The collection is divided into five series. Series 1: Manuscripts are divided into nine subseries of administrative materials that were used by the Luboml Exhibition Project office. Series 2: Interviews on audiocassettes which were conducted between the years of 1973-2001. Series 3: Photographic prints document the history of Luboml before its untimely destruction. Series 4: Moving Images contain various interviews and documentaries pertaining to life in Luboml. Series 5: Adminsitrative files for the Luboml Project. Series 6: The Luboml Exhibition Project collected donations from Luboml survivors and their descendants. These items were divided into what the organization classified as an artifact or a photograph. This distinction is not clearcut as there are some photographs within the artifacts. As a family donated material, they were assigned a number proceeded by an "A." Series 7: Publications pertaining to Jewish culture.
There are twelve moving images MV284-296 which may or may not be duplicates of the moving images series items.