1 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Shackelford, Rudy, 1944-.

  1. Luigi Dallapiccola correspondence with Rudy Shackelford, 1953-1973

    20 items. 1 container. 0.25 linear feet. -- Music Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Luigi Dallapiccola was an Italian composer known for his use of serial techniques. His works ranged from large dramatic forms, such as his ballet Marsia and his opera Ulisse, to chamber works, including Liriche Greche, his first completely dodecaphonic composition. Rudy Shackelford is an American composer, organist, and writer. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, he began corresponding with Dallapiccola regarding the transcription of the latter's Quaderno Musicale di Annalibera for organ. The collection contains letters related to this activity, as well as an annotated score of the work itself.