Administrative Information
The papers of the Adee family were given to the Library of Congress by the District of Columbia Public Library in 1925, with additions received from Carroll Stansbury, Joan Carroll Stansbury, and George S. Hunsberger in 1965-1984 and a transfer from the Library of Congress Preservation Microfilming Office in 1979. A journal of Augustus Alvey Adee covering the years 1835-1836 was purchased in 2011.
Processing History
The papers of the Adee family were arranged and described in 1998. A letter to Alvey A. Adee formerly cataloged under graf S. I͡U. (Sergeĭ I͡Ulʹich) Vitte letter, 1893, as part of the Miscellaneous Manuscripts collection, was added to the Adee family papers in 1998. A purchased journal of Augustus Alvey Adee was added to the collection in 2018. The finding aid was revised in 2018.
Photographs have been transferred to the Prints and Photographs Division where they are identified as part of the Adee Family Papers.
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container number, Adee Family Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.