Biographical Note
John Peter (1917-1998) was the modern living editor at Look and Life magazines and a radio and television reporter for CBS and NBC. For many years he was head of his own publications consulting firm in New York City, with clients in the United States and Europe.
Tapes and photographs included in the John Peter Collection were used for his book, The Oral History of Modern Architecture: Interviews with the Greatest Architects of the Twentieth Century, published in 1994. Photos were also used in his Masters of Modern Architecture, 1958. Other books by Peter include What Time Is It, 1954; Aluminum in Modern Architecture, 1956; Aluminum in Modern Architecture '58; Aluminum in Modern Architecture '60; and Design with Glass, 1964. His children's books include McCall's Giant Golden Make-it Book, 1953; McCall's Giant Golden Make-it Book, 1961; McCall's Golden Make-it Book, 1968; and My Clock Book, 1954.