Appendix B: Song Titles
These titles are taken from both the manuscript materials and the sound recordings.
- "Adam and Eve"
- "All My Sins Are Taken Away"
- "Arkansas Traveler"
- "As I Went Out One Morning in May"
- "As the Ship Went Down"
- "Aunt Jemima"
- "Babes in the Wood"
- "Baggage Coach Ahead, The"
- "Barbara Allen"
- "Berayna"
- "Best Old Man in the World"
- "Bible Is the Engineer, The"
- "Big Black Billy Goat"
- "Bill Bailey"
- "Billy Boy"
- "Billy Grimes"
- "Birmingham Jail"
- "Blind Child's Prayer, The"
- "Blind Girl, The"
- "Blue Juniata, The"
- "Boll Weevil, The"
- "Bonny Barbary Allen"
- "Boston Burglar, The"
- "Boy's Best Friend Is His Mother, A"
- "Brambly Briars"
- "Brown Eyes"
- "Buckeye Jim"
- "Bully of the Town, The"
- "Butcher Boy"
- "Captain, Captain, Tell Me True"
- "Casey Jones"
- "Charleston Merchant, The"
- "Charlie Lawson"
- "Charlie over the Water"
- "Chick-a-ma-craney-ma-crow"
- "Cindy"
- "Claude Allen"
- "Cock Robin"
- "Coffee Grows in a White Oak Tree"
- "Come All You Fair and Tender Ladies"
- "Come All You Good People"
- "Common Bill"
- "Cruel Mother, The/Down by the Greenwood Side/Hangman"
- "Death of Jesse James, The"
- "Derby Ram, The"
- "Derby Town"
- "Devil and the Farmer, The"
- "Dog and Gun"
- "Down by the Seashore"
- "Down in Arkansaw"
- "Drowsy Sleeper"
- "Dusty Miller"
- "Dying Cowboy, The"
- "Dying Cowboy's Lament"
- "Edward/The Little Guinea Pig"
- "Eliza Jane"
- "Ellen Smith"
- "Fair Charlotte/Young Charlotte"
- "Fair Young Maid, A"
- "Fare You Well, My Own True Love"
- "Farmers, The"
- "Fellow That-A Looks Like Me, The"
- "Fickle Lover, The"
- "Flop Eared Mule"
- "Foggy Foggy Dew"
- "Fond Affections"
- "Fox, The"
- "Frankie and Johnny"
- "Frog in the Park"
- "Frog in the Pool"
- "Frog Went A-Courting"
- "George Came Riding through the Town"
- "George Collins"
- "George Riley"
- "Giddyyap Napoleon"
- "Git on Board, Little Children"
- "Give Me Three Grains of Corn"
- "Go In and Out of the Window"
- "Go Tell Aunt Patsy"
- "Go Tell That Weary Travelling Man"
- "Going Down the Road Feeling Bad"
- "Good Old Man, The (Four Nights Drunk)"
- "Grasshopper Sittin' on a Sweet Potater Vine"
- "Green Beds"
- "Green Grow the Rushes-Ho/The Ditty Song"
- "Green Grows the Laurel"
- "Green Grows the Willow Tree"
- "Green Mountain Polka"
- "Ground Hog"
- "Guerilla Man, The"
- "Gypsy Laddie, The/The Blackjack Davy"
- "Gypsy's Warning, The"
- "Hangman, The"
- "Hi! Lowlanders"
- "House Carpenter, The"
- "How Old Are You My Pretty Little Pink?"
- "I Asked My Love to Take a Walk/Pretty Susan"
- "I Caught a Beau"
- "I Don't Love Nobody"
- "I Lost My Glove"
- "I Married Me a Wife"
- "I Stepped Out One Morning in May"
- "I'll Build Me a Castle"
- "I'll Need Not Your Kind Caresses"
- "I'm Happy"
- "If I Had a Butcher Knife"
- "Independence Song"
- "Independent Lover"
- "Indian Song"
- "Irish Molly-O"
- "Is This the Promise You Made to Me?"
- "Jack Has Gone A-Sailing"
- "Jealous Lover of Lone Green Valley, The/Fair Young Ellen"
- "Jeff Davis"
- "Jew's Daughter, The"
- "Jockey Hat, The"
- "Joe Bowers"
- "John Henry"
- "Johnny Doyle"
- "Johnny Home from Sea"
- "Johnny Randolph"
- "Journeyman Tailor"
- "Kenny Wagoner"
- "King William Was King George's Son"
- "Kitty Cline"
- "Kitty Runs"
- "Kitty Went Fiddle-Die-Dee"
- "Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight"
- "Let My Name Be Kindly Spoken"
- "Letter Edged in Black, The"
- "Lexington Murder/Nellie Cropsey"
- "Little Brown Jug"
- "Little David, Play on Your Harp"
- "Little Mary Fagan"
- "Little Mohee, The"
- "Little Rosewood Casket, The"
- "Little Sparrow/The Cuckoo/I'll Build Up a Castle"
- "London Bridge Is Breaking Down"
- "Long Time Ago"
- "Lord Bateman"
- "Lord Lovel"
- "Lord Randal"
- "Lord Thomas and Fair Ella"
- "Love Henry"
- "Lover's Leap"
- "Maggie"
- "Mary and Sandy (Sandy Far at Sea)"
- "Mary Golden Tree, The"
- "Mary, Martha, and Lazarus"
- "Maumee Maid, The"
- "Mermaid, The"
- "Michael Roy"
- "Miller and His Son, The"
- "Miller's Will, The"
- "Mister Frog Went A-Courting"
- Mnemonic school songs: (a) ABC's, (b) Spelling, (c) Multiplication table, (d) Geography
- "Molly Bond"
- "Molly Bright"
- "Moonshiner's Dream"
- "Moravian Song"
- "My Grandmother's Advice"
- "My Soldier Scarce Twenty-Four Years Old"
- "Naomi Wise"
- "New River Train"
- "Nightingale, The"
- "Nobody's Business"
- "Oats, Peas, Beans"
- "Oh, To Me the Time Draws Near"
- "Oh, What a Happy Land Is England"
- "Oh, Where is My Sweetheart?"
- "Old Arm Chair, The"
- "Old Bangum"
- "Old Gray Goose, The"
- "Old Joe Clark"
- "Old Maid, The"
- "Old Rosin the Beau"
- "Old Sally Brown"
- "Old Smokey"
- "Old Woman and the Preacher, The"
- "On the Tennessee"
- "On to Richmond"
- "On Top of Old Smokies/The Wagoner's Lad"
- "Orphan Girl"
- "Our Camp's in the Wilderness"
- "Oyster Girl, The"
- "Paddy the Barber"
- "Paper of Pins, A"
- "Pig in the Parlor"
- "Pretty Sarah"
- "Quaker Lover, The"
- "Raggedy Ann"
- "Red River Valley"
- "Reply to the Gypsy's Warning, The"
- "Rich Man and Lazarus, The"
- "Rich Merchant, The (The Brown Girl)"
- "Rock Island Line, The"
- "Romish Lady, The"
- "Run, Nigger, Run"
- "Sailor Boy"
- "Saint James Infirmary"
- "Seaman on the Doe, The"
- "Seven Long Years I Served My King"
- "Shabby Genteel, The"
- "Sheepskin and Beeswax"
- "Shoot the Buffalo"
- "Silver Dagger"
- "Silvery Tide, The"
- "Single Gal (When I Was Single)"
- "Skip to My Lou"
- "Soldier and the Lady, The"
- "Soldier, Soldier"
- "Soldier, Won't You Marry Me?"
- "Soldier's Advice, The"
- "Soldier's Poor Little Boy, A"
- "Soldier's Sweetheart, The"
- "Sourwood Mountain"
- "Sparkling Sunday Night"
- "Springfield Mountain"
- "Steamboat Bill"
- "Stepmother, The"
- "Storm Is on the Ocean, The"
- "Sugar Hill"
- "Sweet Are the Flowers in Springtime"
- "Sweet William and Fair Ellen"
- "Sydna Allen"
- "Take This Hammer"
- "There's Some Sees Lots of Pleasures"
- "Three Babes, The"
- "Three Little Girls Went Skating"
- "Time Draws Near, The"
- "Tom Boleyn"
- "Tree in the Wood, The"
- "Turkey in the Mountain (I Don't Have Old Cindy)"
- "Turkey in the Straw"
- "Twenty Long Years We've Been Married"
- "Two Brothers, The"
- "Two Sisters"
- "Ugly Mug"
- "Villikin's Dinah"
- "Wabash Blues"
- "Waily, Waily"
- "Wayfaring Stranger"
- "We've Come to Judgement"
- "Weeping Willow Tree, The"
- "Weevily Wheat"
- "When the World's on Fire"
- "Whistle, Daughter, Whistle"
- "Whoa Mule"
- "Wife of Usher's Well, The"
- "Wild Irishman, The"
- "Will the Circle Be Unbroken"
- "William Taylor"
- "Willie and Polly (Pretty Polly)"
- "Willie My Darling Come Back"
- "Willie Ransome"
- "Woman Who Made Her Old Man Blind, The"
- "Wreck of Ninety-Seven"
- "Wreck of Number Nine, The"
- "Ye Guardian Powers"
- "Young Collins"
- "Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe His Corn, The"