Administrative Information
Acquisition of the AFRTS sound recordings by the Library of Congress began during the 1960s through the 1970s. Information on the acquisition of the paper components of the collection is unknown.
The November 2021 addition is Series XI: Television. No further accruals are expected.
Processing History
The Armed Forces Radio and Television Service Collection was processed by Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard in 2019. The material in the television series was in the custody of the Moving Image Section until 2021.
Material Cataloged Separately
Sound recordings from the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service Collection have been incorporated into the sound recording collections of the Library of Congress Recorded Sound Section. For additional information, contact a reference librarian in the Recorded Sound Research Center, National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 20540-4690; (202) 707-7833.
Digital Content
Digital versions of selected audio recordings from this collection are available for listening in the Recorded Sound Research Center, Library of Congress.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [Container number, eg., Box 3], Armed Forces Radio and Television Service Collection, National Audio-Visual Conservation Center, Library of Congress