Date | Event |
1784, Aug. 16 | Born Westhampton, Mass. |
1804 | B.A., Williams College, Williamstown, Mass. |
1810 | M.A., Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. |
1816 | Married Sarah Preston Everett |
1814-1854 | Owner and editor, Boston Daily Advertiser |
1820-1822 | Member, Massachusetts House of Representatives |
1829-1830 | Member, Massachusetts Senate |
1831-1849 | President, Boston and Worcester Railroad |
1863, Feb. 8 | Died, Boston, Mass. |
Date | Event |
1790, Mar. 19 | Born, Boston, Mass. |
1806 | Graduated, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. |
1809-1811 | Secretary to John Quincy Adams, United States minister to Russia |
1815-1816 | Secretary to the United States legation, the Hague, the Netherlands |
1825-1829 | United States minister to Spain |
1830-1835 | Editor, North American Review |
1845-1847 | United States minister to China |
1847, June 29 | Died, Canton, China |
Date | Event |
1822, Apr. 3 | Born, Boston, Mass. |
1839 | Graduated, Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. |
1846-1856 | Minister, Church of the Unity, Worcester, Mass. |
1852 | Married Emily Baldwin Perkins |
1856-circa 1899 | Minister, South Congregational (Unitarian) Church, Boston, Mass. |
1863 | Published "The Man Without a Country," Atlantic Monthly |
1903-1909 | Chaplain, United States Senate |
1909, June 10 | Died, Boston, Mass. |