Administrative Information
Izzy Young; 2015.
Additional accrual received in January 2020.
Processing History
The collection was processed by Maya Lerman, with assistance from Kate McDaniel.
Related Material
A related collection is AFC 2017/047, Izzy Young guest register for the Folklore Center, 1966 January 10-11. The guest register (in the form of a standard composition notebook) is from an unidentified event at the Folklore Center, and contains 134 names and addresses on 11 pages. The register includes guests such as Harold Anton, Theodore Wilentz, Carol Janeway, Arthur Rosenbaum, Phil Ochs, Duke Miles, Berenice Abbott, Frank Hanley, Ed Sanders, Ted Berrigan, Tuli Kupferberg, Doc Watson, Ralph Rinzler, Israel Young, Herbert Huncke, and others.
Preferred Citation
Izzy Young collection (AFC 2015/040), Archive of Folk Culture, American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
Alternate Form of Material
Digital preservation masters from original sound tape reels.