3 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Randolph, Thomas M. (Thomas Mann), 1768-1828.

  1. Edward Dixon papers, 1743-1808

    39 items. 39 containers. 6 linear feet. 11 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Merchant, of Port Royal, Caroline County, Virginia. Ledgers, daybooks, journal, waste books, blacksmith accounts, receipts, letters, and a mathematics exercise book, chiefly 1750-1775, relating to Dixon's business and financial transactions in Port Royal, Virginia. Includes information relating to the Virginia tobacco trade, plantations, and trade with Great Britain.

  2. Nicholas Philip Trist papers, 1795-1873

    6,500 items. 16 containers. 6.4 linear feet. 17 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Diplomat and lawyer. Family and general correspondence, letterbooks, memoranda, notes, reports, legal and financial papers, writings, clippings, printed matter, and other papers relating to Trist's tenure as U.S. consul in Havana and his role in negotiating the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ending the Mexican War. Other topics include Trist's business interests, particularly his sugar plantations in Cuba and Louisiana; the establishment of the University of Virginia; the Oregon boundary question; politics and military affairs in Mexico; the slave trade; and family and personal affairs.

  3. Ellis & Allan Company records, 1795-1889

    80,000 items. 633 containers. 132 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    General merchants and tobacco traders. Business and personal correspondence, journals, ledgers, daybooks, cashbooks, tobacco books, and other mercantile records of the firms of Ellis & Allan, Thomas & Charles Ellis, Ellis & Sons, and Thomas and Charles Ellis & Company of Richmond, Va. Includes records of the counterpart firm in London, Allan & Ellis, as well as those of several subsidiary companies organized in Lynchburg and in Amherst County, Va., to buy and sell tobacco.