Title | Robert S. Bond World War II map collection |
Span Dates | 1941-1951 |
Call No. | G5721.S7 coll Bond |
Extent | 13 maps |
Language |
Collection material in English
Location | Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. |
Finding Aid Permalink | Cite or bookmark this finding aid as: https://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/eadgmd.gm017006 |
LCCN Permalink | LC Catalog record: https://lccn.loc.gov/2017585114 |
Summary | Robert Shirly Bond was a forward artillery observer for the 6th Armored Division during World War II. Bond’s unit helped to liberate France and participated in the Battle of the Bulge and the invasion of Germany. The collection consists of road maps used during the war, a commemorative map illustrating the 6th Armored Division’s role in the war, and a map from the Korean War. |