Title Page | Collection Summary | Biographical/Organizational Note | Scope and Content | Arrangement
Biographical Note
Otto Isakower
Date | Event |
1899, June 2 | Born Vienna, Austria |
1923 | M.D., University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria |
1923-1929 | Resident physician, Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna Austria |
1924-1938 | Member, Vienna Psychoanalytic Society |
1932-1938 | Lecturer, Vienna Psychoanalytic Institute (vice-director, 1934-1938) |
1938 | Married Salomea Rettych Gutman Immigrated to England |
1938-1940 | Psychoanalytic practice, Liverpool, England Editor, Gesammelte Werke Sigmund Freuds |
1940 | Immigrated to the United States |
1942 | Licensed to practice medicine, State of New York |
1972, May 10 | Died New York, N.Y. |
Salomea Isakower
Date | Event |
1888, Nov. 3 | Born Oswiecim, Poland |
1914 | M.D., University of Cracow, Cracow, Poland |
1914-1918 | Resident physician, Wiener Allgemeines Krankenhaus, Vienna, Austria |
1916 | Red Cross service, World War I |
1919-1924 | Voluntary physician, psychiatric and neurological institute, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria |
1921 | Divorced Felix Gutman (marriage date unknown) |
1924-1926 | Psychoanalytic study, Berlin, Germany |
1938 | Immigrated to England Married Otto Isakower |
1940 | Immigrated to United States |
1949 | Member, New York Psychoanalytic Society Licensed to practice medicine and surgery, State of New York |