Related Publications
Gottlieb, Robert S. The Major Traditions of North Indian Tabla Drumming: A Survey Presentation Based on Performances by India's Leading Artists : Illustrated with Recordings and Transcriptions of the Performances. Munich: Musikverlag E. Katzbichler, 1977.
Gottlieb, Robert S. Solo Tabla Drumming of North India: Its Repertoire, Styles, and Performance Practices. 1st ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1993.
Gottlieb, Robert S. Solo Tabla Drumming of North India: Its Repertoire, Styles, and Performance Practices. 2nd ed. Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1998.
Khan, Inam Ali and Sultan Khan, performers and Robert Gottlieb, compiler. North Indian Tabla Drumming. Anthology, 1975.
Khan, Ustad Keramatullah, performer and Robert Gottlieb, compiler. 42 Lessons for Tabla: Illustrated with Examples and Recordings of Master Performer Ustad Keramatullah Khan. Folkways Records CRB 12, 1973.