Browse Finding Aids by Name/Title
Names and titles associated with finding aids. Includes collection titles, entries for significant works contained in collections, and entries for significant works discussed in collections.
- R. Hoe & Company. R. Hoe & Company records, 1831-1948.
- R. Hoe & Company records, 1831-1948.
- Raab, Earl. Jews and the new American scene. 1995.
- Rabi, I. I. (Isidor Isaac), 1898-1988. I.I. Rabi papers, 1899-1989.
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. Sergei Rachmaninoff archive, 1872-1992.
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. Works. Selections.
- Rachmaninoff, Sergei, 1873-1943. Works. Selections; arranged.
- Radical pamphlet collection, 1870-1985.
- Radio advertisement script collection, 1939-1940.
- Radio and television scripts and music from the Nathan Kroll Collection, 1948-1951.
- Rado, Sandor, 1890-1972. Sandor Rado oral history interview.
- Rae Korson papers, 1937-1982.
- Rael, Juan Bautista. Juan B. Rael collection, 1939-1999.
- Rafaj, Grace A., 1927-2008. Grace A. Rafaj papers, 1928-2008.
- Raffles, Thomas Stamford, Sir, 1781-1826. Minto map collection, 1769-1811.
- Ragheb Moftah collection of Coptic Orthodox liturgical chants and hymns, 1926-2018.
- Raim, Ethel. Center for Traditional Music and Dance collection.
- Raincheck (Choreographic work : Maslow).
- Rainey, Henry Thomas, 1860-1934. Henry Thomas Rainey papers, 1904-1934.
- Raitt, John, 1917-2005. John Raitt papers, 1930-2009.
- Ralph Block papers, 1872-1971.
- Ralph Cooper Hutchison papers, 1920-1966.
- Ralph E. Griswold papers, 1940-1968.
- Ralph Edwards Productions radio and television scripts, 1940-1975.
- Ralph Edwards Productions. Ralph Edwards Productions radio and television scripts, 1940-1975.
- Ralph Ellison papers, 1890-2007.
- Ralph Ellison personal library and ephemera.
- Ralph Ellison personal library and ephemera, 1937-2010.
- Ralph H. Stimson papers, 1896-1961.
- Ralph Izard family papers, 1778-1826.
- Ralph Randolph Gurley papers, 1825-1931.
- Ralph Samuel Jaffe collection, 1924-1945.
- Ralph W. Christie papers, 1941-1945.
- Ralstin/Murphy collection relating to Vera-Ellen and the Hessler Dance Studio, 1929-2010.
- Rambova, Natacha. Natacha Rambova papers, circa 1955-1965.
- Rand, Ayn. Anthem. 1938.
- Rand, Ayn. Atlas Shrugged. 1957.
- Rand, Ayn. Ayn Rand Letter.
- Rand, Ayn. Ayn Rand papers, 1933-1976.
- Rand, Ayn. Fountainhead. 1943.
- Rand, Ayn. Objectivist.
- Rand, Ayn. We the Living. 1936.
- Rand, Wallace E., 1897-1918. Wallace E. Rand collection 1893-1919.
- Randall, J. G. (James Garfield), 1881-1953. J.G. Randall and Ruth Painter Randall papers, 1779-1970.
- Randall, Ruth Painter. J.G. Randall and Ruth Painter Randall papers. 1779-1970.
- Randall, Ruth Painter. Mary Lincoln; biography of a marriage. 1953.
- Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889-1979. A. Philip Randolph papers.
- Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889-1979. A. Philip Randolph papers, 1909-1979.
- Randolph, Elizabeth, active 1793. Elizabeth Randolph papers.
- Randolph, Jennings, 1902-1998. Jennings Randolph oral history interview.
- Randolph, John, 1773-1833. John Randolph correspondence and diaries, 1803-1834.
- Randolph, John, 1878-1954. John Randolph papers, 1903-1927.
- Randolph, Peter S. Peter S. Randolph papers.
- Randolph S. Rothschild collection, 1942-1992.
- Randolph, Vance, 1892-1980. Down in the holler: a gallery of Ozark folk speech. 1953.
- Randolph, Vance, 1892-1980. Ozark superstitions. 1947.
- Randolph, Vance, 1892-1980. Vance Randolph book typescripts, 1947-1953.
- Randolph, Vance, 1892-1980. Vance Randolph collection, 1941-1972.
- Randolph, Vance, 1892-1980. We always lie to strangers: tall tales from the Ozarks. 1951.
- Randolph, Vance, 1892-1980. Who blowed up the church house? and other Ozark folk tales. 1952.
- Randolph, William B., 1793-1874. William B. Randolph papers, 1696-1884.
- Rankin, Jeannette, 1880-1973. Jeannette Rankin oral history interview.
- Raoul Heilbronner papers, 1887-1952.
- Rapaport, David. David Rapaport papers, 1911-1997.
- Rape of the lock (Choreographic work : Howard).
- Rash, Bryson B. Bryson B. Rash papers, 1918-1992.
- Rauh, Joseph L., Jr., 1911-1992. Joseph L. Rauh papers, 1913-2008.
- Rawleigh, William Thomas, 1870-1951. William Thomas Rawleigh papers, 1911-1931.
- Ray & Waggaman collection.
- Ray architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Ray collection.
- Ray Eber Brown papers, 1915-1962.
- Ray, Luther R. (Luther Reason), 1892-1978. Ray architectural drawing archive (Library of Congress).
- Ray M. Lawless collection, 1952-1965.
- Ray S. Cline papers, 1945-1994.
- Ray Stannard Baker papers, 1836-1947.
- Rayford Whittingham Logan papers, 1925-1982.
- Raymond Clapper papers, 1908-1962.
- Raymond G. Carroll papers, 1905-1944.
- Raymond Leslie Buell papers, 1915-1981.
- Raymond Loewy papers, 1929-1988.
- Raymond Rubicam papers, 1921-1988.
- Raymond Swing papers, 1933-1964.
- Raymond, Tom, 1947- Tom Raymond collection.
- Raymund L. Zwemer papers, 1903-1979.
- R.C. Leffingwell letterbooks, 1917-1920.
- R.C. Leffingwell papers.
- Read family papers, 1568-1906.
- Read family. Read family papers, 1568-1906.
- Read, George, 1733-1798. George Read papers.
- Read, George, 1765-1836. George Read papers.
- Read, James, 1743-1822. James Read papers.
- Read, John, 1769-1854. John Read papers.
- Read, John M. (John Meredith), 1797-1874. John M. Read papers.
- Read, John Meredith, 1837-1896. John Meredith Read papers.
- Reader's collection, Library of Congress Copyright Office drama deposits, 1863-1928.
- Reader's digest. (2)
- Reading for an age of change.
- Reading out loud (Television program).
- Real detective tales.
- Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País (Cuba). Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del Pais (Cuba) records. 1863-1869.
- Ream, Vinnie, 1847-1914. Vinnie Ream and R.L. Hoxie papers, 1853-1937.
- Reason (Periodical).
- Rebekah Crawford and Linda Clarke-Smith papers, 1715-1929.
- Recamier (Choreographic work : Ashton).
- Recht, David. David Recht nautical chart collection.
- Record industry publicity collection, 1937-1979.
- Record newsletters and catalogs from the Edward J. Smith papers, 1958-1981.
- Record of the National Society of Arts and Letters.
- Records from the Transco collection, ca. 1931-1952.
- Red River (Motion picture).
- Red Skelton hour (Television program).
- Redding, J. Saunders (Jay Saunders), 1906-1988. A scholar's conscience; selected writings of J. Saunders Redding, 1942-1977. 1992.
- Redding, Jack Howard. Jack Howard Redding papers.
- Redington, George, 1798-1850. George Redington papers, 1804-1907.
- Redington, James, 1810-1891. James Redington papers.
- Redondo breeze (Newspaper).
- Redwood Canyon Ramblers collection, 1959-2013.
- Reed, Charles Wellington, 1841-1926. Charles Wellington Reed papers, 1776-1926.
- Reeves, Arthur Middleton, 1856-1891. Arthur Middleton Reeves papers.
- Reeves, Mark E. Mark E. Reeves papers.
- Reeves, Thomas C., 1936- Thomas C. Reeves papers, 1850-1975.
- Reexamining democracy : essays in honor of Seymour Martin Lipset. 1992.
- Regan-Blake, Connie, 1947- Connie Regan-Blake collection, 1974-2014.
- Regan-Blake, Connie, 1947- Mountain sweet talk.
- Regan, Donald T. Donald T. Regan papers, 1919-1993.
- Regina Clark McGranery papers.
- Reginald Rowan Belknap papers, 1784-1929.
- Reich, Wilhelm, 1897-1957. Wilhelm Reich papers, 1920-1952.
- Reichelderfer, Francis W. (Francis Wilton), 1895-1983. Francis W. Reichelderfer papers, 1918-1983.
- Reid, Elisabeth Mills, 1858-1931. Elisabeth Mills Reid papers.
- Reid family map collection. (2)
- Reid family papers.
- Reid family papers, 1795-2003.
- Reid family. Reid family papers, 1795-1970.
- Reid family. Samuel Chester Reid family papers, 1807-1963.
- Reid Foundation. Reid Foundation records. 1944-1958.
- Reid, Helen Rogers, 1882-1970. Helen Rogers Reid papers.
- Reid, John D., 1907-1974. John D. Reid papers, 1908-1993.
- Reid, Ogden Mills, 1882-1947. Ogden Mills Reid papers.
- Reid, Samuel C. (Samuel Chester), 1818-1897. Samuel C. Reid papers.
- Reid, Samuel Chester, 1783-1861. Samuel Chester Reid family papers, 1807-1963.
- Reid, Whitelaw, 1837-1912. Whitelaw Reid papers.
- Reid, Whitelaw, 1913-2009. Whitelaw Reid papers.
- Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. Jewish wit. 1962.
- Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. Many faces of sex. 1966.
- Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. Need to be loved. 1963.
- Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. Of love and lust. 1949.
- Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. Pagan rites in Judaism: from sex initiation, magic, moon-cult, tattooing, mutilation, and other primitive rituals to family loyalty and solidarity. 1964.
- Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. The haunting melody; psychoanalytic experiences in life and music. 1953.
- Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. Theodor Reik oral history interview.
- Reik, Theodor, 1888-1969. Theodor Reik papers, 1905-1994.
- Reinheimer, Howard E., 1899-1970. Howard E. Reinheimer papers, 1924-1973.
- Reinhold Niebuhr papers, 1907-1997.
- Reisman, Philip, Jr., 1916-1999. Philip H. Reisman, Jr. collection, 1942-1951.
- Remey, Charles Mason, 1874-1974. Charles Mason Remey family papers, 1778-1949.
- Remey family. Charles Mason Remey family papers, 1778-1949.
- Remey, George Collier, 1841-1928. George Collier Remey papers.
- Remey, Mary Josephine Mason, 1845-1938. Mary Josephine Mason Remey papers.
- Rena Robbins collection 1942-1945.
- Renacuajo paseador (Choreographic work : Sokolow).
- Reno gazette-journal.
- Report to the Nation (Radio program).
- Reporter (New York, 1949- ).
- Reproductions of selected Percy Grainger papers, 1909-1952.
- Republican campaign collection, 1902-1926.
- Research materials on Martha Graham, 1928-2023.
- Research materials on music in Boston, 1798-1830.
- Restout, Denise. Landowska on music.
- Restout, Denise. Wanda Landowska and Denise Restout papers, circa 1850s-1969.
- Reuben Cleary book manuscripts, 1886.
- Reuben Cleary papers.
- Reverdy Johnson papers, 1830-1876.
- Reyer, Ernest, 1823-1909. Operas. Selections.
- Reyher, Rebecca Hourwich, 1897-1987. Rebecca Hourwich Reyher oral history interview.
- Reynolds, Elijah, 1875-1959. Elijah Reynolds papers, 1897-1959.
- Reynolds, Joseph Jones, 1822-1899. Joseph Jones Reynolds papers.
- Reynolds, Juliana Smith. Juliana Smith Reynolds papers.
- Reynolds, Tilton C., 1843-1913. Tilton C. Reynolds papers, 1851-1963.
- Rhees, William Jones, 1830-1907. William Jones Rhees papers, 1856-1885.
- Rhoda Métraux papers, 1837-1997.
- Rhode Island. Constitution (1842).
- Rhode Island Folklife Project collection, 1979.
- Rhode Island General Assembly records, 1653-1747.
- Rhode Island. General Assembly. Rhode Island General Assembly records, 1653-1747.
- Rhodes, Willard, 1901-1992. Willard Rhodes papers, 1938-1979.
- Rhymer, Paul. Paul Rhymer radio scripts, 1934-1944.
- Ribicoff, Abraham, 1910-1998. Abraham Ribicoff papers, 1927-1981.
- Ricci, Ruggiero, 1918-2012. Ruggiero Ricci papers, 1890s-2013.
- Rice, Elmer, 1892-1967. Plays. Selections.
- Rich, Giles S. Giles S. Rich papers, 1790-1999.
- Richard and Judith Mintel Collection, 1965-2006.
- Richard Dale papers, 1778-1918.
- Richard Dudman papers, 1911-2014.
- Richard Edes Harrison maps and papers collection.
- Richard H. Bayard papers.
- Richard H. M. Settle papers.
- Richard Henry Wilde papers, 1807-1867.
- Richard H.M. Settle correspondence and photograph, 1871-1879.
- Richard Houston Payne World War II map collection.
- Richard Houston Payne World War Two map collection.
- Richard Koszarski collection of research material on the early history of Universal Pictures Corporation, 1906-1996.
- Richard L. Strout papers, 1900-1991.
- Richard Lathers papers, 1826-1901.
- Richard M. Look map collection.
- Richard Mansfield papers.
- Richard Olney papers, 1830-1928.
- Richard Rodgers collection, 1917-1980.
- Richard Rush papers, 1805-1852.
- Richard Sharpe Patterson papers, 1776-1998.
- Richard W. Murphy papers, 1951-2014.
- Richard William Murphy papers.
- Richards, Grant, 1872-1948. Grant Richards collection of A.E. Housman material, 1898-1947.
- Richards, Grant, 1872-1948. Housman, 1897-1936. 1941.
- Richards, Mark, 1760-1844. Mark Richards papers.
- Richards, William Henry, 1856-1941. Robert H. McNeill family collection.
- Richards, William Henry, 1856-1941. William Henry Richards papers, 1856-1946.
- Richardson, Daniel, 1670-1722. Daniel Richardson papers.
- Richardson, Elliot L., 1920-1999. Creative balance: government, politics, and the individual in America's third century. 1976.
- Richardson, Elliot L., 1920-1999. Elliot L. Richardson papers, 1780-1999.
- Richardson, Elliot L., 1920-1999. Reflections of a radical moderate. 1996.
- Richardson, Ernest Cushing, 1860-1939. Ernest Cushing Richardson collection of French and Italian manuscripts, 1179-1825.
- Richardson, Holden Chester, 1878- Holden Chester Richardson papers, 1844-1946.
- Richardson, James O. (James Otto), 1878-1974. James O. Richardson papers. 1898-1975.
- Richardson, Nina Maud. Nina Maud Richardson papers.
- Richardson, Ruth, 1677-1728. Ruth Richardson papers.
- Richardson, William Merchant, 1774-1838. William Merchant Richardson papers.
- Richberg, Donald R. (Donald Randall), 1881-1960. Donald R. Richberg papers, 1900-1960.
- Richey, Lawrence, 1885-1959. Lawrence Richey diary. 1903.
- Richmond, Cora L. V. (Cora Linn Victoria), 1840-1923. Cora L.V. Richmond diary. 1866-1867.
- Richmond Pearson Hobson papers, 1889-1966.
- Rickenbacker, Eddie, 1890-1973. Eddie Rickenbacker papers, 1915-1973.
- Rickenbacker, Eddie, 1890-1973. Rickenbacker. 1967.
- Ricketts, Edward Flanders, 1897-1948. Sea of Cortez: a leisurely journal of travel and research, with a scientific appendix comprising materials for a source book on the marine animals of the Panamic faunal province. 1941.
- Rickey, Branch, 1881-1965. Branch Rickey papers, 1890-1969.
- Riddle, Nelson. Musical arrangements for Billy Eckstine, 1950-1957.
- Ridenour, Louis N. (Louis Nicot), 1911-1959. Louis N. Ridenour papers, 1917-1960.
- Ridgely, Charles Goodwin, 1784-1848. Charles Goodwin Ridgely papers, 1813-1826.
- Riegger, Wallingford, 1885-1961. Works. Selections.
- Rigaud, Milo, 1904-1981. Vodou religious expression in Haiti collected by Odette Mennesson Rigaud, Milo Rigaud, and Shirley Keller, 1944-1985.
- Rigby family papers.
- Rigby family. Tunnicliff, Rigby, and Staton families papers, 1854-1990.
- Riggs, Arthur Stanley, 1879-1952. Arthur Stanley Riggs papers, 1929-1952.
- Riggs, Brett. Brett Riggs influenza pandemic archive, 1891-1945.
- Riggs, Elisha, 1779-1853. Elisha Riggs papers. 1813-1896.
- Riggs, Elisha, 1826-1881. Elisha Riggs papers. 1844-1890.
- Riggs, Elisha Francis, 1851-1910. Elisha Francis Riggs papers. 1860-1910.
- Riggs, Elisha Francis, 1887-1936. Elisha Francis Riggs papers. 1887-1935.
- Riggs family papers, 1763-1945.
- Riggs family. Riggs family papers, 1763-1945.
- Riggs, George Washington, 1813-1881. George Washington Riggs papers. 1836-1881.
- Riggs, Lynn, 1899-1954. Plays. Selections.
- Riggs, Romulus, 1782-1846. Romulus Riggs papers. 1821-1882.
- Riggs, T. Lawrason (Thomas Lawrason), 1888-1943. T. Lawrason Riggs papers. 1790-1943.
- Riggs, Thomas, 1873-1945. Thomas Riggs papers. 1887-1945.
- Riggs, William Henry, 1837-1924. William Henry Riggs papers. 1850-1912.
- Rihani, Ameen Fares, 1876-1940. Ameen Fares Rihani papers, 1897-1940.
- Riis, Jacob A. (Jacob August), 1849-1914. Jacob A. Riis papers, 1870-1990.
- Riis, Roger William, 1894-1953. Roger William Riis papers, 1903-1990.
- Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916. James Whitcomb Riley papers, 1883-1915.
- Riley, William Edward, 1897-1970. William Edward Riley papers, 1941-1948.
- Rilma Oxley Buckman papers, 1885-2015.
- Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 1876-1958. Plays. Selections.
- Ring family--Correspondence.
- Rioch family papers.
- Rioch family. Pierson, Rioch, and Layton families papers, 1777-2012.
- Rita R. Colwell papers, 1931-2004.
- Ritchie, Donald A., 1945- U.S. Senate Historical Office oral history interviews.
- Ritchie, Jean. Jean Ritchie and George Pickow collection, 1923-2015.
- Rite of spring (Choreographic work : Horton).
- Rites (Choreographic work : Lang).
- Ritmo jondo (Choreographic work : Humphrey).
- Rittmann, Trude. Trude Rittmann papers, 1880s-2005.
- Rives, William C. (William Cabell), 1793-1868. History of the life and times of James Madison. 1868-1873.
- Rives, William C. (William Cabell), 1793-1868. William C. Rives papers, 1674-1939.
- Rivlin, Alice M. Alice M. Rivlin papers, 1960-2007.
- Roach, Max, 1924-2007. Max Roach papers, 1880-2012.
- Roach, Max, 1924-2007. Works. Selections.
- Roazen, Paul, 1936-2005. Brother animal : the story of Freud and Tausk. 1969.
- Robards, Lewis C. Lewis C. Robards receipt book. 1851-1853.
- Robbins, Henry Alfred, 1839-1911. Henry Alfred Robbins journals. 1870-1904.
- Robbins, Howard Elbridge, 1888-1963. Howard Elbridge Robbins collection 1918.
- Robbins, Phyllis. Maude Adams; an intimate portrait. 1956.
- Robbins, Rena, 1919- Rena Robbins collection 1942-1945.
- Robbins, Thomas H. (Thomas Hinckley), 1900-1972. Thomas H. Robbins papers, 1918-1971.
- Robert A. Lavender papers, 1911-1976.
- Robert A. Nisbet papers, 1949-1994.
- Robert A. Taft papers, 1885-1980.
- Robert Altshuler photographs.
- Robert Anderson papers, 1819-1948.
- Robert C. Cook papers, 1882-1992.
- Robert C. Gallo papers, 1959-2016.
- Robert C. Ogden papers, 1843-1913.
- Robert Carter papers, 1685-1828.
- Robert Clift World War II map and papers collection.
- Robert Craft collection on Igor Stravinsky, 1912-1966.
- Robert Di Domenica collection, 1948-1998.
- Robert E. Sherwood papers.
- Robert E. Sherwood play scripts, 1921-1962.
- Robert E. Wilson papers, 1920-1964.
- Robert Edgar Cecil papers, 1942-1945.
- Robert Ellsworth Gross papers, 1903-1961.
- Robert Emmet Sherwood papers.
- Robert Evett collection, 1942-2001.
- Robert Frank Augur collection, 1941-2016.
- Robert Frost papers.
- Robert G. Kaiser papers, 1939-2013.
- Robert G. Spivack papers, 1931-1970.
- Robert Garrett family papers, 1778-1925.
- Robert Garrett family. Robert Garrett family papers, 1778-1925.
- Robert Green Ingersoll papers, 1826-1940.
- Robert H. Bork papers, 1798-2012.
- Robert H. Jackson papers, 1816-1983.
- Robert H. McNeill family collection.
- Robert H. McNeill family papers, 1839-2008.
- Robert H. Nooter papers, 1951-2011.
- Robert H. Terrell papers, 1870-1954.
- Robert Helyer Thayer papers, 1920-1980.
- Robert, Henry M. (Henry Martyn), 1837-1923. Henry M. Robert papers, 1853-1937.
- Robert, Henry M. (Henry Martyn), 1837-1923. Pocket manual of rules of order for deliberative assemblies. 1876.
- Robert, Henry M. (Henry Martyn), 1837-1923. Robert's rules of order. 1876.
- Robert Hernried collection.
- Robert Hernried papers, 1907-1951.
- Robert Kleiman papers, 1935-1983.
- Robert L. Carter papers, 1941-2006.
- Robert Lansing papers, 1831-1959.
- Robert Lansing Papers : Private Memoranda, Desk Diaries, and Notes at the Library of Congress.
- Robert Latham Owen papers, 1910-1941.
- Robert Lee Bullard papers, 1881-1955.
- Robert McNutt McElroy papers, circa 1909-1924.
- Robert Mills papers, 1804-1862.
- Robert Morris papers, 1734-1839.
- Robert Orben papers, 1941-2019.
- Robert Parris music manuscripts, 1959-1972.
- Robert Parylak collection of Mado Robin materials.
- Robert Parylak collection on Mado Robin, 1946-1978.
- Robert Patterson Hughes papers, 1876-1994.
- Robert Porter Patterson papers, 1909-1956.
- Robert R. Furman papers, 1944-1985.
- Robert R. Hitt papers, 1830-1906.
- Robert R. Nathan Associates records, 1950-1966.
- Robert R. Nathan Associates. Robert R. Nathan Associates records, 1950-1966.
- Robert R. Williams papers, 1911-1981.
- Robert S. Altshuler collection, photographs from the collection, 1930s-1940s.
- Robert S. Bond World War II map collection.
- Robert S. Gottlieb recordings of North Indian tabla, 1956-1972.
- Robert S. McNamara papers, 1934-2009.
- Robert Saladini collection of choral music, 1860-1999.
- Robert Sonkin Alabama and New Jersey collection, 1937-1941.
- Robert Sonkin Gee's Bend collection, 1937-1941.
- Robert Staughton Lynd and Helen Merrell Lynd papers, 1895-1968.
- Robert Staughton Lynd papers.
- Robert Taft Jr. papers, 1897-1993.
- Robert Todd Lincoln family papers, 1864-1938.
- Robert W. Bonynge papers, 1881-1939.
- Robert Whitehead papers, 1947-2002.
- Robert Wickliffe Woolley papers, 1842-1956.
- Robert Wilson Shufeldt papers, 1836-1910.
- Robert Winslow Gordon papers, 1840-1961.
- Robert Worth Bingham papers, 1856-1939.
- Robert Wright and George Forrest papers, 1934-2003.
- Roberts, Anna A. Rice, 1854-1881. Anna A. Rice Roberts papers. 1854-1881.
- Roberts, Benjamin Titus, 1823-1893. Benjamin Titus Roberts family papers, 1832-1971.
- Roberts, Benjamin Titus, 1823-1893. Benjamin Titus Roberts papers, 1844-1895.
- Roberts, Benson Howard, 1853-1930. Benson Howard Roberts papers. 1875-1924.
- Roberts, Chalmers M. (Chalmers McGeagh), 1910-2005. In the shadow of power : the story of the Washington post.
- Roberts, Chalmers M. (Chalmers McGeagh), 1910-2005. Washington post: the first 100 years.
- Roberts, Edmund, 1784-1836. Edmund Roberts papers, 1803-1905.
- Roberts, Edmund, 1784-1836. Embassy to the eastern courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat; in the U.S. sloop-of-war Peacock ... during the years 1832-3-4. 1837.
- Roberts, Elizabeth Madox, 1881-1941. Elizabeth Madox Roberts papers, 1921-1941.
- Roberts, Ellen Lois Stowe, 1825-1908. Ellen Lois Stowe Roberts papers. 1839-1907.
- Roberts, Emma Sellew, 1856-1931. Emma Sellew Roberts papers. 1875-1906.
- Roberts family. Benjamin Titus Roberts family papers, 1832-1971.
- Roberts family. Joseph J. Roberts family papers, 1839-2001.
- Roberts family papers.
- Roberts, George Lane, 1852-1924. George Lane Roberts papers. 1869-1902.
- Roberts, Joseph J. (Joseph Jenkins), 1809-1876. Joseph J. Roberts family papers, 1839-2001.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. Boon Island. 1956.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. For authors only. 1935.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. I wanted to write. 1949.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. Kenneth Lewis Roberts papers, 1919-1956.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. Lydia Bailey. 1947.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. Moreau de St. Méry's American journey, 1793-1798. 1947.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. Oliver Wiswell. 1940.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. Seventh sense. 1953.
- Roberts, Kenneth Lewis, 1885-1957. Trending into Maine. 1938.
- Robertson, Andrew J., 1845-1918. Andrew J. Robertson diaries. 1869-1901.
- Robertson, James Alexander, 1873-1939. James Alexander Robertson papers, 1816-1939.
- Robertson, James Louis, 1907-1994. James Louis Robertson papers, 1869-1981.
- Robertson, James Louis, 1907-1994. What generation gap??? A dialogue on America. 1970.
- Robin, Mado. Robert Parylak collection on Mado Robin, 1946-1978.
- Robinett, Paul M. (Paul McDonald), 1893-1975. Armor command; the personal story of a commander of the 13th Armored Regiment, of the CCB, 1st Armored Division, and of the Armored School during World War II. 1958.
- Robinett, Paul M. (Paul McDonald), 1893-1975. Paul M. Robinett papers, 1915-1972.
- Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 1869-1935. Edwin Arlington Robinson papers, 1913-1940.
- Robinson, Elizabeth Jean, 1922-2001. Elizabeth Jean Robinson collection, 1943-1945.
- Robinson, Jackie, 1919-1972. Jackie Robinson papers, 1934-2012.
- Robinson, Lydia S. M. Lydia S.M. Robinson collection relating to World War I, 1914-1942.
- Robinson, Roscoe, Jr., 1928-1993. Roscoe Robinson, Jr., papers, 1945-1993.
- Robles, Sebastian T. (Sebastian Tomas), 1901-1959. Sebastian T. Robles cartoon. 1934.
- Robson, May, 1858-1942. May Robson papers.
- Robson, May, 1858-1942. May Robson papers, 1849-1955.
- Roccisano, Joe, 1939-1997. Joe Roccisano papers, 1950-1997.
- Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, comte de, 1725-1807. Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau, papers, 1777-1794.
- Rochester Democrat and chronicle.
- Rochester, Nathaniel. Nathaniel Rochester papers, 1935-1999.
- Rockwell, Almon Ferdinand, 1835- Almon Ferdinand Rockwell papers, 1852-1900.
- Rocky Mountain news.
- Rodgers family papers, 1740-1987.
- Rodgers family papers, 1788-1944.
- Rodgers family. Rodgers family papers, 1740-1987.
- Rodgers family. Rodgers family papers, 1788-1944.
- Rodgers, Frederick, 1842-1917. Frederick Rodgers papers, 1852-1920.
- Rodgers, John, 1773-1838. John Rodgers papers. (2)
- Rodgers, John, 1812-1882. John Rodgers papers.
- Rodgers, John, 1881-1926. John Rodgers papers.
- Rodgers, John Augustus, 1848-1933. John Augustus Rodgers papers.
- Rodgers, Minerva Denison, 1784-1877. Minerva Denison Rodgers papers.
- Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979. Musicals. Selections.
- Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979. Oklahoma!. (2)
- Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979. Richard Rodgers collection, 1917-1980.
- Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979. South Pacific. Selections; arranged.
- Rodgers, Richard, 1902-1979. Works. Selections. (2)
- Rodgers, William Ledyard, 1860-1944. William Ledyard Rodgers papers.
- Rodman, Peter W. Peter W. Rodman papers, 1964-2009.
- Rodman, Selden, 1909-2002. Selden Rodman correspondence, 1931-1972.
- Rodney, C. A. (Caesar Augustus), 1772-1824. C.A. Rodney papers.
- Rodney, Caesar, 1728-1784. Caesar Rodney papers.
- Rodney family papers, 1771-1824.
- Rodney family. Rodney family papers, 1771-1824.
- Rodney, Thomas, 1744-1811. Thomas Rodney papers.
- Rodolfo R. Schuller papers, 1492-1915.
- Rodríguez, José Ignacio, 1831-1907. José Ignacio Rodríguez papers, 1860-1907.
- Rodzinski, Artur, 1892-1958. Artur Rodzinski collection, 1868-1989.
- Rodzinski, Halina. Our two lives.
- Roe, Francis Asbury, 1823-1901. Francis Asbury Roe papers, 1842-1901.
- Roe, Francis Asbury, 1823-1901. Naval duties and discipline: with policy and principles of naval organization. 1865 .
- Roe, Gilbert E. (Gilbert Ernstein), 1865-1929. Gilbert E. Roe papers. 1887-1961.
- Roger Jones family papers, 1649-1896.
- Roger L. Stevens collection, 1941-1998.
- Roger L. Stevens papers, 1863-2002.
- Roger Sherman papers, 1746-1827.
- Roger W. Wilkins papers, 1861-2012.
- Roger Welles papers, 1884-1926.
- Roger William Riis papers, 1903-1990.
- Rogers, Alfred Thomas, 1873-1948. Alfred Thomas Rogers papers. 1900-1928.
- Rogers, Bruce, 1870-1957. Pforzheimer collection of Bruce Rogers materials, 1200-1957.
- Rogers, Carl R. (Carl Ransom), 1902-1987. Carl R. Rogers papers, 1913-1999.
- Rogers, Charles H. Charles H. Rogers family papers, 1858-1930.
- Rogers family. Charles H. Rogers family papers, 1858-1930.
- Rogers, Leighton W. (Leighton William), 1893-1962. Leighton W. Rogers papers, 1912-1982.
- Rogers, William Barton, 1804-1882. William Barton Rogers notebooks. 1835-1841.
- Rogovin, Milton, 1909-2011. Milton Rogovin papers, 1928-2006.
- Rohe, Alice, 1876-1957. Alice Rohe papers, 1914-1919.
- Roig, Gérard, 1934-2011. Phonoscopies Serial Collection, 1993-2011.
- Roland Herbert Shackford papers, 1925-1981.
- Roland S. Morris papers, 1910-1943.
- Roll call.
- Roman Totenberg papers, 1846-2011.
- Romanucci-Ross, Lola. Lola Romanucci-Ross papers.
- Romberg, Sigmund, 1887-1951. Desert song.
- Romberg, Sigmund, 1887-1951. Works. Selections.
- Rome, Harold, 1908-1993. Fanny.
- Rome, Harold, 1908-1993. Harold Rome papers, 1936-1967.
- Rome, Harold, 1908-1993. Harold Rome's gallery.
- Rome, Harold, 1908-1993. I can get it for you wholesale.
- Rome, Harold, 1908-1993. Pins and needles.
- Rome, Harold, 1908-1993. Sing out the news.
- Romoser, William K. (William Kilian), 1903-1986. William K. Romoser papers, 1922-1982.
- Romy Medeiros da Fonseca papers, 1949-2007.
- Ronald Greeley lunar map collection, 1963-1970.
- Ronald Harmon Brown papers, 1992-1996.
- Ronald L. Ziegler papers, 1956-1999.
- Ronne, Edith M. (Edith Maslin), 1919-2009. Finn Ronne and Edith M. Ronne map collection, 1930-1994.
- Ronne, Edith M. (Edith Maslin), 1919-2009. Finn Ronne and Edith M. Ronne papers. 1900-2012.
- Ronne, Finn. Finn Ronne and Edith M. Ronne map collection, 1930-1994.
- Ronne, Finn. Finn Ronne and Edith M. Ronne papers. 1900-2012.
- Rønne, Martin, 1861-1932. Martin Rønne papers.
- Ronsheim, Milton 1894-1968 Louis Milton Ronsheim collection, 1914-2000.
- Ronsheim, Milton McConnell, 1921-2009. Milton McConnell Ronsheim collection, 1942-1947.
- Rooms (Choreographic work : Sokolow).
- Roosevelt, Archibald, Jr., 1918-1990. Archibald Roosevelt Jr. papers.
- Roosevelt, Archibald, Jr., 1918-1990. Archibald Roosevelt Jr. papers, 1838-2002.
- Roosevelt, Belle, 1892-1968. Kermit Roosevelt and Belle Roosevelt papers. 1885-1975.
- Roosevelt, Eleanor Butler, 1888-1960. Eleanor Butler Roosevelt papers.
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945. Daily appointment calendar. 1934-1945.
- Roosevelt, Kermit, 1889-1943. Kermit Roosevelt and Belle Roosevelt papers, 1725-1975.
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Theodore Roosevelt Hunting Library, 1566-1926.
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919. Theodore Roosevelt papers, 1759-1993.
- Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 1887-1944. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. papers, 1780-1962.
- Root, Elihu, 1845-1937. Elihu Root papers, 1863-1937.
- Roper, Laura Wood, 1911-2003. Laura Wood Roper map collection. (2)
- Roper, Laura Wood, 1911-2003. Laura Wood Roper papers.
- Roper, Laura Wood, 1911-2003. Laura Wood Roper papers, 1822-1982.
- Rosa Freud Graf papers, 1879-1942.
- Rosa Parks papers, 1866-2006.
- Rosa Parks Papers at the Library of Congress.
- Rosamond Pinchot papers, 1918-1955.
- Roscoe Robinson, Jr., papers, 1945-1993.
- Rose, David, 1910-1990. Works. Selections.
- Rose Marie and Harold Spivacke Fund collection.
- Rose Marie Grentzer and Harold Spivacke Fund collection, 1615-1994.
- Rosenbaum, Art. Art Rosenbaum Georgia folklore collection, 1955-1983.
- Rosenberg, Neil V. Neil V. Rosenberg bluegrass music collection, 1923-1985.
- Rosenberg, Neil V. Redwood Canyon Ramblers collection, 1959-2013.
- Rosenberg, Paul, 1910-1999. Paul Rosenberg papers, 1934-1953.
- Rosenblatt, Frank. Frank Rosenblatt papers. 1943-1971.
- Rosenblatt, Maurice. Maurice Rosenblatt papers, 1910-2003.
- Rosenfeld, Eva Marie, 1892-1977. Eva Marie Rosenfeld papers.
- Rosenwald, Lessing J. (Lessing Julius), 1891-1979. Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection archive, 1913-2005.
- Rosenwald, Lessing J. (Lessing Julius), 1891-1979. Lessing J. Rosenwald papers, 1819-1979.
- Ross A. Collins papers, 1906-1967.
- Ross Lee Finney collection, 1906-1997.
- Ross Lee Finney papers, 1926-1977.
- Ross, Victor, 1919- Victor Ross papers.
- Rossi, Nick, 1924-2000. Catalogue of works by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
- Rossiĭsko-amerikanskai︠a︡ kompanii︠a︡. Yudin collection of Russian-American Company records. 1783-1946.
- Rossini, Gioacchino, 1792-1868. Operas. Selections.
- Roswell Randall Hoes papers, 1799-1912.
- Rotch, Abbott Lawrence, 1861-1912. Abbott Lawrence Rotch papers 1896-1912.
- Roth, Philip. American pastoral. 1997.
- Roth, Philip. Facts. 1988.
- Roth, Philip. Ghost writer. 1979.
- Roth, Philip. Goodbye, Columbus. 1959.
- Roth, Philip. Patrimony. 1991.
- Roth, Philip. Philip Roth papers, 1938-2001.
- Roth, Philip. Portnoy's complaint. 1969.
- Rothschild, Randolph S., 1909-2003. Randolph S. Rothschild collection, 1942-1992.
- Rothstein, Arthur, 1915-1985. Arthur Rothstein papers, 1936-2000.
- Rouben Mamoulian papers, 1740-1987.
- Rough sketch for a proposed film dealing with the powers of ten and the relative size of things in the universe (Motion picture).
- 'Round midnight (Motion picture).
- Rounsevelle Wildman and Edwin Wildman papers, 1896-1923.
- Rounsevelle Wildman papers.
- Rouse, James W. James W. Rouse oral history interview.
- Rowan, Stephen C. (Stephen Clegg), 1808-1890. Stephen C. Rowan papers, 1826-1890.
- Rowland Evans papers, 1924-2001.
- Rowland V. Lee papers, 1907-1971.
- Roxane Connick Carlisle collection, 1963-1984.
- Roy Harris papers, 1893-1998.
- Roy Tasco Davis papers, 1886-1960.
- Roy Wilkins papers, 1901-2001.
- Roy Wilson Howard papers, 1911-1966.
- Royal E. Ingersoll papers.
- Royal Lovell collection.
- Royal Rodney Ingersoll and Royal E. Ingersoll papers, 1866-1935.
- Royal Rodney Ingersoll papers.
- R.R. Bowker papers, 1831-1931.
- Rubey, William Walden, 1898-1974. William Walden Rubey papers, 1920-1974.
- Rubicam, Raymond, 1892-1978. Raymond Rubicam papers, 1921-1988.
- Rubin, Vera C., 1928-2016. Vera C. Rubin papers, 1781-2014.
- Rubinov, Anatoliĭ, 1924-2009. Anatoliĭ Zakharovich Rubinov papers, 1968-1996.
- Rubinstein, Artur, 1887-1982. Artur Rubinstein correspondence, 1921-1984.
- Ruby A. Black papers, 1916-1976.
- Rudolf Dreikurs papers, 1911-1975.
- Rudolf Kolisch collection, 1921-1943.
- Rudolf, Max, 1902-1995. Max Rudolf papers, 1922-1993.
- Rudolph and Joseph Schildkraut scrapbooks, 1867-1964.
- Rudolph, Cuno Hugo, 1860-1932. Cuno Hugo Rudolph scrapbooks, 1910-1929.
- Rudolph Forster papers, 1898-1943.
- Rudolph Maurice Loewenstein papers, 1919-1975.
- Rudulph Evans papers, 1862-2001.
- Rudy Abramson papers, 1941-1990.
- Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865. Edmund Ruffin diaries, 1856-1865.
- Rufus S. Frost papers, 1841-1883.
- Ruggiero Ricci papers, 1890s-2013.
- Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980. Houdini. 1973.
- Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980. Muriel Rukeyser papers, 1844-1986.
- Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980. Orgy. 1965.
- Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980. Speed of darkness. 1968.
- Rukeyser, Muriel, 1913-1980. Traces of Thomas Hariot. 1971.
- Rumsey family papers, 1661-1907.
- Rumsey family. Rumsey family papers, 1661-1907.
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 1932-2021. Donald Rumsfeld papers, 1888-2015.
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 1932-2021. Known and unknown: a memoir. 2011.
- Rush, Madison, active 1845-1847. Madison Rush journal. 1845-1847.
- Rush, Richard, 1780-1859. Richard Rush papers, 1805-1852.
- Rusher, William A., 1923-2011. Conservative advocate.
- Rusher, William A., 1923-2011. William A. Rusher papers, 1940-2010.
- Russell & Co., Guangzhou, China, records, 1812-1894.
- Russell & Co. Russell & Co., Guangzhou, China, records, 1812-1894.
- Russell, Charles Edward, 1860-1941. Charles Edward Russell papers, 1864-1941.
- Russell, Clyde Wilbur, 1888-1973. Clyde Wilbur Russell collection, 1917-1919.
- Russell E. Train papers, 1777-2012.
- Russell J. Mueller papers, 1971-1998.
- Russell Sage Foundation records, 1908-1942.
- Russell Sage Foundation. Russell Sage Foundation records, 1908-1942.
- Russell, Samuel, 1789-approximately 1862. Samuel Russell papers.
- Russell W. Peterson papers, 1917-2004.
- Russell Wheeler Davenport papers, 1866-1980.
- Russert, Tim, 1950-2008. Tim Russert papers.
- Russia miscellany, 1759-1928.
- Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Diocese of Alaska records, 1733-1938.
- Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Diocese of Alaska. Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church of America. Diocese of Alaska records, 1733-1938.
- Russki zapiski.
- Russkiĭ golos (New York, N.Y. : 1917).
- Russko-amerikanskīĭ pravoslavnyĭ vi︠e︡stnik.
- Rustin, Bayard, 1912-1987. Bayard Rustin papers, 1942-1987.
- Rusty Warren Collection, 1919-2019.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg papers, 1897-2021.
- Ruth Gordon and Garson Kanin papers, 1921-1993.
- Ruth Gordon papers.
- Ruth Gordon papers, 1924-1969.
- Ruth Hetzel Harshaw papers, 1947-1967.
- Ruth K. Westheimer papers.
- Ruth Mack Brunswick papers, 1921-1943.
- Ruth Page collection, 1944-1960.
- Ruth Page correspondence on Billy Sunday, 1944-1960.
- Ruth Painter Randall papers.
- Ruthven Deane bookplate collection.
- Rutledge, Wiley, Jr., 1894-1949. Wiley Rutledge, Jr., papers, 1909-1984.
- Ryder, Marshall, 1918-2014. Marshall Ryder World War II aeronautical chart collection.
- Ryland, Gladys, 1900-1980. Gladys Ryland oral history interview.
- Rylʹsʹkyĭ Institute Ukrainian cylinder collection, 1908-1930s.