3 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments (1932-1934 : Geneva, Switzerland).

  1. Frederic William Wile scrapbooks, 1898-1941

    250 items. 1 container. .2 linear feet. 5 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Journalist, foreign correspondent, and radio commentator. Scrapbooks chiefly containing clippings of news stories, dispatches, and columns written during Wile's career in journalism.

  2. Norman H. Davis papers, 1898-1979

    44,000 items. 99 containers plus 1 classified and 4 oversize. 40.5 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Economist, diplomat and humanitarian. Correspondence, journals, minutes, speeches, statements, scrapbooks, memoranda, news clippings, printed matter, photographs, and other material relating mainly to Davis's participation between the world wars in international conferences on peace, disarmament, and international monetary matters.

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  3. George Sherwin Simonds papers, 1894-1937

    16,000 items. 26 containers. 10.4 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Army officer. Correspondence, memoranda, and other records pertaining mainly to the operation of the U.S. Army’s 2nd Corps with the British armies during the Ypres-Lys (Ieper) and Somme offensives of 1918, the operation of the American Embarkation Center (Le Mans, France), and the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments, Geneva, Switzerland, 1932-1934.