Administrative Information
Dr. Alton F.R. Lawrence (1922-1972) and the Columbia Group Archive donated the Columbia Records Paperwork Collection to the Library of Congress in August of 1970.
No further accruals are expected.
Processing History
The collection was processed by Jill Metcalf in 2001 and by Jennifer Lewis in 2005. Much gratitude goes to Michael Gray for his invaluable assistance with matrix prefix information. Jennifer Lewis worked on the collection and updated the finding aid in 2005 and Karen Fishman updated the finding aid in 2006.
The collection was originally housed in 286 two-ringed notebooks. For preservation purposes, the papers were removed from the notebooks, placed in folders, and housed in document storage boxes, but the arrangement of the material by original notebook number has been retained. Volume numbers were written on the spines of some (not all) of the original notebooks; known volume numbers are included in the inventory portion of this finding aid.
The first of the 38 boxes initially shipped to the Library of Congress is not described in this finding aid because its contents differ significantly from the rest of the collection. This box contained the Helen F. Chmura Matrix Number Lists and is housed in the Recorded Sound Reference Center.
More information on these files can be found in the A.F.R. Lawrence correspondence files, also located in the Recorded Sound Reference Center.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [Container number, eg., Box 3], Columbia Records Paperwork Collection, National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, Library of Congress.