Scope and Content Note
Maps concerning administrative and tribal boundaries, locations of natural resources and animals, population density, mines, plantations, communication and transport lines, and other related subjects. The materials date between 1764 and 1970.
Whole country contains 40 folders of maps depicting the whole of Liberia. Maps in this series generally show political administrative boundaries, roads, the names of cities and towns, and physical features of the land, such as rivers and forests. This series is sorted chronologically.
Subjects, A-Z contains 40 folders of subjected-oriented maps of Liberia. Maps in this series include aerial views of Liberia, tribal boundaries, communication lines, locations of forests, minerals, and other natural resources, roads and fuel stations, water systems, locations of churches in Liberia, etc. This series is sorted alphabetically by subject, then chronologically within each subject. Subjects included in this series are Aerial, Agriculture, Animals, Boundaries, Communication, Ethnology (tribal locations and boundaries), Exploration, Forestry, Mines and Minerals, Outline, Pictorial, Planimetric, Population, Religious (produced by religious groups or depicting churches in Liberia), Roads, and Water.
Regions, A-Z contains 10 folders of maps depicting individual areas of Liberia, depicting a broad range of subject matter. This series is arranged alphabetically by region, and chronologically within each.
Cities, A-Z contains 14 folders of maps showing individual cities of Liberia on a variety of subjects, with a strength in maps of Monrovia.