6 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Malone, Dumas, 1892-1986--Correspondence.

  1. Daniel J. Boorstin papers, 1882-2004

    190,350 items. 553 containers plus 38 oversize. 233 linear feet. 59 digital files (1.13 MB). -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Author, historian, and Librarian of Congress. Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, reports, calendars and schedules, speeches and writings, background and research material, family and estate papers, financial and legal records, interviews, notes, course outlines and examinations, travel documents, photographs, scrapbooks, printed matter, and other papers in both physical and digital formats documenting Boorstin's career as an educator, author, and administrator of the Smithsonian Institution and the Library of Congress.

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    Access restrictions apply.

    Some or all content stored offsite.

  2. Edmund Cody Burnett papers, 1765-1967

    21,550 items. 63 containers. 25.2 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Historian, editor, and educator. Correspondence, memoranda, drafts of writings, speeches, notes, research material, financial records, legal papers, and a project file from Burnett's work as editor of Letters of Members of the Continental Congress, published from 1921 to 1936; including also material on the Burnett family and farm in Tennessee, original and edited Civil War correspondence of the Burnett, Cody, Lightfoot, and McGarity families; and a translation of a cipher used by the Lee family of Virginia.

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    Some or all content stored offsite.

  3. Irving Brant papers, 1910-1977

    37,000 items. 64 containers plus 1 oversize. 24 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Author, historian, and newspaper editor. Correspondence, memoranda, writings and speeches, research notes, and other papers reflecting Brant's career with various newspapers, in the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, as a playwright, and his interest in James Madison.

  4. American Scholar records, 1926-2010

    164,300 items. 496 containers. 198.4 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    A quarterly magazine of public affairs, science, literature, history, and culture published by the Phi Beta Kappa Society. Correspondence, business and editorial records, original manuscripts and edited drafts of works published by the society in the American Scholar.

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    Access restrictions apply.

    Some or all content stored offsite.

  5. William J. Ghent papers, 1876-1942

    15,000 items. 48 containers. 19.2 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Author and journalist. Correspondence, memoranda, writings, notes, reports, subject files, photographs, clippings, and printed material relating to Ghent's writings on the West and the socialist movement in the U.S. Includes biographical sketches appearing in the Dictionary of American Biography and articles and book reviews appearing in trade journals. Also includes diaries of Edward Settle Godfrey and Holmes O. Paulding, participants in the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

    Please note:

    Some or all content stored offsite.

  6. Douglas Southall Freeman papers, 1900-1979

    70,000 items. 242 containers plus 2 oversize. 96 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Biographer, editor, educator, and lecturer. Correspondence, diaries, manuscripts and proofs of books and other works, articles, speeches, notebooks, source materials largely relating to the American Revolution and Civil War, bibliographical material, clippings, printed matter, memorabilia, maps, photographs, and other papers relating primarily to Freeman's biographical and historical research and writing.