4 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Catholic Church--Mexico.

  1. Hans Peter Kraus collection of Spanish American documents, 1433-1966

    300 items. 11 containers. 4 linear feet. 4 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Bookman, collector, and bibliophile. Letters, decrees, order books, reports, instructions, dispatches, printed material, and miscellaneous legal documents concerning the history of colonial Spanish America, including the activities of the Mexican Inquisition.

  2. San José de Queréndaro Hacienda records, 1543-1922

    2 items. 2 containers. 0.8 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Bound volumes of files kept by the Jesuits, original owners of the hacienda. Subjects include the acquisition and sale of land, ownership disputes, water rights, rental of property, agricultural production, livestock and livestock brands, and relations with the Indigenous people of Mexico. Also includes correspondence and fiscal accounts with the local railroad company.

  3. Santa Clara de Tulillo Hacienda records, 1580-circa 1800

    2 volumes. 2 containers. .8 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Bound volumes of correspondence, royal decrees, deeds of gift, estate inventories, fiscal accounts, bills of sale, land grants, legal suits and countersuits, mortgage loans, rental agreements, wills and testaments, and other records kept by the Jesuit owners of the hacienda. Subjects include the acquisition and sale of land, ownership disputes, property boundaries, water rights, rental of property, agricultural production, livestock and livestock brands, the role of women in the operation of the estate, and relations with the Indigenous people of Mexico. Later records relate to the acquisition of the hacienda by others.

  4. Henry Albert Monday collection relating to Mexico, 1522-1935

    2,300 items. 45 containers. 17 linear feet. 42 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Physician and collector. Correspondence, legal and financial papers, tax records, contracts, land records, cédulas, reports, official documents, broadsides, circulars, and other papers relating chiefly to various aspects of Mexican political, legal, and ecclesiastical history collected by Monday.