Date | Event |
1892, Mar. 13 | Born, Indianapolis, Ind. |
1912-1913 | Attended University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. |
circa 1917-1977 | Contributed to various newspapers and magazines, including New York [Herald] Tribune, Harper's Bazaar, Woman's Home Companion, Vanity Fair, Vogue, and Ladies' Home Journal |
1921-1922 | Toured southern Europe and the Middle East |
1922 | Settled in Paris, France |
1925-1975 | Foreign correspondent, New Yorker magazine, and author of "Letter From Paris" under the pseudonym "Genêt" |
1926 | Published The Cubical City. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons |
1940 | Published An American in Paris: Profile of an Interlude Between Two Wars. New York: Simon and Schuster |
1944 | Published Pètain, the Old Man of France. New York: Simon and Schuster |
1947 | Received French Legion of Honor for "Letter From Paris" |
1957 | Published Men and Monuments. New York: Harper |
1958 | Received honorary Litt.D., Smith College, Northampton, Mass. |
1965-1971 | Published Paris Journal, edited by William Shawn. New York: Atheneum (2 vols.) |
1966 | Received National Book Award for volume one of Paris Journal |
1972 | Published Paris Was Yesterday, 1925-1939, edited by Irving Drutman. New York: Viking Press |
1975 | Published London Was Yesterday, 1934-1939, edited by Irving Drutman. New York: Viking Press |
1978, Nov. 7 | Died, New York, N.Y. |
1979 | Published posthumously Janet Flanner's World: Uncollected Writings, 1932-1975, edited by Irving Drutman. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich |
Date | Event |
1888 | Born, Albany, N.Y. |
circa 1904 | Traveled to Asia |
1908-circa 1913 | Acted on New York stage |
1914-1917 | Drama critic, Boston Traveler |
1917-1918 | Drama editor, New York Tribune |
1918-1919 | Press agent for John Golden |
1918-1920 | Fiction writer, Smart Set, Ainslee's, and other magazines |
1921-1922 | Toured southern Europe and the Middle East |
1922 | Settled in Paris, France |
1922-1923 | Wrote articles for National Geographic Magazine |
1924 | Published The Uncertain Feast. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons |
1925 | Published The Happy Failure. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons |
1929 | Published This Way Up. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons |
circa 1934 | Published Statue in a Field. Paris: privately printed poems |
1975, Nov. 22 | Died, Orgeval, France |