Administrative Information
The collection was acquired in three separate accessions: 21 discs in 1939, 12 discs in 1942, and all manuscript materials in July 2002. Preservation copies of the discs were made as part of Library Work Order (LWO) 4872 in the 1960s. The manuscript materials were processed by Todd Harvey in 2003.
Preferred Citation
Fletcher Collins Jr. Collection (AFC 1939/003), Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Related Materials
Two discs made by Collins in Burlington, N.C. Dec. 8, 1941, were in response to Alan Lomax's call for "man-on-the-street" reactions to the Pearl Harbor attacks the day prior. Collins quickly shipped those to Washington, D.C.; today they are included in a separate collection (AFC 1941/004: The Man-on-the-Street Interviews Collection). In 1942 Collins was asked to participate in Lomax's follow-up program, "Dear Mr. President," for which he recorded three discs (AFS 6417-6419). These were sent to the Library in 1942 and are today housed as a separate collection (AFC 1942/003: "Dear Mr. President" Interviews Collection). Collins describes his collecting experiences in the Fletcher Collins Jr. Oral History Collection (AFC 2002/004).