Scope and Content Note
The collection is arranged in 9 series from largest to smallest extent.
Series 1, Football, primarily contains media guides and news releases.
The following subseries fall under Series 1, Football:
Series 2, Golf, media guides, official programs, schedules, and newspaper articles depicting various golf tournaments.
Series 3, Miscellaneous, includes scripts, publicity, photographs, and correspondence representing Al Wester's various projects both in and outside of sports broadcasting, as well as the people Wester encountered in his work.
Series 4, Baseball, contains media guides for professional baseball leagues.
Series 5, Horse Racing, contains photographs, newspaper articles, record books, and programming from racing events.
Series 6, Basketball, contains media guides for mostly university basketball teams.
Series 7, Auto Racing, contains photographs and programming.
Series 8, Bowling, press releases and photographs publicizing various bowlers and sporting events.
Series 9, Boxing, mostly photographs and newspaper articles of matches.