Administrative Information
Acquisition Information
The papers of Justin S. Morrill, U.S. senator and representative from Vermont and merchant, were deposited in the Library of Congress by Morrill's heirs, Charles L. Swan, Charles Downer, and Elmer E. Morrill, in 1920. Parts of the collection were temporarily withdrawn in 1922 to complete a biography of Morrill, before being returned in 1924. Additions received in 1938 and 1939 and the original deposit were converted to a gift in 1942. Other gift and purchased material was received between 1922 and 1933. Elizabeth Sullivan gave additional items in 1963.
Processing History
The papers of Justin S. Morrill were processed by Allen H. Kitchens and Bert C. Shaposka in 1963 and prepared for microfilming in 1978. The finding aid was revised in 2009.
A microfilm edition of these papers is available on fifty-two reels. Consult a reference librarian in the Manuscript Division concerning availability for purchase or interlibrary loan. To promote preservation of the originals, researchers are required to consult the microfilm edition.
Online Content
An item in the Justin S. Morrill Papers, "A petition of Colored Citizens of South Carolina, praying that equal rights before the law, and the elective franchise may be granted to them, [1865]" is available on the Library of Congress website at A transcription dataset from the petition is available online at
Preferred Citation
Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: Container or reel number, Justin S. Morrill Papers, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.