7 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Shotwell, James T., 1874-1965--Correspondence.

  1. Philip C. Jessup papers, 1574-1983

    120,000 items. 394 containers plus 2 oversize and 1 classified. 157.6 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Jurist, diplomat, and educator. Family and general correspondence, reports and memoranda, speeches and writings, subject files, legal papers, newspaper clippings and other papers pertaining chiefly to Jessup's work with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Institute of Pacific Relations, United States Department of State, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and International Court of Justice. Includes material relating to his World War I service in Spartanburg, S.C., and in France; and to charges made against him by Senator Joseph McCarthy and postwar loyalty and security investigations. Also includes papers of his wife, Lois Walcott Kellogg Jessup, relating to her work for the American Friends Service Committee, United States Children's Bureau, and United Nations, her travels to Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, and to her writings.

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  2. Newton Diehl Baker papers, 1896-1962

    100,000 items. 276 containers. 110.4 linear feet. 31 microfilm reels. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    U.S. secretary of war, author, lawyer, and municipal official of Cleveland, Ohio. Correspondence, memoranda, minutes, reports, speeches and articles, newspaper articles, and printed material relating primarily to Baker's post-World War I activities as the head of several business firms and of organizations devoted to education, law and jurisprudence, and philanthropy, relief, and other types of human services.

  3. Smith Simpson papers, 1833-1993

    10,000 items. 40 containers. 15.2 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Diplomat. Correspondence, family papers, topical files, photographs, scrapbooks, printed matter, and miscellaneous material relating to Simpson's career as a diplomat and industrial relations specialist.

  4. Food for Freedom, Inc., records, 1942-1948

    7,000 items. 14 containers. 5.6 linear feet . -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    World War II civilian relief organization directed by Harold Weston. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, articles, minutes, news releases, reprints, clippings, cartoons, mailing lists, speeches, and other records of the organization, including the manuscript for "Battle of Bread" by Weston.

  5. Bernadotte Everly Schmitt papers, 1868-1970

    31,000 items. 54 containers plus 9 oversize. 23.5 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Educator, historian, and author. Correspondence, research notes, scrapbooks, writings and lectures, bibliographies, and printed matter relating principally to Schmitt's studies in modern European diplomatic history, especially his work on the outbreak of World War I.

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  6. Joint Committee on Materials for Research records, 1925-1940

    25,000 items. 83 containers. 33.2 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Joint Committee of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council established in November 1929 for the purpose of fostering the acquisition, identification, and preservation of source materials. Correspondence, minutes and agenda of meetings, and papers relating to the committee's surveys of materials for research. Includes information on library and archives projects, permanence of paper stock, union catalogs, offset reproductions, microreproductions, other duplicating techniques, sound reproduction, and copyright.

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    Some or all content stored offsite.

  7. Huntington Gilchrist papers, 1913-1973

    15,000 items. 61 containers plus 1 oversize. 24 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Public official and business executive. Correspondence, personal and official documents, reports, speeches, research material, travel diaries, newspaper clippings, and other printed matter documenting Gilchrist's interest in international affairs, especially his activities on behalf of the League of Nations, United Nations, and Institute of Pacific Relations.

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    Some or all content stored offsite.