2 finding aid(s) found containing the word(s) Water-supply--New York (State).

  1. William J. McAlpine letterbooks, 1837-1861

    6 items. 6 containers. 1.2 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Civil engineer. Letterbooks of handwritten correspondence and reports documenting McAlpine's work as chief engineer or consulting engineer on a variety of bridge, aqueduct, dry dock, and canal projects, primarily in New York State and Chicago, Illinois.

  2. Abel Wolman papers, 1904-1975

    25,000 items. 84 containers. 33.6 linear feet. -- Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.


    Engineer and educator. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies, clippings, maps, charts, blueprints, and other papers relating to Wolman's career as an engineer and educator in the field of sanitary engineering. Documents his work with public and private planning projects at the city, county, state, and national level, and public works in the United States and abroad.

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