The materials are conceptually arranged in two series: 1. Administrative files and 2. Interviews. The Interviews series is arranged in record groups for each Quilters' S.O.S. -- Save Our Stories (QSOS) project, and further subdivided into subseries for each interview. Each interview is presented with associated sound recordings, documents, and images. To avoid confusion in cases where multiple duplicative digital files were received for a given piece of content, such as a sound recording which has been saved in multiple file types, or an image for which there are several duplicates, only one file is listed in the finding aid.
Interviews are identified based on the ID number assigned by the Quilt Alliance. Generally, these IDs are formed by assigning the state abbreviation and zip code of the quilter’s home, followed by a number indicating the order in which the interview occurred. For example, "CA94121-002" would be the 2nd interview performed in the California zip code of 94121. In some cases, instead of a location-based ID, an acronym is used to indicate the project that the interview was a part of. For example, "BOQ-003" is the 3rd interview in the “Barack Obama Quilt” project. Just as often, there may be some combination of acronym and zip code, as is the case with all Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) interviews.
For alphabetical list of Interviewees with associated interview numbers, see Appendix A .
For alphabetical list of Interviewers, see Appendix B .