Title | American Friends Service Committee records, 1933-1988 |
Span Dates | 1933-1988 |
Bulk Dates | (bulk 1933-1938) |
ID No. | MSS77406 |
Creator | American Friends Service Committee |
Extent | 20 items |
Extent | 1 container |
Extent | .2 linear feet |
Language |
Collection material in
Location | Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. |
Finding Aid Permalink | Cite or bookmark this finding aid as: https://hdl.loc.gov/loc.mss/eadmss.ms008126 |
LCCN Permalink | LC Catalog record: https://lccn.loc.gov/mm96077406 |
Summary | Journal, correspondence and other papers relating to the experiences of American Service Committee volunteers at a mining camp in Letcher County, Ky., endeavoring to improve social conditions there and in the town of Hemphill. |