Scope and Content Note
The papers of Ernst Kris and Marianne Kris span the years 1872-2018, with the bulk of the material dating from 1940 to 1980. The collection consists of two parts. Part I documents the work of Ernst Kris as an educator, psychoanalyst, and author of works on psychoanalytic theory. Part II focuses primarily on the work of Marianne Kris as a psychoanalyst and educator. Both parts include material documenting the Krises' relationships with psychoanalytic colleagues, including Anna Freud, as well as material related to their immediate and extended families. Further descriptions of each part follow.
Part I
Part I of the Kris Papers spans the years 1893-1999, with the bulk of the material concentrated in the period 1940-1956. It documents Ernst Kris's activities as an educator, psychoanalyst, and author of works on psychoanalytic theory, and focuses primarily on the years following his move to New York in 1940 after emigrating from Austria. Part I includes no patient case files except for one case history that is closed, and very little relates to Ernst Kris's early career in art history in Vienna. The material is in English and German and is organized in six series: Family Correspondence, General Correspondence, Speeches and Writings File, Miscellany, Closed, and Oversize.
The series in Part I are listed and briefly described below. A fuller description of each series and a list of its contents can be accessed in the series descriptions within the container list.
The Family Correspondence series contains letters to and from Kris family members. See the Closed series.
The General Correspondence series includes letters exchanged with professional colleagues, students, institutional organizations, and friends that document Ernst Kris's role in the organization of group research projects, academic work, research, and publications.
The Speeches and Writings File contains reprints of articles and reviews together with typed and handwritten drafts, lecture notes, transcripts of discussion groups, and ancillary material documenting most of Ernst Kris's professional career.
The Miscellany series contains awards, biographical material, clippings, immigration and citizenship records, printed matter, and material related to Ernst Kris's professional appointments and memberships.
The remaining series contain Closed and Oversize material.
Part II
Part II of the Kris Papers spans the years 1872-2018, with the bulk of the material concentrated between the years 1940 and 1980. It documents Marianne Kris's work as a psychoanalyst and educator, and focuses primarily on the years following her move to New York in 1940 after emigrating from Austria. A limited amount of material regarding Ernst Kris, particularly his early German-language art history publications, is also present in Part II. The papers include no patient case files; however, material containing potentially sensitive patient information has been removed to a Closed series. Some digital material is present throughout Part II and has been described in place. The papers are primarily in English, with some material in German, and is organized in eight series: Correspondence, Family Papers, Personal File, Photographs, Speeches and Writings, Subject File, Closed, and Oversize.
The series in Part II are listed and briefly described below. A fuller description of each series and a list of its contents can be accessed in the series descriptions within the container list.
The Correspondence series comprises personal and professional correspondence with Marianne Kris's colleagues, friends, and patients.
The Family Papers series primarily consists of correspondence with members of the Kris, Rie, Bondy, and Nunberg families, as well as miscellany belonging to individual family members.
The Personal File predominantly contains biographical material that provides an overview of Ernst Kris and Marianne Kris's lives and careers.
The Photographs series contains a mix of candid snapshots and formal portraits of members of the Kris, Rie, and Freud families, as well as friends and colleagues of Ernst Kris and Marianne Kris, chiefly other prominent psychoanalysts.
The Speeches and Writings File contains material relating to the professional career of Ernst Kris as an art historian and later as a psychoanalyst, and of Marianne Kris's work in child psychoanalysis and as a psychoanalytic educator.
The Subject File contains material related to Ernst Kris and Marianne Kris's professional appointments, interests, memberships, and affiliations; printed matter; and other miscellany.