2 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Engraving--Printing--Specimens.

  1. Otto H.F. Vollbehr collection of printers' and publishers' marks

    21 containers. Linear feet of shelf space occupied: 8.4. Approximate number of items: 15,000. -- Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    The Otto H. F. Vollbehr Collection of Printers' and Publishers' includes samples of such in nearly all of the major European countries. They chronicle the early example of printing through the seventeenth century.

  2. Victor Hammer collection

    41 boxes. 21.6 Linear feet. -- Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    The gift consists of materials relating chiefly to the artistic career of Victor Karl Hammer (1882-1967) in Europe and the United States after his emigration from Austria in 1939.