2 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Chase, Ernest Dudley, 1878-1966.

  1. War map : pictorial and propaganda map collection 1900-1950

    180 maps. 1 book . -- Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    A collection of 180 pictorial and propaganda maps that illustrate events related to World War I, the interwar years, World War II, the formation of the United Nations, and the Cold War. While many of the pieces were created as governmental propaganda, others appeared in commercial publications, including the Star Weekly, Fortune Magazine, the Daily Mail, and the Los Angeles Examiner. Some of the maps were created by famous cartographers, such as Ernest Clegg, Fred W. Rose, Arthur Kampf, Ezra C. Stiles, Richard Edes Harrison, Ernest Dudley Chase, and F.E. Manning. Many of the collection items are described in the book titled War map: pictorial conflict maps 1900-1950 by Philip Curtis and Jakob Sondergard Pedersen, which was published in 2016. A proof of the book is part of the collection.

  2. Muriel H. Parry map collection

    approximately 871 items. 871 folders. -- Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    The collection consists of some 871 maps that are largely pictorial. Muriel H. Parry, a librarian for the U.S. State Department, compiled the maps and several were deaccessioned from the State Department's library. Formats in the collection include single map and maps in books, magazines, calendars, and advertisements. In addition, there are maps on napkins, gift cards, cloth, etc. Included are maps by Ernest Clegg, Richard Edes Harrison, Hal Shelton, Daniel K. Wallingford, MacDonald Gill, Chase Ernest Dudley, among others. Parry created a map that is part of the collection.