Browse Finding Aids by Name/Title
Names and titles associated with finding aids. Includes collection titles, entries for significant works contained in collections, and entries for significant works discussed in collections.
- L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, 1754-1825. Pierre Charles L'Enfant papers. 1778-1864.
- L'Enfant, Pierre Charles, 1754-1825. Pierre Charles L'Enfant papers. 1783-1793.
- L. Patrick Gray III papers, 1931-2008.
- L. Quincy Mumford papers, 1939-1982.
- La Fayette, Michel Louis Christophe Roch Gilbert Motier, marquis de, 1732-1759. Michel Louis Christophe Roch Gilbert Motier, marquis de La Fayette, papers.
- La Follette, Belle Case, 1859-1931. Belle Case La Follette papers. 1879-1931.
- La Follette family. La Follette family papers, 1781-1988.
- La Follette family papers, 1781-1988.
- La Follette, Fola, 1882-1970. Fola La Follette papers. 1879-1970.
- La Follette, Mary Josephine, 1899-1988. Mary Josephine La Follette papers. 1925-1988.
- La Follette, Philip Fox, 1897-1965. Philip Fox La Follette papers. 1911-1971.
- La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1855-1925. Robert M. La Follette papers. 1844-1925.
- La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1895-1953. Robert M. La Follette papers. 1895-1960.
- La Follette's magazine.
- La Motte, Ellen N. (Ellen Newbold), 1873-1961. Ellen N. La Motte collection on opium traffic, 1919-1933.
- La Tour-Maubourg, Anastasie du Motier de La Fayette, comtesse de, 1777-1863. Anastasie du Motier de La Fayette, comtesse de La Tour-Maubourg, papers.
- La victoria.
- Ladd, Valeria, 1892-1984. Valeria Ladd collection on the revived Greek dance, 1924-1967.
- Ladies' home journal. (3)
- Ladies man (Motion picture : 1961).
- Ladino suite (Choreographic work : Maslow).
- Lafayette, Georges Washington Louis Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1779-1849. Georges Washington Louis Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, papers.
- Lafayette, Marie Adrienne de Noailles, marquise de, 1759-1807. Marie Adrienne de Noailles, marquise de Lafayette, papers.
- Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de Lafayette, papers, 1776-1934.
- Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Marquis de Lafayette papers, 1757-1990.
- Laforet, Carmen. Carmen Laforet correspondence, 1951-1985.
- Laforet, Carmen Paralelo 35.
- Laingen, L. Bruce. Penne Laingen yellow ribbon collection, 1979-1991.
- Laingen, Penne. Penne Laingen yellow ribbon collection, 1979-1991.
- Lake, Anthony. Anthony Lake papers, 1916-2003.
- Lake, Mayhew, 1879-1955. Mayhew Lake music manuscripts 1912-1955.
- Lake, Mayhew, 1879-1955. Works. Selections.
- Lakhman, Gizella. Gizella Lakhman papers, 1883-1969.
- Lakin, Jason M., 1976- Democratic century. 2004.
- LaMacchia, Linda. Linda LaMacchia collection, 1985-2017.
- Lamb, Joseph F. (Joseph Francis), 1887-1960. Joseph F. Lamb papers, 1899-2001.
- Lamentation (Choreographic work : Graham).
- Lamon, Ward Hill, 1828-1893. Life of Abraham Lincoln from his birth to his inauguration as president. 1872.
- Lamont, Daniel Scott, 1851-1905. Daniel Scott Lamont papers, 1853-1928.
- Lamson-Scribner, F. F. Lamson-Scribner papers, 1885-1938.
- Land, Emory Scott, 1879-1971. Emory Scott Land papers, 1901-1972.
- Lander, F. W. (Frederick West), 1821-1862. F.W. Lander and J.M. Lander papers, 1836-1894.
- Lander, J. M. (Jean Margaret), 1829-1903. F. W. Lander and J.M. Lander papers. 1836-1894.
- Landis, James M. (James McCauley), 1899-1964. James McCauley Landis papers, 1916-2004.
- Landowska, Wanda. Musique ancienne.
- Landowska, Wanda. Polish folksongs.
- Landowska, Wanda. Wanda Landowska and Denise Restout papers, 1843-2002.
- Landowska, Wanda. Works. Selections.
- Lands' End all-American quilt collection, 1992-1997.
- Lands' End, Inc. Lands' End all-American quilt collection, 1992-1997.
- Lane, Burton, 1912-1997. Burton Lane papers, 1915-2012.
- Lane, Burton, 1912-1997. Carmelina.
- Lane, Burton, 1912-1997. Finian's rainbow.
- Lane, Burton, 1912-1997. On a clear day you can see forever. (2)
- Lane, J. F., active 1834-1835. J.F. Lane letterbook. 1834-1835.
- Lang, Pearl, 1921-2009. Pearl Lang papers, 1908-2008.
- Langelan, Martha J. Martha J. Langelan papers.
- Langeron, Charles-Claude, marquis de, 1720-1792. Louis-Alexandre Andrault, comte de Langeron, and Charles-Claude, marquis de Langeron, papers. 1761-1785.
- Langeron, Louis-Alexandre Andrault, comte de, 1763-1831. Louis-Alexandre Andrault, comte de Langeron, and Charles-Claude, marquis de Langeron, papers, 1761-1785.
- Langinger, Herman. Herman Langinger music publishing files, 1889-1972.
- Langmuir, Irving, 1881-1957. Irving Langmuir papers, 1871-1957.
- Langs, John Pierce, 1882-1967. John Pierce Langs papers, 1896-2001.
- Langston Hughes review.
- Language manuals from the Linguaphone Institute collection, 1950-1959.
- Lansdale, Edward Geary, 1908-1987. Edward Geary Lansdale interview.
- Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928. Robert Lansing papers, 1831-1959.
- Lardner, George. George Lardner papers, 1923-2005.
- Lardner, Ring, 1885-1933. Plays. Selections.
- Lardner, Ring, Jr., 1915-2000. Ring Lardner papers.
- Large-scale registration of Chinese storytelling.
- Larned, Daniel Read. Daniel Read Larned papers, 1861-1878.
- Larrick, Nancy. A parent's guide to children's reading.
- Larry Colwell dance photographs, 1944-1966.
- Larry Warren collection on Anna Sokolow and Lester Horton, 1903-2007.
- Lars E. Lind papers, 1913-2008.
- Lars Schmidt papers, 1910-2010.
- Larson family papers.
- Larson, Frans August, 1870-1957. Frans August Larson family papers, 1864-2021.
- Larson, Frans August, 1870-1957. Frans August Larson papers.
- Larson, Jonathan. Jonathan Larson papers, 1978-1996.
- Larson, Jonathan. Rent.
- Larson, Jonathan. Superbia.
- Larson, Jonathan. Tick, tick... boom!. (2)
- Larson, Jonathan. Works. Selections.
- Larson, Mary Rodgers, 1869-1947. Mary Rodgers Larson papers.
- Lasteyrie du Saillant, Adrien-Jules, marquis de, 1810-1883. Adrien-Jules, marquis de Lasteyrie du Saillant, papers.
- Lasteyrie du Saillant, Louis, marquis de, 1781-1826. Louis, marquis de Lasteyrie du Saillant, papers.
- Lasteyrie du Saillant, Olivia de Rohan-Chabot, marquise de, 1813-1899. Olivia de Rohan-Chabot, marquise de Lasteyrie du Saillant, papers.
- Lasteyrie du Saillant, Virginie du Motier de La Fayette, marquise de, 1782-1849. Virginie du Motier de La Fayette, marquise de Lasteyrie du Saillant, papers.
- Laszlo Krausz portraits of musicians, 1947-1971.
- Lathers, Richard, 1820-1903. Richard Lathers papers, 1826-1901.
- Lathrop, William Addison. William Addison Lathrop papers.
- Latimer, John Richardson, 1793-1855. John Richardson Latimer papers, 1679-1906.
- Latrobe architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820. Benjamin Henry Latrobe papers, 1803-1817. (2)
- Latrobe, Benjamin Henry, 1764-1820 Latrobe architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Latrobe collection.
- Lattimore, Eleanor Holgate, 1895-1970. Eleanor Holgate Lattimore papers.
- Lattimore, Owen, 1900-1989. Owen Lattimore papers, 1907-1997.
- Latty, A. Sankey (Alexander Sankey). A. Sankey Latty papers, 1851-1890.
- Laughlin, J. Laurence (James Laurence), 1850-1933. Federal reserve act, its origin and problems. 1933.
- Laughlin, J. Laurence (James Laurence), 1850-1933. J. Laurence Laughlin papers, 1902-1931.
- Laura Wood Roper map collection.
- Laura Wood Roper papers, 1822-1982.
- Laurence A. Steinhardt papers, 1929-1950.
- Laurence Ilsley Hewes Jr. papers, 1911-2019.
- Laurence Picken papers, 1900-2001.
- Laurents, Arthur. Arthur Laurents papers, circa 1900-2011.
- Laurents, Arthur. Mainly on directing.
- Laurents, Arthur. Original story by.
- Laurie Beth Kalb Cosmo collection of New Mexico folklife documentation, 1976-1992.
- Laurie Kalb Cosmo collection of New Mexico folklife documentation.
- Laurindo Almeida collection, 1912-1995.
- Laurindo Almeida papers, 1912-1995.
- Lauro Ayestarán collection, 1830-1966.
- Lavender, Robert A., 1889-1976. Robert A. Lavender papers, 1911-1976.
- Lavinia L. Dock papers, 1908-1949.
- Law, Elizabeth Parke Custis, 1776-1832. Elizabeth Parke Custis Law papers.
- Law Library records series, Library of Congress archives, 1905-1963.
- Lawless, Ray McKinley, 1896- Ray M. Lawless collection, 1952-1965.
- Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930. D.H. Lawrence correspondence, notes, and photographs, 1921-1930.
- Lawrence, Dorothea Dix, 1899-1979. Dorothea Dix Lawrence collection, 1856-1980.
- Lawrence E. Glendenin papers, 1935-2009.
- Lawrence E. Spivak collection.
- Lawrence E. Spivak papers, 1917-1994.
- Lawrence Elgin Glendenin papers.
- Lawrence, John A., 1949- John A. Lawrence papers, 1974-2018.
- Lawrence, John A., 1949- The class of '74 : Congress after Watergate and the roots of partisanship.
- Lawrence Quincy Mumford papers.
- Lawrence S. Kubie papers, 1916-1978.
- Lawrence Van Buren family papers, 1721-1938.
- Lawrie, Lee, 1877-1963. Lee Lawrie papers, 1908-1990.
- Lawton, Eba Anderson, -1919. Eba Anderson Lawton papers.
- Lawton, Henry Ware, 1843-1899. Henry Ware Lawton papers, 1849-1930.
- Layton family papers.
- Layton family. Pierson, Rioch, and Layton families papers, 1777-2012.
- LC archives.
- Le Gallienne, Eva, 1899-1991. Eva Le Gallienne papers, 1823-1997.
- Le Gallienne, Julie Nørregaard, 1863-1942. Julie Nørregaard Le Gallienne papers.
- Le Gallienne, Richard, 1866-1947. Richard Le Gallienne papers.
- Le Garrec, Mary Virginia Foreman. Mary Virginia Foreman Le Garrec collection on Artur Schnabel, 1893-1996.
- Le Gendre, Charles William, 1830-1899. Charles William Le Gendre papers, 1866-1893.
- Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights records.
- Leadership Conference on Civil Rights. Leadership Conference on Civil Rights records, 1943-2014.
- Leadership Conference on Civil Rights records, 1943-2014.
- League of Composers' review. (2)
- League of Composers (U.S.). Modern Music archives, 1909-1983.
- League of Nations. Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs. League of Nations. Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium and Other Dangerous Drugs records.
- League of Nations. Covenant.
- League of Women Voters records, 1884-1986.
- League of Women Voters (U.S.). League of Women Voters records, 1884-1986.
- Leahy, William D. I was there; the personal story of the Chief of Staff to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, based on his notes and diaries made at the time. 1950.
- Leahy, William D. William D. Leahy papers, 1897-1959.
- Lear, Norman. Norman Lear papers.
- Lear, Tobias, 1762-1816. Tobias Lear papers, 1790-1816.
- Learned Hand papers.
- Learned Hand trial summaries, 1909-1924.
- Learned, Henry Barrett, 1868-1931. Henry Barrett Learned papers.
- Learned, Henry Barrett, 1868-1931. Henry Barrett Learned papers, 1907-1931.
- Learned, Henry Barrett, 1868-1931. President's cabinet; studies in the origin, formation and structure of an American institution. 1912.
- Leason Heberling Adams papers, 1919-1968.
- Leavenworth new era.
- Leaves are fading (Choreographic work : Tudor). (2)
- Leavitt, Richard F., World of Tennessee Williams. 1978.
- Lederman, Minna. Life and death of a small magazine (Modern music, 1924-1946). (2)
- Lederman, Minna. Minna Lederman Daniel collection, 1896-1993.
- Lee, Ann Hill Carter, 1773-1829. Ann Hill Carter Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Anne Robinson McCarty, 1798-1840. Anne Robinson McCarty Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Arthur, 1740-1792. Arthur Lee papers.
- Lee, Charles, 1758-1815. Charles Lee papers.
- Lee, Charles Carter, 1798-1871. Charles Carter Lee papers.
- Lee de Forest papers, 1884-1955.
- Lee, Dorothy Sara. Omaha Powwow Project collection, 1982-1986.
- Lee, Elizabeth Collins, -1858. Elizabeth Collins Lee papers.
- Lee family.
- Lee family. Custis-Lee family papers, 1700-circa 1928.
- Lee family. DeButts-Ely collection of Lee family papers, 1749-1914.
- Lee family. Ethel Armes collection of Lee family papers, 1671-1936.
- Lee family--Genealogy.
- Lee family. Lee-Palfrey families papers, 1780-1932.
- Lee family papers. (3)
- Lee, Francis Watts. Francis Watts Lee papers, 1845-1951.
- Lee, Hannah Philippa Ludwell. Hannah Philippa Ludwell Lee papers.
- Lee, Henrietta Bedinger, 1810- Henrietta Bedinger Lee papers.
- Lee, Henry, 1691-1747. Henry Lee papers.
- Lee, Henry, 1756-1818. Henry Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Henry, 1787-1837. Henry Lee papers.
- Lee, James D., 1844-1910. James D. Lee papers, 1852-1890.
- Lee Lawrie papers, 1908-1990.
- Lee, Ludwell, 1760-1836. Ludwell Lee papers.
- Lee, Mary Bland, 1704-1764. Mary Bland Lee papers.
- Lee, Mary Custis, 1835-1918. Mary Custis Lee papers.
- Lee, Mary Randolph Custis, 1807-1873. Mary Randolph Custis Lee papers. (2)
- Lee McCardell papers, 1867-2009.
- Lee-Palfrey families papers, 1780-1932.
- Lee, Richard Bland, 1761-1827. Richard Bland Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Richard Henry, 1732-1794. Richard Henry Lee papers.
- Lee, Richard Henry, 1794-1865. Richard Henry Lee papers.
- Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870. Robert E. Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, Rowland V., 1891-1975. Rowland V. Lee papers, 1907-1971.
- Lee, Samuel Phillips, 1812-1897. Samuel Phillips Lee papers, 1860-1869.
- Lee Strasberg papers, 1780-2006.
- Lee, Susan Palfrey, 1767-1822. Susan Palfrey Lee papers.
- Lee, Susan Palfrey, 1795-1853. Susan Palfrey Lee papers.
- Lee, Thomas, 1690-1750. Thomas Lee papers. (2)
- Lee, William, 1739-1795. William Lee papers.
- Lee, William, 1772-1840. William Lee papers.
- Lee, William, 1841-1893. William Lee papers.
- Lee, William Barlow, 1805-1895. William Barlow Lee papers.
- Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 1837-1891. William Henry Fitzhugh Lee papers.
- Leech, Abraham. Abraham Leech correspondence and diary. 1837-circa 1881.
- Lees, Benjamin, 1924-2010. Works. Selections.
- Leffingwell, R. C. (Russell Cornell), 1878-1960. R.C. Leffingwell letterbooks, 1917-1920.
- Legend (Choreographic work : Lang).
- Legend of Judith (Choreographic work : Graham).
- Leichtentritt, Hugo, 1874-1951. Hugo Leichtentritt papers, 1888-1972.
- Leichtentritt, Hugo, 1874-1951. Music of the Western nations.
- Leichtentritt, Hugo, 1874-1951. Works. Selections.
- Leighton W. Rogers papers, 1912-1982.
- Leighton William Rogers papers.
- Lejeune, John Archer, 1867-1942. John Archer Lejeune papers, 1815-1950.
- Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903. Charles Godfrey Leland papers.
- Leland Harrison papers, 1915-1947.
- Leland J. Haworth papers, 1944-1977.
- Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1879-1966. Guide to materials for American history in the libraries and archives of Paris.
- Leland, Waldo Gifford, 1879-1966. Waldo Gifford Leland papers, 1844-1966.
- LeMay, Curtis E. Curtis E. LeMay papers, 1918-1969.
- LeMay, Curtis E. Mission with LeMay; my story. 1965.
- Lennard H. Mitchell diaries, 1914.
- Lennard H. Mitchell papers.
- Lenroot, Clara Clough, 1856-1942. Clara Clough Lenroot papers.
- Lenroot, Irvine Luther, 1869-1949. Irvine Luther Lenroot papers, 1858-1971.
- Léo Delibes music manuscripts, 1857-1890.
- Leo Feist collection, 1880-1930.
- Leo Goodman papers, 1913-1982.
- Leo Joseph Bailey collection 1917-2008.
- Leo Pasvolsky papers, 1937-1953.
- Leo Wolman papers, 1870-1958.
- Leon F. Barnard papers, 1901-circa 1993.
- Leon Hilsberg collection, 1906-1941.
- Leon Hilsberg papers.
- Leon Howard Sullivan papers, 1940-2002.
- León y Gama, Antonio de, 1735-1802. Descripción histórica y cronológica de las dos piedras que con ocasión del nuevo empedrado que se está formando en la plaza principal de México, se hallaron en ella el año de 1790. Explícase el sistema de los calendarios de los Indios ... Noticia ... á que se añaden otras curiosas ... sobre la mitología de los Mexicanos, sobre su astronimía, y sobre los ritos y ceremonias ... en tiempo de su gentilidad. 1792.
- Leonard B. Smith papers, 1859-2001.
- Leonard Bernstein collection, circa 1900-1995.
- Leonard Downie Jr. papers, 1961-2020.
- Leonard F. Cushing papers, 1794-1959.
- Leonard Garment papers, 1949-1997.
- Leonard James Dow papers, 1945-1967.
- Leonard, John Calvin, 1859-1937. John Calvin Leonard papers, 1882-1920.
- Leonard John Kovar collection 1922-2003.
- Leonard Porter Ayres papers, 1902-1946.
- Leonard Wood papers, 1825-1942.
- Leonardo.
- Leonora Jackson McKim papers, 1854-1969.
- Leontiĭ, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, 1876-1965. Leontiĭ, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, papers, 1855-1962.
- Leontiĭ, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, papers, 1855-1962.
- Leopold Stokowski collection.
- Leopold Stokowski materials, 1910-1959.
- Lepman, Harry, 1904-1970. Harry and Sara Lepman collection, 1890-1945.
- Lerner, Abba P. (Abba Ptachya), 1903-1982. Abba Ptachya Lerner papers, 1929-1986.
- Lerner, Alan Jay, 1918-1986. Alan Jay Lerner papers, 1880-1997.
- Lerner, Daliah Goldfarb. Daliah Goldfarb Lerner papers.
- LeRoy Feay Thompson collection 1918-2011.
- Les Paul papers, 1904-2003.
- Lesley James McNair papers, 1904-1945.
- Leslie, Hal Field. Hal Field Leslie papers.
- Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection archive.
- Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection archive, 1913-2005.
- Lessing J. Rosenwald papers, 1819-1979.
- Lester F. Ward papers.
- Lester Frank Ward papers, 1883-1906.
- Lester Hood Woolsey papers, 1831-1958.
- Lester Horton Dance Theater collection, 1918-1996.
- Lester Horton Dance Theater. Lester Horton Dance Theater collection, 1918-1996.
- Let freedom ring (Radio program).
- Letitia T. Howe collection, 1822-1876.
- Letitia T. Howe papers.
- Letters of delegates to Congress, 1774-1789. 1976-2000.
- Letters of Delegates to Congress (Library of Congress).
- Letters of Delegates to Congress Project series, Library of Congress archives, 1746-2004.
- Letts de Espil, Courtney. Courtney Letts de Espil papers, 1925-1994.
- Leventhal, Harold, 1915-1979. Harold Leventhal papers, 1932-1980.
- Levi Woodbury family papers, 1638-1914.
- Levin, Abraham J., 1897- Abraham J. Levin papers. 1944-1945.
- Levin, Arthur J. Arthur J. Levin file. 1962-1982.
- Levine, Irving R. Irving R. Levine papers, 1930-2009.
- Levine, Irving R. Main Street, Italy. 1963.
- Levine, Irving R. Main Street, U.S.S.R. 1959.
- Levine, Irving R. Travel Guide to Russia. 1968.
- Levisee, Aaron Burton. Aaron Burton Levisee papers, 1847-1992.
- Levy, Fanny Yates, 1787-1891 or 1892. Fanny Yates Levy papers.
- Levy, Jacob Clavius, 1788-1875. Jacob Clavius Levy papers.
- Lewin, Bertram D. (Bertram David), 1896-1971. Bertram D. Lewin papers, 1883-1974.
- Lewin, Bertram D. (Bertram David), 1896-1971. Image and the past. 1968.
- Lewin, David, 1933-2003. David Lewin papers, 1945-2011.
- Lewin, David, 1933-2003. Works. Selections.
- Lewis, Anthony, 1927-2013. Anthony Lewis papers, 1941-2007.
- Lewis, Anthony, 1927-2013. Gideon's trumpet. 1964.
- Lewis, Anthony, 1927-2013. Make no law : the Sullivan case and the First Amendment. 1991.
- Lewis, Anthony, 1927-2013. Portrait of a decade; the second American revolution. 1964.
- Lewis B. Schwellenbach papers, 1916-1958.
- Lewis, Ernest Irving, 1873-1947. Ernest Irving Lewis papers, 1897-1944.
- Lewis, G. Malcolm. G. Malcolm Lewis collection of cartographic activities of the North American Indian and Inuit peoples at the Library of Congress, 1972-2000.
- Lewis Graham Hines papers, 1916-1959.
- Lewis H. Machen family papers, 1802-1938.
- Lewis H. Machen Family Papers at the Library of Congress.
- Lewis, Jerry, 1926-2017. Jerry Lewis papers, 1951-2011.
- Lewis M. Haupt papers, 1849-1923.
- Lewis, Meriwether, 1774-1809. Meriwether Lewis diary excerpt. undated.
- Lewis Nathaniel Chase papers, 1836-1947.
- Lewis, Nolan D. C. (Nolan Don Carpentier), 1889-1979. Nolan D.C. Lewis papers, 1897-1978.
- Lewis, Nolan D.C. (Nolan Don Carpentier), 1889-1979. Research in dementia precox: past attainments, present trends and future possibilities. 1936.
- Lewis Reeves Gibbes papers, 1793-1894.
- Lewis Tappan papers, 1809-1903.
- Lewis Varick Frissell papers, 1917-1970.
- Lewis Whitfield Colson papers, 1894-1950.
- Lewis, William A., 1867 or 1868- William A. Lewis journal. 1923.
- Lewton, Val. No bed of her own. 1932.
- Lewton, Val. Val Lewton papers, 1919-2007.
- Lexington observer and reporter.
- Leyte-Samar bulletin.
- Leyte-Samar free Philippines. (2)
- Leyte shimbun.
- Libby, Abial. Abial Libby diary. 1862.
- Libby, Frederick J. (Frederick Joseph), 1874-1970. Frederick Joseph Libby papers, 1846-1973.
- Liberati, Allesandro, 1847-1927. Allesandro and Speranza Liberati papers, 1880-1947.
- Liberati, Allesandro, 1847-1927. Works. Selections.
- Liberation news service.
- Liberator (Boston, Mass. : 1831).
- Liberator (Newsletter).
- Liberia map collection, 1764-1970.
- Liberian suite (Choreographic work : Horton).
- Library of Congress and Fisk University Mississippi Delta collection, 1941-1943.
- Library of Congress archives, 1800-2015.
- Library of Congress archives, Arthur W. Hummel Sr. correspondence series.
- Library of Congress archives, Building and Grounds Division series.
- Library of Congress archives, Consultants and Fellows series.
- Library of Congress archives, European Mission and Cooperative Acquisitions Project series.
- Library of Congress archives, Exchange and Gift Division series.
- Library of Congress archives, Keeper of the Collections series.
- Library of Congress archives, Law Library records series.
- Library of Congress archives, Letters of Delegates to Congress Project series.
- Library of Congress archives, Order Division series.
- Library of Congress archives, Photographs, Illustrations, and Objects series.
- Library of Congress archives, Poetry Office series.
- Library of Congress archives, War Communications Research Unit series.
- Library of Congress. Binding Division. Library of Congress. Binding Division records.
- Library of Congress. Building and Grounds Division. Building and Grounds Division series, Library of Congress archives, 1871-1954.
- Library of Congress. Building and Grounds Division. Library of Congress. Building and Grounds Division records.
- Library of Congress. Cooperative Acquisitions Project records.
- Library of Congress. Copyright Office. Copyright Deposits: Class KFO.
- Library of Congress. Copyright Office. Library of Congress Copyright Office Mask Work deposits, 1985-1997.
- Library of Congress Copyright Office Mask Work deposits, 1985-1997.
- Library of Congress. Copyright Office. Reader's collection, Library of Congress Copyright Office drama deposits, 1863-1928.
- Library of Congress. Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation. Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge Foundation collection. 1894-1953.
- Library of Congress. European Mission records.
- Library of Congress. Exchange and Gift Division. Exchange and Gift Division series, Library of Congress archives, 1893-1979.
- Library of Congress. Exchange and Gift Division. Library of Congress. Exchange and Gift Division records.
- Library of Congress / Fisk University Mississippi Delta collection.
- Library of Congress. Foreign Copying Program. Library of Congress. Foreign Copying Program reproductions collection. (7)
- Library of Congress. Keeper of the Collections. Keeper of the Collections series, Library of Congress archives, 1900-1971.
- Library of Congress. Law Library. Law Library records series, Library of Congress archives, 1905-1963.
- Library of Congress. Letters of Delegates to Congress Project. Letters of Delegates to Congress Project series, Library of Congress archives, 1746-2004.
- Library of Congress. Library of Congress archives. (27)
- Library of Congress. Library of Congress archives, 1800-2015.
- Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. Suffrage Archives. 1759-1961. (3)
- Library of Congress. McKim Fund. McKim Fund collection, 1929-2021.
- Library of Congress. Music Division. Performing arts COVID-19 response collection, 2020-2022.
- Library of Congress. Music Division. Vaudeville and minstrel photograph collection, circa 1910s-1940.
- Library of Congress. National Audio-Visual Conservation Center. Motion picture copyright descriptions collection. Class L, 1912-1977.
- Library of Congress. National Audio-Visual Conservation Center. Motion picture copyright descriptions collection. Class M, 1912-1977.
- Library of Congress. Office of Collections Maintenance and Preservation. Library of Congress. Office of Collections Maintenance and Preservation records.
- Library of Congress. Office of the Superintendent of Library Building and Grounds. Library of Congress. Office of the Superintendent of Library Building and Grounds records.
- Library of Congress. Order Division. Library of Congress. Order Division records.
- Library of Congress. Order Division. Order Division series, Library of Congress archives, 1898-1991.
- Library of Congress. Poetry Office. Poetry Office series, Library of Congress archives, 1915-1990.
- Library of Congress. Poetry Office records.
- Library of Congress records.
- Library of Congress. War Communications Research Unit records.
- Library of Congress. War Communications Research Unit. War Communications Research Unit series, Library of Congress archives, 1941-1942.
- Liebengood, Howard S. (Howard Scholer), 1942-2005. Howard S. Liebengood papers, 1950-1982.
- Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872. Francis Lieber correspondence and essay, 1830-1872.
- Life. (3)
- Life (Chicago, Ill.). (3)
- Life magazine.
- Lights out (Radio program).
- Lilian T. Mowrer papers.
- Lilli Vincenz papers, 1879-2013.
- Lillian Everts papers, 1933-1956.
- Lillian Gish papers, 1829-1978.
- Lilly Trog-Prinz papers, 1957-1992.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln correspondence. 1864 July 9.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln papers, 1774-1948.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln papers. 1824-1865.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Abraham Lincoln papers. 1861-1865.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Gettysburg address.
- Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Robert Todd Lincoln family papers. 1864-1938.
- Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810. Benjamin Lincoln papers, 1778-1806.
- Lincoln family papers.
- Lincoln family. Robert Todd Lincoln family papers, 1864-1938.
- Lincoln Group of Chicago collection relating to Abraham Lincoln, 1903-1952.
- Lincoln Group of Chicago. Lincoln Group of Chicago collection relating to Abraham Lincoln, 1903-1952.
- Lincoln, Mary Todd, 1818-1882. Robert Todd Lincoln family papers. 1864-1938.
- Lincoln, Robert Todd, 1843-1926. Robert Todd Lincoln family papers, 1864-1938.
- Lind, Lars E., 1891-1982. Lars E. Lind papers, 1913-2008.
- Lind, Olof E., 1889-1971. Olof E. Lind papers, 1713-1996.
- Linda Chavez and Christopher Gersten papers, 1889-2011.
- Linda Chavez papers.
- Linda LaMacchia collection, 1985-2017.
- Linda Pershing "Ribbon around the Pentagon" collection, 1984-2018.
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974. Charles A. Lindbergh papers.
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974. Charles A. Lindbergh Spirit of St. Louis collection, 1927-1969.
- Lindbergh, Charles A. (Charles Augustus), 1902-1974. Spirit of St. Louis. 1953.
- Lindsay, Howard, 1889-1968. Plays. Selections.
- Lindsay, Howard, 1889-1968. Sound of music.
- Lindsay, Inabel B., 1900- Inabel B. Lindsay oral history interview.
- Lindsay, Ken. Ken Lindsay collection of Woody Guthrie correspondence, 1952-1953.
- Lindsey, Ben B. (Ben Barr), 1869-1943. Ben B. Lindsey papers, 1838-1957.
- Linguaphone Institute collection, language manuals from the collection, 1950-1959.
- Linguaphone Institute. Language manuals from the Linguaphone Institute collection, 1950-1959.
- Linowitz, Sol M., 1913-2005. Making of a public man : a memoir. 1985.
- Linowitz, Sol M., 1913-2005. Sol M. Linowitz papers, 1778-1999.
- Linscott, Eloise Hubbard, 1897-1978. Eloise Hubbard Linscott collection, circa 1815, 1929-2002.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin. Democratic century. 2004.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin. It didn't happen here : why socialism failed in the United States. 2000.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin. Jews and the new American scene. 1995.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin. Paradox of American unionism : why Americans like unions more than Canadians do, but join much less. 2004.
- Lipset, Seymour Martin. Seymour Martin Lipset papers, 1824-2013.
- Lipton, Ed. Songs of Edward Lipton, 1967-1984.
- Lipton, Ed. Songs. Selections.
- Lisa C. Arkin collection on Bronislava Nijinska's Polish Ballet 1932-1999.
- Lispenard Seabury Crocker papers.
- Literary review (New York, N.Y.).
- Literary Society of Washington (Washington, D.C.). Literary Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., records, 1873-1991.
- Literary Society of Washington, Washington, D.C., records, 1873-1991.
- Literary voyager.
- Literaturnai︠a︡ gazeta (Moscow, Russia).
- Littell, Eliakim, 1797-1870. Eliakim Littell correspondence, 1819-1869.
- Littell's living age.
- Little, Arthur D. (Arthur Dehon), 1863-1935. Arthur D. Little papers, 1884-1973.
- Little, Kenneth B., 1918-1997. Kenneth B. Little papers.
- Little mermaid (Motion picture : 1989).
- Little mohea.
- Little prince (Motion picture : 1974).
- Little shop of horrors (Motion picture : 1986).
- Littlewood, William H. William H. Littlewood map collection.
- Littlewood, William H. William H. Littlewood papers, 1904-2007.
- Livermore, Eunice. Eunice Livermore papers.
- Livermore, Isaac. Isaac Livermore papers.
- Living (Magazine).
- Livingston, Anne Home Shippen, 1763-1841. Anne Home Shippen Livingston papers. (2)
- Liza Minnelli Carnegie Hall collection, production materials from the collection 1991-1992.
- L.L. Cook Company (Milwaukee, Wisconsin). L.L. Cook Company postcard collection.
- L.L. Cook Company postcard collection.
- Lloyd Carpenter Griscom papers, 1898-1951.
- Lloyd, Susan Caperna. Susan Caperna Lloyd collection, 1961-2020.
- Lloyd V. Berkner papers, 1938-1967.
- Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 1948- Jesus Christ superstar.
- Lochner, Louis Paul, 1887-1975. Fritz Kreisler.
- Lockwood, Charles A., 1890-1967. Charles A. Lockwood papers, 1904-1967.
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 1902-1985. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. interview.
- Loeb, Benjamin S., 1914- Benjamin S. Loeb papers, 1945-1999.
- Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. Forced movements, tropisms, and animal conduct. 1918.
- Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. Jacques Loeb papers, 1889-1924.
- Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. Proteins and the theory of colloidal behavior. 1922.
- Loeb, Jacques, 1859-1924. Regeneration from a physico-chemical viewpoint. 1924.
- Loening, Grover, 1888-1976. Grover Cleveland Loening papers, 1900-1975.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Brigadoon.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Brigadoon. Selections.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Camelot.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Camelot. Selections.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Frederick Loewe collection, 1923-1988.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Gigi (Motion picture music).
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Gigi (Motion picture music). Selections.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Gigi (Stage work).
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Little prince.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Musicals. Selections.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. My fair lady. (3)
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. My fair lady. Selections.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Paint your wagon.
- Loewe, Frederick, 1901-1988. Paint your wagon. Selections.
- Loewenstein, Rudolph Maurice. Christians and Jews: a psychoanalytic study. 1951.
- Loewenstein, Rudolph Maurice. Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein oral history interview.
- Loewenstein, Rudolph Maurice. Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein papers, 1919-1975.
- Loewy, Raymond, 1893-1986. Raymond Loewy papers, 1929-1988.
- Logan family. John Alexander Logan family papers, 1836-1925.
- Logan, John A., Jr., 1865-1899. John Alexander Logan papers.
- Logan, John A., Mrs., 1838-1923. Mrs. John A. Logan papers.
- Logan, John Alexander, 1826-1886. John Alexander Logan family papers, 1836-1925.
- Logan, Joshua. Joshua Logan papers, 1723-1992.
- Logan Pearsall Smith papers, 1760-1946.
- Logan, Rayford Whittingham, 1897-1982. Rayford Whittingham Logan papers, 1925-1982.
- Loines, Mary Hillard, 1844-1944. Mary Hillard Loines papers.
- Loines, Russell Hillard. Russell Hillard Loines papers.
- Loisel, Régis. Régis Loisel account of the upper Missouri River country. 1803.
- Lomax, Alan, 1915-2002. Captain Pearl R. Nye collection, 1937-1944.
- Lomax, John A. (John Avery), 1867-1948. Captain Pearl R. Nye collection, 1937-1944.
- London newsletters collection, 1665-1685.
- Lonely ones (Choreographic work : Dudley).
- Long, Breckinridge, 1881-1958. Breckinridge Long papers, 1486-1948.
- Long, Breckinridge, 1881-1958. Genesis of the Constitution of the United States of America. 1926.
- Longworth, Alice Roosevelt, 1884-1980. Alice Roosevelt Longworth papers, 1888-1942.
- Longworth, Nicholas, 1869-1931. Nicholas Longworth papers, 1782-1931.
- Look. (3)
- Look Magazine Picture Research File (Library of Congress). (2)
- Look magazine picture research library.
- Look magazine records.
- Look magazine records, 1934-1970.
- Look Reference Files.
- Look Research Files.
- Look, Richard M. (Richard Millard), 1916-1998. Richard M. Look map collection.
- Loos, Anita, 1893-1981. Plays. Selections.
- Lopatnikoff, Nikolai, 1903-1976. Danton.
- Lopatnikoff, Nikolai, 1903-1976. Nikolai Lopatnikoff collection, 1916-1979.
- Loper family. Palmer-Loper family papers, 1667-1994.
- Loper, R. F. (Richard F.) R.F. Loper papers.
- Lorand, Sándor, 1892-1987. Sándor Lorand papers, 1914-1978.
- Lord, Phillips H. (Phillips Haynes), 1902-1975. Phillips H. Lord Collection, 1929-1957.
- Lord Saltoun collection of guitar music, 1810-1850.
- Lorenz, Edward N. Edward N. Lorenz papers, circa 1895-2009.
- Lorenz, Jennie, 1886-1962. Jennie Lorenz collection relating to Charlotte Cushman, 1830-1960.
- Lorenzana, Francisco Antonio, 1722-1804. Historia de Nueva-España / escrita por su esclarecido conquistador Hernán Cortés ; aumentada con otros documentos, y notas, por el ilustrisimo Señor Don Francisco Antonio Lorenzana, Arzobispo de Mexico.
- Lorenzo J. Greene papers, 1680-1988.
- Loretta C. Manggrum papers, 1941-1992.
- Loretta Manggrum collection.
- Lorge, Irving, 1905-1961. Semantic count of English words. 1938.
- Lorimer, George Horace, 1869-1937. George Horace Lorimer correspondence.
- Loth, Carl Conrad, 1896-1967. Carl Conrad Loth papers, 1896-1967.
- Lou Gordon collection, 1953-2006.
- Lou Herscher music manuscripts, 1896-1968.
- Louchheim, Katie, 1903-1991. Katie Louchheim papers, 1906-1991.
- Louchheim, Walter C. (Walter Clinton), 1899-1973. Walter C. Louchheim papers.
- Loudenbeck, Edward Henry, 1895-1972. Edward Henry Loudenbeck collection, 1917-1919.
- Louis-Alexandre Andrault, comte de Langeron, and Charles-Claude, marquis de Langeron, papers, 1761-1785.
- Louis-Alexandre Andrault, comte de Langeron, papers.
- Louis F. Post papers, 1864-1940.
- Louis Jay Hazam papers, 1937-1977.
- Louis Kaufman collection, 1925-2008.
- Louis M. Goren papers, 1908-1963.
- Louis M. Kruger performance library, 1879-1919.
- Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough papers, 1797-1874.
- Louis Malesherbes Goldsborough Papers at the Library of Congress.
- Louis Martin papers, 1931-1998.
- Louis McLane correspondence, 1795-1894.
- Louis McLane papers.
- Louis Milton Ronsheim collection, 1914-2000.
- Louis Monchick collection of theater and dance programs, 1918-1974.
- Louis N. Ridenour papers, 1917-1960.
- Louis Nizer. My life in court : handwritten and typewritten draft, 1961.
- Louis Nizer papers.
- Louis-Pierre Mouillard papers, 1833-1987.
- Louis Simpson papers, 1922-2011.
- Louis Skidmore papers, 1908-1976.
- Louis T. Michener papers, 1880-1927.
- Louis Theodore Michener papers.
- Louis Untermeyer papers.
- Louis Untermeyer papers, 1955-1967.
- Louise Bates Ames papers, 1915-1996.
- Louise Chandler Moulton papers, 1852-1908.
- Louise Imogen Guiney papers, 1884-1920.
- Louise Talma collection, 1861-1998.
- Louise Talma papers, 1861-1998.
- Louisiana hayride collection, 1904-2006.
- Louisiana hayride (Radio program).
- Louisiana miscellany, 1724-1837.
- Louisville courier journal.
- Louisville times.
- Love says no.
- Love song (Choreographic work : Page).
- Lovell, Royal, 1903-1985. Commander Royal Lovell collection, 1944.
- Lovering, Charles T., 1846- Charles T. Lovering papers.
- Lovering family. Lovering-Taylor family papers, 1727-1926.
- Lovering, Mary Taylor, 1813- Mary Taylor Lovering papers.
- Lovering-Taylor family papers, 1727-1926.
- Low, Abiel Abbot, 1811-1893. Abiel Abbot Low papers.
- Low, Edward Allen, 1817-1898. Edward Allen Low papers.
- Low family. Low-Mills family papers, 1767-1971.
- Low family papers.
- Low-Mills family papers, 1767-1971.
- Low, Nicholas, 1739-1826. Nicholas Low papers, 1773-1897.
- Lowe, John, 1838-1930. John Lowe papers, 1860-1945.
- Lowe, T. S. C. (Thaddeus Sobieski Coulincourt), 1832-1913. Memoirs of Thaddeus S.C. Lowe, chief of the aeronautic corps of the Army of the United States during the Civil War : my balloons in peace and war.
- Lowe, T. S. C. (Thaddeus Sobieski Coulincourt), 1832-1913. T.S.C. Lowe papers.
- Lowell Folklife Project.
- Lowell Folklife Project collection, 1987-1988.
- Lowell, Massachusetts Folklife Project.
- Löwenberg, Paul, 1858-1931. Paul Löwenberg collection of music by the Johann Strauss and Joseph Lanner families, 1825-1929.
- Lowenfeld, Margaret, 1890-1973. Margaret Lowenfeld papers.
- Lowery, Woodbury, 1853-1906. Woodbury Lowery collection relating to Spanish settlements in the United States, 1517-1803.
- Loy W. Henderson papers, 1918-1984.
- LP news (Newsletter).
- Luboff, Norman, 1917-1987. Norman Luboff papers 1940-1988.
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987. Clare Boothe Luce papers.
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987. Clare Boothe Luce papers, 1862-1997.
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987. Kiss the boys good-bye. 1938.
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987. Margin for error. 1939.
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987. Visual materials from the Clare Boothe Luce papers.
- Luce, Clare Boothe, 1903-1987. Women. 1936.
- Luce, Henry Robinson, 1898-1967. Henry Robinson Luce papers. 1913-1972.
- Luce, Henry Robinson, 1898-1967. Henry Robinson Luce papers, 1917-1967.
- Luce, Stephen Bleecker, 1827-1917. Stephen Bleecker Luce papers, 1799-1955.
- Lucian Barbour papers, 1838-1977.
- Lucille Preston and Louis Armstrong correspondence.
- Lucius C. Dunn papers, 1902-1957.
- Lucretia Rudolph Garfield papers, 1807-1958.
- Lucy Kroll papers, 1908-1998.
- Ludwig Bemelmans papers, 1951-1962.
- Ludwig Jekels papers, 1892-1985.
- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe papers, 1921-1969.
- Ludwig Zenk music manuscripts, 1930-1947.
- Luft, Benjamin J. Benjamin Luft collection of 9-11 oral histories.
- Luigi Dallapiccola correspondence with Rudy Shackelford, 1953-1973.
- Luis Aury papers, 1801-1911.
- Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo collection.
- Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo collection on Latin American folklore, 1904-1986.
- Luiz Heitor Corrêa de Azevedo papers, circa 1865-1990.
- Lukas Foss papers, circa 1926-2000.
- Lundsager, Soren. Velocity structures in hydrogen profiles; a sky atlas of neutral hydrogen emission. 1973.
- Lundvall, Bruce, 1935-2015. Bruce Lundvall papers, 1946-2012.
- Lurton, Horace H. (Horace Harmon), 1844-1914. Horace H. Lurton papers, 1860-1915.
- Luther Burbank papers, 1830-1989.
- Luther E. Grim and Dorothy H. Grim map collection.
- Luther Harris Evans papers, 1918-1981.
- Luther Henderson papers, circa 1930-2003.
- Luther R. Ray architectural drawing archive.
- Luther R. Ray archive.
- Lux Summer Theater (Radio program).
- Lý, Tòng Bá. Tòng Bá Lý interview.
- Lydia Nadejena papers, 1907-1974.
- Lydia S.M. Robinson collection relating to World War I, 1914-1942.
- Lyman Bryson papers, 1893-1978.
- Lyman J. Gage correspondence, 1897-1906.
- Lyman J. Gage papers.
- Lyman Judson Gage papers.
- Lyman Potter Spencer papers, 1856-1914.
- Lyman Trumbull correspondence, 1843-1894.
- Lyman Trumbull papers.
- Lynch, Grace C., approximately 1892-1970. Grace C. Lynch papers. 1905-1965.
- Lynd, Helen Merrell, 1896-1982. Robert Staughton and Helen Merrell Lynd papers. 1895-1968.
- Lynd, Robert Staughton, 1892-1970. Robert Staughton Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd papers, 1895-1968.
- Lynde Dupuy McCormick papers, 1909-1959.
- Lynn Margulis papers, 1965-2013.
- Lyons, Eugene, 1898-1985. Eugene Lyons papers.
- Lyons family papers, 1924-1983.
- Lyons, Leonard, 1906-1976. Lyons family papers, 1924-1983.