Index Terms> Organizations
University of South Alabama.
Overview> Scope and Content
...ordings of American English dialects from the University of South Alabama, Doy Leale McCall Rare Book & Manus... ...s (agents) of individuals in 31 states, particularly in the South, with more numerous recordings made in Alab... ... more numerous recordings made in Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Missour...
Index Terms> Titles
University of South Alabama Dialect Tape Center collection
Using this Collection> Acquisition
University of South Alabama, Doy Leale McCall Rare Book & Manuscript Library; Donation; 2017.
Using this Collection> Preferred Citation
...ele collection of dialect recordings from the University of South Alabama (AFC 2018/004), Archive of Folk ...
Overview> Title Page
...ele collection of dialect recordings from the University of South Alabama AFC 2018/004 Guides to the Collections in the Ar...
Using this Collection> Related Material
...s made by Joseph Mele for the University of South Alabama:
Overview> Biographical Note
...abama, University of Louisiana-Lafayette, and University of South Alabama where he spent 27 years as professo...
Overview> Collection Summary
...on of dialect recordings from the University of South Alabama 1975-1980 ...erican English dialects from the University of South Alabama, Doy Leale McCall Rare Book & Manuscript ...
Overview> Arrangement
...ion guide from the Dialect Tape Center at the University of South Alabama is included in the collection. T...