8 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) University of Chicago--Faculty.

  1. Carl Eckart papers, 1921-1973

    8,400 items. 24 containers plus 1 oversize. 13 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Physicist, oceanographer, and educator. Correspondence, writings, lectures, subject files, biographical information, printed material, photographs, and other material relating to Eckart's career as oceanographer and physicist.

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  2. Hannah Arendt papers, 1898-2006

    25,000 items. 95 containers plus 1 oversize. 38 linear feet. 8 digital files (2.28 GB). -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Author, educator, and political philosopher. Correspondence, articles, lectures, speeches, book manuscripts, subject files, transcripts of trial proceedings, notes, printed matter, and digital video files pertaining to the writings and academic career of Hannah Arendt.

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  3. Daniel J. Boorstin papers, 1882-2004

    190,350 items. 553 containers plus 38 oversize. 233 linear feet. 59 digital files (1.13 MB). -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Author, historian, and Librarian of Congress. Correspondence, memoranda, minutes of meetings, reports, calendars and schedules, speeches and writings, background and research material, family and estate papers, financial and legal records, interviews, notes, course outlines and examinations, travel documents, photographs, scrapbooks, printed matter, and other papers in both physical and digital formats documenting Boorstin's career as an educator, author, and administrator of the Smithsonian Institution and the Library of Congress.

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  4. Hans J. Morgenthau papers, 1858-1981

    80,800 items. 199 containers plus 1 oversize. 79.6 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Political scientist, writer, and expert on international relations. Correspondence, academic and subject files, writings, printed matter and miscellaneous material primarily related to Morgenthau's work in the field of international relations.

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  5. Frances Oldham Kelsey papers, 1890-2016

    78,000 items;. 253 containers plus 4 oversize; . 101.4 linear feet; 103 digital files (3.7MB). -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Pharmacologist and government official. Correspondence, memoranda, research files, subject file, biographical material, laboratory notebooks and notes, reports and studies, academic material, press releases and clippings, speeches, statements, testimonies, articles and other writings, memorabilia, printed matter, financial records, family and estate papers, reminiscences, card indexes, patient files and records, photographs, microfiche, digital files, and other papers chronicling Kelsey's career as a pharmacologist and instructor at the University of Chicago in Illinois and the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, and as a regulator investigating new drugs at the United States Food and Drug Administration.

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  6. Carl R. Rogers papers, 1913-1999

    62,650 items. 179 containers. 71.6 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Psychologist, psychotherapist, and educator. Correspondence, family papers, writings, book files, notes on workshops and other meetings, project files, academic files, research files, transcripts of psychotherapy sessions, and administrative papers chiefly documenting Rogers's career as a practicing psychologist and therapist and as an educator and promoter of humanistic psychology in association with the Center for Studies of the Person in La Jolla, California.

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  7. Maurer family correspondence, 1945-1999

    90 items. 1 container. 0.4 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Chiefly correspondence dated 1954-1999 by writer Philip Roth to Robert Maurer and his wife, Charlotte Maurer, regarding Roth’s development as a writer, other professional work, and personal life. Also includes one letter between other Maurer family members dated 1945.

  8. Jerome Jaffe papers, 1959-2006

    19,250 items. 55 containers. 22 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Clinical professor and head of the United States Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention (drug czar) during the Richard M. Nixon presidential administration. Correspondence, reports, research material, speeches and writings, administrative material, and other papers relating primarily to Jaffe's role as drug czar.

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    Some or all content stored offsite.