Administrative Information
Acquisition Information
The papers of Asa Philip Randolph, labor union and civil rights leader, were acquired by the Library of Congress in three installments. The first group of papers came to the Library in 1983 as a bequest from A. Philip Randolph via the A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund, the second as a gift of from the A. Philip Randolph Educational Fund, also in 1983, and the third was purchased in 1984.
Processing History
The papers of A. Philip Randolph were processed by Wilhelmina B. Curry in 1985. The collection was rehoused and the finding aid revised by Brian McGuire in 2003. The finding aid was updated in 2023 by Maria Farmer as part of a division-wide remediation project by the Inclusive Description Working Group.
Photographs have been transferred to the Library's Prints and Photographs Division where they are identified as part of these papers.
Related Material
Other material relating to A. Philip Randolph is in the Manuscript Division's collection of the records of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters .
Online Content
An item from the A. Philip Randolph Papers, "Why Should We March?"; flyer, circa 1941, is available on the Library of Congress website at
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, A. Philip Randolph Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.