Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Date | Event |
1892, Feb. 13 | Born, Spring Creek Township, Waren Co. Pa. |
1912 | Graduation certificate, Albany Law School, Union University, Albany, N.Y. (degree awarded June 1941 as a member of the class of 1912) |
1913 | Admitted to the bar in New York |
1916 | Married Irene Gerhardt |
1918 | Corporation counsel, Jamestown, N.Y. |
1919 | Junior partner, law firm of Dean, Edson and Jackson |
1923 | Formed law partnership with Henry S. Manley and Gerald A. Herrick |
1927-1933 | Member, law firm of Jackson and Herrick |
1932 | Member, Commission to Investigate the Administration of Justice in New York |
1934 | Assistant general counsel, Bureau of Internal Revenue |
1935 | Assistant attorney general, Tax Division, Department of Justice |
1936 | Assistant attorney general, Antitrust Division, Department of Justice |
1938 | Solicitor general |
1940 | Attorney general |
1941-1954 | Associate justice, United States Supreme Court |
1945 | United States chief of counsel for the prosecution of Axis war criminals, Nuremberg War Crimes Trial |
1954, Oct. 9 | Died, Washington, D. C. |