14 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Environmental policy.

  1. Patricia Harris papers, 1950-1983

    113,400 items. 378 containers plus 1 classified. 151.2 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Lawyer, educator, diplomat, and cabinet officer. Correspondence, memoranda, speeches, reports, statements, notes, printed material, and other papers pertaining primarily to Harris's cabinet positions as secretary, United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (1977-1979) and secretary, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (later, Health and Human Services) (1979-1981).

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  2. Russell E. Train papers, 1777-2012

    47,600 items. 152 containers plus 2 classified and 20 oversize. 56.8 linear feet. 210 digital files (41.82 GB). -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Environmentalist, judge, and EPA administrator. Diaries, correspondence, speeches and writings, governmental and organizational records, topical files, photographs, and miscellaneous papers relating to Train's work in public and private sectors on national and international environmental issues and policy.

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  3. Daniel Schorr papers, 1922-2010

    68,000 items. 194 containers plus 3 oversize. 78 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Print and broadcast journalist. Broadcast scripts, articles and book production material, correspondence, speeches, and printed material relating to Schorr's career in journalism.

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  4. John H. Gibbons papers, 1947-2015

    84,000 items. 239 containers plus 10 oversize. 96.4 linear feet. 2,397 digital files (324.06 GB). -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Scientist, presidential advisor for science and technology, government official, and science administrator. Correspondence, writings, speeches, notes, topical files, appointment books, telephone logs, reports, newspaper clippings, research and supporting material, printed matter, and other miscellaneous material in physical formats. Materials in digital format include speech and engagement files and topical files. The materials pertain to Gibbons's career and activities relating to energy, environment, science, and technology. Prominently documented are his positions as the director of the Office of Technology Assessment and assistant to the president for science and technology as director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy.

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  5. Russell W. Peterson papers, 1917-2004

    46,000 items. 140 containers plus 1 oversize and 1 classified. 56 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Environmentalist and governor of Delaware. Correspondence, speeches, writings, subject files, trips and events files, and other papers relating primarily to Peterson's work as an environmentalist and his employment as the chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, president of New Directions, director of the Office of Technology Assessment of the United States Congress, and president of the National Audubon Society.

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  6. Daniel P. Moynihan papers, 1765-2003

    1,306,400 items. 3,734 containers plus 10 oversize and 3 classified. 1,490 linear feet. 1,021 microfilm reels. 275 digital files (534.8MB). -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Public official, diplomat, educator, and senator. Correspondence, memoranda, journals, speeches, writings, legislative files, notes, research material, subject files, appointment books, press releases, printed material, clippings, and photographs documenting Moynihan's career in public service, in higher education, and in politics, particularly his years as United States senator from New York.

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  7. Patsy T. Mink papers, 1883-2005

    880,600 items. 2,638 containers plus 71 oversize and 1 classified. 1,530 linear feet. 1 microfilm reel. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Lawyer, public official, and United States representative from Hawaii. Correspondence, memoranda, legislative files, speeches and writings, testimony, statements, press releases, appointment books and scheduling files, travel itineraries, campaign files and political ephemera, notes, casework, law practice client files, court documents, maps, card files, biographical material, interviews, questionnaires, awards and honors, photographs, student papers, family papers, scrapbooks, news clippings, and printed matter documenting Mink's public service career.

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  8. Democratic Study Group records, 1912-1995

    96,550 items. 277 containers plus 2 oversize. 110.8 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Legislative service organization operating from 1959 to 1995 to assist Democratic members of the United States House of Representatives. Records include research publications, reports, position papers, draft legislation, correspondence, legal documents, government records, voting and whip records, hearing statements, committee and caucus records, surveys, media files, campaign records, photographs, and training material provided to members in support of common political and legislative goals. Also includes financial and administrative records of the organization.

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  9. Walter L. Fisher papers, 1871-1963

    14,000 items. 41 containers plus 6 oversize. 18.8 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Lawyer, municipal reformer, and U.S. secretary of the interior. Correspondence and memoranda, letterbooks, speeches and articles, scrapbooks, photographs, subject files, clippings, and printed matter chiefly related to Chicago, Illinois, municipal matters and to Fisher's term as United States secretary of the interior.

  10. The Seth MacFarlane collection of the Carl Sagan and Ann Druyan archive, 1860-2004

    595,000 items. 1,705 containers plus 1 classified and 38 oversize. 19,163 digital files (242.63 MB). 690.6 linear feet. 1 microfilm reel. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Astronomer, author, and educator (Carl Sagan). Author and television producer (Ann Druyan). Correspondence, memoranda, scripts, notes, subject files, course files, articles, book drafts and resource material, reports, organization files, biographical material, clippings, printed matter, slides and transparencies, photographs and negatives, electronic files, and other material documenting Sagan's career as a scientist and educator and the collaboration of Sagan and Druyan on articles, books, television shows, movies, and other projects.

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