Administrative Information
Acquisition Information
The records of the Atlantic Union Committee were given to the Library of Congress in 1964 by Clarence K. Streit and in 1965 by Ruth Nugent Head. Additional installments were given in 1983 by Justin Blackwelder and in 1988 by Jeanne Defrance Streit.
Processing History
Parts I-III of the Atlantic Union Committee Records were processed in 1984 by Wilhelmena B. Curry. Additional material received in 1988 was processed as Part IV by Connie L. Cartledge and Patrick Kerwin. The finding aid was revised in 1992 and 2009. The finding aid was updated in 2023 by Maria Farmer as part of a division-wide remediation project by the Inclusive Description Working Group.
Related Material
A related collection in the Manuscript Division is the Clarence K. Streit Papers (see
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Roman numeral designating the Part followed by a colon and container number, Atlantic Union Committee Records, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.