Administrative Information
Purchase; Firesign Theatre; August 11, 2017.
There is a possibility of future accruals.
Processing History
The Firesign Theatre Collection was processed by Michelle Dubert-Bellrichard and David Jackson in 2021.
The following published books were received with the Firesign Theatre Collection and have been incorporated into the general reference collection of the Recorded Sound Section of the Library of Congress.
- Anythynge you want to: Shakespeare’s lost comedie, 2012.
- Dallas in Wonderland: the Pacifica approach to free radio, 1967.
- Duke of Madness Motors: a complete history of the Firesign Theatre's broadcast adventures 1970-1972, 2010.
- Exorcism in your daily life, 2012.
- Profiles in barbeque sauce, 2012.
- Marching to Shibboleth: The big book of plays, 2013.
Materials Cataloged Separately
Sound recordings from the Firesign Theatre Collection have been incorporated into the sound recordings collections of the Library of Congress Recorded Sound Section. For additional information, contact a reference librarian in the Recorded Sound Research Center, Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 20540-4690; (202) 707-7833.
Digital Content
Digital versions of selected audio recordings from this collection are available for listening in the Recorded Sound Research Center, Library of Congress.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: [Container number, eg., Box 3], The Firesign Theatre Collection, Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division, Library of Congress