Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Janet Flanner
Date | Event |
1892, Mar. 13 | Born, Indianapolis, Ind. |
1912-1913 | Student, University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. |
1917 | Drama editor, Indianapolis Star, Indianapolis, Ind. |
1918 | Married William Lane Rehm (divorced, 1926) Moved to New York, N.Y. |
1921-1922 | Toured Greece, Crete, Turkey, Italy, Austria, and Germany with Solita Solano, who was on assignments from National Geographic magazine |
1922 | Settled in Paris, France, among the American expatriates on the Left Bank |
1925 | Published first "Letter from Paris" in The New Yorker (Oct. 10) under the pen name Genêt |
1925-1977 | Contribed to The New Yorker and numerous other periodicals |
1926 | Published The Cubical City (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. 426 pp.) |
1940 | Moved to New York after the German army captured Paris Published An American in Paris: Profile of an Interlude Between Two Wars (New York: Simon and Schuster. 53 pp.) |
1940-1944 | Resided with Natalia Danesi Murray, New York, N.Y. |
1944 | Published Pétain: The Old Man of France (New York: Simon and Schuster. 53 pp.) Returned to Paris, France, and resumed work as foreign correspondent |
1947 | Decorated, Chevalier in the French Legion of Honor for locating stolen French art in Germany |
1957 | Published Men and Monuments (New York: Harper. 297 pp.) |
1958 | Honorary Litt.D., Smith College, Northampton, Mass. |
1965 | Published Paris Journal: 1944-1965 (New York: Atheneum. 615 pp.), edited by William Shawn |
1966 | National Book Award for Paris Journal |
1971 | Published Paris Journal: Volume II, 1965-1971 (New York: Atheneum. 438 pp.), edited by William Shawn |
1972 | Published Paris Was Yesterday (New York: Viking Press. 232 pp.), edited by Irving Drutman |
1972 | Elevated to the rank of Grande Maître in the French Legion of Honor, the highest civilian honor |
1975 | Published last "Letter from Paris" in The New Yorker (Sept. 29) Published London Was Yesterday, 1934-1939(New York: Viking Press. 232 pp.), edited by Irving Drutman Moved to New York, N.Y., to live with Natalia Danesi Murray |
1978, Nov. 7 | Died, New York, N.Y. |
Natalia Danesi Murray
Date | Event |
1901, Dec. 14 | Born, Rome, Italy |
1924 | Immigrated to the United States; married William B. Murray (d. 1949), American music critic and agent (divorced, circa 1935) |
1938-1944 | Wrote, directed, produced, and announced a radio program of news and interviews broadcast to Italy for NBC |
1940-1944 | Resided with Janet Flanner, New York, N.Y. |
1944 | Director, press bureau, Office of War Information, Rome, Italy |
1945 | Head, Special Projects Division, United States Information Service, Rome, Italy |
1946 | Freelance correspondent, Italy |
1951 | Moved to New York, N.Y., to head the American office of the Italian publisher Arnoldo Mondadori of Milan |
1966 | Appointed vice president, Rizzoli Editore Corp., New York, N.Y. |
1972 | Decorated, Order of Cavaliere al Merito by the Italian Republic |
1979 | Arranged for the publication of Janet Flanner's World: Uncollected Writings, 1932-1975 (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 368 pp.), edited by Irving Drutman |
1985 | Edited, with commentary, Darlinghissima: Letters to a Friend, by Janet Flanner (New York: Random House. 508 pp.) |
1994 | Died, San Diego, Calif. |