Biographical Notes
Earl Crabb, photographer, computer programmer, entrepreneur. He designed on-line-banking programs for Bank of America, the first touch screen program for a Canadian tourist bureau, bank security, and investment software for financial institutions. He was involved in the 1960s traditional and folk music scene as a producer, photographer, and organizer. From 1968 until his death, he was owner of Humbead Enterprises, creating and publishing posters (including, with Rick Shubb, "Humbead's Revised Map of the World," "El Hashish," and "Enantiodromia"). In addition he worked as an actor, an artist (under a pseudonym), and as a sound engineer, claiming to be the first person to record Bob Dylan in front of an audience. He provided support to such artistic endeavors as the San Francisco Mime Troupe and the Pickle Family Circle, as well as other performers and artists. He majored in economics at Williams College from 1959-1964. Born September 6, 1941 in Le Sueur, Minnesota; he died February 20, 2015 in San Francisco, California.