-Arica question.
- Tactics.
- Tagalog language.
- Tai (Southeast Asian people)--Burma--Social life and customs.
- Tai (Southeast Asian people)--China--Xishuangbanna Daizu Zizhizhou--Poetry.
- Tai (Southeast Asian people)--China--Xishuangbanna Daizu Zizhizhou--Social life and customs.
- Tailors--Tennessee--Greeneville.
- Taino art.
- Taino Indians.
- Taiwan.
- Taiwan aborigines.
- Taiwan--Description and travel.
- Taiwan--Foreign relations.
- Taiwan--Foreign relations--Japan.
- Taiwan--Foreign relations--United States.
- Talent agents.
- Talent shows--United States--History.
- Tales.
- Tales--Alaska.
- Tales--Appalachian Region.
- Tales--Blue Ridge Mountains.
- Tales--China--Yangzhou Shi.
- Tales--Georgia.
- Tales--India--Tamil Nadu.
- Tales--Massachusetts--Lowell--20th century.
- Tales--Mississippi--Coahoma County.
- Tales--Montana.
- Tales--New Jersey--Pine Barrens.
- Tales--New Mexico--Zuni.
- Tales--New York (State)--Adirondack Mountains Region.
- Tales--Ozark Mountains Region.
- Tales--Pennsylvania.
- Tales--Philippines.
- Tales--United States.
- Talk show hosts.
- Tall tales.
- Tall tales--Great Smoky Mountains Region (N.C. and Tenn.).
- Tambura (Fretted lute) music.
- Tamil Nadu (India)--Religious life and customs.
- Tamil Nadu (India)--Social life and customs.
- Tampico (Tamaulipas, Mexico).
- Tampico (Tamaulipas, Mexico)--Description and travel.
- Tampico (Tamaulipas, Mexico)--History.
- Tango (Dance)--Argentina.
- Tangos--Argentina.
- Tank warfare.
- Tanzania--Foreign relations--United States.
- Taoist temples.
- Taos Indians--Music.
- Taos (N.M.)--Description and travel.
- Taos (N.M.)--Social life and customs.
- Tap dancers--United States.
- Tap dancing.
- Tap dancing--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
- Tap dancing--United States.
- Tapestry, Gothic.
- Tapestry, Renaissance.
- Tar (Lute) music--Iran.
- Tarahumara Indians--Rites and ceremonies.
- Tarawa Atoll (Kiribati)--History.
- Targets (Sports)--1500-2010.
- Tariff.
- Tariff--Law and legislation--United States.
- Tariff--Poland.
- Tariff--United States.
- Tax and expenditure limitations--United States.
- Tax evasion--United States.
- Tax exemption--United States.
- Tax records.
- Taxation.
- Taxation--Burma.
- Taxation--Law and legislation--United States.
- Taxation--Louisiana--New Orleans.
- Taxation--Maryland.
- Taxation--Maryland--Anne Arundel County.
- Taxation--New Spain.
- Taxation--Poland.
- Taxation--Puerto Rico.
- Taxation--United States.
- Taxation--United States--States.
- Taxation--Washington (D.C.).
- Taxidermists.
- Taxidermy.
- Taxidermy--Rhode Island.
- Teachers--Japan.
- Teachers--South Carolina.
- Teaching.
- Teaching machines--Design and construction.
- Teaching pieces (Music).
- Teapot Dome Scandal, 1921-1924.
- Technical assistance, American.
- Technical assistance, American--Africa.
- Technical assistance, American--Africa--Congresses.
- Technical assistance, American--Pakistan.
- Technical assistance, American--Panama.
- Technical assistance, American--Peru.
- Technical assistance, American--Yemen.
- Technical assistance, American--Zimbabwe.
- Technical assistance--Burma.
- Technical services (Libraries)--United States.
- Technological innovations.
- Technological innovations--Economic aspects--United States.
- Technology.
- Technology advisors.
- Technology and civilization.
- Technology and state--United States.
- Technology--Brazil.
- Technology--Germany.
- Technology--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia.
- Technology--Social aspects.
- Technology--United States.
- Teddy bears.
- Tehuantepec Canal (Mexico).
- Tehuantepec, Isthmus of (Mexico)--History.
- Tehuantepec, Isthmus of (Mexico)--Social life and customs.
- Tehuantepec, Isthmus of (Mexico)--Surveys.
- Telecommunication.
- Telecommunication policy--United States.
- Telecommunication--Sierra Leone--Maps.
- Telecommunication systems.
- Telecommunication--United States.
- Telegrams.
- Telegraph.
- Telegraph--Africa, East.
- Telegraph--China.
- Telegraph--Law and legislation--United States.
- Telegraph--Patents.
- Telegraph--Russia.
- Telegraph--United States.
- Telegraphers.
- Telemarketing--Corrupt practices.
- Telemeter.
- Telephone answering and recording apparatus--Design and construction.
- Telephone--Brazil.
- Telephone--China.
- Telephone companies--Europe.
- Telephone companies--Quality control.
- Telephone directories.
- Telephone--Europe.
- Telephone--Experiments.
- Telephone--History.
- Telephone--Law and legislation--United States.
- Telephone--Rates--United States.
- Telephone--Russia.
- Telephone selling.
- Telephone systems.
- Telephone--United States.
- Telescopes.
- Television.
- Television acting--United States.
- Television advertising.
- Television and music--United States--History--20th century.
- Television authorship.
- Television broadcasting.
- Television broadcasting--Archival resources.
- Television broadcasting of news.
- Television broadcasting of news--United States.
- Television broadcasting of news--Washington (D.C.).
- Television broadcasting of sports--United States.
- Television broadcasting--United States.
- Television broadcasting--United States--History.
- Television comedies.
- Television comedy writers--United States.
- Television comedy writers--United States Biography.
- Television frequency allocation.
- Television game shows.
- Television in education--Periodicals.
- Television in education--United States.
- Television journalists--United States--Interviews.
- Television--Law and legislation--United States.
- Television moderators.
- Television music.
- Television music, Arranged.
- Television music--Excerpts--Scores.
- Television music--Scores.
- Television personalities.
- Television personalities--United States.
- Television plays.
- Television producers.
- Television producers and directors.
- Television producers and directors--United States.
- Television producers and directors--United States--Correspondence.
- Television production & direction--1920-1970.
- Television--Production and direction.
- Television--Production and direction--United States.
- Television programs.
- Television programs--1940-1980.
- Television programs--Marketing.
- Television programs--United States.
- Television programs--United States--1960-1970.
- Television--Research.
- Television scripts.
- Television specials.
- Television--Stage-setting and scenery.
- Television stations.
- Television stations--New York (State)--New York.
- Television stations--United States.
- Television talk shows.
- Television talk shows--United States.
- Television--Transmitters and transmission.
- Television--Ultrahigh frequency apparatus and supplies.
- Telomerase.
- Telomere.
- Temperance.
- Temperance--North Carolina.
- Temperance--Religious aspects--Society of Friends.
- Temperance--United States.
- Temperance--United States--Societies, etc.
- Temperance--United States--Societies, etc.--History--19th century.
- Temples--Asia--1920-1970.
- Temples--Egypt.
- Templeton Foundation Prize.
- Tenant farmers--Labor unions--United States.
- TenerÃa Hacienda (Mexico).
- Tennessee--Economic conditions.
- Tennessee--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
- Tennessee--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Campaigns.
- Tennessee--History, Local.
- Tennessee--Politics and government.
- Tennessee--Politics and government--1865-1950.
- Tennessee--Politics and government--1951-.
- Tennessee--Politics and government--To 1865.
- Tennessee--Race relations.
- Tennessee River Valley.
- Tennessee River Valley--History.
- Tennessee--Social life and customs.
- Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway (Ala. and Miss.)--Social aspects.
- Tenors (Singers).
- Tepehua Indians.
- Teratology.
- Ternate (Indonesia)--Maps.
- Territory, National--Europe--History--Maps.
- Terrorism.
- Terrorism--Government policy--United States.
- Terrorism--Political aspects.
- Terrorism--Prevention.
- Terrorism--Prevention--Law and legislation--United States.
- Terrorism--United States.
- Terrorism--United States--Prevention.
- Terrorism--Venezuela.
- Terrorists--Legal status, laws, etc.--United States.
- Terrorists--United States.
- Teso (African people)--Social life and customs.
- Test pressings (Sound recordings).
- Tet Offensive, 1968.
- Tetrahymena.
- Tewa dance.
- Tewa Indians.
- Tewa Indians--Music.
- Texas,.
- Texas--Annexation to the United States.
- Texas--Boundaries--Oklahoma.
- Texas--Centennial celebrations, etc.
- Texas--Commerce.
- Texas--Description and travel.
- Texas--Discovery and exploration.
- Texas--Economic conditions.
- Texas--Geography.
- Texas--History.
- Texas--History--1810-1821.
- Texas--History--1846-1950.
- Texas--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
- Texas--History--Republic, 1836-1846.
- Texas--History--To 1846.
- Texas--Maps.
- Texas--Politics and government.
- Texas--Politics and government--1865-1950.
- Texas--Politics and government--19th century.
- Texas--Social conditions.
- Texas--Social life and customs.
- Texas--Social life and customs--19th century.
- Textbooks.
- Textbooks--Censorship--United States.
- Textbooks--United States.
- Textile artists--Maryland--Interviews.
- Textile artists--United States--Interviews.
- Textile crafts--Political aspects--United States.
- Textile industry--Law and legislation--New York (State).
- Textile industry--Massachusetts--Lowell--20th century.
- Textile industry--New Jersey--Paterson.
- Textile industry--Rhode Island.
- Textile industry--United States.
- Textile workers--New Jersey--Paterson.
- Thai Americans--Nevada--Interviews.
- Thailand--Foreign relations--United States.
- Thailand--Maps.
- Thalidomide.
- Thames, Battle of the, Ont., 1813.
- Thanksgiving Day.
- Tharaka (African people)--Social life and customs.
- Theater.
- Theater--Africa.
- Theater and society.
- Theater and state--United States.
- Theater--Caribbean Area.
- Theater--England--History--19th century.
- Theater--England--London.
- Theater--England--London--History--19th century.
- Theater--Europe.
- Theater--Far East.
- Theater--Finance.
- Theater--France--History--20th century.
- Theater--Georgia (Republic)--Tʻbilisi.
- Theater--Germany.
- Theater--Great Britain.
- Theater--History.
- Theater--History--19th century.
- Theater--History--20th century.
- Theater--Japan.
- Theater--Latin America.
- Theater--Law and legislation--United States.
- Theater--Maine.
- Theater management.
- Theater management--United States.
- Theater managers.
- Theater--Massachusetts.
- Theater--New York (N.Y.)--History--20th century.
- Theater--New York (State)--New York.
- Theater--Political aspects--United States--20th century.
- Theater--Political aspects--Washington (D.C.).
- Theater--Production and direction.
- Theater--Production and direction--France--Paris.
- Theater--Production and direction--Sweden.
- Theater--Production and direction--United States.
- Theater--Production and direction--United States--20th century.
- Theater programs.
- Theater programs--Facsimiles.
- Theater programs--Specimens.
- Theater programs--United States.
- Theater rehearsals--United States.
- Theater--Rhode Island.
- Theater--Russia.
- Theater--Scotland--History--19th century.
- Theater--South Africa.
- Theater--Soviet Union.
- Theater--Study and teaching.
- Theater--Sweden.
- Theater--United States.
- Theater--United States--History.
- Theater--United States--History--19th century.
- Theater--Virginia--Richmond.
- Theater--Washington (D.C).
- Theater--Washington (D.C.)--History--20th century.
- Theater, Yiddish.
- Theaters--Alexandria--Richmond.
- Theaters--Maryland--Baltimore.
- Theaters--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia.
- Theaters--South Carolina--Charleston.
- Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery.
- Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery--Pictorial works.
- Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery--United States.
- Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery--United States--20th century.
- Theaters--Virginia--Richmond.
- Theaters--Washington (D.C.).
- Theatrical agents.
- Theatrical agents--United States.
- Theatrical companies--Sweden.
- Theatrical companies--United States.
- Theatrical directors.
- Theatrical producers.
- Theatrical producers and directors.
- Theatrical producers and directors--Great Britain.
- Theatrical producers and directors--Sweden.
- Theatrical producers and directors--United States.
- Theatrical productions--1840-1890.
- Theatrical productions--1920-1970.
- Theatrical productions--1930-1970.
- Theatrical productions--United States--1830-1880.
- Theatrical productions--United States--1950-1990.
- Theatrical publishing.
- Theatrical publishing--Scandinavia.
- Theatrical publishing--Sweden.
- Theologians.
- Theology.
- Theology, Doctrinal.
- Theosophy.
- Theosophy--Study and teaching.
- Therapists.
- Thermodynamics.
- Thieves--Songs and music.
- Thomas Jefferson Memorial (Washington, D.C.).
- Thomaston (Me.).
- Thor (Missile).
- Thought and thinking.
- Thrift institutions.
- Thrust faults (Geology).
- Tianjin (China)--History.
- Tianjin (China)--Maps.
- Tickets.
- Tickets--1930-1940.
- Ticks as carriers of disease.
- Tidal power.
- Tides.
- Tift County (Ga.)--Social life and customs.
- Timber--South Carolina.
- Time perception.
- Time--Psychological aspects.
- Timekeeping--Research--United States.
- Timpani--History.
- Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands).
- Tintypes--1860-1880.
- Tintypes--1880-1930.
- TIROS satellites.
- Titan (Missile).
- Titan (Satellite).
- Title pages--Specimens.
- Titles of honor and nobility--Russia.
- Titles of honor and nobility--Sweden.
- Tiwa Indians.
- Tlingit Indians.
- Tlingit Indians--Alaska--Folklore.
- Tlingit Indians--Alaska--Music.
- Tlingit Indians--Alaska--Rites and ceremonies.
- Tlingit Indians--Alaska--Social life and customs.
- Tlingit Indians--Clothing--Alaska.
- Tlingit Indians--Music.
- Tlingit language--Alaska.
- Toasts (African American folk poetry)--Mississippi.
- Toasts (narrative poetry).
- Tobacco.
- Tobacco farmers--Blue Ridge Mountains--Interviews.
- Tobacco farms--Georgia.
- Tobacco industry.
- Tobacco industry--1840-1890.
- Tobacco industry--England--London.
- Tobacco industry--Maryland.
- Tobacco industry--New York (State)--New York.
- Tobacco industry--Scotland--Glasgow.
- Tobacco industry--United States.
- Tobacco industry--Virginia.
- Tobacco industry--Virginia--Amherst County.
- Tobacco industry--Virginia--Lynchburg.
- Tobacco industry--Virginia--Richmond.
- Tobacco industry--Washington (D.C.).
- Tobacco--Law and legislation--United States.
- Tobacco package labels--1840-1890.
- Tobacco--United States.
- Tobacco use.
- Tobacco use--Health aspects.
- Tobacco--Virginia.
- Toccatas.
- TÅgaku.
- Tokyo (Japan)--History--Bombardment, 1942.
- Tokyo (Japan)--Social life and customs.
- Toledo (Ohio)--Politics and government.
- Toleration--United States.
- Toll roads--Pennsylvania.
- Tolls--New Jersey.
- Tolls--New York (State).
- Tolls--United States.
- Tombs & sepulchral monuments--United States--1880-1960.
- Tombs--Egypt.
- Tonopah (Nev.)--History.
- Tony Awards.
- Tools--Design and construction.
- Topical songs.
- Topographic maps.
- Topographical surveying--Utah.
- Topological maps.
- Topology.
- Torpedo-boats.
- Torpedoes.
- Tortola (British Virgin Islands)--Social life and customs.
- Torture (International law).
- Torture--Law and legislation--United States.
- Torture--United States.
- Totalitarianism.
- Tour guides.
- Tourism.
- Tourism--Palestine.
- Tourism--United States--1950-1960.
- Tourist maps.
- Toy theaters--1500-2010.
- Track and field.
- Trade catalogs.
- Trade regulation--United States.
- Trademarks.
- Trademarks--United States.
- Traders.
- Trading companies.
- Trading companies--Korea (North).
- Trading companies--Massachusetts--Boston.
- Tradition (Judaism).
- Traditional farming--United States.
- Traditional medicine--Alabama.
- Traditional medicine--Brazil.
- Traditional medicine--Great Smoky Mountains Region (N.C. and Tenn.).
- Traditional medicine--Louisiana--Atchafalaya River Region.
- Traditional medicine--Ozark Mountains Region.
- Traffic safety.
- Traffic safety--United States.
- Traffic signs and signals.
- Trails--United States.
- Transatlantic cables.
- Transatlantic flights.
- Transatlantic voyages.
- Transcripts.
- Transference (Psychology).
- Transit, International.
- Translating and interpreting.
- Translating and interpreting--United States.
- Translations.
- Translators.
- Translators--Soviet Union.
- Translators--United States.
- Transmit-receive tubes.
- Transmitted images--1920-1970.
- Transpacific flights.
- Transparencies--Color--1930-2010.
- Transparencies--Color--1940-2020.
- Transparencies--Color--1950-1970.
- Transparencies--Color--1950-2000.
- Transport of sick and wounded.
- Transport workers--Labor unions.
- Transportation.
- Transportation--1920-1970.
- Transportation--1950-1990.
- Transportation and state.
- Transportation and state--United States.
- Transportation, Automotive--History.
- Transportation, Automotive--Law and legislation.
- Transportation--Brazil.
- Transportation--Burma.
- Transportation--California.
- Transportation--China.
- Transportation--Congresses.
- Transportation--Environmental aspects--United States.
- Transportation facilities--Washington (D.C.)--1870-1950.
- Transportation facilities--Washington Metropolitan Area--1890-1950.
- Transportation--Japan.
- Transportation--Law and legislation--United States.
- Transportation--Maryland.
- Transportation--New Jersey.
- Transportation--New York (State)--New York.
- Transportation--Panama.
- Transportation--Poland.
- Transportation--Senegal--Maps.
- Transportation--Sierra Leone--Maps.
- Transportation--Taxation.
- Transportation--United States.
- Transportation--United States--Planning.
- Transposons.
- Transuranium elements.
- Transuranium elements--Nomenclature.
- Trapunto--United States.
- Travel.
- Travel--1890-1930.
- Travel Air (Firm).
- Travel documents.
- Travel sketches--1920-1970.
- Travel--United States--1950-1960.
- Travel writing.
- Travelers.
- Traveling exhibitions.
- Traveling sales personnel--United States.
- Travelogues (Motion pictures).
- Treason--Germany.
- Treason--United States.
- Treasure Island (San Francisco, Calif.).
- Treasure troves--South Africa.
- Treaties.
- Trees.
- Trees--1600-1940.
- Trent Affair, 1861.
- Trenton, Battle of, Trenton, N.J., 1776.
- Trial proofs.
- Trials.
- Trials (Abortion)--United States.
- Trials (Assassination).
- Trials (Assassination)--Washington (D.C.).
- Trials (Bribery)--Washington (D.C.).
- Trials (Conspiracy).
- Trials (Conspiracy)--Indiana--Indianapolis.
- Trials (Conspiracy)--New York (State)--New York.
- Trials (Crimes against humanity).
- Trials (Espionage)--New York (State)--New York.
- Trials (Espionage)--United States.
- Trials (Impeachment)--United States.
- Trials--Israel.
- Trials (Libel).
- Trials (Military offenses)--United States.
- Trials (Murder).
- Trials (Murder)--Georgia--Atlanta.
- Trials (Murder)--Illinois--Cook County.
- Trials (Murder)--Massachusetts.
- Trials (Murder)--Pennsylvania.
- Trials (Murder)--Texas--Amarillo.
- Trials (Murder)--United States.
- Trials (Mutiny)--United States.
- Trials--New York (State).
- Trials (Perjury)--United States.
- Trials (Political crimes and offenses)--United States.
- Trials (Products liability)--United States.
- Trials (Seditious libel)--Pennsylvania--Philadelphia.
- Trials--Soviet Union.
- Trials (Treason).
- Trials (Treason)--United States.
- Trials--United States.
- Tribes--Iraq.
- Tricksters.
- Trieste (Italy)--Politics and government--20th century.
- Trinchera Ranch (Colo.).
- Tripoli (Libya)--History.
- Tropical medicine--Pakistan--Lahore.
- Tropical medicine--Panama.
- Tropical medicine--Puerto Rico.
- Tropisms.
- Troy (Mich.)--1940-2010.
- Troy (N.Y.)--Social life and customs.
- Trucking.
- Trumpet and piano music--Scores and parts.
- Trumpet--Instruction and study.
- Trust companies--Ohio--Cleveland.
- Trusts, Industrial.
- Trusts, Industrial--Poland.
- Trusts, Industrial--United States.
- Truth.
- Truth--Study and teaching.
- Tsetse-flies--Gambia--Maps.
- Tsimshian Indians--Social life and customs.
- Tuberculosis.
- Tuberculosis--France--Prevention.
- Tuberculosis--India--Prevention.
- Tuberculosis--Prevention.
- Tuberculosis--United States--Prevention.
- Tulancingo (Hidalgo, Mexico)--History.
- Tullahoma (Tenn.)--History.
- Tungsten mines and mining--Nevada--Anecdotes.
- Tunisia--Commerce.
- Tunisia--Foreign relations--United States.
- Tunnels--Massachusetts.
- Tunnels--New York (State).
- Turkana (African people)--Social life and customs.
- Turkey.
- Turkey--Description and travel.
- Turkey--Economic conditions--1945-.
- Turkey--Foreign relations--1918-1960.
- Turkey--Foreign relations--Greece.
- Turkey--Foreign relations--United States.
- Turkey--History.
- Turkey--History--Ottoman Empire, 1288-1918.
- Turkey--Maps.
- Turkey--Social conditions.
- Turkey--Social life and customs.
- Turkeys--Diseases.
- Turkish Americans--Education.
- Turner County (Ga.)--Social life and customs.
- Tuve, Mount (Antarctica).
- Tweed Ring.
- Twelve-tone system.
- Type and type-founding.
- Typesetting.
- Typewriters.
- Typhoid fever.
- Typhoid fever--New York (State).
- Typhoons--Thailand.
- Tyringham (Mass.)--Religious life and customs.