Administrative Information
Materials for this collection were solicited from the public by the American Folklife Center via press releases, articles, emails, listservs, interviews, letters, and/or phone calls. Collection materials were submitted directly to the American Folklife Center by the individual and/or organizational creator of the materials via email, fax, and/or mail service.
Processing History
Megan Halsband began processing the collection in 2009. Erika Holmes Walston, intern under the oversight of Bertram Lyons, completed the processing in 2013. All digital files from undamaged CD-Rs and DVD-Rs were transferred to the library's servers. All digital text and photograph files were also printed and filed with other manuscripts and photographs. Some CD-R and DVD-R submissions were damaged in the mail; participants were notified and some sent replacements. Original CD-Rs and DVD-Rs were retained and are housed with the collection. Audio cassettes and videocassettes are stored in the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division (M/B/RS).
Related Material
Kamala Lane, “Library Plans to Collect Sermons for Inauguration,” ABC News/AP Washington, January 2, 2009.
“U.S. library to collect sermons for inauguration,” USA Today, On Politics blog, January 2009.
“Library plans to collect inauguration sermons,” USA Today, January 2, 2009,
“Library plans to collect inauguration sermons,” MSNBC,
Preferred Citation
Inauguration 2009 Sermons and Orations Project Collection (AFC 2009/001), Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.