Title | Inter-Service Topographical Department World War II map collection |
Span Dates | 1940-1946 |
Call No. | G3201.S7 coll .G71 ISTD |
Creator | Great Britain. Inter-service Topographical Department. |
Extent | 1045 items |
Extent | 1045 maps, aerial photographs, and drawings |
Extent | 130 folders |
Language |
Collection material in English and German
Location | Geography and Map Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. |
Finding Aid Permalink | Cite or bookmark this finding aid as: https://hdl.loc.gov/loc.gmd/eadgmd.gm020014 |
LCCN Permalink | LC Catalog record: https://lccn.loc.gov/2020589509 |
Summary | The Inter-Service Topographic Department collection contains 1045 maps, aerial photographs, and drawings from World War II. The ISTD (1940-1946) was a joint British army and navy program that supplied topographic intelligence for all combined British military operations. The department was created following the failed British invasion of Norway (April 9 - May 9, 1940), during which British army and navy intelligence units operated independently rather than collaboratively. |