9 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Jay, John, 1745-1829.

  1. Marian S. Carson collection of manuscripts, 1656-1995

    14,250 items. 57 containers plus 27 oversize. 26.4 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Collector. A collection of Americana including historical letters and documents, family and personal papers, broadsides, financial and legal papers, illustrated and printed ephemera, government and legislative documents, military records, journals, and printed matter relating primarily to the expansion and development of the United States from the colonial period through the 1876 centennial.

  2. Henry A. Willard II collection, 1743-1888

    625 items. 2 containers. 0.8 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Papers and records collected by Henry A Willard II including Bradley-Willard family papers and correspondence, Willard Hotel records, miscellaneous business records, and autographs collected by Henry A. Willard I that include the signers of the Declaration of Independence, presidents of the Continental Congress, and related individuals.

  3. United States. Continental Congress records, 1765-1825

    700 items. 3 containers plus 1 oversize. 1.2 linear feet. 3 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Original and reproduced records of the United States Continental Congress including letters and extracts from letters, circular letters, orders, resolutions, contracts, oaths of allegiance to the United States, financial documents, extracts from journals and minutes of the congress and its committees, committee reports, lists, and requisitions.

  4. Marquis de Lafayette papers, 1757-1990

    64 microfilm reels (34.5 linear feet, 25,000 items). -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Soldier and statesman. Correspondence, letterbooks, writings, speeches, reports, minutes, notes, military records, financial and legal documents, family papers, broadsides, and other papers relating chiefly to the Marquis de Lafayette's military, political, and private life, as well as to French and American history of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Subjects include Lafayette's involvement in the American Revolution and in the French revolutions of 1789 and 1830, his imprisonment in Prussian and Austrian jails (1792-1797), and his dealings with French and American political figures and with leaders of revolutionary movements in other countries.

    Please note:

    Access restrictions apply.

  5. Alexander Hamilton papers, 1708-1917

    12,000 items. 44 containers plus 3 oversize. 22.4 linear feet. 34 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Delegate from New York to the United States Continental Congress, United States secretary of the treasury, United States army officer, statesman, and lawyer. Correspondence, speeches and writings, legal and financial papers, printed matter, and other papers relating to Hamilton's personal life and public career, especially his service as an aide to George Washington during the Revolutionary War, his participation in the United States Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention, his service as United States secretary of the treasury, his New York law practice, and his service as inspector general of the army.

    Please note:

    Some or all content stored offsite.

  6. Benjamin Franklin papers, 1726-1907

    8,000 items. 40 containers. 12 linear feet. 12 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Statesman, publisher, scientist, and diplomat. Correspondence, journals, records, articles, and other material relating to Franklin's life and career. Includes manuscripts (1728) of his Articles of Belief and Acts of Religion; negotiations in London (1775); letterbooks (1779-1782) of the United States legation in Paris; records (1780-1783) of the United States peace commissioners, including journals kept by Franklin and Richard Oswald; and papers (1781-1818) of Franklin's grandson, William Temple Franklin (1760-1823).

  7. Custis-Lee family papers, 1700-circa 1928

    740 items. 4 containers plus 1 oversize. 1.8 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Correspondence, letterbooks, genealogical papers, notebooks, financial records, indentures, clippings, photographs, and other papers documenting the activities of several generations of the Custis and Lee families of Virginia, who served as diplomats, statesmen, politicians, planters, and military officers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

  8. George Washington papers, 1592-1943

    77,000 items. 508 containers plus 20 oversize. 215.2 linear feet. 125 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    United States president, United States Army officer, and patriot. Correspondence, letterbooks, diaries, accounts, military papers, and other papers documenting Washington's relations with the Continental Congress, his command of the Continental Army, his presidency, and other aspects of his career.

    Please note:

    Some or all content stored offsite.

  9. Charles Thomson papers, 1765-1888

    360 items. 4 containers. 1.0 linear feet. 1 microfilm reel. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Secretary of Continental Congress, biblical translator, and merchant. Correspondence relating to the official business of the Continental Congress and the American Revolution, scientific and scholarly matters, personal affairs, and including petitions, notes on debates, and translations of portions of the New Testament from Greek to English.