Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Date | Event |
circa 1757, Jan. 11 | Born, Charlestown, Nevis, Leeward Islands, British West Indies |
1766-1768 | Clerk, trading firm of Beekman and Cruger, St. Croix |
1769 | Clerk, business of Nicholas Cruger, St. Croix |
1772 | Immigrated to Boston, Mass. |
1772-1773 | Attended Francis Barber's academy, Elizabethtown, N.J. |
1773 | Entered King's College (later Columbia University), New York, N.Y. |
1774 | Published A Full Vindication of the Measures of Congress from the Calumnies of Their Enemies (New York: James Rivington. 35 pp.) |
1775 | Published The Farmer Refuted: or A more impartial and comprehensive View of the Dispute between Great-Britain and the Colonies (New York: James Rivington. 78 pp.) |
1776 | Appointed captain in command of a provincial company of artillery |
1777 | Appointed aide-de-camp to George Washington with rank of lieutenant colonel |
1780 | Married Elizabeth Schuyler |
1781 | Resigned as aide-de-camp to George Washington (April 30) Given command of New York and Connecticut light infantry battalion and ordered to Virginia (July) Retired from active military duty (November) |
1782 | Appointed receiver of continental taxes for New York Chosen delegate from New York to the Continental Congress Admitted to practice of law as attorney and counselor before the New York Supreme Court of Judicature |
1783 | Resigned from Continental Congress in July Opened law office, New York, N.Y. |
1784 | Organizer, Bank of New York |
1786 | Chosen delegate to Annapolis, Md., Convention Elected, New York state assembly |
1787 | Named delegate to the Constitutional Convention, Philadelphia, Pa. Began series of Federalist essays |
1788 | Elected delegate to the New York ratifying convention |
1789 | Appointed secretary of the treasury |
1790-1791 | Prepared four major economic reports for Congress |
1791 | Elected member, American Philosophical Society |
1795 | Resigned from office of secretary of the treasury (January 31) Defended carriage tax case before United States Supreme Court |
1795-1796 | Wrote series of articles under the pseudonyms Philo Camillus and Camillus |
1798 | Appointed inspector general of the army with rank of major general |
1800 | Resigned as inspector general |
1801 | Founder, New York Evening Post |
1804, July 12 | Died, New York, N.Y., following duel with Aaron Burr |