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1 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Coptic Church--Liturgy--Texts.
Ragheb Moftah collection of Coptic Orthodox liturgical chants and hymns, 1926-2018
circa 3,000 items. 18 boxes. 6 linear feet. 988 files (657 MB). -- Music Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
The collection consists of transcriptions of Coptic chant music by Ernest Newlandsmith and Margit Toth. Both contain transcriptions of the Liturgy of St. Basil. Basil. Marian Robertson Wilson created a guide to Moftah's audio tapes in 1996, which consists of transcriptions, transliterations and translations into English of the texts sung on the tapes. Wilson also devised a new order for the pieces on the tapes, putting them in a more logical order, as used in the context of the liturgy. Included is also correspondence, most importantly of letters from Ernest Newlandsmith to Ragheb Moftah concerning their collaboration. Writings in the collection consist of articles by Moftah and an autobiography, both manuscript and printed. There are notes about chant written by Moftah. The collection also contains articles written by Marian Robertson Wilson concerning Coptic chant from the transcriptions Moftah contracted. Other materials include clippings, tickets, receipts, photographs and a few legal papers.